Won't you kiss me? Tokubetsu na
Well, outselling 3/4 of all anime titles is pretty okayish I guess.
I don't believe that the production committee is unhappy with the anime sales or the 100% boost of the manga sales since the anime anouncement.
Hold on.....
..... Okay I am back.
All jokes aside keep going with Angel Beats. It's funny because every time you have a question or complaint about something it gets addressed literally in the next episode.
Also my wet dream of a post would've been Clannad After Story and Angel Beats. You guys really don't know me.![]()
This is the same guy who thought that comedy of last year was good and better than over-all a lot of other shows of the season. My Mental Choices bla bla bla or w/e it's called.
This is the same guy who thought that comedy of last year was good and better than over-all a lot of other shows of the season. My Mental Choices bla bla bla or w/e it's called.
Kotaku... is it the same guy who said SAO was the smartest anime he's ever seen or something?
And as he put it in one of his reviews "Beyond the Boundary is a great anime and truly one of the best of last year. It has excellent characters, a believable love story, an exciting world, and an offbeat humor that I personally could not get enough of. If you like modern fantasies, captivating settings, and beautiful art, Beyond the Boundary is definitely for you. "
Holy crap Space Bros is awesome. On Episode 4 right now and I'm really liking it. Probably will finish it this week...
You're already committing yourself to 95 more episodes this week? That said, it is a great show.
yes, I can do it. I'm off today and I don't do anything when I'm not at work so I'm committing myself to anime this week.
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
Well, we see. The interesting parts are the various past rather than this dumb setting.
You only have shit taste if you think you have shit taste.
It's like a mental thing or something...
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
So what you're telling me is that in the end, it doesn't even matter?Telling you you have shit taste is animeGAF's way of saying hi.In the end, everyone has shit taste, so don't worry about it.
Don't worry. We're all coprophagists.
I watch both and Minmay is my fave.. So..
Misa may won love pursuit, but Minmay have the song and the icon for space diva trope.
I found the perfect GIF if Corvo ever attempts to insult me again
based google
After watching 30 episodes of this the past 2 days I'm not sure whether I love or hate Yoshiki Fukuyama. I actually like the music, but damn, I must have listened to Planet Dance 100 times by now.
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
Well, unlike the rest of the series, the idol episode was actually kinda fun.
The only OTP for Kirito. Bros before hoes.
Winter 2014 Vol. 1 Rankings, updated for last week's sales:
New entries bolded. There are some possible event ticket effects, but we'll have to wait for vol.2+ to know for sure.
Additionally, the first Blu-ray box for Gundam Build Fighters sells 3,845 limited edition (w/gunpla).
BD cutoff of 3,394 this week, so anything below that will have to wait until Thursday.
How the fuck did super sonico sell more than Sakura Trick? Get your shit together Japan.
I liked Kyoukai no Kanata too, especially the idol episode.
Stop saying I have shit taste, AnimeGAF >_<
Well, unlike the rest of the series, the idol episode was actually kinda fun.
Well, that was definitely the best episode. It's a pity about the rest of the...
...Er, yeah, what he said.
April Fools? lolGUYS!
I just got my Precure Ending Movie Collection BD in the mail, featuring all the CG-tastic ending credits dances from Fresh Precure through to DokiDoki.
Truly, this is the Blu-Ray the medium was created for. It's no wonder BD sales for the last season have been so poor, because it's totally done now.
I could see movie Minmay but TV Minmay dates her brother for YEARS. And on top of that, her brother is KAIFUN.
*looks up biscuits and gravy*
- biscuits that look nothing like biscuits
- gravy that looks nothing like gravy
- meal that looks about as appetising as vomit
Yeah, I don't think I will ever understand Americans.
April Fools? lol
Macross 7 30
After watching 30 episodes of this the past 2 days I'm not sure whether I love or hate Yoshiki Fukuyama. I actually like the music, but damn, I must have listened to Planet Dance 100 times by now.
Kaifun isn't her brother, anyway that's not related to my pont at all.. I have issue for what she doing in TV series too. I dig her more to the all iconic moment that she had as Space Diva pioneer, yeah even including Macross TV soap opera.
Aura really is the serious, more compact version of the Chuu2 story. Although I feel like they were trying to do two different things with their characters. Aura is focused much more on bullying and isolation, using delusions as a coping mechanism, and I can see why people would find it more grounded to see social consequences for acting odd in the first place. I do think that regressing to cope with a major loss is an equally viable way to look at this type of character, but that's really a comparison I don't want to get into. lol
I will say that, I found the bullying hard to watch - but in the same way that I found The Bully Project hard to watch - because I can certainly identify with the feeling of isolation and simple injustice that the characters seem to suffer.
And in a way, I'm almost glad that the bullies didn't get punished and were essentially allowed to go on with their lives as if nothing really happened on their end. I don't know if that's just a cynical way to look at the world, but inasmuch as there are really no solutions to bullying, I can understand that focusing on the victim is really the only way to realistically milk a satisfying ending out of this story.
In fact, it reminds me of the end of FapNote, which ends on such a shocking downer that it just fucks with all the characters involved and no one is really held accountable. Because that's just how life is sometimes.
(As a side note, although I do think The Bully Project is problematic in spots (which South Park pilloried in their own bullying parody), the lessons in that movie are just as painful to watch. Bullied victims are always isolated, people in positions of authority ignore root causes and blame the victim, and everyone is fine with looking the other way because it's just easier than getting involved.)
That said, it's not like Aura doesn't have a happy ending proper. I just find it a bit bittersweet. If the message is that you just have to learn to cope with feeling like you are isolated until you are used to it, then I'm not sure how happy that really is. As we see in Aku no Hana, that's another form of social separation that doesn't really work either. It feels as if the solution is to carve your own piece of the world, to find your own place in reality where you can assert some kind of identity without retribution. Certainly that is how a lot of subcultures have learned to cope - and I suppose in Japan, it would be a place like Akiba for nerds.
Maybe that's really the only solution, in the same way that a lot of people (myself included) hated highschool and used College/University as a way to just get away from that bullshit. It's not quite the same as pretending to be a level 99 black mage, but it's still a form of escape. God knows I've heard many stories about people who grew up in small towns who ran away to the city as soon as they could, so it's certainly something people are more than willing to do.
Anyway, I glad I finally watched this
Also dat Kobayashi eyepatch. That scene in the classroom where they are being threatened was so sad.
It's how they reinforce that he's like Minmay, cuz I swear by the end of SDFM I was going mad from hearing KYUN KYUN so many times.
Winter 2014 Vol. 1 Rankings, updated for last week's sales:
New entries bolded. There are some possible event ticket effects, but we'll have to wait for vol.2+ to know for sure.
Additionally, the first Blu-ray box for Gundam Build Fighters sells 3,845 limited edition (w/gunpla).
BD cutoff of 3,394 this week, so anything below that will have to wait until Thursday.
At least the music is better than it was in SDF Macross. If it wasn't the show would be unbearable considering half of it is singing.
Have you seen DYRL? The singing was better in that, I felt.
Are you actually learning the dances with the choreography videos?Deadly serious, man.
I've seen it, but I'll take the music in Macross 7 over any of it.
Are you actually learning the dances with the choreography videos?
The Beach Sonico figma bundled with it made sure it would sell well.How the fuck did super sonico sell more than Sakura Trick? Get your shit together Japan.
I was not expecting the Doki Doki movie to hit me in the hearstrings as hard as it did. The writers switched out the journey to a magical land for something that, even as it obviously plays for your emotions, does so very successfully. It's the one time I've seen Mana really break down.Speaking of Precure, has anyone actually bothered to watch the DokiDoki movie yet?
Deadly serious, man.
I just got my Precure Ending Movie Collection BD in the mail, featuring all the CG-tastic ending credits dances from Fresh Precure through to DokiDoki.
Truly, this is the Blu-Ray the medium was created for. It's no wonder BD sales for the last season have been so poor, because it's totally done now.
I was not expecting the Doki Doki movie to hit me in the hearstrings as hard as it did. The writers switched out the journey to a magical land for something that, even as it obviously plays for your emotions, does so very successfully. It's the one time I've seen Mana really break down.
Guys, lets just agree that the show with the ghost rape and pee & incest fetishism was the worst show of the season.
Yotsuba& adapted by Gonzo.
Being psycho makes girls even cuter.
Winter 2014 Vol. 1 Rankings, updated for last week's sales:
New entries bolded. There are some possible event ticket effects, but we'll have to wait for vol.2+ to know for sure.
Additionally, the first Blu-ray box for Gundam Build Fighters sells 3,845 limited edition (w/gunpla).
BD cutoff of 3,394 this week, so anything below that will have to wait until Thursday.
That's a strange example to get angry over. Of course Soredemo gets outsold by an adaptation from a vastly more popular source material.
Even compared to Ayase? Girl's crazy
When she was being all cute cause her aniki wasn't home >_<
So adorable
I can understand, but the most iconic Space Diva in Cartoon leave stronger impression to me let say the Best Female Cockpit Crew ever.. that's all my point.He's her first cousin who she refers to as her brother. Which is every bit as bad in my book. I'm not saying she doesn't have iconic moments, sure, but daaaamn I couldn't stand her. All that "Oh I have a song about a boyfriend who is a pilot but Hikaru is so not that person!" was horrible. This is why I liked her more in the movie, because they removed all that bullshit leading Hikaru on that she did, and because they axed more or less her entire relationship with Kaifun. But in the show that shit weighed her character down something fierce.
I mean, I liked Minmay at first, but the minute Kaifun entered her life her character became an unsalvageable trainwreck in the show.
Misa is golden the whole way through, though, because she learned from Actual Best Girl Claudia.
Ai Oboetteimasuka is my favorite macross song.I've seen it, but I'll take the music in Macross 7 over any of it.