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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -5| This is stupid, kayos90 sucks!

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Well it was more for those egging him on. If you were sensible enough to ignore it then no slap for you. But seriously, that was an ugly side to AnimeGAF that I hope I don't see again.

I like how your tag complements the message.


Yuru Yuri 4


I get it, really!

They pulled the EXACT same gag SEVEN times. I counted them. No variation on the execution whatsoever, it's always girl takes glasses off -> corny "yuri" scene with a lame background and no animation -> nosebleed.

When the gag was actually warranted (the end of the episode), it had zero impact because they insisted on driving it to the ground the rest of the episode.

Aside from that, pretty OK, some nice sakuga at the beach and I was fond of the wishes thingy. Some jokes had an unusually good timing too, like Akarin's introduction being cut off.

I'm more interested in the next episode which has a much more promising staff really, so far the only episode I'd say was above average is the first.


I really, really love the glasses-gag in Yuru Yuri. Chitose is one of my favorite characters.

Seeing how most other people (or maybe a vocal minority) find them annoying reminds me of the reference jokes in Family Guy, which is also something I can't get enough of.

Maybe I just really love cutaway jokes.


Tragic victim of fan death
Psycho-Pass 14

They changed the OP into this? Uh.... I don't like it. The other one was cooler and how they introduced the logo was cooler.

Overall this episode was pretty awesome. It focused on a case while trying to build up to something greater. I think the greatest strength, and weakness, that this show has is that it's explicit about almost everything. It doesn't really leave any plot points for the audience to infer but just says everything so they understand it. However, this isn't the case for everything as we can tell by Episode 1's foreshdowing. Still, it's very interesting to see. Also, that foreshadowing of Akane in this episode!!!

Honestly, thinking on it, it would've been amazing had the show moved along faster to this point because this episode is far more interesting.


La Follette means "Little crazy one."
My understanding of French is very limited, but... are you sure of this?
Yeah, I stand corrected. I think it is nearly what you said, but as an only feminine indication of someone who makes/creates little lavish remarks or situations. I didn't heard of that etymology before for French. I was confused by the 'foll'/'el follet' meaning from Catalan.
This is an arc which stands up to the hype. All this praise and only two episodes in. As they say, "You ain't seen nothin yet.". Imagine having to wait an entire week for the next episode.

i'm currently on gintama break ..i had to stop watching and i found inspiration to code a program that i was doing .. i'm hyped as f**k but i need to process all of this properly

Utena has always been subtitled "La Fillette Revolutionnaire" ("Revolutionary Girl" in French), but in all the artwork on the page advertising the exhibition it's become "La Follette Revolutionnaire".

Does "follette" actually mean anything, or is it a rather embarrassing typo for something Starchild have been getting right for years?

My understanding of French is very limited, but... are you sure of this?

French guy here.
"Follette" does exist in french but isn't used.
The correct way to see this stiuation is as a typo.

I mean yes , "follette" does exist in french . [random trivia time]( different from "folette" that means a boat ) [/random trivia time] but it's hardly used.
It's from a old speech of french that is hardly used nowadays.

I haven't seen ultena but the official french way that was advertised and that i have always seen in france is " la fillette revolutionnaire "

Thus "Follette" is a typo.


French guy here.
"Follette" does exist in french but isn't used.
The correct way to see this stiuation is as a typo.

I mean yes , "follette" does exist in french . [random trivia time]( different from "folette" that means a boat ) [/random trivia time] but it's hardly used.
It's from a old speech of french that is hardly used nowadays.

I haven't seen ultena but the official french way that was advertised and that i have always seen in france is " la fillette revolutionnaire "

Thus "Follette" is a typo.
If you have other questions i'll answer.

Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to explain this.

It just seems like such an odd mistake to make. They've been using the correct spelling for over 15 years - why start getting it wrong now?
A SAO rip-off?

The anime studio Satelight is producing the planned 25-episode series for airing on the public broadcaster NHK's E-Tele channel this fall.

The story begins when 30,000 Japanese gamers are trapped in the fantasy online game world Elder Tale. What was once a "sword-and-sorcery world" is now the "real world." The main lead Shiroe attempts to survive with his old friend Naotsugu and the beautiful assassin Akatsuki.

Sounds way similar, unless its just one game?


Yuru Yuri 5

Now this is what I'm talking about. The first half was pretty in line with the previous 3 episodes, going back to the Chitose gag again and having a lot of shortcuts, though I liked Toyosaki's performance- I laughed when she went to the yuri doujins dressed as that... thing.

The second half was awesome, from the strangely sawwy imouto to invisible Akarin.
Also, it's funny that the best animated sequence of the episode, and by far, was the
part. That was up to episode 1's standards, and the whole chase felt like it came out of a Mizushima show. I wonder who animated it.

I wish this show would maintain the quality of the latter half of ep 5, but based on the track record of the previous episodes, I find it unlikely.


I'm not sure the word is used as a noun, but it does exist as an adjective. Not that you're likely to hear it, it's fairly old.
It certainly confused the hell out of me... but yeah you are right, it is like Mitsuho said (as I noted above).

French guy here.
Thanks for the further clarification!

And talking of the French; Eddie Mehong (didi) finally takes the next step! Salute your new 'franco-japonais' overlords, Yapiko-Animation:

:: CATSUKA :: News - Yapiko Animation, un studio franco japonais (avec entre autres la team Catfish Deluxe)

yapiko animation


Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to explain this.

It just seems like such an odd mistake to make. They've been using the correct spelling for over 15 years - why start getting it wrong now?

Well, in all fairness, at least O and I are next to each other, so it really could be a legitimate typo, and not just screwing up a foreign word...
Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to explain this.

It just seems like such an odd mistake to make. They've been using the correct spelling for over 15 years - why start getting it wrong now?

i had a little doubt so i openned my dictionnary..
Unless you want to express that the revolutionnary is
-a girl
-crazy ( or seen as crazy by society) but not totally. it's crazy but not much.. the meaning is hard to translate properly in english lol

in the sentence then yes it applies properly.
Nobody used that ( not even in france ) so yes ..Typo it is.

if it's intentionnal , then it's a move that won't be understood by 99.9999% of the commoners .

Ps: it does exist as a noum. but it's one of the words that is on ther verge of disappearing from our dictionnaries. (so old )


Alright, I've finally read every post after I went to sleep. That shit was ugly. Let's not do this again. Catching up!
Paging dtl. Fucking autocorrect
Duckroll is the sensei on DTL canon so it could get quite weird! Besides, then both Cajun and Jexhius would be NTR'd!

Even KyoAni shows have some ugly characters.
"They told me I could be on a KyoAni show. I was so happy! But now that I'm actually here there is only sadness and a feeling of inadequacy. I should never have agreed to come here."

Vote everyone out until only one person remains.
There can be only one!

hey guys

I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Hyouka
So you are one of the "Hyouka is an awesome show" folks? You can stay!

KyoAnus is sticking two fingers up at SHAFT and telling them to "Fuck off. Long face is the future!"
Shaft is ahead of them on that too.


Setec Astronomer
I did. It was great fun. And while mostly tease, Akarin would disagree that nothing happened.
Ok, stop right there. The problem with that scene is that even though Chinatsu did dare to break the status quo and actually land a kiss on the show, it wasn't really the person she wanted to kiss and it was all a practice run for comedic effect. The effective lesbian content of the show remained unchanged. Really now, the show is so fucking cowardly it can't even let itself hold an emotional moment, for fuck's sake.

I'm not like SDBurton. I'm not content always donating shit to shows that won't produce it on their own.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Ok, stop right there. The problem with that scene is that even though Chinatsu did dare to break the status quo and actually land a kiss on the show, it wasn't really the person she wanted to kiss and it was all a practice run for comedic effect. The effective lesbian content of the show remained unchanged.

Quit ruining my fun! (j/k)

I think the disconnect here is that your version of "playing it safe" is where status quo is maintained whereas my version is where the themes are monumentally standard (hero saves world/princess, evil conspiracies etc.). But even then I wasn't being terribly serious, I was just having a bit of fun. :-/
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