That GIF makes it seem like I was critizing the show for that. I wasn't, I think it's awesome.
I've just been sitting on it the past few days and finally gave up on something better to use it on.
That GIF makes it seem like I was critizing the show for that. I wasn't, I think it's awesome.
Ufotable turns out stellar image-referenced background work, as they did in Fate/Zero. This is a very convincing not-Shibuya.
The movie never disorients just for the sake of being disorienting. It knows exactly when to be clear with the audience. The "camera" stays perfectly still here for nearly a minute and a half, and it makes this scene one of the most powerful in the film.
huh funny the review I read singled out the fifth as least impressive of the bunch.
All in all is the series worth giving a shot if I loved Fate/Zero ?
Kara no Kyoukai 5 - Spiral Paradox/Paradox Spiral
It's a really interesting movie to watch, and I highly recommend it even if you don't watch any of the other Kara no Kyoukai movies. There's just barely enough context that you can probably get by. It actually stands with ufotable's work on Fate/Zero.
The show can have some pretty nice backgrounds at times.
One the one hand I'd like to picture spam but I'll just say that I thought there were quite a few funny moments in the show and it was really a gold mine for different reaction faces.
There's lots of nice shots such as this one where you see a larger version of Hiyori's shadow hinting at her new powers. The way it also crosses the line of the ground seems to be another hint at the idea of how she's crossing the boarder between this world and the other. Even the way it's not totally crossing you could interpret it as her actually only having half powers in that she's still human.
I think you'd probably get lost having no grounding and not knowing who any of these characters are.
The first movie has no context or explanation for anything either, so it's really not any better of a starting point.
I feel that as long as you know that Ryouga Shiki has special eyes that let her cut anything, you're pretty much set. All the other character relationships (particularly the magus rivalry at the center of the film) are explained well enough during the runtime.
Some things would still definitely be confusing, but I think you'd know enough to enjoy the most rewarding parts of the movie.
If you're hoping for an over arching plot with an ultimate goal there isn't one. Its an episodic series, but still absolutely worth watching.Mushishi 1-5
Checking this out now so I can watch the new season if I get into it. It's a pretty simple concept but I don't think I've really seen anything like it. I guess you could compare it to shitty paranormal shows that have the protagonist going around exorcising ghosts and such but this is very different in tone and structure. It feels really light on plot also, each ep has a mostly self-contained story but it doesn't feel like Ginko is moving towards some ultimate goal. It's pretty refreshing to simply watch him do his job, as weird as that job is.
Couple PVs from earlier this morning, one for Love Live S2:
Magi S2 - Episode 25 (End)
Hmmm, not a bad way to end the season I guess. It's pretty much exactly what I expected as a manga reader, without much impressive animation or strong production values. I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of impressive effects animation for some of the scenes, considering it's the final episode, but it was still really faithful to the manga, which is more than I can say for the previous season. Overall this season of Magi was a huge improvement. I certainly wouldn't mind more being made in future when there's more manga material.
All in all is the series worth giving a shot if I loved Fate/Zero ?
In my own opinion, this is honestly not a very good idea. I did that and was massively disappointed. It looks nice, but the writing is not good. Especially if you're expecting characters nearly as good as F/Z. That being said, a lot of people seem to like them more than I did, so it's probably worth giving them a go.
Still need to watch the fifth movie though!
Does main--glasses-guy even have a personality? I can never keep his name in my head because he's such a waste of space.
I felt as you did about the first three movies, but you should definitely see the fifth. All the new characters introduced are more interesting than the existing cast.
No tease of an s3 (is that even possible for the fall or early next year?). Unfortunately I dont think viz release will even be at this arc by then so Id be left dying to know what is happening next after this magnoshutatt.
Does main--glasses-guy even have a personality? I can never keep his name in my head because he's such a waste of space.
I felt as you did about the first three movies, but you should definitely see the fifth. All the new characters introduced are more interesting than the existing cast.
G Gundam - 1
All righty, lets see what we got here:
1. Badass awesome OP? Check.
2. Guy who's got Kallen's hairdo and is badass outside of a Gundam as well? Check.
3. Awesome finishing move? Check.
Yeah this is definetly gonna be a good ride.
G Gundam more like Gomi Gundam
I see you've already watched the first episode (I'm not sure which first episode, but I'm going to assume the amateur movie one), so I'm a bit late to the party here, but nobody actually gave the correct answer to your question, so I feel the need to chime in.
The best way to watch the series at this point is not to treat the first and second seasons as separate entities, but to watch them together in chronological order. This is the way it was aired when S2 was originally made, and this is the way that's closest to the presentation in the original novels.
The weird non-chronological order that S1 was originally aired in, though it arguably makes the series a little more immediately "interesting" through sheer oddness, primarily existed to solve a problem that no longer exists, namely that airing S1 on its own in chronological order would leave it with weird-ass pacing where its climax is in the middle and everything after that is one-offs and slice-of-life-y stuff. This problem no longer exists, because if you treat the series as a whole, the series itself now contains more than one lengthy arc, and the movie provides the perfect climax to tie it all up.
Watching S1 in its original non-chronological order now is also a bad idea because it encourages watching S2 on its own, which is the worst possible way to experience S2. S2 was designed to be watched as part of the larger series, and works much better in that context. On its own, it just feels kind of underwhelming.
I also think the callbacks that the movie makes to certain events are much more effective if you experienced them in chronological order than if you treated S2 as a separate afterthought..
Kyousougiga 0
This is exactly what I want out of an anime!
Unapologetically strange!
Creatively insane visuals!
Over-the top comedy and action, leagues better than Kill la Kill!
Rocking soundtrack!
Guys, watch this show!
Keep in mind that Episode 0 was just an HD rebroadcast of the original ONA from 2011 and is an extremely condensed version of the actual television narrative. It's entirely skippable and just serves as a kind of proof of concept; the actual series is much more fleshed out and less confusing.
UsmelltsuWizard Barristers - Episode 12 (End)
Go away Umetsu, no one wants you and you smell.
Wizard Barristers - Episode 12 (End)
Not every anime can be Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman RWizard Barristers - 12 [END]
The series overall wasn't anything to write home about, though I do appreciate Momoyon and her moments with Cecil. Will be waiting for the BDs to see if*fingers crossed*there's any uncut yuri sex scenes between the two. Because there's no way they're going to have them in bed like that and not show anything!
Why did you do this to yourself?
Not every anime can be Butt Attack Punisher Girl Gautaman R
At least I'm not SDBurton.
Oh yes, the Chihayafuru factor. lolWhat you really need to see is the LN sales numbers and if there was any boost.
This is what happens when you use Aoi Hana as standard for judging yuri shows. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄┌
Not everything has to be super-serious realistic dorama firehawk12!
Best Student Council still sucks!
For me anyway, it really came down to them not having the time to do the Gintama-esque wacky episodes that are clearly there. The "one off" episodes only existed when they needed to introduce new characters - like Kofuku - but otherwise, it was all Yukine and then all Yato. It feels like a good introduction to a longer running series... or more precisely, an invitation to read the manga.Noragami
Anyway, if others didn't like it as much, that's fine. Personally I really quite liked the show and it's one of my personal favorite of the season and hence the year so far. If we're doing the BONES comparison thing then I also preferred Noragami on the whole as well.
Thanks for reading.![]()
Wake Up, Girls! 12 END
If I had to name one flaw, it's that the one-cour length didn't really give the show time to give all the seven girls the focus they deserved, not to mention the I-1 girls who started shaping up to have real potential as rival characters in the later episodes. For that reason, I would definitely be up for a second season if such a thing were to be on the cards. But at the same time, I don't feel like the show really needs one. It's told the story it set out to tell, of a group "making it" from humble beginnings despite all the hardships involved, and it did a good job of delivering its message about making yourself happy in order to bring happiness to others. And though the individual girls could have done with a little more focus, each of them did still get some chance to shine, and the show did a great job of developing them as a group.
Wizard Barristers - Episode 12 (End)
That was dumb. The entire series was dumb. But if they at least finished up what they were supposed to do to begin with and polished it up, it would have been entertaining. Instead it's a stupid story with stupid characters with a stupid non-ending which ended with two episodes that had incomplete action sequences, bad art, unfinished everything, and just unsatisfying production values on any standard.
After this and Galileidonna, I think Umetsu should really just have stayed in retirement. Judging from the lack of sales, no one wants his shit, and judging from how he can't even complete short series before they air, he has no business directing anymore. Go away Umetsu, no one wants you and you smell.