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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Yeah, those first three are the most stereotyped, but though you're right about the reason, a show emphasizing how reliant a woman is on a man is a very different thing, as far as perception goes, from the opposite scenario. Even if they seem similar, they aren't, not really...

I feel like the manga makes it pretty clear that Soul needs Maka's influence as much as Maka needs Soul. Kid also needs the stabilising influence of Liz and Patty (uh... Liz's stability and Patty's SRS MODE) otherwise he goes fully OCD.

Black Star doesn't fit into this equation because of reasons


man why is anime actually legit bad this season?

like im feeling nothing for pretty much all the shows of week 1.

Think i might get a certification or something instead.

Thats what collecting anime is for. When things are slow to the backlog you go!

Ufotable did the OVA Minori Scramble! which had a 2D car chase scene as well.

I personally thought it was pretty fun and cute. If people get the chance to watch it then I'd recommend it. :)

Pretty much,haha. I still haven't seen Gravity but I did watch this first episode. I'll comment on it later but the whole spinning/upside down type shot was done long before Gravity,haha.

Oh well, I guess it's still kind of funny to think about though.

I noticed. It seems like almost everyone here likes brown/tan moe.

That reminds me of Regulus getting playfully miffed that he has more tanned skin and people here didn't comment that he was all moe because of it,haha.

Studio Ghibli hasn't made or been involved with any good anime movie.
Their movies are always visually unappealing and full of dull characters.
All of Miyazaki's films are terrible.
Wolf Children is one of the worst anime movies ever made.

In contrast to:

Diabolik Lovers is a good and underrated show. Sexual harassment? What? Where?
The Sword Art Online anime is legitimately well written, with its second half being even better than the first. Kirito is a great main character, it's confusing how people don't like him.


Regulus is ultra moe.

I love my onii-sama.

Also on the topic of anime sexism.

You guys are being stupid. Strong female characters are everywhere in anime. Didn't you hear?

Kino is one of the strongest ones for quite a few reasons.
Weird phrases describing a girls figure reminds me of when someone made the comment about being "built like a brick sh*thouse".
I was just "Huh?!"
They were surprised that I was surprised. "You think I'm making an insult? I'm making a complement. It means you have a really nice body. You've never heard that before?"
No, I hadn't heard that before and it didn't really sound like a compliment. If you're going to compliment a girl's body I would think someone would come up with something a little less crass sounding.
The phrase always made more sense to me when talking about guys than girls.


I know, studies have shown that Japan and South Korea are the most sexist developed countries outside of the Middle East. And that absolutely shows in their games, certainly; a big part of the problem, why sexism in anime is so bad and has always been the thing I hate most about it, is because Japan is so far behind the West on gender issues. There are other (third-world and Middle Eastern) countries even further back, but of the developed world they are behind. And yes, of course anime reflects that.

However, that doesn't make it any less bad... that's an explanation, not an excuse that makes it okay.

As for the rest of this, the main problem is that, as I said, those "strong female characters" virtually always like the main male character for no reason other than sexism and wish fulfillment, as that comic pointed out. Sure, they're in some ways strong, but in other ways they are not, due to the sexist nature of the relationship element there.

That the only real solution in anime seems to be 'just get rid of the male characters, that gets rid of the problem' is kind of sad...

Look, some of the problem is that Japan is different and less equitable. And that changes which roles women can be strong in. But I'm not as despairing about how female characters are treated in anime as you are.

Then again, I haven't watched both seasons of Infinite Stratos, or an anime adaptation of a manga series by eromangaka Takeda Hiromitsu. I don't have a lot of interest in harem shows because pretty much everyone in them tends to suck. I can't help but wonder if that's coloring your perception. Something that might seem like early markers of a trope can ultimately lead elsewhere.

So why do you seek out shows like H ga Dekinai, but pass on shows with interesting atypical female characters like Silver Spoon, Windy Tales, or Hataraki Man? Of course you're going to get hurt.

Yeah, those first three are the most stereotyped, but though you're right about the reason, a show emphasizing how reliant a woman is on a man is a very different thing, as far as perception goes, from the opposite scenario. Even if they seem similar, they aren't, not really...

There are three main master/weapon pairings in Soul Eater. They're all mixed-gender, and they're all reliant on each other, both ways. It's about partners learning to trust, not about a woman relying on a man.


Tragic victim of fan death
While I don't think that's entirely correct I will agree that there's been a qualitative tonal shift over time as a result of the changes to the participants within this thread and the kind of shows they watch.

I wish I had more time to watch recent anime. I have watched almost nothing from the past few seasons and the only thing I did watch to my memory, Chuu2 Ren, wasn't good. It was at least more interesting than the shit that was Tamako though.


How did we get to this discussion?

I am not touching this with a 10 foot poll.

It's very simple.

Is Jun hotter than Sayaka? Yes like a million times yes.

Is Hilda hotter than Talho? Like a billion times yes.

Is Marbet somehow a hot woman in Victory Gundam who doesn't suck eggs despite Victory being Tomino's 52 episode long rant about how much he hates women? Yes.

Is Claudia secretly infinitely better than Minmay or Misa? OF COURSE SHE IS.

When all of AnimeGAF understands this, the world will be a better place.


Tragic victim of fan death
It's very simple.

Is Jun hotter than Sayaka? Yes like a million times yes.

Is Hilda hotter than Talho? Like a billion times yes.

Is Marbet somehow a hot woman in Victory Gundam who doesn't suck eggs despite Victory being Tomino's 52 episode long rant about how much he hates women? Yes.

Is Claudia secretly infinitely better than Minmay or Misa? OF COURSE SHE IS.

When all of AnimeGAF understands this, the world will be a better place.

I never liked how Hilda and Talho looked. Eh.


Those may be the worst with it, but no, it's not only that. Pretty much all animes are sexist to some degree or another, more sexist than most things made in the West. As I said that's understandable, since Japan is more sexist than the US or Europe, but it is unfortunately true... and the "strong" female character who is weak once she finds the "stronger" guy is an omnipresent trope in anime.

Is too much anime sexist? Yeah unfortunately. Is ALL anime is sexist? I can't say I agree.

As for those shows you list there, I've seen parts of most of them -- I've seen GITS SAC (it's fantastic), the first two seasons of Black Lagoon (bad show, I pretty much hate it), part of the original FMA, most of the Soul Eater manga (though not the anime), and all of Outlaw Star (anime; it's average at best). Those shows all have plenty of sexism in them in various ways, certainly -- the Major's costume in GITS SAC, lots of stuff in Outlaw Star (seriously, why was that on your list??), etc. Fate/Zero IS a spinoff of a harem H-game. I haven't watched it because I don't really like that kind of thing, but... it has to have some connections to the source material, I'd think. Gurenn Lagann... haven't watched it, but Yoko's costume... yeah. Soul Eater... that does seem better than most, sure. It's quite rare in being a shonen action series with a female lead. She wouldn't get much done without Soul, though, so she's not exactly independent, for sure. Maka is not really independent, and the other female characters are secondary characters who aren't either. As for FMA, I discussed that one already; the female characters aren't bad, but are secondary and generally not in fighting roles (as far as I know) in this shonen action series. What characters in it qualify for the "strong female character" category? The main mechanic girl who likes the MC?

I was under the impression we were specifically talking about female characters we were told were competent and had agency but became subservient to a male character (if there is one of note around) or who fell in love with male characters who by no means deserve their adoration (i.e. wish fufillment). Did I misunderstand something? Because otherwise bringing up the Major's outfit is irrelevant (I feel we touched a bit on sexualization but that is clearly not the focus of that comic). All those series have important female characters in action roles that either never form relationships with men or form relationships with men that are actually competent (i.e. not a limp dipshit that serve as a stand in for otaku self-insertion and wish fulfillment) and the relationships are balanced (i.e. the woman doesn't simp to the man). These are relationships that are as healthy as can be expected in the fanciful, crazy worlds these shows take place where relationships aren't the actual focus of the show.

If we were specifically talking about something like outfits and sexual fanservice, I'd probably have picked different shows :p Though that certainly doesn't make someone like the Major not a strong, well written female character. Aside from some aspects of Outlaw Star and TTGL and specifically Blair of Soul Eater, sexual fanservice isn't a big deal for the mentioned shows.

Outlaw Star I mostly had Aisha Clan Clan and Suzuka in mind (especially the later) who, from what I can remember, certainly qualify as action women who retain their independence.

Your comment about Fate/Zero just makes me want to roll my eyes until they fall out of my head. If you haven't seen the show just say so - don't try to make stupid inferences about it.

With regards to Soul Eater, the point I was trying to make was that the relationships between the weapons and the meisters are balanced, the women aren't subservient to the men or vice-versa - they have to work as a team and the canon material emphasizes this very well. Also Tsubaki and Liz & Patty aren't secondary characters - they make up part of the protagonist group (though I'd put Maka above all other characters in terms of importance).

For FMA I was thinking mostly of Izumi (who is married), Olivia (dear lord this woman rocks), Hawkeye (who is never subservient to Mustang - she saves him more often than not) and to a lesser degree May and RanFan (who form/have relationships with Alphonse and Ling but the relationships are sensible and grow logically).

As for Black Lagoon... no, you're wrong there because of Revy. You really don't notice that she's a textbook case of that strip? Strong, independent (very evil) woman meets weak guy (Rock) who slowly gets stronger, and eventually she'll love him of course. That isn't one of the main reasons I disliked the show, the #1 reason was because of how strongly I dislike villain-protagonist stuff and that's one of the worst in that regard, but Rock is definitely on the list too.

Rock isn't a weak dipshit made for otaku self-insertion, the man actually has a personality, redeeming qualities and grows as a person and a man as the series progress. Revy never becomes subservient to Rock. We learn more about her and she becomes a more well-rounded character (which means she isn't angry 100% of the time) but she never loses her edge or her prowess. Given the innately ridiculous nature of the series, how the relationship between Rock and Revy develops feels actually natural. I also had other characters like Balalakia in mind who is the fucking queen of the god damn forever in that show.
Those saying Rock is weak and wimpy need to watch the Brack Ragoon OVA's. While the show does have 'strong female character' outfit, it's still amazing. Fuck all of you. AOTY.

I don't know what you dudes are arguing about but I see positive things about Balalaika so carry on.
This man knows what's up about BL's best character.


Tragic victim of fan death
Just out of curiosity are there people in this thread who have had firsthand experience with the "sexism" or patriarchal society exemplified in Japan and South Korea. Just curious. As a Korean, I'm legit curious.


What would the "having an aesthetic racial preference" thread think if they read this thread right now?

Oh God is that thread still going on? I bailed after like the first page - I felt no good could come out of it except maybe some closet racists getting themselves banned.
It was wordy, very wordy. It wasn't bad and didn't seem completely terrible. Then again, I already knew what I was getting myself into.


Looks like we know what Funi's going to release this July:


So no LE for Railgun S? I knew it was going to be DVD only, but the first season got an LE release and I would like an artbox to match the first season set. I wonder if Index II will get a LE when FUNimation gets around to releasing that on DVD. Hope Geneon/Universal/??? lets FUNimation release Raildex on Blu-ray soon.


In the absence of any other info, how excited would you be about this premise?

The story centers around the treasure of Nanana, a ghost who was once a beautiful but NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) girl. A boy named Jūgo was disowned by his father and forced to transfer to a high school on the "Special Student Zone," an artificial island. With only 40,000 yen (about US$400) a month to live on, Jūgo chooses a low-rent apartment that happens to be haunted by Nanana. Jūgo and members of the school's adventure club join a "treasure hunt royale" on the island for the Nanana Collection, a treasure that possesses a mysterious power.


Tragic victim of fan death
He's saying that failing to be funny is a necessary trait of LNs.

Oh. I see what you mean. I was confused as to what he was referring to. My friend says my humor is like a meter. I have to say 99 bad jokes in order to say one good joke.


The sexism topics are still not as crazy as that thread where someone said that K-On was somehow creepier than all them Nick shows.


The sexism topics are still not as crazy as that thread where someone said that K-On was somehow creepier than all them Nick shows.

Yeah I remember that, it was that Sailor Moon thread that was not at all about K-ON! until one guy came in and said it should look like it.


Yeah I remember that, it was that Sailor Moon thread that was not at all about K-ON! until one guy came in and said it should look like it.
That reminds me of how much I hate complete visual overhauls to be "modern." The only times those are even remotely warranted in my eyes are when they're doing something like JoJo, which was really more adapting the earlier part of the series to a visual style closer to the later parts of it.
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