This thread is mostly for people who are curious as to what visual fidelity these new systems will bring. Apart from the obvious framerate/aa/resolution improvements some games might resort to new graphical effects exclusively on the new consoles. For example, both consoles are now capable of all those crazy tech demos from 2012-2013 without any downgrade.
All of these tech demos on the gtx 680's seem to be running some form of realtime Global Illumination. Now we get into the Xbox Scorpio's territory. The one tech demo i'm talking about is of course the UE4 Kite demo. Now with the Scorpio being around 6TF and the Neo 4.2TF this is the one tech demo the Neo will have no chance of running. The demo was originally running on a Titan X. With some optimizations i could definitely see a game exclusively made for Scorpio to have the Kite's demo fidelity and scale.
Let me know if i missed anything.
Deep Down reveal: GTX 570, 8gb ram.
The most impressive aspect was the amazing GI it had at the reveal and the supposed tessellated characters.
Source: The demo can run on a PC with an NVIDIA Geforce GTX 570, 8 GB of RAM, and an Intel Core i7 CPU. The development machines used at Capcom have Geforce GTX 680 and GTX 590 GPUs.

Watch_Dogs 2012: GTX 680
The reveal had better post processing, lighting, particle effects, motion blur, higher res texture, better skin shaders/sss.
Source: Watch Dogs was initially demoed using high-end PCs, rumoured to be using Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 graphics cards, which stood in for the closed-box capabilities of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Given the raw power in these PC-based set-ups is much greater than either of the next-gen systems, there is some concern that what people were seeing might not have been representative of the final product, with potentially higher frame-rates and higher grade visuals being the result.

Agni's Philosophy: GTX 680, 1.8 VRAM
The Luminous Engine was noticeably downgraded as a result of current gen consoles not being up to par. It was using a combination of 8xmsaa and an fxaa pass which is one of the reasons why the hair looks more impressive than in FF XV. Luminous received further downgrades:
Source: Agni's Philosophy runs at 60FPS on a GTX 680, uses 1.8GB VRAMThe demo pushed ten million polygons per frame, with approximately 300,000 to 400,000 polygons for each character model. The entire city in the demo was tessellated.There is a scene where 100,000 illuminated firefly-like insects appear on screen, each one a full polygon mesh model with body and wings, which proceed to merge to generate a summoned monster. Production for the demo began in June 2011, and was initially produced as pre-rendered CGI animation by Visual Works before Square Enix attempted to reproduce it entirely in real-time with the Luminous Studio engine, using the same assets as the CGI version. With FF XV those numbers came down. Reduced to 5 million polygons per frame and character models this time having 100,000 polygons.

Star Wars: 1313 GTX 680/ 13GB RAM
Incredible animations rivaling uncharted 4 even, motion blur and lighting. The density in the demo is insane and it was only running in UE3.
Source: Pocket-lint has managed to get hold of the specs inside the Nvidia rigs at E3 and while not being total bank breakers, clearly the looks of 1313 are only possible on top-end PCs.

UE4 Elemental Demo: GTX 680
Edit: Wrong info
All of these tech demos on the gtx 680's seem to be running some form of realtime Global Illumination. Now we get into the Xbox Scorpio's territory. The one tech demo i'm talking about is of course the UE4 Kite demo. Now with the Scorpio being around 6TF and the Neo 4.2TF this is the one tech demo the Neo will have no chance of running. The demo was originally running on a Titan X. With some optimizations i could definitely see a game exclusively made for Scorpio to have the Kite's demo fidelity and scale.
UE4 Kite demo GTX Titan
Nice looking global illumination, amazing draw distance.

Let me know if i missed anything.