I'm watching Avatar right now and you know what, it's better than Force Awakens
By like a fucking country mile
Well yeah. As far as blockbuster go, Avatar is the gold standard.
I mean, compare creepy orange lady from Star Wars to any of the CG characters in Avatar. You'd think TFA was the one that came out 6 years ago.
They probably don't now because its first real shot at making an impression was a terrible one, and exhibitors and directors retreated almost immediately.
But before the Hobbit opened that format was absolutely part of the buzz.
Avatar's problem isn't that it's unoriginal.Nah boss, if it was bait I'd make a thread
But people shitting on Avatar for not being original when Force Awakens is as close to a goddamn remake as humanly possible need to get checked
Avatar's problem isn't that it's unoriginal.
Avatar's problem is that it's a fucking bore with uninteresting characters, including a main protagonist who is conceptually interesting but isn't actually interesting thanks to flat acting and dialogue. It does some things very well: The big action climax is gorgeous and the movie is very pretty. But I don't think it's a good movie.
Of course this has nothing to do with how much money the movie made (a lot).
You peeps forgetting that Cameron is picking up the slack that Peter Jackson fucked up.
Avatar sequels gonna be in HFR 3D, laser-projected IMAX.
I don't dislike Avatar or anything, but I never saw what all the hype was about. It was a fine popcorn flick, but it was nothing mind-blowing. Was it really just the allure of 3D that did it for people?
Holy shit at those actuals. 40m for Monday too?
Yeah, domestic record might actually be going down.
Holy shit at those actuals. 40m for Monday too?
Yeah, domestic record might actually be going down.
I don't dislike Avatar or anything, but I never saw what all the hype was about. It was a fine popcorn flick, but it was nothing mind-blowing. Was it really just the allure of 3D that did it for people?
This 248M OW record .... Nothing will beat this for a very long long time...
I couldn't see any movies stronger
It'll be beaten within the next 5 years. It's a record that always falls quicker than expected.
....And how is TFA any better with its half assed storytelling, lame 3rd act, and 2+ hours of build to a convoluted and disappointing climax.Only if:
1.) Your watching it in 3D
2.) You're high
Sunday and Monday are good early indications of its legs through the holiday, though, which was the big question alongside the opening. I mean there's holiday legs and there's an 11% Sunday drop; between that and Monday's figure, it's pretty clear Avatar's domestic record is going to fall pretty hard.Like I said in another thread the other day, expecting a huge drop when kids are suddenly off school and everybody who isn't a die hard nerd can finally go see it is kind of weird.
The third weekend will be the one to watch for this film.
....And how is TFA any better with its half assed storytelling, lame 3rd act, and 2+ hours of build to a convoluted and disappointing climax.
All this is true. And seeing this stuff in the theater, with the perfect 3D implementation was just overwhelmingly awesome. Avatar was very well crafted, but it was above all else an amazing theatrical experience.It's all about execution. Aside from the sheer visual spectacle, it had pitch-perfect theming that people around the world related to, and the main character was pretty much a blank canvas that allowed you to make you feel like you were the one going through the adventure, from start to finish. I really believe Avatar is a perfect example of pure escapism. The structure might be the same ol' "hero in strange land", but it's all about execution. Whatever you may think of the content, the script is air-tight and polished to a sheen. It's excellently paced and focused. Cameron knew what he wanted when he wrote it. It's not really rocket science...at first. Eventually Avatar became this sort of snowball rolling down a mountain. Aside from repeat viewings, it got that you gotta see it tag on it. It kept making money because it had made so much money. It kept becoming more and more popular because it was already so popular. Everyone across all demos and ages were going to see it. That helps when you're an unknown quantity. It's not a single thing, it's a mix of factors brewing in a perfect storm: Avatar was truly ushering a new 3D era in cinema and came out just when the worldwide box office was about to explode.
As far as your nothing mind-blowing comment goes, I contend it still has some of the best action set pieces put to screen in recent years. Only Mad Max is up there.
And yeah the use of 3D was fucking amazing. I personally saw it multiple times because A) I really liked it overall and B) I knew I wasn't going to get that kind of experience at home or in cinemas in the near future, so I had to make it count.I look back on Avatar and I think it's still the 3D benchmark in cinema. Too bad nobody else in Hollywood cared like Cameron did. Even the few movies that are shot-in-3D seem like an afterthought.
People in this forum like to pretend Avatar's some sort of ungodly piece of garbage, but anyone that's not a nutter will tell you that it's not. Shit, it has a higher metacrtic rating than TFA and even a higher user score LOL.
Compelling characters? Both movies have your typical cookie cutter summer blockbuster protagonist, and villains. BTW, Avatar to me wins it with its screen chewing villain.Even if I agreed with that... compelling characters and a sense of humor.
All this is true. And seeing this stuff in the theater, with the perfect 3D implementation was just overwhelmingly awesome. Avatar was very well crafted, but it was above all else an amazing theatrical experience.
(Sculli's .gifs)
I'm watching Avatar right now and you know what, it's better than Force Awakens
By like a fucking country mile
I look at this shit and the one thing I actually fail to understand is why is it that nerds of all people seem to hate on Avatar the most. In your gifs I see an alien dragon fighting against a 22nd century assault aircraft and a humanoid mecha jumping out of said exploding vehicle.
I mean, really.
Stephen Lang Mech fight finale is super underrated. Just that shot alone gives me a boner.
They hate it because it was too popular.
I look at this shit and the one thing I actually fail to understand is why is it that nerds of all people seem to hate on Avatar the most. In your gifs I see an alien dragon fighting against a 22nd century assault aircraft and a humanoid mecha jumping out of said exploding vehicle.
I mean, really.
I look at this shit and the one thing I actually fail to understand is why is it that nerds of all people seem to hate on Avatar the most. In your gifs I see an alien dragon fighting against a 22nd century assault aircraft and a humanoid mecha jumping out of said exploding vehicle.
I mean, really.
All this is true. And seeing this stuff in the theater, with the perfect 3D implementation was just overwhelmingly awesome. Avatar was very well crafted, but it was above all else an amazing theatrical experience.
(Sculli's .gifs)
What's that character's name again? Oh yeah, nobody knows.Stephen Lang Mech fight finale is super underrated. Just that shot alone gives me a boner.
3rd act was fine outside of the no-suspense dogfight. Storytelling was fine. Retread/remake doesn't instantly make it bad. And the climax was....And how is TFA any better with its half assed storytelling, lame 3rd act, and 2+ hours of build to a convoluted and disappointing climax.
What's that character's name again? Oh yeah, nobody knows.
How does that movie end? I can't recall exactly, but I think everyone became friends or something.
Even if you think Avatar is some soulless husk , the craftsmanship on display (art direction, cinematography, direction, action staging) are in peak form. That comparison in particular is just comically wrong.Because it's a shitty movie. It's not much different from Transformers, all spectacle, no substance or feeling, just an event picture.
It's all about execution. Aside from the sheer visual spectacle, it had pitch-perfect theming that people around the world related to, and the main character was pretty much a blank canvas that allowed you to make you feel like you were the one going through the adventure, from start to finish. I really believe Avatar is a perfect example of pure escapism. The structure might be the same ol' "hero in strange land", but it's all about execution. Whatever you may think of the content, the script is air-tight and polished to a sheen. It's excellently paced and focused. Cameron knew what he wanted when he wrote it. It's not really rocket science...at first. Eventually Avatar became this sort of snowball rolling down a mountain. Aside from repeat viewings, it got that you gotta see it tag on it. It kept making money because it had made so much money. It kept becoming more and more popular because it was already so popular. Everyone across all demos and ages were going to see it. That helps when you're an unknown quantity. It's not a single thing, it's a mix of factors brewing in a perfect storm: Avatar was truly ushering a new 3D era in cinema and came out just when the worldwide box office was about to explode.
As far as your nothing mind-blowing comment goes, I contend it still has some of the best action set pieces put to screen in recent years. Only Mad Max is up there.
And yeah the use of 3D was fucking amazing. I personally saw it multiple times because A) I really liked it overall and B) I knew I wasn't going to get that kind of experience at home or in cinemas in the near future, so I had to make it count.I look back on Avatar and I think it's still the 3D benchmark in cinema. Too bad nobody else in Hollywood cared like Cameron did. Even the few movies that are shot-in-3D seem like an afterthought.
People in this forum like to pretend Avatar's some sort of ungodly piece of garbage, but anyone that's not a nutter will tell you that it's not. Shit, it has a higher metacrtic rating than TFA and even a higher user score LOL.
What's that character's name again? Oh yeah, nobody knows.
How does that movie end? I can't recall exactly, but I think everyone became friends or something.
Man the CGI has aged. Nowhere near as bad as some other films, but its still noticeable for me.
Even if you think Avatar is some soulless husk - I certainly don't - the craftsmanship on display (art direction, cinematography, direction, action staging) are in peak form. That comparison in particular is just comically wrong.
....And how is TFA any better with its half assed storytelling, lame 3rd act, and 2+ hours of build to a convoluted and disappointing climax.
What's that character's name again? Oh yeah, nobody knows.
How does that movie end? I can't recall exactly, but I think everyone became friends or something.
Compelling characters? Both movies have your typical cookie cutter summer blockbuster protagonist, and villains. BTW, Avatar to me wins it with its screen chewing villain.
...And sense of humor? I really don't feel like getting into debate of who had the best light chuckle moments. I guess TFA wins it thanks to BB 8. But I'm not going to act like TFA had Die Hard like one liners.
Yeah, well what is the name of the post man that Sinbad plays? Tell me! TELL ME NOW! I bet you don't even know the name of Arnold's character off the top of your head either.Hell, I remember the plot and finale for Jingle All The Way.
My point is, Star Wars and its characters are memorable, while Avatar not so much. All things being equal, if a person saw each movie just once back to back, in a decade guess which one they'd recall accurately, including names?I never quite get the "I don't even remember what happened!" complaint that's so frequently brought up about movies. I haven't seen Avatar since the year it came out but I remember all the major plot points. Hell, I remember the plot and finale for Jingle All The Way.
Because the actors were not phoning-it-in/hamming it up/stiffer than cardboard (Jesus Christ I cannot believed Hollywood pushed James Worthless to be a movie star)
Yeah, well what is the name of the post man that Sinbad plays? Tell me! TELL ME NOW! I bet you don't even know the name of Arnold's character off the top of your head either.
It has nothing to do with how well it's put together, I'm responding to why "nerds" seem to not like Avatar.
Man the CGI has aged. Nowhere near as bad as some other films, but its still noticeable for me.
Yeah, I will too in the next few days. It's a great movie and been years for me as well.All this Avatar talk...I think I'm going to watch it, its been a couple of years.