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Wkd BO 07•07-09•17 - Minions cede dominion over box office, Homecoming KING

And now Sony wants to do a fucking Venom movie, potentially ruining the only other villain besides Green Goblin with any real mainstream/commercial appeal to further excite this reboot.
Off topic but what's going on with Bryan Cranston's agent? He's easily the most talented (imo) of all of the TV show greats' actors and Jon Hamm is having a better career. I understood why Gandolfini's film career didn't exactly take off post-Sopranos (largely because he wasn't leading material) but there's no reason Cranston's shouldn't have.

Hottest of takes

The sickest of spins


Ragnarok > Homecoming. Anyone else want to join?
*Raises hand*

The Ragnorok trailer has over 40 million views now, way above any other superhero movie this year and even above Last Jedi. I think it's going to be a bigger hit than people expect. It'll hit 300 million domestic.
Off topic but what's going on with Bryan Cranston's agent? He's easily the most talented (imo) of all of the TV show greats' actors and Jon Hamm is having a better career. I understood why Gandolfini's film career didn't exactly take off post-Sopranos (largely because he wasn't leading material) but there's no reason Cranston's shouldn't have.

Cranston isn't exactly some spry handsome leading man. How many roles do you think a guy in his age range gets?


Off topic but what's going on with Bryan Cranston's agent? He's easily the most talented (imo) of all of the TV show greats' actors and Jon Hamm is having a better career. I understood why Gandolfini's film career didn't exactly take off post-Sopranos (largely because he wasn't leading material) but there's no reason Cranston's shouldn't have.
I mean he did an Oscar bait biopic recently so.

He may prefer to do production and television work at his age because it's steadier.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2 had the crazier concept and went further out there in scope and comic bookiness but I think Homecoming nailed what it wanted to do, which I can't really say about GotG because that film was very uneven. Felt tonally confused and the pacing was quite off. Filled with so many jokes that what didn't land was actually quite numerous.

I had a great time with Spidey, which caught me by surprise because my expectations were rather low after the first trailer and because I wasn't fond of the high school setting (I am now, tho). The story was nice and small, Peter had a good arc, the supporting cast were great (but a tad underwritten) and the villain was really menacing. Editing and framing wasn't so great in fight scenes.

Logan is the strongest film out of what I've seen but definitely not fun. I had an easier time finding flaws in this than I did Spidey for some reason, possibly because they're easier for me to pick up on when it's a dark, serious and somewhat contemplative movie. This is top 5, very likely top 3, superhero movie material. Homecoming is in my top 10.

Haven't seen Wonder Woman yet so I can't comment on that.
Even though GotGv2 was indeed uneven, I can't think of another mainstream comicbook movie to invoke so much emotion from me. The climax hit hard on a personal level
I'm happy WW is more popular than Spider-Man, but I did love both. I don't want to see SMH fall off too badly. Plus I need to take my wife to see it (went with kids and without her the first time). But Baby Driver is ahead of that on the date schedule.

whew. strong words for such a wrong prediction
What's there to laugh about here?
Thor made 181 million and Thor 2: Dark World made 201 million and suddenly you guys are expecting 300+ million for Thor 3, why?

It can get good reviews but it won't be enough to make the box office jump to 300+ million. It needs to open HUGE to reach 300 million and by that, I mean an opening of 130-140 million which I doubt it can achieve. The addition of Hulk won't do it as he has been overplayed in every MCU movie so far and certainly not as exciting anymore just like Iron Man.

I see Thor 3 achieving somewhere between 250 to 280 million which is still a bump over the first two movies.


And now Sony wants to do a fucking Venom movie, potentially ruining the only other villain besides Green Goblin with any real mainstream/commercial appeal to further excite this reboot.

Homecoming 2 was never going to be either of those. They want to use a villain that's never been used before. People don't want to see Green Goblin yet again already.

Mysterio is the most likely candidate.
Cranston isn't exactly some spry handsome leading man. How many roles do you think a guy in his age range gets?
He isn't. But he should be going for the type of roles DDL goes for (not saying they're comparable in ability). There's been a recent resurgence in Western films and Cranston could fit that shit like a glove. There's no reason his agent shouldn't have gotten him in on Hell or High Water.


Power Rangers opened in Japan finally, to what looks to be floppish numbers.

Overseas gave a resounding no to teenagers with attitude.
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