22-25fps on a 770? Wtf happened? I guess I'll have to play it on low or some Ultra settings simply destroy the performance.
Those are some strange results, it's very surprising to see a 770 outperformed by a 285.
22-25fps on a 770? Wtf happened? I guess I'll have to play it on low or some Ultra settings simply destroy the performance.
Those benchmarks are on Ultra/Max with tons of performance killers activated. You'll most likely be able to turn down a few settings, lose next to nothing in fidelity and reach that 60 fps.
They say they're using the newest nVidia driver and "The Witcher 3 v1.02, ('semi-final' review build)." I have no idea what the Day 1 patch is going to be (v1.03?), but thats what they're using.
It would be nice if the heavier game work FX scaled better and had more scaling options (low, high etc...). And yeah, I am for open standards as well.way ahead of you I got it figured out but thanks...Nvidias strategy officially has me confused...in terms if their proprietary use and their marketing strategies....just go open standard and dnt cripple for heavens sake.
so now they are semi open to everyone but are severely crippling AMD and their older stock
Probably rather fine FPS.Yeah but the question is ... What fps do you get at high ... I need 60^^
Those are some strange results, it's very surprising to see a 770 outperformed by a 285.
Your reading it wrong, the 1st set of benchmarks is running 1.02 final build, the 2nd set of benchmarks is showing how it was with the semi-final release build.
Sounds like a SLI issue, that will probably be addressed soon. 780 SLI vastly outperforms a single 980 and we already know that card is perfectly capable of running the game at 1080/60.
I'm sure i'm reading this wrong but are you suggesting that an "old preview" is better optimized than the final version with two patches and dedicated drivers?
They say they're using the newest nVidia driver and "The Witcher 3 v1.02, ('semi-final' review build)." I have no idea what the Day 1 patch is going to be (v1.03?), but thats what they're using.
I'm literally going to do that (except I still can't decide on HairWorks because Geralt's default hair looks better than his hair when HairWorks is on, however the HairWorks on the beasts/monsters looks incredible...). But yeah, all settings are getting cranked up and fps is staying capped at 30.But i want those effects, HBAO+ and Hairworks, at this point i'd rather play it at 30fps than 60fps without them
Do they specifically mention the driver version?
Because the newest ones just came out like 30 minutes ago. Doubt that is enough time to run all the tests for the different GPU setups.
Seems misrepresentative of the final product and makes me think they are just doing it to be the first ones on the block with benchmarks.
Both say they're using v1.02. But for some reason on one set of benchmarks its listed as "The Witcher 3, Review-Version 1.02" and on the other its listed as "The Witcher 3 v1.02, ('semi-final' review build)." I couldn't tell you why they listed it that way though.
22-25fps on a 770? Wtf happened? I guess I'll have to play it on low or some Ultra settings simply destroy the performance.
Many features simply didn't work consistently in the old preview version, such as max draw distance, foliage visibility, HBAO+ etc, which threw any benchmarking results off. The review version had those rectified and made it more demanding. The 290X benchmark was done on the preview build. Has nothing to do with optimization.
I'm sure i'm reading this wrong but are you suggesting that an "old preview" is better optimized than the final version with two patches and dedicated drivers?
Yes, these are the drivers they say they are using:
Catalyst 15.4.1 beta, Geforce 352.86 WHQL
According to nVidia, 352.86 is the newest driver for The Witcher 3:
They have 4K benchmarks up to.
A single Titan X getting 30fps with Hairworks off and SSAO not HBAO+
A single 970 hits 21FPS at the same settings.
Show me some SLI benchmarks!
These Benchmarks seem off, but we will see. Hoping I can still run 4K 30fps with Hairworks and HBAO+....
Do they specifically mention the driver version?
Because the newest ones just came out like 30 minutes ago. Doubt that is enough time to run all the tests for the different GPU setups.
Seems misrepresentative of the final product and makes me think they are just doing it to be the first ones on the block with benchmarks.
so hair works calculations would in theory be offloaded onto the chosen physx medium that's what I'm getting at...is gameworks just physx framework with extensions...
Yes they specifically say Nvidia 352.86 WHQL drivers, and they're out from more than 30 minutes actually, but i'm not so confident about those bench
It would be nice if the heavier game work FX scaled better and had more scaling options (low, high etc...). And yeah, I am for open standards as well.
Probably rather fine FPS.
Or, play it on the recommended High settings with a few ultra sliders.
THey mention how the latest version of the game has a high, very high, and ultra setting. So they added one more Cvar grouping. High is consoles, very high is presumably the previous ultra, and ultra is the new ultra (über?)
Are those benchmarks using the newest Nvidia drivers and Day 1 patch?
I am thinking no, so our performance tonight should be better.
No, PhysX on GPU is based on CUDA. Hairworks is based on DirectCompute. These are completely separate things.
When using physX on the gpu you can offload it to a dedicated physx card. You cannot do the same for DC.
They have 4K benchmarks up to.
A single Titan X getting 30fps with Hairworks off and SSAO not HBAO+
A single 970 hits 21FPS at the same settings.
Show me some SLI benchmarks!
These Benchmarks seem off, but we will see. Hoping I can still run 4K 30fps with Hairworks and HBAO+....
I'm literally going to do that (except I still can't decide on HairWorks because Geralt's default hair looks better than his hair when HairWorks is on, however the HairWorks on the beasts/monsters looks incredible...). But yeah, all settings are getting cranked up and fps is staying capped at 30.
So there are two presets above consoles, very high and ultra ?
Wait, what? Really? Fascinating. I've backed p all the ini files. Would be interesting to see the changes
scaling would be a plus I don't understand why it Isnt already a thing. I was kinda ok with the proprietary thing they made it they own it type thing until project cars came along and my 780 was out performed by a 960 because gameworks....that was my first offici gameworks encounter and why im do dam confused...when you start gimping your own userbase thats BS sad thing is I was forced to upgrade to a 980 Cuz AMD let them get such a stranglehold on the market gamesworks ia on like a million titles now...
A single Titan X getting those results on 4K. Still a few years away yet.
Indeed, i mean it's not the kind of game where 60fps makes a huge difference, like would do in a FPS or Action, instead those monsters hairworks looks pretty cool and without HBAO+ and other settings on Ultra it would look just like a console version actually
I don't see anything wrong with those numbers. Great to see the game is very taxing even at 1080p. It will drive GPU demands and sales.
To each their own. Being able to run the game in 60 fps is why I prefer the PC version. Makes for a huge difference in visuals and animations having it played at double the amount of frames. Not to mention improved input and smooth camera movements. Hopefully, the benchmarks just point the Ultra preset being extremely taxing rather than the game itself being that demanding. Playing on PS4 settings really shouldn't be that demanding for 60 fps.
Don't really trust those benchmarks tbh, not compared to Nvidia's own guide.
Got a 5820k with 980 on 1080p so gonna max everything, want this game to push me to overclock the gpu for once.
They have 4K benchmarks up to.
A single Titan X getting 30fps with Hairworks off and SSAO not HBAO+
A single 970 hits 21FPS at the same settings.
Show me some SLI benchmarks!
These Benchmarks seem off, but we will see. Hoping I can still run 4K 30fps with Hairworks and HBAO+....
That is what they say in the article. A new very high preset showed up and the newer ultra is apparently better.
Yes they specifically say Nvidia 352.86 WHQL drivers, and they're out from more than 30 minutes actually, but i'm not so confident about those bench
What's going on?! How many different PC versions are there? :lol
Probably the case
Many features simply didn't work consistently in the old preview version, such as max draw distance, foliage visibility, HBAO+ etc, which threw any benchmarking results off. The review version had those rectified and made it more demanding. The 290X benchmark was done on the preview build. Has nothing to do with optimization.
Ok thanks for the clarification. So maybe the frame rate in those benchmark is butchered by foliage visibilty and max draw distance, similarly to what happened in GTA V with grass on ultra and extended fov on 100?
I wonder when that happened though, because DansGaming did not have such a preset. He was already running v1.02
Zwischen der Preview-Version und unserer Review-Fassung entspricht der optische Unterschied mindestens einer zusätzlichen Detailstufe, also etwa von "Sehr hoch" zu "Ultra".
Very taxing while being pretty meh in the graphics department. You're basically saying that developers shouldn't bother optimizing their games. Nothing in this game seems to warrant performance that bad. Games looks exactly like the ps4 version.
Ok thanks for the clarification. So maybe the frame rate in those benchmark is butchered by foliage visibilty and max draw distance, similarly to what happened in GTA V?
Oh jeebus, I reread it and I made a mistake whilst reading so quickly. : 0
They did not add a very high option, rather the new Ultra is just that much higher.
"The optical differences between the preview version and our review version approximates, at the least, a new additional detail level, the equivalent of moving from "very high" to "ultra"." MY BAD.