Wishmaster92 speculates about what the PS4K and Xbox 12 can do graphically

Ulysses 31



Which were pre-rendered? Each one of them have specs if you look for them online.

Only one (Watch Dogs) of the *games* you mentioned is an actual, playable game, and even that game looks nothing like the screenshots from the bullshit E3 demo that you have in the OP. The rest are ultra scripted pre-renders and/or tech demos. Just because they have "specs" doesn't mean they can now magically be achieved with more powerful consoles.

I'm not saying games on the new consoles won't look incredible; they absolutely will. But what you have in the OP here just isn't how it works.

If you want an idea of what games will look like on the new consoles, take any major third party game on PC and bump up the specs/resolution.
sadly, due to the fact that games need to target the original consoles as a base youre never going to get efficient use of the extra horsepower. i dont expect anything too different from the way devs make use of extra horsepower on pc. higher resolution and things that can be boosted by editing a few config files. shadow resolution, lod, PP precision etc. this combined with the far smaller than usual jump in horsepower is going to leave a negative impression on a large part of the console audience IMO. they go buy a brand new $400 console and see very marginal improvements compared to the jump they are use to.


The OP is living up to his name.

All I want is non compromised 1080p. These current consoles struggled with that, maybe they'll get at least that right this time. Although I'm expecting '4K' fuckery.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
man people are really going to be disappointed with Neo if this is what they expect. I mean seriously, keep it real guys.


Oh come on - until these consoles are actively in the wild, there is absolutely no point in speculation like this. The images are clearly bullshots provided to generate interest in the products.

Basically, I will believe it when I see it.
UE4 Elemental Demo: GTX 680

SVOGI taken out of the engine because current gen consoles were not powerful enough..

Sorry OP but SVOGI wasn't scrapped because "current gen consoles were not powerful enough" (they could have kept it to run for PC if it was the case) but mostly because it had many limitations like how it couldn't work with large areas with a great number of objects. Also the objects have to be static in order with it to work otherwise if the objects move, the GI will break and the results will be messed up.

UE4 Kite demo GTX Titan

VXGI for global illumination, amazing draw distance..

Kite Demo didn't run on VXGI which is a proprietary solution from NVidia and even if the new consoles could run it, it won't be possible for them unless NVidia releases a compatible version for them. Kite Demo uses a mix of DFGI+HFGI which aren't such expensive dynamic GI solution and can work on current gen consoles (PS4 to be more precise like the recent DFAO on it) but for now, the solutions need more work and optimizations to be used in full scale on every platform.


So the new consoles can play all the tech demos that were supposed to be running on this gens consoles, awesome...
Even if realtime GI, Deep Down's fluid-sim particle effects, and gargantuan open worlds become possible with these upgraded consoles, no dev is going to want to remake that much of their game to cater to a single segment of a fractured market. Like is every dev going to start doubling their effects team to create a separate set of effects for the same game on the different console iterations, and are they going to optimize their visuals around baked lighting that will run on current hardware only to turn around and throw that away so they can turn on dynamic GI in the Neo/Scorpio version? Moreover, if they did turn on the realtime GI, would there be anything to actually show it off because the game was designed around static, baked environments?

More realistic expectations would be what we have now, but with the PC settings jacked up to High or Ultra: particle counts increased, a few miscellaneous tech pieces like tessellated hair and more accurate post processing, guaranteed 1080p, and either rock solid 30 or 60 fps depending on the game's visual design goals (Doom prioritized fast action and framerate while Uncharted 4 prioritized high mesh density and more detailed lighting and shaders).

The stuff in the OP all looks like PS5/XBNext material since so much of it relies on the devs building their games and visuals with that tech in mind from the ground up.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Being real with you OP, the in game visuals the PS4 and XB1 have cranked out with their underpowered hardware always impresses me because of it looks extremely amazing and a clear jump ahead of last gen despite the limitations

With NEO and Scorpio, i would not expect anything more than cleaned up versions of existing PS4 and XB1 games besides maybe exclusives to the playstation or XB1 ecosystems.

Not because those upgraded components are not capable of more, but because they have to make sure PS4 and XB1 are running smoothly as well and making new assets is probably not worth it.

I have no doubt those upgraded consoles would blow what we've already seen out of the water visually if they were tailored to exclusively...but even then, you should not be comparing tech demo visuals achieved from non gaming applications to results of actual games.

Compare the Dark Sorcerer tech demo running on PS4, to Quantic Dream's next game, Detroit, and its still no contest in terms of environmental detail, effects work, and model density



as a casual gamer, this is the sort of shit that puts me off games.

A huge promise that turns into a huge expectation followed by a huge letdown.


Im prepared to drop $300 american dollars for a machine that can put up this graphical capabilities.

Im in.
Even if realtime GI, Deep Down's fluid-sim particle effects, and gargantuan open worlds become possible with these upgraded consoles, no dev is going to want to remake that much of their game to cater to a single segment of a fractured market. Like is every dev going to start doubling their effects team to create a separate set of effects for the same game on the different console iterations, and are they going to optimize their visuals around baked lighting that will run on current hardware only to turn around and throw that away so they can turn on dynamic GI in the Neo/Scorpio version? Moreover, if they did turn on the realtime GI, would there be anything to actually show it off because the game was designed around static, baked environments?

More realistic expectations would be what we have now, but with the PC settings jacked up to High or Ultra: particle counts increased, a few miscellaneous tech pieces like tessellated hair and more accurate post processing, guaranteed 1080p, and either rock solid 30 or 60 fps depending on the game's visual design goals (Doom prioritized fast action and framerate while Uncharted 4 prioritized high mesh density and more detailed lighting and shaders).

The stuff in the OP all looks like PS5/XBNext material since so much of it relies on the devs building their games and visuals with that tech in mind from the ground up.

I may agree with you. Even if the new consoles are capable of such voxel fluid simulations like shown in first Deep Down trailer and the tech talks, this will divide the game experience if they turn on such fluidity and dynamicness in effects and GI in PS4 Neo version and keep everything static in the PS4 version because some effects may impact the gameplay. Such effects should be standard for next-gen.

Let's see how this will end.

Deleted member 465307

Unconfirmed Member
If these consoles can do 4k at 60fps, I'll be happy.

Since this is a decision made by developers about what to prioritize, I don't think you'll see 4k/60 be a mainstream thing for a while. Of course, you could see 4k/60 games release in the semi-near future, but those games will not be big AAA releases because graphically, they would look disappointing compared against their 1080/30 peers to many eyes. I imagine 4k game development on consoles will be driven by 4k TV adoption rates and hardware capable enough to produce games at that resolution while still somehow managing to look better than the current games. Apart from some occasional smaller titles that get released, 4k/60 feels like a PS5 or (maybe more likely) PS6 generation feat. At least, it feels that way to me.
I'm surprised to see so many people saying those images are impossible. After playing Uncharted 4 they better come up with something pretty damn impressive to sell these upgraded consoles. Hell, I even thought "Do graphics really need to get much better than this" a few times playing Quantum Break on Xbox.

I realize everything is rumors at this point but if the new systems do end up being twice as powerful or whatever I don't see how the images in the OP are totally out of the question, especially at 30fps and 1080p.


Tech demoes =/= real games.

It is possible for the slice chunk of scenes often look Godly in the demo, not necessarily in the final game.
The demo was running on a titan, does that mean it can't run on anything but? No... like I said with some optimizations the Scorpio can get close with the rumored 6tf.

You can install that demo on pc and run it yourself.

Runs like shit on my gtx 970 (which is significantly above the ps neo's rumored specs, and slighty below xbox 1.5 rumored specs)

It barely runs at 30 fps on a 980ti

Ok PC GAF - your move. Show us some screenshots of your games on current gen settings and then on ultra. Let's do this.
Just go to the pc screenshots thread (and imagine slightly less ridiculously high image quality)


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
The graphical capabilities we can expect from PS5/Xbox Two

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