Horses are horses. Ponies are ponies.Arent horses male ponies?
Horses are horses. Ponies are ponies.Arent horses male ponies?
Horses are horses. Ponies are ponies.
Well, to put it better, ponies are like pigmy horses. They're diminutive breeds. It's not a matter of sex.Someone didn't see the geep thread.
I've heard people say it on streams and podcasts, but never in real life. But always in reference to muscular men and never in reference to women.
Black Bullet 01
Pretty boring. The plot's average, the characters are pretty average. Even the fabulous villain wasn't interesting enough to want to keep watching.
Well, to put it better, ponies are like pigmy horses. They're diminutive breeds. It's not a matter of sex.
Ah, ok.My post was a parody.
Xam'd? I don't know that one.That's why I love Xam'd. Nakiami is the best female character in any anime I've seen and is a real exception with no cop outs whatsoever.
Yeah, on that second point, no. Unfortunately, women can be just as sexist against their own gender as men can.Well, some series like Full Metal Alchemist are pretty good while having prominent male characters and being shonen, but usually you would have a better job done when a woman creates it.
Yeah, shoujo seems to be just different in general, not better-written on sexism/gender issues.I dunno about that. Most female shoujo protagonists make me cringe, even if written by women.
Most mahou shoujo series fit straight into the "no significant male characters" thing, though... or at least recent ones sure do. Before that it's a mixed bag on the male characters front, but ones like Tuxedo Mask saving Sailor Moon constantly sure are sexist stereotypes!Are you talking about younger characters too? Because a lot of mahou shoujo has strong younger characters that arent sexualized.
I know, studies have shown that Japan and South Korea are the most sexist developed countries outside of the Middle East. And that absolutely shows in their games, certainly; a big part of the problem, why sexism in anime is so bad and has always been the thing I hate most about it, is because Japan is so far behind the West on gender issues. There are other (third-world and Middle Eastern) countries even further back, but of the developed world they are behind. And yes, of course anime reflects that.Sturgeon's Law plus Japanese issues with sexism mean that you likely won't be tripping all over "strong female characters" in Japanese media but I don't think they are that hard to find if you exert just a small bit of effort (I assume we are specifically talking female characters that have some degree of sex appeal and that inhabit universes where there are male characters worth a damn).
Though then what constitutes a "strong female character" and appropriate and inappropriate degrees of sexualization is never clear and often lead these sorts of discussions into every party just shouting "I disagree" to each other :/
Plus if you try to do a comparative study between mediums and national cultures you run into more issue with quantification and definition :/
Speaking of Rarity freakouts, catching up on S4 right now and ep 13 is all NTR.
I have never heard this term used to describe a woman in this way. Weird.
Both "brickhouse" and "amazeballs".
I've never ever heard this before. Is this really used in the US?
Amazeballs I've seen on the internet, hopefully no one has ever uttered it aloud in the real world.
Thats how Crunchyroll subbed that scene in the episode.
I'm back, is AnimeGAF still getting a divorce? Which side gets custody of the members?
IRC's been rather pleasant for me lately!IRC hell goooo
Has anyone here actually read an LN and not just seen an adaptation?
I'm back, is AnimeGAF still getting a divorce? Which side gets custody of the members?
IRC's been rather pleasant for me lately!
<duckroll> apparently Terumi Nishii is AD for Mushishi #4
<Enron> too bad no one cares about Mushishit
Thoughts during episode:
This is what I get for not running a quick translation.I thought the article says its false.
Edit: Disregard this post, there is no third season of Railgun.
Oh, I didn't mean there.I haven't been there in months and this is what I walk into.![]()
Air 12 END
Dang, Misuzu you really know how to tug at the heart.
Wait...huh.What a...non-end. I'll reflect on it some more but this was kinda a mess of an ending, unless they were trying to say that curses shall continue forever? I mean it was great that Misuzu gets an emotional conclusion, but really I was kinda expecting an that had more Yukito, who without question, got sidelined hard at the end of this whole thing. Strange ending.
Well, I still have a summary/recap episode I guess, plus two bonus Air in Summer episodes. Final remarks then.
Angel Beats! 12
Shit's winding down. The sudden emptiness left by people asis pretty heavy. I liked that effect.they get obliterated ala BATMAN SO THAT'S WHAT THAT'S LIKE
Yo, what the fuck is up with Yurippe's writing? Like, jesus, what a tonal shift there for a second. You could've handled that a lot better, guys.And you fuck up those computers without trying to help your dude who got devoured earlier? If you were some how able to escape from being an NPC, surely you can figure out a way to save him? Nope, fuck these monitors!
No real villain behind this, why am I not fucking surprised. So what, are you gonna spend the last episode hunting down the Programmer or what? I thought you were probably gonna spend the last episode saying good bye, not still trying to wrap up setting shit. smh.
Oh well, last episode soon.
Kiniro Mosaic 11
Okay, I know I was asking for more Engrish, but...yikes.
Oh, I didn't mean there.
Otani you piece of shit, just
There can't be a way where someone said "yep, this is the style of the show, just add more white shadows that make the art disappear, it will look great" I think there was another shoujo anime, We Were There that the same thing. It's really unappealing and makes it the entire scene feel cheap. Which is really disappointing especially when in contrast the expressive characters, they deserve better backgrounds
I wish there was more Railgun![]()
Do not listen to this person. Don't do this to yourself man. No one who loved Madoka should have to watch Rebellion. Rebellion is just soul-crushing for the sake of acting as a continuation.
Trust me, just keep the good memories that you have of the show and leave it at that.
Wait, I read that post wrong.
It's a false rumor. My mistake, I'm sorry about that.
This is what I get for not running a quick translation.
Lies! Ufotable's recent Yoyo and Nene had a 2D animated car segment!
Love Live
It's baaaack.
I will say, the twist at the beginning of the episode was clever to me. And because of Gravity, I cracked up at the final shot of the episode.
But yeah, this show is what it is, a really light school girl comedy with some vague goal in mind to drive the show forward. This is sort of what I felt Glee became after its mostly good (fake pregnancy aside) first season, where they're on autopilot mode. Here's hoping they don't lose the plot, but you can't really have that many expectations.
I already got my obtuse Gravity reference (which really isn't a reference), so I'm happy.
Not around here it isn't.
Oh wow, I guess you don't pay much attention to twitter.![]()
I know, studies have shown that Japan and South Korea are the most sexist developed countries outside of the Middle East. And that absolutely shows in their games, certainly; a big part of the problem, why sexism in anime is so bad and has always been the thing I hate most about it, is because Japan is so far behind the West on gender issues. There are other (third-world and Middle Eastern) countries even further back, but of the developed world they are behind. And yes, of course anime reflects that.
However, that doesn't make it any less bad... that's an explanation, not an excuse that makes it okay.
As for the rest of this, the main problem is that, as I said, those "strong female characters" virtually always like the main male character for no reason other than sexism and wish fulfillment, as that comic pointed out. Sure, they're in some ways strong, but in other ways they are not, due to the sexist nature of the relationship element there.
That the only real solution in anime seems to be 'just get rid of the male characters, that gets rid of the problem' is kind of sad...
Pretty much,haha. I still haven't seen Gravity but I did watch this first episode. I'll comment on it later but the whole spinning/upside down type shot was done long before Gravity,haha.
He just reminded me of Darker than Black and how they still haven't made a 2nd season of that.
I'm back, is AnimeGAF still getting a divorce? Which side gets custody of the members?
I'm just sad that so many people here apparently don't love their onii-sama.
We're all being sent to t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶r̶p̶h̶a̶n̶a̶g̶e̶ Animesuki.
I'm just sad that so many people here apparently don't love their onii-sama.
What? They have a licensed tag for shows though.Lol this place! I dropped that place quick after they started mandating you couldn't have discussions about anime that was licensed. Place was strange.
I'm just sad that so many people here apparently don't love their onii-sama.
We're all being sent to t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶r̶p̶h̶a̶n̶a̶g̶e̶ Animesuki.
Already confirmed long ago when Aniplex USA picked it up, but Nanana's coming to Crunchyroll.
Also, that's two seasons in a row Rui Tanabe has been cast as a purple-haired girl at the center of a mystery.
So did you guys like the way I did impressions with Madoka and want me to do it like that this point forward? Or was it a failed experiment and I should not use it anymore/go back to what I was doing before?
Has anyone here actually read an LN and not just seen an adaptation?