Please enjoy this embarrassing naked childhood photo of myself that my mother keeps around for embarrassing reasons. Do not report to the authorities please:
Soul eater NOt - 01
I liked it's NOTHING like soul eater but it's not that bad Main heroine wanted a Love triangle and she gooooooot what she wished for ..It seems i must tell SDBurton to check this one out.
So the heroines :
1) No-memory-chan is not that bad ..she wasnot that funny but you can feel a certain potential ..Midly intrested
2) Generic japan highschooler and harem lead in training is quite alright ...
Her discovery of the school was intresting so where her reactions ..i also liked that she actually took initiative without someone needed to tell her to. Very intrested
3) Oujou-sama is actually the strongest presence of the 3 in this episode for many reasons.She actually realise right away that her original plan is a failure but she stay here. Furthermore i liked the fact that she helped both girl to get of this mess. She showed capabilities and that's a big plus. The tsundere attitude is just a bonus.
Sdburton , you might need to check this one
This anime is followed
I can now watch the last 2 ep of sakura trick since i will have my "fix" with soul eater not.
- Everyone is so cold. Homura is blank and Sakura is... well crazy.
- These scenes before the OP are always cinematic. Maybe it's the black bars. Maybe it's better animated. Either way they do look cool.
- OP is still moe.
- Gah! The faces! Why are you here!
- This cat. I don't trust this cat. It is super pushy.
- You may be able to dance cutely Sakura but you are a demon in my eyes. What's with that smile? What's happening? I refuse to acknowledge your cuteness!
- What is up Sayaka? You're acting weird. Give me back the best girl you monsters!
- Another pep talk. Yay!
- This Sakura you all love so much, is a douche.
- Is this in the future? Dat keyboard.
- The heck? Why would you throw that it would only make her---....
- ...Oh S**T. What? Didn't you think they should know that before they make the contract. I knew this cat thing was not to be trusted.
- Alrighty then.
Wait. The guy with BLONDE hair has unnatural hair colors? Not the guy with blue hair standing right next to him? Or the purple haired twins? Or the gray haired fighting game character? Or you, the green haired something or another?
Wait. The guy with BLONDE hair has unnatural hair colors? Not the guy with blue hair standing right next to him? Or the purple haired twins? Or the gray haired fighting game character? Or you, the green haired something or another?
Please enjoy this embarrassing naked childhood photo of myself that my mother keeps around for embarrassing reasons. Do not report to the authorities please:
Wait. The guy with BLONDE hair has unnatural hair colors? Not the guy with blue hair standing right next to him? Or the purple haired twins? Or the gray haired fighting game character? Or you, the green haired something or another?
Wait. The guy with BLONDE hair has unnatural hair colors? Not the guy with blue hair standing right next to him? Or the purple haired twins? Or the gray haired fighting game character? Or you, the green haired something or another?
It's been way too long since I watched Bleach for me to be certain, but I recall a similar color-blindness with Ichigo, who was bullied for his hair color, and Orihime, who wasn't.
To Heart ~Remember my Memories~ 11-13 + Heart Fighters + Final Thoughts
This post brought to you by Akadi, Princess of Ondul.
Remember my Memories is the cutest take on the Three Laws of Robotics I've seen. The character designs felt a little loose and the animation was, while more active than the first series, not always top notch, and I felt they overused the theme song, I can forgive all of this because of how it took the characters and settings established five years ago, and pushed them forward in new directions where it felt like a much fuller story. Plus, I got to see more of Multi, and Multi is adorable.
I was a little worried when they added even more dimensions to the love triangle in episode 11, but Akari's childhood friend power is so strong that she ends up winning anyway. She already had at the end of the first season. Just that Multi threw a few complications into that. Loved the epilogue, too.
Akari and Hiroyuki are married, and successfully work in robotics to bring Multi back to life. D'awwww.
Took them a little longer than I thought to bring Rio back, but overall, this was a very solid show. It's not the best romcom I've seen, but I'd put it up there, and say that it needs the foundation of the first season to work. The Multi storyline is interwoven into everyone else's skillfully, and the characters are all rounded out. Things like the nature of robots being human and the Kobe earthquake also gave the series a bit more weight than I was expecting from a relatively lighthearted show.
It's solid, and I'd say it was worth it for Multi alone.
And I loved Heart Fighters. Fanservicey, self-referential and just a chance for the writers to have fun. It has everything. Giant robots, Super Saiyan Aoi, Multi Boomerang, a guest appearance from To Heart 2's Konomi, and Kamen Rider Blade-Bear. I don't know when I'll be getting to To Heart 2, exactly, but I enjoyed watching this series.
I went into this blind thinking "You know? I'd take some more Maka" and that probably colors my impressions. Like with Genshiken Nidaime, the characters I care about are off to the side somewhere doing their own thing for the most part, and the new characters are in a desperate battle against time to convince me that I should pay attention. The new characters in Genshiken lost that battle, but hopefully the characters in Soul Eater Not will win this time around.
Wait. The guy with BLONDE hair has unnatural hair colors? Not the guy with blue hair standing right next to him? Or the purple haired twins? Or the gray haired fighting game character? Or you, the green haired something or another?
To Heart ~Remember my Memories~ 11-13 + Heart Fighters + Final Thoughts
This post brought to you by Akadi, Princess of Ondul.
Remember my Memories is the cutest take on the Three Laws of Robotics I've seen. The character designs felt a little loose and the animation was, while more active than the first series, not always top notch, and I felt they overused the theme song, I can forgive all of this because of how it took the characters and settings established five years ago, and pushed them forward in new directions where it felt like a much fuller story. Plus, I got to see more of Multi, and Multi is adorable.
I was a little worried when they added even more dimensions to the love triangle in episode 11, but Akari's childhood friend power is so strong that she ends up winning anyway. She already had at the end of the first season. Just that Multi threw a few complications into that. Loved the epilogue, too.
Akari and Hiroyuki are married, and successfully work in robotics to bring Multi back to life. D'awwww.
Took them a little longer than I thought to bring Rio back, but overall, this was a very solid show. It's not the best romcom I've seen, but I'd put it up there, and say that it needs the foundation of the first season to work. The Multi storyline is interwoven into everyone else's skillfully, and the characters are all rounded out. Things like the nature of robots being human and the Kobe earthquake also gave the series a bit more weight than I was expecting from a relatively lighthearted show.
It's solid, and I'd say it was worth it for Multi alone.
And I loved Heart Fighters. Fanservicey, self-referential and just a chance for the writers to have fun. It has everything. Giant robots, Super Saiyan Aoi, Multi Boomerang, a guest appearance from To Heart 2's Konomi, and Kamen Rider Blade-Bear. I don't know when I'll be getting to To Heart 2, exactly, but I enjoyed watching this series.
Well, of course, Multi's the best. But once I got to RmM, I found the context around her to be pretty alright itself. It has Aya Hisakawa speaking in a Kansai accent. That's also good!
So superhuman abilities in this world are exclusive to lolis? Yeah, okay, I can't say no to that premise. Especially not when the lead girl, Enju, is so goddamn perfect. Stupid boring protag doesn't have the proper appreciation for his partner's superlative wonderfulness, though. He's only interested in that one girl who's voiced by Horie Yui (which is really distracting because I can't hear her as anything but Kaga Kouko).
Also something something giant insects bursting out of human bodies.
That masked villain guy was pretty classy. Hope to see more of him.
Holy shit this episode damn Killua's character development is so fucking amazing especially with Gon. I have to give hands out to Palm, the way she hasn't lost her humanity is really great. I have to say, the friendship between Gon and Killua is straight up amazing, it's not like bullshit friendship like Naruto and Sasuke which is irreverent.
I'm a fan of Gigguk personally. His Fate Zero review was what got me to watch the show. Also he admits mistakes, like saying first half of SAO showed promised and saying sorry since the second part sucked so much it retroactively made anything good from the first part worst.
Also he had Spike as his #1 in the 'most badass anime characters' video series. I can't deny that.
I'm a fan of Gigguk personally. His Fate Zero review was what got me to watch the show. Also he admits mistakes, like saying first half of SAO showed promised and saying sorry since the second part sucked so much it retroactively made anything good from the first part worst.
Also he had Spike as his #1 in the 'most badass anime characters' video series. I can't deny that.
I've seen some of his videos too. I didn't know there were people like like this dude and Gigguk who actually have very large subscriber bases. I like both. Gigguk is definitely funnier though.
I'm a fan of Gigguk personally. His Fate Zero review was what got me to watch the show. Also he admits mistakes, like saying first half of SAO showed promised and saying sorry since the second part sucked so much it retroactively made anything good from the first part worst.
Also he had Spike as his #1 in the 'most badass anime characters' video series. I can't deny that.
Yeah it sucks. I think the last couple of videos he made were abridged series of something. I never saw them. Nothing against him, but LittleKuriboh and Team Four Star are the only abridgers for me.
I'm a fan of Gigguk personally. His Fate Zero review was what got me to watch the show. Also he admits mistakes, like saying first half of SAO showed promised and saying sorry since the second part sucked so much it retroactively made anything good from the first part worst.
Also he had Spike as his #1 in the 'most badass anime characters' video series. I can't deny that.
He makes a pretty good case for every show he puts on the list. Just like how I saw a Gigguk video a few days ago asking if anime should go mainstream. Both these guys are good and bring great arguments to the table.
Anyways he makes a good point for each show on the list in an actually pretty short period of time for each.
Yeah it sucks. I think the last couple of videos he made were abridged series of something. I never saw them. Nothing against him, but LittleKuriboh and Team Four Star are the only abridgers for me.
SWE are pretty good too. Their SAO abridged series is hilarious. Too bad they move like molasses when it comes to bringing out new episodes. Plus some from TFS helped with the first episode.
She did have a role as Megan Davin in the Saki The Nationals finale, but that depends on another season of Saki coming, which would only happen years from now.
Yeah it sucks. I think the last couple of videos he made were abridged series of something. I never saw them. Nothing against him, but LittleKuriboh and Team Four Star are the only abridgers for me.