Well. It turns out I have one of the better FX6300 chips. Managed to OC it to 4.2GHz stable. Topped out at 70 degrees C but after the fan got up to speed it hovered around 65 (+-1) degrees, which is safe
. Oddly enough Prime95 doesn't make the fan go all the way up to 6k RPM so it ran a bit hot there, but within games everything is stable. It'll be better once I get the new heatsink installed, this is on the stock cooler :lol. I'm actually amazed. Then again 4.2 is just 100mhz over the TurboClock so it can handle that easily.
Witcher 2 gained a whooping 5 FPS in Flotsam (From 45 min to 50 min), granted it did help smooth out camera movement and such. So most likely it killed any microstutters or frame delays
Hello good sir, we have similar interests. How are you OCing your FX, which motherboard? Any aftermarket cooler you'd recommend? We have the exact same rig save the fact that I have a 280X.
Can't wait for clothes physics. Imagine when we get chainmail that's made out of actual links *drool*