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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

Oh, and when you select CPU/GPU for PhysX in the NCP, it still only says CPU in the PhyX Visual Indicator despite their being a measurable difference.
Definite improvement with the new drivers, although i still have physx on CPU. Was dropping down to around 26 fps in certain parts of crows perch, which has been the lowest ive seen it drop so far. It now barely drops to 29.

Will see how things are with physx on GPU later.

Edit:660ti and fx 8350


I'm also seeing a performance improvement on my two 780s, sometimes up to 10-15fps in certain areas (e.g. crossroads), that is a rough analysis though, I rushed to install the new drivers before taking any data before hand because I was eager to see if they had included G-Sync + DSR + SLI compatibility in this driver update, but no, they haven't :(


Oh, and when you select CPU/GPU for PhysX in the NCP, it still only says CPU in the PhyX Visual Indicator despite their being a measurable difference.

Huh, I get PhysX > GPU when the game loads (photo as it won't show up in screenshots):

Newest Drivers (353.06), Single 780ti, mix of high, ultra, and passed ultra settings.

Notice general smoothness improvements, and probably around 10 fps improvement on average. Areas where I was getting high 40s-low 50s stay close to 60 cap now, and fewer drops overall. Still getting weird drops in villages with GPU PhysX, so PhysX CPU setting remains helpful. Locking at 60 vs 30 seems a lot more viable now for this card, probably going to start playing with settings again. Glad to see Nvidia following through on their promise of performance improvements, hope it continues.
I might have missed it in looking through the thread, but are there any tweaks to address the occasional texture pop-in and hair pop-in during cutscenes?

I'm running a GTX 980 and having textures load in late is... annoying to say the least.


Windows 7
i7-4770k @4.2GHz (HT enabled)
GTX 770 4GB
Samsung 850 PRO SSD

Before the driver update I was running the game @1080p, all post-processing effects on, HBAO+ on, all graphics Ultra, but for Shadows and Foliage at "High," Hairworks off. I have the game capped at 30 fps via Nvidia Inspector 1/2 refresh and RTSS 30 frame limit, PhysX is set to CPU, and Max Pre-Rendered frames set to 1.

With the above setting, I never dropped below 30, even in the most demanding areas.

The driver update looks to have added about 5-10 frames on average, allowing me to set Foliage to Ultra, which is all I really wanted in the first place. I could keep Foliage at High and enable HairWorks and/or Ultra Shadows, but the difference between High and Ultra Shadows is almost imperceivable (and with Ultra Foliage it brought my frames down to 28 in certain areas), and I find HairWorks Geralt less impressive than the default. That, and Ultra Foliage is a massive step up from High for longer distant views.

All in all, I'd say it's a good fix, and will hold me over until I replace my 770 with a 980ti ($650 with the performance of a Titan X? Uh, yeah...) later on.


Things seem to have improved for my 780ti too. 60fps lock seems more viable now although I've only had a quick play. Hairworks also seems to be having less of a devastating impact: the framerate still plunges getting close to Geralt's head, but not as low and the game can still hit 60fps at times, which it was never doing before.


Definitely helped me 680 a bit. Seeing a 5-10 fps increase in places. I wonder if I can overclock now as well. Was having issues before.
Did before/after FPS testing for the new driver install. Absolutely no change in FPS for me.

EDIT: Lots of people reporting no change on other forums, so yeah...
I am not noticing any performance increase with the new 353.06 driver. I can't get 60fps unless I set everything to low on my GTX 780. I currently have AA, hairworks and V-sync off, Shadows and foliage to high, and the rest on ultra. I get 50-55fps, and 40-45fps in villages. I will sell my GTX 780 and get an AMD card, or possibly quit gaming.
So just installed the latest drivers and I'm pretty sure my performance has gotten worse.

Need to do some further testing.

It was a clean install after running DDU.

This is on 2 980's in SLI


No change here with my 760and the newest drivers, even after a DDU. Still wildly fluctuates from 30-50. I also get random fps on the start menu. Sometimes when I boot the game it ranges from 35-45 and other times it sits at 32. On my laptop with it's 870m I get a solid 60fps on the start menu.


Yes, it's the issues with the new G-Sync options and Windowed mode. See the other G-Sync thread.

Already pinged some folks about that, but it is Sunday.

Absolutely no change for me on a 3x680 setup. Tested 3 saves in 3 different areas and got the exact same FPS. :(

Recommend submitting feedback via https://forums.geforce.com/default/...lay-driver-feedback-thread-released-5-31-15-/


Alright, all my content and the driver is live, so I'm signing off at 3.22am. I'll be back on sometime later today. Best place for driver feedback is https://forums.geforce.com/default/...lay-driver-feedback-thread-released-5-31-15-/


Neo Member
It seems that the game changes it's lighting when in conversations, a guy at CDPR forums made a very interesting comparison.

You can test this transition by entering a conversation and then recording a video with fraps. Then play the video frame by frame (ctrl + arrow right in media player classic) because the change happens really quickly.






For anyone who has a 600 series card, what settings have you found to be the best bang for your buck? I'm managing with some tweaks to get a locked 40 FPS but I don't know if I am missing out on a few easy frames without losing much visual fidelity..

Do most people have sharpening on? I have it on low.

Also, I think I read somewhere that I shouldn't use NVIDIA Experience to install new drivers? What should I use instead?
I really hope someone can mod the cutscene lighting to be used in gameplay:
There's something clearly weird going on.











Performance is no longer total crap for my GTX780 thanks to the new drivers. Finding that today's drivers coupled with setting PhysX to CPU allows me to get a clean 35+ FPS on all high at 2560x1440. This is all together about a 10-15 FPS boost from just running the game on default settings and old drivers. Good enough for me, locking it at 30 and getting on with this shit - so tired of fiddling with settings.

Hopefully this week's patch 1.05 will smooth out the stuttery camera and make things even better. Can't wait.
dont know if its a fair difference, but after installing new drivers i can run Witcher 2 on ultra with a consistent 30 fps or higher when before it occasionally dipped
860m btw
might be able to run 3 on high instead now, yay


I'm finding Hairworks to be a lot more doable now, I can stay above 60fps, often into the 70s, everything else on max aside from Foliage visiblity distance (high). Not sure if that was necessarily to do with this driver update, because I disabled hairworks about 70 hours ago (game time) and never really tried it again.

Has there been any mod to allow you to disable Hairworks for Geralt but keep it for the monsters yet? Because I'm using the performance increase I'm getting from these drivers to push the foliage visibility distance back up to Ultra and turning hairworks off, I'm still not keen on the way it looks on Geralt.
I'm finding Hairworks to be a lot more doable now, I can stay above 60fps, often into the 70s, everything else on max aside from Foliage visiblity distance (high). Not sure if that was necessarily to do with this driver update, because I disabled hairworks about 70 hours ago (game time) and never really tried it again.

Has there been any mod to allow you to disable Hairworks for Geralt but keep it for the monsters yet? Because I'm using the performance increase I'm getting from these drivers to push the foliage visibility distance back up to Ultra and turning hairworks off, I'm still not keen on the way it looks on Geralt.

Yeah, I'll definitely keep hairworks on if there's a mod to do that.
Geralt's non-hairworks hair is better than the hairworks version.

Not tried it yet personally, has anyone given it a go?

Not yet, still at work. :/
Seems like a simple preset setting, so I predict 0-1 fps hit as usual.
Do most people have sharpening on? I have it on low.

Also, I think I read somewhere that I shouldn't use NVIDIA Experience to install new drivers? What should I use instead?

No sharpening here.

Just download the drivers from the Nvidia website. Uninstall the old drivers with DDU and do a clean installation with the new drivers. Customize installation and untick everything except the actual GFX driver and PhysX driver.


Neo Member
Updated to 353.06 from 350.12 (last stable release for me) just for shits and giggles, on my OCed 970. Saw no performance increase in W3. I didn't get any display driver crashes for the hour or so I played, but within 5 minutes of launching chrome, crash. So it seems this new version has done little for the display driver crashes some of us have been experiencing.

I did however check reddit, in particular the thread linked below, and might have found a solution for that in the meantime. Someone linked to a little program called TDR manipulator, made by the same guy who Created DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). It's supposed to allow you to modify and even completely disable TDR (Timeout Detection & Recovery) which is what's causing the crashes in the first place. I'll try it out with 353.06 and see if it helps in my case.


TDR Manipulator - http://www.wagnardmobile.com/DDU/

Do the new drivers make any difference for maxwell?

I didn't see any improvement on my 970. Specifically, I loaded up a save on 350.12, checked FPS, updated drivers to 353.06, loaded same save and I saw a 1 FPS increase @ 45fps which might as well be margin of error. Not the best test, but there you go.


Anyone else on AMD may want to try the latest w10 modded drivers, I've been messing with my graphics so much that I can't objectively tell if there is an improvement but it certaintly feels like there is.


Well ladies and gents, I caved. I bought the 970 Asus Strix and I don't regret it one bit. I'm running a 3570k (stock for now), 8gigs of ram and the 970 "stock." With everything on ultra except foliage distance (high), no blur, motion blur or chromatic aberration (all because of preference) I'm getting 60fps running around in open fields and in the smaller villages. This is at 1080p. I'll report back after getting into Novigrad since that should be taxing. My 10 minutes of idling had me sit at 38c and I've topped out at 63c after 15 minutes of playing so far. I wouldn't be surprised to see it top out at around 66 or so in the most demanding scenes. The 970 is a damn fine card, now to see about OCing after I determine this isn't a lemon.

One question though, even at a constant 60fps, does anyone else notice the game feels ever so slightly juddery? I mean JUST barely, enough to feel even playing on a pad. Is it just me?


Don't suppose anyone has tried Witcher 3 with a 780M after the new drivers? I got a little chance to test it this morning, but literally just a few seconds. Interested to hear what kind of settings deliver what kind of frame rate.
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