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Wkd BO 05•26-28•17 - Rock in bay can't stop Pirates or Guardians, Alien sinks tho

I am surprise Hollywood is still on the "Teen love story where someone dies at the end" kick, do they make money?

All I know is the book Everything, Everything has been selling a shit ton lately where I work so there seems to be some demand for these sick / illness stories
Opricnik is being weird as usual but I'm actually going to see PotC at some point. I really disliked 2 and 4 but I'm invested.

Also audiences seem to agree but I'd thought I'd say BatB was much better than GotG 2.


Was gonna quote this in the last thread:

Rock's been in a ton of shit movies in his career and he usually just rolls with it. How come this is the hill he wants to die on?

The Rock is a childish cornball; GAF was too busy hating on Vin Diesel to notice how childish it was when he posted those Fast and Furious tweets last year or whatever. Not surprised he's being a baby about Baywatch.


Life support? Lol its gonna make it like 700M in the end. Thats not life support dude thats same amount with Guardians movies and they teased sequel in end credits

So here's the thing. Clearly, it's silly to call Pirates a series on life support at this time. The last one made over a billion and this one will likely end up doing well internationally as well. (And I thought it was great and want it to do well, personally.)

However, you said yourself just a few days ago that it was clearly going to make a billion. And now you're saying 700M. So you might not want to "lol" at someone else's prediction.

Wonder Woman is clearly going to impact Pirates' final total. Definitely in the US and very likely worldwide as well.
Just off the top of my head... Underworld, Resident Evil, The Great Wallm, Life, Rings, Fifty Shades, and The Circle are all fucking terrible.

Goddamn, I've seen some SHIT this year.
No shit

I mean, if you want a critique I can carefully explain why all the elements of the film fail out, but the film is still a massive fucking failure as a piece of narrative storytelling, and to a lesser extent, as a basic-ass monster movie.

No, I did not pay to see Baywatch opening weekend.
I'd like to hear this part.
OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit


OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit
Suicide Squad but that was techincally a double date with some friends. Snuck up on me because there wasn't even that many reviews by the time we saw it release day. I was a damn sitting duck.


A lot of shit landing weaker than probably expected, WW should have an easier time walking over the corpses to get #1.

Got a lot of interest in seeing that one do well so we can get some more super heroine films greenlit. Will be rooting for it if it doesn't turn out to be BVS/Suicide Squad levels of garbage.


Glad I have got 6 months cinema free. So if I watch a shit film I don't want to go mad. Alien and King Arthur are wack.
OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit
My wife had to sit through Logan. She said it's the worst movie she's ever seen. She was exaggerating a bit but she did hate it.
Bombawatch indeed. Will it even be in the top 5 next week?

Also gotta agree that if WW really turns out to be good as early impressions say, it's gonna steamroll the box office next week.

america has really weird and shit taste when comes to movies. Things like baby dictator shows. I am sure Wonder woman will dominate usa but im talking about worldwide mostly

OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit
TMNT 2014 was a trainwreck that I saw on a date too. At least she liked it. :(

The book was boring, and ultimately pointless. Can't imagine how the movie is.
You see how Bobby just posted about Kong that "all the elements of the film fail out"?

They should put that on the boxart for The Circle.
OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit
I saw both New Year's Eve and Valentine's Day on dates. Neither of them close to the actual day either.

I have to win.


All pirates screenings were full. IMAX ,3D,2D people were forced to see other movies or different timeouts for it.

To add on to my above reply as I just saw this post: this is something you made up. Maybe your own theater, for some reason, was completely sold out. But based on the weekend totals, that clearly wasn't the case across the country. my IMAX was about half full on Thursday night. Others in the Pirates spoiler thread mentioned that their theaters weren't very full either.

Pirates will do fine. There's no reason to make up stats to boost it up.
So I have been DEAD WRONG for every Box office prediction this year. Thought GitS and King Arthur would be mild flops, nope, they were almost John-Carter level bombs. Thought GotG 2 would be crossing $1 billion no sweat, nope, it did good but not THAT good. Thought Pirates would be a repeat of Alice 2, nope, looks like it will do alright if not exactly great.

That just leaves Wonder Woman as my next failure. I was sure the competition would kill any chances of this film getting past $500 million WW, but after seeing how anemic everything else is, all thats left is the RT score and WoM.

This isnt a critique so much as it is a hyperbolic rant.

Kong was alright, its not like theres a wide variety if big monster movies to choose from.

It's a damn shame that Dead Men Tell No Tales is doing worse than On Stranger Tides, because holy shit the difference in quality. They're basically the same run time but 5 goes by much, much faster because it doesn't have 17 fucking subplots running around in the background.

I enjoy the Pirates films for what they are in that they fit into the same tier of a film as Lone Ranger: They're dumb without being Transformers levels of dumb/offensive. I'm actually interested to see if they can transition away from Jack to
Will, like the original trilogy was, because Davy Jones being back is certainly something.


You selfish bastards need to get out and support Pirates. Think about Disney and the executives.

This is killing them.
Get Out be like "ya'll thought I was fucking done?!" coming back into the top 20 like that.

Baywatch bombing is expected, but WOOF at that Alien drop. Critics, please stop giving Scott's Alien prequel series good reviews. It's tricking good, honest, hardworking folks into seeing this shit opening weekend.


OH then that's ok

What's the worst movie everyone's seen as a date? I had to sit through Sucker Punch AND The Great Wall because of dates and goddamnit

Man of Steel for sure.

We were so fucking excited going into it, too. then came out like... THAT SHIT SUCKED.
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