Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 9
Kokoro is basically a mascot character at this point.
Isn't she adorable?
Er, I mean, a genius. Yeah. That's definitely what I meant.
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 9
Kokoro is basically a mascot character at this point.
Isn't she adorable?
Er, I mean, a genius. Yeah. That's definitely what I meant.
I just remember it from the pre-season talk. Not sure where it came from either. lolHonestly I don't recall any reference to the earthquake in the show. Not sure where that talk came from.
Yeah, if it was of the same quality, I would really like it if there was a second season. Normally I don't really read manga but I might see if I can take a look at Noragami.
Another thing I forgot to mention is I like how at least some of the characters actually had a bit of a wardrobe and you would see them in a few different outfits. I like it when shows put in the effort to do that kind of thing.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 2
This was a really cool fight. I liked how it ended. The MC is showing how much of a BAMF he is while also showing a good heart. I honestly don't like the set up as much as Gundam Wing but this is also pretty rad. Regardless, this is still a pretty cool story concept. Hopefully they expound on the colonies and go deeper into that part of the story.
Also!laser sword FTW
So, anyone here has watched all episodes of Nobunaga the fool? I wouldn't mind if someone can spoil it to me, kinda curious to know what the hell happened, I dropped it after the 3rd one, did it ever get interesting?
As someone who doesn't watch Gundam shows, I'm curious what you mean by this.Gundam pacing
So, anyone here has watched all episodes of Nobunaga the fool? I wouldn't mind if someone can spoil it to me, kinda curious to know what the hell happened, I dropped it after the 3rd one, did it ever get interesting?
Clearly he's the Chamelonean.How did I not notice this before...
Yeah, I've been noticing this lately. It's a real shame that US licensors seem to be getting worse and worse in quality control, especially Sentai but also others as you and ultimatemegax point out. I suppose that's the price paid when the market refuses to pay the price for high-quality releases.
Since I didn't really post any comments on it during it's airing, anyone who reads my posts wouldn't know it but personally I really liked this show. It's good to see a lot of people watched it and liked it but to them it maybe wasn't that good. As for me personally though, I did think it was that good.
For me I just liked the characters and how they played off one another and I wanted to see what would become of them. Yato is a god that doesn't have his own shrine yet or really any followers and he's trying to make his way to the top. I thought it was interesting since I don't think I've quite seen an underdog story quite like that before. With the happens to Hiyori and her acquiring her powers. What kind of things could happen now? What maybe happened in Yukine's past and will the others be able to change him?
I wish the supporting cast got a bit more time but I suppose that's the result of adapting just the first part of a work. I'd also wished the show had Hiyori helping with her kicking and fighting like she does to start with rather than it being too dangerous.
Like others have also mentioned, the show is pretty well executed on the whole as well. Visually I think it looks good and I like most of the designs. There's a nice amount of action which usually has pretty good animation. The direction is also pretty well executed on the whole.
It was already mentioned but maybe a good simple example is the nice parallel in Episode 5 "Borderline". Yato teaches Yukine that he has the power to kind of draw a defensive borderline separating him and possibly others on one side and keeping phantoms on the other. Later at the mall Hiyori puts Yukine outside the store after he tries to steal a skateboard and you see their feet separated by the entrance paint line. As if to say you're safe if you stay here but if you're on the other side you're entering a dark world which you may not come back from.
There's lots of nice shots such as this one where you see a larger version of Hiyori's shadow hinting at her new powers. The way it also crosses the line of the ground seems to be another hint at the idea of how she's crossing the boarder between this world and the other. Even the way it's not totally crossing you could interpret it as her actually only having half powers in that she's still human.
Again there's also the idea of twilight mentioned it the show where it's the transnational period of the day as it switches from the bright daylight to the darker night. One could interpret lots of layers just in one quick shot. It's actually just after this that you see Hiyori's "tail" appear.
To help tie in all together is the great soundtrack and sound design as well. Components of a show which can often get neglected in their effectiveness of bringing a show together.
Anyway, if others didn't like it as much, that's fine. Personally I really quite liked the show and it's one of my personal favorite of the season and hence the year so far. If we're doing the BONES comparison thing then I also preferred Noragami on the whole as well.
Thanks for reading.![]()
Couple PVs from earlier this morning, one for Love Live S2:
and one for Gokukoku no Brynhildr, which does show off a bit how dark it gets:
Sad, but true. ;_;
What's that supposed to mean! I'm just trying to make lemonade out of the lemons we got out of this show.
Cajun, have you seen this?
Seems right up your alley.
I thought the OVA, while silly, would have worked if it was somehow part of the season. Of course it takes place after the events of the series, apparently, so maybe even the manga is frontloaded with the two character arcs.
Magical Warfare 11 & 12
I'm not going to pretend that the writing in this story is some literary masterpiece but I can't quite make sense of who decided to let those last two episodes out the door. I sensed real trouble in 10 when they dragged the unbaked Mother character out to play... some sort of role but 11 and twelve seemed like they both jumped episodes. In fact, episode 11 to 12 seems like an entire season was cut out. To what end? Why did this series even exist?
Then who are you!?
Haibane Renmei 2
The show is quite fascinating. Some really good world building. Those guys at market are pretty scary looking.
Didn't know Corvo was in this.
That crow in town and raven in the first episode. Haven't remembered everyone's name yet but I am sure I will by episode 5 or 6. Always takes me a few episodes. There's not really anything I am finding wrong with this show so far. It's a really great effort all around. Thanks for the recommendation Branduil.
As someone who doesn't watch Gundam shows, I'm curious what you mean by this.
Overall this season was alright , lots of good moments , over-the top scenarios and plenty of fun habilities to watch this entire match/season was a prime example of too many strong powers in one place causing mayhem ..![]()
Great Cast overall. Fun season indeed.
Everything in magical warfare is flawed , yes even the first episode... in the first episode i don't understand the bad guys attacked normal humans in the "real" world when they know about the restriction and they got penalised like noobs. To this day( 12 eps after ) i don't understand why they were so stupid.
The rescue of the brainwashed brother should have been an arc not an episode ... heck the flaw of events from this episode and the ones before felt off even then. ..I could say the same thing for the capus attack episode...
in general lots of events going on at once very suddenly and entire moments where nothing is trully happenning .....it's so badly done i can't even say that it's forshadowing
Magical warfare should have been 24 eps for the same amount of content .More time for the serious stuff + world building in between. As it stand it's as if the planner for this anime had a series of events that needed to be in there and just made each episode revolve around one. The result is that most of the big events feel meaningless and the end of this anime is a GIANT MESS.
They do, but it's gonna be awhile before they do. G probably has better pacing than most Gundam series but it still has Gundam pacing.
Toradora!: Episodes 1-25
Words can not express how disappointed I was in the finale episode of Toradora. Ahhhhh. First off, I absolutely loved this anime. From the very beginning, I got sucked in with the characters. I loved Ryuuji, Taiga etc. And the humor was great. It actually makes me feel bad for watching Golden Time first, because this show is IMO infinitely better. Just in terms of the overall writing, and specifically the characters. Also to get this out of the way, I'm not really someone that gets invested in the actual romance in these. So I don't really care one way or another. What I mean is, I don't really get upset with the ending (based on who the final pairing is or whatever). All I care about is that it's written well.
So why did I hate the ending so much? I think it's an obvious answer. But I hated how Taiga just decides to leave Ryuuji to "become stronger" for him. Look, I could totally buy into that. That she felt deep down, she needed to become a stronger person before sharing her life with him. But this came completely out of left field (IMO), and didn't feel earned at all. Even worse, that the show ends with them not getting back together. Oh but wait, in the credits they randomly meet up again on his graduation, and she head butts him over him saying he loves her. WTF. Just in contrast of how their relationship moved forward in the previous episode, I just found all this to be absolutely baffling!
I don't even get why they had like the wedding scene at the grandpas house. You know, where she was totally in love with Ryuuji, and willing to marry him (even if they took their time getting their families approval). But just her going from that scene, to randomly skipping town on Ryuuji without telling him, was total bullshit. Worst of all, there was a theme going on towards the back half, about not running away. And she totally fuckin ran away. To me, it's just non-sense that she couldn't become a stronger person while also being with him.
Ugh, I could go on and on. I fuckin hated this ending so much. It left me feeling completely hollow and unsatisfied. Maybe I'm missing the point of the finale, or the show itself. But did anyone else feel the same way? I know it's been out a while now, so I'm curious what you guys thought of the ending. Bleh.
I'm obviously being more negative here, because I just finished it. But outside the ending, I actually loved this anime. Loved everything about it. The characters were great. Humor was spot on. For the most part, I was fine with the pacing (maybe it kind of dragged a bit in the back half, with Ryuuji and Minori's plot or whatever, but you could always feel that tension under the surface, because you knew that Taiga really loved Ryuuji). But ahhhhh.
Haibane Renmei 3
So this episode will go down as the episode that made me go "there's something more going on then some of the Haibane are letting on". It has me curious but not so much to the point where it's actively on my mind with every scene. This show is really well paced. There's never a moment where I am really bored even though sometimes it seems like I should be, but I'm not. Which is great. It's giving me a real tangible grasp on everything and dangles the carrot in front of me enough to make me want more. (No pun intended)
huh funny the review I read singled out the fifth as least impressive of the bunch.
All in all is the series worth giving a shot if I loved Fate/Zero ?
Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
I couldn't agree more. I decided to watch episodes 6 to 12 this weekend since I sort of lost interest during the season but just kept saying out loud "This so stupid!" at the end of every scene. I was hoping something would attempt to tie at least one story thread together so I could say at least one plot point was consistent in that random mess but it never came.
Objectively speaking: This is a really bad anime. (EDIT: perhaps the worst I've seen in years)
Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
Monkey's outfit looks great on a girl.Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
Oh then that's fine. I figure the Gundam Fight can't go on for 49 episodes so they must go into the colonies. So that's something nice to look forward to.
I agree with you. I didn't like the ending that much either. I love Toradora to death but I am on the same page as you.
The idea however was that Taiga was. The anime conveys this quite poorly and honestly it makes it feel like she's running away from one thing to not run away from another if that makes any sense. I don't defend it. It could've been done A LOT better and I am still pretty peeved about the ending (after all I only finished it just last week or the week before), but I get what the writer was trying to convey.running away to be with Ryuji instead of staying back and mending her relationship with her mother and becoming a stronger person
With an ending like that however, you are gonna get people who view the ending like how we did. I wasn't particularly satisfied with the ending but I was happy with EVERYTHING else. So all in all they get an A for effort. I still really love the anime and characters though.
Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
Monkey's outfit looks great on a girl.
Nobunagun 13 END
FUCK OFF JACK. I think the end of this episode made me understand how the crazy otaku feel when they get up in arms about idols losing their "purity" and stuff. It's probably for the best that SDBurton dropped this series, because I can scarcely imagine the inferno of rage that would be consuming this Earth right now if he had got this far.
Aside from that, a good finale. I really liked the twist about, it was a nicely-conceived idea and well executed. And of course aside from that, since the brunt of the work was taken care of over the last two episodes, it was just a case of taking out the last of the alien forces, which everyone did quite excellently. Congrats, Shio, your strategy was a resounding success. (And Hunter, I guess you deserve some credit as well =p)Jack the Ripper and Florence Nightingale actually being the same person
Overall, I enjoyed this series a lot more than I thought I would at the beginning. I feel like it's been my big surprise of the season - I'm not usually a fan of these kind of very military-type settings with the focus on big battles against some faceless alien menace, and when I realised what kind of show this was going to be, I felt quite confident it wasn't going to be for me. But somehow, thanks in large part to Shio being such a great main character and her strategic successes being so goddamn satisfying to watch, I actually loved it, even the military elements.
The faceless alien menace, too, turned out to be more interesting than I expected - the whole "evolution" theme that they've got going on has a lot of potential, and I kind of hope we get more seasons of this show just so we can see what kind of forms they develop into next. I could easily see them even evolving into fully sentient human-like beings by the end of the series.
So yeah. I really enjoyed this show and I hope we get a second season. And that in the first episode of that second season, Jack gets killed off. Or at least neutered.
Kill la Kill seems like it's maybe a bit of a divisive show but I came across this crossover artwork with The Idolm@ster on pixiv and personally thought it was pretty neat.
Thanks for explaining that to me. That does bring some clarity to it. I just don't understand why shereally flat and empty. I mean, if this is the couple that the show decided to focus the most on, and what the ending was centered around the most, I just don't get whycouldn't tell Ryuuji to his face. Or why she couldn't still visit him from time to time. Honestly, by having the character leave him out of the blue, it just made the final episode feelI get the intention was that, it was bringing the show back around to the first episode. But given how hollow it was to split them apart in the first place, it just really rubbed me the wrong way.they would put distance between them, and then have a short segment where they meet up again, and she head butts him.
Everything about it was just so bad for me. Thing is, I would have been more okay if the finale shifted focus to the other characters. I didn't need it to be about Ryuuji and Taiga. But the writers made it so, the entire school was apparently enamored by Taiga, and so it was all about HER and her being gone. I think what bugs me the most about this finale, is that I just felt so hollow. Like, I just wanted to feel something. Even if it was something crazy like someone dying, or them breaking up. AT least I would have felt something. This episode just made me empty.
I know we agree here, so I'm not trying to convince you lol. I just need to get it off my chest.Anyways, I agree that the overall show was amazing. I'm by no means saying the finale ruined it. It didn't. But I'm just absolutely baffled by this last episode, and what they were trying to accomplish with it. I think because I fell so in love with the characters, it makes it hard to accept that, that's it. That I'll never see them again, and that's what they ended it with. Not to sound dramatic. I just get really bummed out when, a show really connects with you, and the ending feels so disappointing.
Monkey's outfit looks great on a girl.
Mobile Fighter G Gundam 2
This was a really cool fight. I liked how it ended. The MC is showing how much of a BAMF he is while also showing a good heart. I honestly don't like the set up as much as Gundam Wing but this is also pretty rad. Regardless, this is still a pretty cool story concept. Hopefully they expound on the colonies and go deeper into that part of the story.
Also!laser sword FTW
Wait you've never watched G Gundam before? Wow, you are in for a treat.
Hahaha. I totally get what you're trying to say. I felt the same exact way. Hopefully Clannad and Clannad After Story can be that anime for you. Everyone is pretty divisive on the ending so I am not sure how you'll feel but it shouldn't leave you feeling empty like Toradora's ending. I know you said Clannad was next after Toradora so hopefully that resonates with you better.
And I know that feeling to talk it out and get an ending like that off your chest. Don't worry I was in your shoes with the show not so long ago so I completely understand and agree.
First off let me say that yes, Toradora is the better work between this and Golden Time. Golden Time wins in the fact it depicted a sweet relationship in college between two people genuinely in love and not caring about what others think, but it failed because the writer felt the need to add what I'll argue is one of my most hated drama points I've seen in a romantic drama outside of sexual abuse backstory. Also GT has the better non-vague ending and ultimate bro in 2D-kun. Toradora just wins in characters in general, and having relatively better drama and development, since GT's Koko and Banri were all over the place.
As to the ending in Toradora, I've seen a bunch of shows since then but I recall the ending pissing me off too. This comes as a surprise to no one but I'm really into romance in anime, and yeah the ending was bullshit. After seeing Golden Time I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the writer has problems coming up with proper endings. Whether it's the last volume or the final scene. She doesn't seem to know how to end stuff definitively but on a vague fashion.
Alas. As to the change in character in the last scene of Toradoraat least in both works the couples stayed together at the endI think it was more due to her not seeing him for a while and all of a sudden he says it out of nowhere and she didn't know how to reach after it had been so long.
edit: as to your newest comments on disappointing endings, that's anime for you for the most part. Disappointing endings stem from greatly from source materials not being done by the point the anime is about to end. So that means either do original ending or have a vague ending. As to Toradora, that's just the author ending it badly.