ok HANG ON I'll explain myself
- One shot is better (Age of Ultron's opening is fucking killer and doesn't get enough love at all)
- Cap gets treated better (still not Winter Soldier BAMF, but whatever, Whedon didn't fuck it up 100000% like in 1)
- Hulkbuster fight
Honestly, beyond the novelty of seeing the whole crew together for the first time ever, Avengers 1 doesn't stick with me that much anymore, especially since the one emotional tack in it (Coulson dying) was a SCAM
-The opening single shot just felt like Whedon saw the positive reception to the tracking shot in Avengers 1 and thought he would just go overindulgent from the get go. It was cool, but not as awesome as the one in Avengers. In Avengers it felt like a gatefold splash page brought to life. In AoU it felt like wankery.
- Cap was treated only slightly better. But, still not Winter Solider levels of badass.
-Hulkbuster fight is still aces. The real standout sequence from the film. It still pales in comparison to the Battle of NYC at the end of Avengers.