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Wkd BO 0428-3017 - F8 crosses 1B WW, Baahubali 2 & Latin Lover teach noobs how to

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I knew I was in for some fuckery when they had Bruce's dad try to punch the robber and then had Bruce get raised up from a well on some fucking batnado

I'm also about 50/50 on Quicksilver coming back as a bad guy, especially if the whole 'all the villains are inside the gems!' thing has any pull to it whatsoever

That'd make sense for characters killed by the gems, like what's his face in the first GOTG or Red Skull. Quicksilver got rolled up on by Ultron.
That'd make sense for characters killed by the gems, like what's his face in the first GOTG or Red Skull. Quicksilver got rolled up on by Ultron.

I just wanna know why they bothered with the bit where Hawkeye brought his body to the shuttle, like just leave his ass
I just wanna know why they bothered with the bit where Hawkeye brought his body to the shuttle, like just leave his ass
It was for a proper burial, YOU MONSTER.
Try having to explain to a father (who isn't the best at following films to start with) what was going on in the Knightmare sequences.
Fuck FUCK. There is no way in hell Justice League will possibly make sense of the Flash appearing in Bruce Wayne's dream within a dream.

I'm actually getting pissed thinking about it.


Try having to explain to a father (who isn't the best at following films to start with) what was going on in the Knightmare sequences.

Are you the explainer in the family? The guy everyone calls up to explain movies. I am still shocked as all hell that my sister that never read a comic in her life can cite the infinity gems.


Avengers is still a damn fine film, but it has its share of problems as well.

That ten dollar ABC intro scene of Loki's arrival on Earth and subsequent breakout is actually embarrassing to watch.

Costume design across the board ranges from mediocre to terrible. Look closely into Evan's eyes and you can see the humiliation from having to wear that god awful suit.

Both Widow and Hawkeye are lame.

And this one is personal, but I prefer the Body-Builder look of 2008's Hulk compared to Whedon's take. Not that I dislike that one, or claim it's inaccurate to the source material, but I doesn't resonate as strongly as the previous version.

And god damn it, I wanted to see Norton share the screen with Downey.

ok HANG ON I'll explain myself

- One shot is better (Age of Ultron's opening is fucking killer and doesn't get enough love at all)
- Cap gets treated better (still not Winter Soldier BAMF, but whatever, Whedon didn't fuck it up 100000% like in 1)
- Hulkbuster fight

Honestly, beyond the novelty of seeing the whole crew together for the first time ever, Avengers 1 doesn't stick with me that much anymore, especially since the one emotional tack in it (Coulson dying) was a SCAM

-That AoU intro was alright yeah

-Well Cap's suit is better, but I can't recall him doing anything of note. I mean, he 1v1'd Ultron, I guess that's something.

-Any impact that Hulkbuster fight would have had was undercut by the constant annoying comments from Downey. "Dick move Banner xD"

AoU is a better looking film than the first one. That's literally the one improvement.

If all JL turns out to be is 300 with heroes, I think it can easily measure up to the first Avengers.

It's not an impossible task to make a better hero team-up flick than those two. James Wan already did it with Furious 7.
The best part of watching BVS was the slow build up of dread in the theater during the 'Martha' bit

My theater was empty so I never got to experience this joy.

Also the two worst things about the Knightmare scene are:
1. No matter how bad it is, excising it would barely make the film better.
2. It reminds you that there's gonna be MORE of these movies.
No one post any footage from the AoU opening haha. Most other Marvel movies are better than the Avengers films

Edit: Time travel isnt real. Who cares if he goes into a dream or if time traveling merged his loved ones future brain with his past brain. Whats bad with the scene is not that it didnt make sense, its that it didnt not make sense in a good mysterious way. Seemingly pointless is not the same as mysterious, Zack


To this day I have no idea how any of the Knightmare scenes make a goddamn lick of sense.

Like since when the fuck has Flash ever been able to enter people's dreams?


To this day I have no idea how any of the Knightmare scenes make a goddamn lick of sense.

Like since when the fuck has Flash ever been able to enter people's dreams?

Flashes can use the speedforce to connect to people. BUT only to people they really really really care about. Like Wally could only do it with his wife and kids.
That knightmare scene would have worked if it was AFTER Bruce learnt about the flash and lois and all that. Then it could be seen as a fever dream painted by his paranoia and fears

As it is its a pointless ass waste scene. Still really like the movie up to the end of the batman and superman fight though
Zack Snyder tossing a buck to Anderson Cooper and some random army extras to tell me over and over that Gotham was evacuated was some petty carny shit.
Zack Snyder tossing a buck to Anderson Cooper and some random army extras to tell me over and over that Gotham was evacuated was some petty carny shit.

That got obnoxious across BvS and Civil War. Like, I get it. People complained about collateral damage in Man of Steel. But it was a dumb complaint back then and you don't need to keep telling the audience a place is abandoned


On the flip side, I wouldn't say Age of Ultron is a bad movie. Just an extremely unmemorable one.

One might say that's even worse

At least Suicide Squad had award winning make-up

BvS is so dumb. Like all comic films have a shade of dumb fun to them. But the level of incoherent random dumbness in BvS puts everything else to shame.

And I'd be all for that kind of dumb if the movie didn't think it was actually smart and was trying to convince us all of how smart it was.


Wonder if Chips had anything to do with WB pushing back Scooby. Seems WAG is rethinking their strategy.

Yeah maybe don't let Dax Shepard take the lead on.....anything

Edit: Holy fuck, Scoob moved from 2018 to 2020. Must be waiting for Snyder's schedule to clear.


Wonder if Chips had anything to do with WB pushing back Scooby. Seems WAG is rethinking their strategy.

Didn't realize this got pushed back 2 years

Wonder if they are trying to figure out how to build to a Future Quest movie
Age of Ultron was better than Avengers 1

No, it most certainly wasn't. Whedon dropped the ball.

ok HANG ON I'll explain myself

- One shot is better (Age of Ultron's opening is fucking killer and doesn't get enough love at all)
- Cap gets treated better (still not Winter Soldier BAMF, but whatever, Whedon didn't fuck it up 100000% like in 1)
- Hulkbuster fight

The one shot isn't better, it's full of really bad cgi, it takes place in a boring environment and it's dull looking due to the murky colors.

In what way was Cap treated better? By turning him into a boyscout scolding his comrades about their language when in the first one he was a soldier telling Thor to light the bastards up? Doing a character justice is more than portraying his fighting style properly. Winter Soldier did both character and fighting style right.

The Hulkbuster fight was indeed great. Sadly it was the only good fight scene in the film. It's not bad movie and I find it more rewatchable than Civil War but it's not even close to the first Avengers.


Yeah maybe don't let Dax Shepard take the lead on.....anything

Edit: Holy fuck, Scoob moved from 2018 to 2020. Must be waiting for Snyder's schedule to clear.
I'd rather they pair Tony Cervone with a Great and notable comedy writer. Storks may not have been shit at the box office but it was a damn fine and funny movie.
Didn't realize this got pushed back 2 years

Wonder if they are trying to figure out how to build to a Future Quest movie
I think multiple factors including Chips bombing and Lego Batman movie slightly underperforming has them rethinking their strategy. And I still think Johnny Quest is gonna be live action.
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