You quoted the entirety of my post, so I'm not sure how you misunderstood the thrust of it, especially since that means you at least looked at it twice before responding and hitting post. The post is referring to people's opinions that can be classified as "hate." There are many critical opinions that don't come off that way, so those all get set to the side. But for the ones that do, even then they're not so much hateful as they are hyperbolic for the sake of getting attention in a thread that's moving 5 million miles an hour - meaning the opinion is being expressed loudly and artlessly but there's some actual thought behind it if you actually stop to poke at it.
Or it's a bunch of people who obviously don't know what the fuck they're talking about trying to pretend like they do know what they're talking about in the hopes you won't stop and poke at it to show how clueless they are about the concepts they're mangling in an effort to appear sophisticated. It becomes easier to spot that mess when their main frames of reference for criticizing the storytelling... come from games, or conventions heavily deployed (or even created) in gaming.
Am I not supposed to think they then wandered over from gaming side when we're on a giant gaming forum?
Do you have actually posts to support your theory or is it just a general slam towards anyone? Don't you want more people posting in here? Or is it just you're being territorial because for whatever reason you feel it's your domain?
Nothing in your post was well thought out. Seriously you're criticizing others while making a generalization that you knew would go over well with the majority of posters in this thread. I'm making the assumption that they too have contempt for whatever reason.
Even if you were right, instead of being a giant ass why don't you correct them and point out why? You're not better than them. Even if they're wrong and you're right.
Take a post on the internet very seriously, people.
Ouch, that burn!
Man you're right. Look at how much better the posting is in here!