I seriously like this anime man it's really underrated, though it's not my number one favorite like Hunter X Hunter which I love. Also are you going to call me psyhconinja due to the fact he talks about Clannad and Toradora soo much and are his precious.
Basically every time somebody mentions Clannad he appears.
Or if he has to recommend an anime it's Clannad.
His tag should be KEY Public Relations Manager
edit: hey guys kurokami the animation has good animation and pretty good action. Good first episode too. What goes wrong in the anime? Besides cars hitting people?
You have to understand that honorifics are inherently problematic, and when they're called attention to in a show it's especially difficult to actually translate when you can't get away with just rephrasing the way things are said to be more or less polite.
I get that honorifics are difficult, and that there isn't really an English translation of "(name)-chan" that quite does the meaning of it justice. Which is why I assume most translations really don't call meaning to most of them (I've seen '(name)-sama" used as "Miss (name)"). This is the first time I've ever seen it translated that way in subs. Hell, I'm watching Ep.9 right now and now they're translating "Washu-chan" to just "Washu"
It's like not watching other Kon films because of Paprika, something that actually happened to me until someone here convinced me otherwise. Now I now Paprika is just a bad apple.
Both main girls won We have a cannon future where koujou has a kid with asagi and a kid with yukina and it's quite possible he has more kids than that .
so unless you were waiting for a vatler end , there is no problem.
Inuyasha is deeply flawed but stay entertaining. My only problem is that sango should have more attacks at her disposal but other than that everything was fine ... inuyasha was one of the few anime where i loved even the fillers !
I get that honorifics are difficult, and that there isn't really an English translation of "(name)-chan" that quite does the meaning of it justice. Which is why I assume most translations really don't call meaning to most of them (I've seen '(name)-sama" used as "Miss (name)"). This is the first time I've ever seen it translated that way in subs. Hell, I'm watching Ep.9 right now and now they're translating "Washu-chan" to just "Washu"
Yeah, that color correction and this in HD is godly. I should bust out the original dvds I have for comparison sometime because this is like watching it for the first time again.
I get that honorifics are difficult, and that there isn't really an English translation of "(name)-chan" that quite does the meaning of it justice. Which is why I assume most translations really don't call meaning to most of them (I've seen '(name)-sama" used as "Miss (name)"). This is the first time I've ever seen it translated that way in subs. Hell, I'm watching Ep.9 right now and now they're translating "Washu-chan" to just "Washu"
Well, like I said, because when people in a language start talking about specific aspects of their own language it gets extremely hard to translate like normal. Most of the time you drop -san and such simply because you can just do how English handles titles instead with Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.
Washuu demanding that Aeka call her "Washuu-chan" is something that leaves the translator with few good options because there has to be something different, and it has to be diminutive, but there aren't many tools in the English language for doing so. "Little Washuu" isn't ideal, but it works.
I seriously like this anime man it's really underrated, though it's not my number one favorite like Hunter X Hunter which I love. Also are you going to call me psyhconinja due to the fact he talks about Clannad and Toradora soo much and are his precious.
I really don't talk about Toradora all that much. I just like to discuss it when it's brought up. If anything it's Clannad and Angel Beats. Get it right!
Basically every time somebody mentions Clannad he appears.
Or if he has to recommend an anime it's Clannad.
His tag should be KEY Public Relations Manager
edit: hey guys kurokami the animation has good animation and pretty good action. Good first episode too. What goes wrong in the anime? Besides cars hitting people?
Both are true statements. But I think a lot of people on talk about their favorites and recommend their favorites on here. It just so happens that Key and Clannad are brought up a lot here. If people were more specific about what genre of anime they want I could recommend a range of stuff.
I really don't talk about Toradora all that much. I just like to discuss it when it's brought up. If anything it's Clannad and Angel Beats. Get it right!
Basically every time somebody mentions Clannad he appears.
Or if he has to recommend an anime it's Clannad.
His tag should be KEY Public Relations Manager
edit: hey guys kurokami the animation has good animation and pretty good action. Good first episode too. What goes wrong in the anime? Besides cars hitting people?
We all have favorite shows we like to pimp out. Psychoninja is hardly unique in this fashion. Check out Nintendoman. He plugs TTGL fairly frequently. Hardly gonna sweat him over it. Lord knows I pimp things out as best I can.
Yeah, that color correction and this in HD is godly. I should bust out the original dvds I have for comparison sometime because this is like watching it for the first time again.
Well, like I said, because when people in a language start talking about specific aspects of their own language it gets extremely hard to translate like normal. Most of the time you drop -san and such simply because you can just do how English handles titles instead with Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.
Washuu demanding that Aeka call her "Washuu-chan" is something that leaves the translator with few good options because there has to be something different, and it has to be diminutive, but there aren't many tools in the English language for doing so. "Little Washuu" isn't ideal, but it works.
Hmm, the bolded is something I had forgotten to consider. So I suppose in this instance, it would make some sort of sense. So now I guess they're dropping the "little" since them calling her "Washu-chan" is largely established.
Been meaning to check this out for awhile now, and figured why not now since season 2 will be starting up shortly. The puchis are so adorable! So happy that Azusa's can teleport. So awesome! RIP Makoto's puchi, you're cuteness will be your downfall as you'll be smothered to death by your overloving owner. :lol
We all have favorite shows we like to pimp out. Psychoninja is hardly unique in this fashion. Check out Nintendoman. He plugs TTGL fairly frequently. Hardly gonna sweat him over it. Lord knows I pimp things out as best I can.
Little Busters is alright. Obviously the ending was the best part of that show. But I found myself as much in the dark with everything as much as the MC. I wouldn't recommend it personally but it was alright I guess.
It's been a while since I watched Air and Kanon. I'll have to rewatch them after Clannad and Angel Beats but I remember not loving them very much. Remember the music was pretty good....
F it. I am going back and rewatching Kanon and Air because for some reason I am having a hard time recollecting things about those shows.
Syrinx: Oh yeah, the Tenchi OVA subs also date back to the 90's when translators still believed in having subs be in English.
Actually, though, some of the lines are from the dub script, but when the two diverge a lot in meaning the subs do stay closer to the original Japanese. Nowhere is this more obvious than in episode 7, during the "play doctor" scene.
Pretty ok show. I mean it was a fun and cool with that sort of over the top style that one would expect of the staff, but the writing is just too absurd and stupid at times. It's completely detrimental when you can't take any serious moment seriously because the overall plot is so ridiculous. Also the direction of a lot the action and fights was never really as good as it should have been, its kind of a lot of the same posing and attacking in most scenes. Basically if you pull away the layers of "whoooaaa cool shit happening over here" the backbone of this show was a bit flimsy. I generally enjoyed it though, it got better over the course of its run. Also the only character I really liked was Gamagori, mainly due to size inflation and deflation. It amuses me.
For the record, Silver Spoon S2 was the best thing on this season.
elaborate on the inevitable infuriating fact that Madoka and Homura are going to become enemies.
They'll do what they always do with Madoka. Everything's all fine and dandy at first, then something screws up and things get darker and darker until the flaws of Homura's new world are brought to light and Madoka faces against Homura in a super godlike battle.
I've seen multiple fanficitons depicting different reactions to how Madoka takes Homura's betrayal. One where Madoka's really judemental to Homura, one where she's waaaay too forgiving to her, etc.
The more realistic idea I have is that Madoka would beg Homura to change the world back to the way it was before Homura took over, then she'll forget the entire thing. I would assume she wouldn't want to believe that Homura is truly going against her ideals. Homura refuses, and the battle ensues. Madoka can't bring herself to kill Homura, Homura isn't changing things back the way they were. I honestly have no plausible idea what could come next after that.
Either all, them
ending the third Madoka movie like that
is not acceptable for me, and that's why I don't like it at ALL.
I guess I'm just not interested in seeing any of that happen. Presumably the next step would be catharsis or release through some denouement, but as you suggest, it seems extremely rote no matter what they do.
I mean,
they would have to go through the whole school arc/introduction thing yet again, but with the roles reversed. Doing that a third time? I obviously don't want to sit through that.
It's why I feel like the movie really just stands on its own and doesn't need any more elaboration, because it'll be plot at that point. Stuff happening for the sake of stuff happening is just not interesting, as I've come to learn over the last year or so.
Like I said, I watched the first few episodes. I don't know if it's the large cast in colour-coded uniforms talking at each other in politics-speak or the incomprehensibly large scale of the 2d space battles, but it just wasn't for me.
I have no idea if they're similar or not, but I could see the "Tytania-isms" in the show anyway.
I think there are some fair points thrown against it but I thought it was pretty good too. It had problems but how could you not like the OP's and the premise of the show?
All the recent Madoka Magika talk finally made me check it out myself. I was a bit wary as when it first came out GAF was all up in the cry stating that the movie wasn't what they expected with a negative tone. Luckily I avoided spoilers until now so I went into this movie with a fresh take.
Let's just put it out there that I had some serious Evangelion vibes in watching this movie and recalling the past two plus the TV series. While I don't particularly like Evangelion for the plot, I really enjoyed Madoka Magika's plot and in congruence the Rebellion film as well.
I applaud Rebellion for
taking the themes shown before and turning it up over itself bringing in new themes dealing with the human psyche and unintended/perverted consequences born from an innocent-natured goal.
Did the third movie need to exist at all? Well if you were to separate it completely from the previous two films/TV series, not at all; it supports itself well for a stand-alone film. Did I still enjoy it? Most definitely.
While I don't mind a the common happy-themed ending it is a refreshing breath to see the few animes that decide to break this trend.
I guess the question is whether or not a succeeding film should be brought forth to further extend/end the series. I'll always look forward to another film in this series however as where Rebellion left it off as of right now, I am fairly content.
Lol at Ryoko and Ayeka at the end, not being worried about Sasami but worrying about her growing up to be Tsunami and that they'll have no chance competing against her for Tenchi. Seems like the solution will be to be even more aggressive toward Tenchi.
Feel bad for Sasami though, holding all of that guilt for all of those years for not being able to tell Ayeka about that day, especially considering, based on what Tsunami said, she's still who she is and had nothing to feel guilty about.
I'm not actually watching Toriko, but I can only assume that a.) the finale looked like shit, b.) it deviated from the source material in a poor way or c.) had a total non-ending altogether. Possibly all three.
Speaking of which, is there ANYONE here who managed to make it to the end of Saint Seiya Omega? It should be finished or about to finish and apparently Toei has decided not to continue with more seasons, but it was apparently sub Doki-tier by all accounts and I'd like to know if there was actually anyone who had the willpower to see it through.