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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread


Well it's the PC performance thread so I expect most people will disagree but in some cases I think it's better to play the game pre-configured and just sink into it rather than have to constantly fiddle with settings and lower everything to get it to run how I want. Just my opinion, I like tweaking as much as the next guy, but I think in some cases a closed system that is "ready to go" has advantages.

What constantly fiddling?

Set everything to high, lock the frame rate via Riva server and play. If things drop, lower foiliage distance and you're set.

You're going to spend WAY, WAY more time stuck behind loading screens on the Xbone than you ever will tweaking this game.


Yes, that is true for many PC gamers I know. A friend of mine monitors his temps on a second monitor while gaming. Another friend has HWmonitor open while gaming, and he's monitoring it as well.

I myself, atleast in the more demanding games, have FRAPS open while gaming. It's all psychological. If I had the option of monitoring it in console games, I'd do that as well.

I don't freak out though.

I stopped using FRAPS because the slightest drop (2-3 frames) in the Witcher 3 just drove me fucking insane and I was wondering why it would do that on my new rig. Now, I don't have it on anymore and I'm enjoying it a hell of a lot more.
I would even say medium, unless compared side to side it's barely noticeable but the performance gain is.

Thanks, I'll try that

Anything else give little value per performance consumption?

Should I mess around in any of the other options than the graphics section?


That sounds very similar to the display driver crashing. Mine crashed again this morning after 45 minutes or so despite the change I made to global power management mode in NVCP and opting to create manual saves over quick saves.

What card are you using because it may be worth rolling back?

I save frequently enough for it to not be too much of a nuisance as long as it continues to not happen often, but I am also worried rolling back will have some ill effect on my system because my performance is by no means bad.
I do wonder if the black screen crash is happening more frequently to those with non-reference factory overclocked gpus? I've had another gpu crash after adjusting my gpu's fan curve using MSI afterburner.
My gpu's(gtx 980 ftw) temp topped around 75c during the most demanding scenes(out in the open, fighting multiple hairy monsters with hairworks enabled) while constantly maintaining the card's boost speed 1380mhurtz.
Funny thing is when the gpu crashed, both happened during non-demanding scenes, cut scene and in the menu.
I stopped using FRAPS because the slightest drop (2-3 frames) in the Witcher 3 just drove me fucking insane and I was wondering why it would do that on my new rig. Now, I don't have it on anymore and I'm enjoying it a hell of a lot more.

Tell me about it. When I play this on my laptop with fraps on it drives me nuts if I hit an area that struggles a bit.

With it off I just get on with the game lol.
Anyone else getting random hard vibrations from their controller while roaming around? I'm using DS4Windows and a PS4 controller and every now and then I'll get a really big vibration for about half a second. At first I thought it may have been Geralt's medallion vibrating or something like that, but it happens when there's nothing going on.
Anyone else getting random hard vibrations from their controller while roaming around? I'm using DS4Windows and a PS4 controller and every now and then I'll get a really big vibration for about half a second. At first I thought it may have been Geralt's medallion vibrating or something like that, but it happens when there's nothing going on.

I get that as well. I haven't tried it with an xbox controller to see where the blame lies. I thought it was geralt getting poinsoned
Anyone else getting random hard vibrations from their controller while roaming around? I'm using DS4Windows and a PS4 controller and every now and then I'll get a really big vibration for about half a second. At first I thought it may have been Geralt's medallion vibrating or something like that, but it happens when there's nothing going on.

Glad I'm not the only one! So random lol


So am I the only one who likes HairWorks? I don't care about Geralt's hair. It's the beasts where I can really tell the difference. And since I still stay near 60fps with it on, I keep it on. Now, if it were much lower, I'd probably just turn it off to be fair. Even though my experience has been mostly good, I do run into some issues. Borderless Windowed mode kills my framerate. One time it got stuck on that setting, even though I had set it to fullscreen a few sessions prior, but when I attempted to switch the setting using my mouse (I play the game with my Xbox controller) it actually took after 3 failed attempts or so navigating the menu with my controller. Knock on wood, I haven't had any crashes yet and that's with 2 OC'd 970 Strix GPUs (above the factory overclock). I'm sure when I fire it up this morning, it'll be crash city now.

Pretty sure windowed mode automatically disables SLI until you re-enable full screen.
So I tried upping my gamma on windows and playing on borderless. Doesn't seem to stick :(. Such obvious black crush, reminds me of playing oblivion on 360.
I just finished the game on console, and then immediately bought it for PC for a Death March playthrough. Thought I'd test it on my system before thoroughly replaying it.

680 2GB SLI, 3570K @ 4.2, 16GB RAM. With the Ultra preset...then turning foliage density and textures to High I'm getting a steady 60FPS, although I did hit a segment which reduced it to 50 for a brief moment. I imagine Novigrad will test how steady it truly runs.I read the PCGamer / Durante Article and followed the instructions...definitely helped with the "smootheness". Playing in borderless windowed forces me to have to constantly turn f.lux on and off manually however, which is a pain in the ass.

Despite running the game at a satisfactory setting / FPS, I'm really concerned about my fan speeds and noise. GPU 1 sits at around 70-71 degress, and GPU 2 sits at around 63-67 degrees,but the fans are roaring at around 80% just to keep it from hitting the 80 degree mark. (Insanely loud, is this going to prematurely kill my GPU's?)

Usage seems to be almost 85-99% of both cards, which is good I guess. Should I just set everything to High in order to address the fan speed / noise?


Pretty sure windowed mode automatically disables SLI until you re-enable full screen.

That explains the performance drop. I also learned you can't control volume on your keyboard in this thread too! I was wondering WTF was up with that.


Yes... I had this problem constantly after about an hour of playing yesterday. If you are running an NVIDIA card I would strongly recommend you roll back to the GTA V drivers (hopefully just for now), I have had zero freeze issues since I did so. Hopefully they can sort that shit out soon as I'm guessing they must have a reason to release game specific drivers but something has been borked on certain cards I would guess. For reference I'm running a 750ti.

That sounds very similar to the display driver crashing. Mine crashed again this morning after 45 minutes or so despite the change I made to global power management mode in NVCP and opting to create manual saves over quick saves.

What card are you using because it may be worth rolling back?

I save frequently enough for it to not be too much of a nuisance as long as it continues to not happen often, but I am also worried rolling back will have some ill effect on my system because my performance is by no means bad.

I'm using an Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti, using the nvidia 'optimized' settings.
Yeah, it's not the greatest anymore, but when the game is running, it runs fine (by my own personal standards, which are lower than most). I also keep getting a message pop up that windows 7 has changed its color scheme or something like that, which minimizes the game sometimes. I tell it to not remind me, but it pops up again next time I play the game (pc has been powered off since). *shrug*

I'll try rolling back later tonight and tomorrow to see if it helps, thanks. Or maybe it would just be worth it to wait it out and see if there's a fix?

Any advice on the best way to roll back a driver before I start tinkering and break something?


Usage seems to be almost 85-99% of both cards, which is good I guess. Should I just set everything to High in order to address the fan speed / noise?

When I first saw this game running my Titan X at 95%+ Load full time no matter what was going on, I thought it was a sign that the game was well optimized. After reading all the performance complaints from pretty much anyone below a 970/290X I'm not so sure.


Is there a way to rebind the combat roll to double tap movement keys? I edited the ini files to change space to dodge instead of roll but I can't find a way to make double tap movement do the roll now instead of dodge. I tried editing both input.settings and input_qwerty.ini but it doesn't seem to work.
Any advice on the best way to roll back a driver before I start tinkering and break something?

It's fairly painless to roll back, provided you had the GTA V driver just use control panel,device manager find your graphics card, go into the options and you'll see an option to roll back to previous driver. Then you can just update with the nvidia updater if/when nvidia decide to update the current driver.

I have not noticed any performance difference with the new driver to the GTA V one but I guess YMMV.
Anyone else getting random hard vibrations from their controller while roaming around? I'm using DS4Windows and a PS4 controller and every now and then I'll get a really big vibration for about half a second. At first I thought it may have been Geralt's medallion vibrating or something like that, but it happens when there's nothing going on.

Could it be the vibration that happens when your quen sign times out?
I'm really not happy with how water looks like, it's so bad actually :\ I guess I'm spoiled by GTA5 and Watch_Dogs water, here it's so bad next to everything else being so pretty. Ultra water? meeeh. Underwater looks plain ugly.

Yeah, I do wish the water looked better. Compared to water in most modern games, it looks pretty damned bad.


never left the stone age
Honestly man it's kind of a toss up. You're not gonna get great settings on that setup (mostly medium to low) so while it may look marginally better than Xbox you might be better served just getting the console version since you can just... play it and not worry about tweaking performance and stuff like that.

Here's a comparison:

Jesus. How bad is the CPU utilization in the game if an i3 isn't the bottleneck?

Evo X

For those that like Hairworks on beasts and Geralt's beard, but not his hair, I suggest you visit the barber in Novigrad and get the haircut that is short on the sides, with the rest tied up in a pony tail.

It improves performance in close ups, and stops all that loose hair from constantly blowing around in all directions, which honestly looks like someone taking a blow dryer to a mop.


I think I'm getting a strange bug where sometimes characters pop-in really late as I'm wandering around- I don't know why. In places with NPCs standing around, I'll stop moving with Roach and characters will appear in front of me- anyone having this issue? It happens every so often in places where there are a lot of NPCs.
Running it capped at 30, Hairworks on, Ultra everything, 1440p.
For those that like Hairworks on beasts and Geralt's beard, but not his hair, I suggest you visit the barber in Novigrad and get the haircut that is short on the sides, with the rest tied up in a pony tail.

It improves performance in close ups, and stops all that loose hair from constantly blowing around in all directions, which honestly looks like someone taking a blow dryer to a mop.

Does it look better than it did in TW2? Distinctly remember getting this cut in that game and it looked like his hair had been drawn on with Tip-Ex or something :p


Is it my monitor or sometimes it's hard to see the detail in some animals? The bear, for instance, even on day time, it's pretty hard to see its fur. I think people call it crushed black?


I do wonder if the black screen crash is happening more frequently to those with non-reference factory overclocked gpus? I've had another gpu crash after adjusting my gpu's fan curve using MSI afterburner.
My gpu's(gtx 980 ftw) temp topped around 75c during the most demanding scenes(out in the open, fighting multiple hairy monsters with hairworks enabled) while constantly maintaining the card's boost speed 1380mhurtz.
Funny thing is when the gpu crashed, both happened during non-demanding scenes, cut scene and in the menu.

I was in the same boat with my 970 I just bought a couple days ago. I 'm also noticing the same pattern with factory O/C'd cards. Thankfully, using afterburner to adjust my fan speeds to around 50-60%, it has helped lower my temps below 70 degrees. This has stopped the crashes completely.

Some are saying to RMA the cards if they are black screening at around 75, so I might do that. At first, I thought it was my PSU dying but once cooling the card with a higher fan speed it definitely ruled out that it is not my PSU since it is using more power.
Anyone else getting random hard vibrations from their controller while roaming around? I'm using DS4Windows and a PS4 controller and every now and then I'll get a really big vibration for about half a second. At first I thought it may have been Geralt's medallion vibrating or something like that, but it happens when there's nothing going on.

Yes, I thought it was a game mechanic I wasn't picking up on. Witcher Sense doesn't really find anything when it happens, though.

I'm using an Xbox One controller, by the way.


I was having trouble getting a smooth experience on my i5 2500k and 970.

Shadows High
Grass High
Foliage High
Hairworks off
Everything else Ultra/On (both Blur off - preference)

Counter was reading solid 60 but it wasn't smooth. Slight stutter every now and then and drops to what looked like 40-50 but still reading 60fps.

Tried Durante's advice, but no luck.

Playing around with the settings I'm now on:

Unlimited fps
Vsync on
60 limit via Riva Tuner

And it's a solid 60, very smooth, no stutters or drops. Messing with settings doesn't seem to do what I'd expect it too, so I'm just going to leave everything alone now and hope it doesn't start stuttering again.


Well this is annoying.

Fired up Project Cars for the first time since installing the new Nvidia 'Witcher 3' driver and performance has tanked, frame drops all over the place where there were none before.

Reinstalled the 350.12 drivers and performance is back to normal in Project Cars.

Just to be certain, reinstalled W3 driver and...shit Project Cars performance, only good news is that performance in GTA V is unaffected with either driver.

So, a choice between SLI enabled support in Witcher 3 or shitty performance in Project Cars.

Oh, how I love PC gaming at times.

Off-topic but this may explain my terrible Project Cars performance in SLI. I have the Game Ready Witcher 3 driver as well. I am waiting for the big patch with 600+ changes to hit before I dive in. I am getting bad SLI performance in Project Cars with this driver...GPU utilization really isn't at 90%+.

Was the same happening to you?


Off-topic but this may explain my terrible Project Cars performance in SLI. I have the Game Ready Witcher 3 driver as well. I am waiting for the big patch with 600+ changes to hit before I dive in. I am getting bad SLI performance in Project Cars with this driver...GPU utilization really isn't at 90%+.

Was the same happening to you?

Eurogamer clarified that, the 600+ changes patch was actually the day one patch.


Os JoyToKey the app one is not supposed to use (Malware and such I heard)? Or was it MotionInJoy? I don't remember.

I just want to map the M key to the guide button and quicksave to clicking the right stick,


Performance is still excellent in Project CARS with the TW3's optimized drivers. In fact I can't recall the last time a driver destroyed my fps in a game.


Have you got a link to this preset brother?

Thanks guys!


Made a couple more with the same preset:


Is it known that when in combat on horseback, if you hold down the attack button, the game goes into slow motion? Much easier to land attacks. Also, with the music kicking ass, it's pretty damn cool. :)

I've put a ton of hours into the game, and I only just figured this out.


The more I play, more I start to think the game looks amazing. Still not the best looking game out there, but I retract from previous comments where I said Dragon Age Inquisition looked better. At least on PC, it doesn't.
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