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Wolfenstein: The Old Blood |OT| Out With The New Order, In With The Old Blood

IGN dropped from a 79 to a 70, PC Gamer from a 84 to a 70, Polygon 90 to 70. Those seem noticeably lower to me. RPS was pretty lukewarm on it despite giving New Order shooter of the year in 2014. Video Gamer went up from a 6 to an 8, though.

I mean, the real crime is that The New Order scored so low in the first place. It's easily the best FPS I've played in years. On a scale of 1 to 10, it deserves, like, a 12.

That being said, I can see why The Old Blood would score lower - it's definitely very well put together, but it's essentially more of the same, minus the strong characterization and story that really helped to set the The New Order apart.

I don't see that entirely as a negative - I enjoy the more relentless pace and greater focus on action - but if someone didn't like The New Order, The Old Blood won't change their mind.


Unconfirmed Member
People saying Wolf09 is better than TNO and TOB gotta be a major case of nostalgia goggles. I dare you to play that game again. Just an all around mediocre game.

I played it again last month - it's still a better game than TNO and TOB IMO. I prefer its weapons and it's a joy to play. It's not mediocre, at all. Raven Softwares combat in their FPS just feels better to me. Like popping a Nazis head with a full bore Kar rifle is still one of my favourite things, it's glorious. I still think MachineGames have a way to go before hitting that sweet spot for me, needless to say the fucking sound being one big thing..

Not nostalgia, it's just a better game to me :) Of course I appreciate that folks prefer TNO but I also prefer WW2 weaponry and the occult as well.


People saying Wolf09 is better than TNO and TOB gotta be a major case of nostalgia goggles. I dare you to play that game again. Just an all around mediocre game.

Yeah I played it for the first time a year or two ago because of all the praise people gave it and I gave up part way through, game was mediocre. I played The New Order a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it.

That being said I do hope it returns to Steam just like any de-listed game so people who want to buy it can.


Finished it earlier today. I liked it quite a bit. The supernatural stuff was kinda weird to have in a prequel but I didn't mind it. Wasn't quite as good as TNO but I wasn't necessarily expecting it to be either. I have a few friends who were thinking about playing this before TNO as they haven't played that yet either, but after playing this I'd have to say that TNO is where they should start anyways. I had fun playing it though and it reminded me that I need to finish up my uber/other timeline playthrough. Good stuff.
I took the MG and went to the left side. There were some beams the dog couldn't fit through and had to go around there.
I just grabbed the minigun dropped from the earlier boss and backed away while firing. It took a few tries to get him to miss a couple times with the leap.

Good Lord that made it easier. Thanks you two!


Just beat chapter 4,
Jager gave me more difficulty than it should have
Hoping the second half keeps up the quality

Totally confused. Chapter 4:
the dog. How do I kill it?

I've seen people say this is difficult, I literally grabbed the minigun and killed him quickly. Note I'm playing on "I am Death Incarnate" difficulty


Replaying this now. Had a great time running through it the first time. Machine Games are really proving themselves as great developers. I thought the Old Blood was on par with the excellence that was TNO.


So for some reason I decided to get this despite really not liking the original at all. Don't ask why. For some reason, there's something in me that makes me want to like these games.

But good Lord, this first chapter is absolutely horrible. Who the hell designed this? Who thought that this would be fun?


Unconfirmed Member
So for some reason I decided to get this despite really not liking the original at all. Don't ask why. For some reason, there's something in me that makes me want to like these games.

But good Lord, this first chapter is absolutely horrible. Who the hell designed this? Who thought that this would be fun?

Whilst I really liked the first chapter after that it does improve :) If you didn't like TNO at all though I'm not sure if you'll like that much more.


The music in Chapter 6 was so fitting. I managed to
save Kessler, I assume it's either him or Annette and never both.

leng jai

I mean, the real crime is that The New Order scored so low in the first place. It's easily the best FPS I've played in years. On a scale of 1 to 10, it deserves, like, a 12.

That being said, I can see why The Old Blood would score lower - it's definitely very well put together, but it's essentially more of the same, minus the strong characterization and story that really helped to set the The New Order apart.

I don't see that entirely as a negative - I enjoy the more relentless pace and greater focus on action - but if someone didn't like The New Order, The Old Blood won't change their mind.

TNO continues to be ridiculously overrated on this forum. 12/10, really? That would make it the best game of all time. People's opinion of it is heavily inflated by it apparently being "old school", a segment where there hasn't been a half decent effort put out in years. I platinum-ed the game and thought it was very good, but nothing incredible or amazing like it's lauded on here.

The game should be deducted points right off the bat for it's woeful sound design (which wasn't even fixed in Old Blood apparently). The stealth/AI were lacklustre and I don't recall anything out of the box gameplay wise. The pacing was off in the middle parts of the game and the boss fights were very mediocre. The game was undeniably flawed so I'm not sure how it even comes close to warranting a 12/10.
So for some reason I decided to get this despite really not liking the original at all. Don't ask why. For some reason, there's something in me that makes me want to like these games.

But good Lord, this first chapter is absolutely horrible. Who the hell designed this? Who thought that this would be fun?
It's really bad. With a few outliers in people who enjoyed it, I'd guess most of us didn't like it. I really had to slog through it, but after that it really becomes pretty enjoyable.
TNO continues to be ridiculously overrated on this forum. 12/10, really? That would make it the best game of all time. People's opinion of it is heavily inflated by it apparently being "old school", a segment where there hasn't been a half decent effort put out in years. I platinum-ed the game and thought it was very good, but nothing incredible or amazing like it's lauded on here.

The game should be deducted points right off the bat for it's woeful sound design (which wasn't even fixed in Old Blood apparently). The stealth/AI were lacklustre and I don't recall anything out of the box gameplay wise. The pacing was off in the middle parts of the game and the boss fights were very mediocre. The game was undeniably flawed so I'm not sure how it even comes close to warranting a 12/10.

Did you even comprehend what I wrote? No? I didn't think so, so I will do you the favor of breaking it down into babby terms that you will (hopefully) understand.

Most shooters in the past few years have been absolute crap, in my opinion. If we're comparing The New Order to, say, something like Doom or Half-Life, then maybe it's not so great. If we're comparing it to pretty much every shooter that's come out since 2007 or so... then yes, it absolutely stands head and shoulders above those games.

Even with that caveat, The New Order still has terrific combat, and - most interestingly for a shooter - a not-terrible plot with some actual attention paid to the characters. That alone sets it head and shoulders above most shooters.


so whats the verdict, does this game have a story/cutscenes or is it gunplay/action little story? I very much enjoyed the story in CW:NO
you said it was a 12/10. You then proceed to walk that statement back a bit and note that you're grading on a curve comparing it to most recent FPS titles
The sentence said
I mean, the real crime is that The New Order scored so low in the first place. It's easily the best FPS I've played in years. On a scale of 1 to 10, it deserves, like, a 12.
It wasn't too hard to understand that he was rating it hyperbolically in comparison to mediocre titles of the present.
so whats the verdict, does this game have a story/cutscenes or is it gunplay/action little story? I very much enjoyed the story in CW:NO
There is a story, but most people seem to agree that ultimately it's weaker than TNO. But that's likely a product of us dealing with a 8 hour game versus a 16 hour game. There are cutscenes but they are a bit different (first-person). I still have enjoyed both the characters and story.
The New Order stands toe to toe with some of my favorite shooters ever. I don't need no stinkin' caveat.

Love what you love, brehs. Who cares what other people think.


Didn't realize there would be this much of a disapointment with The Old Blood. I thought it was equal measures as fantastic! Then again I wasn't really into the story of the first one anyways. I just really enjoyed the combat.
final boss can kiss the blackest part of my ass tbh

how does it compare to TNO's? that shit on Uber was not fun breh.

finished chapter 4 last night but I'm sick for fuck everything. playing on Uber so it's taking me a while, but I feel like I almost got my money's worth already. pretty long game it seems.


Heh, the old "post about it on gaf and immediately succeed" trick wins again.

I actually liked the design of the boss in some respects.
Minion spam
is never run though.
how does it compare to TNO's? that shit on Uber was not fun breh.

at least TNO's was clever, with the shield walls, and the increasing desperation of the finale as everything goes crazy with the steam and shit. Plus you have all that built-up momentum and character motivation going into it.

This is just
wack ass bullet sponge Giant Space Flea From Nowhere

Been replaying The New Order all day

brehs...that was a good ass game
I can count on like 2 fingers the number of good final bosses in shooters, maybe 5 fingers for videogames as a whole. They're all terrible except for the ones that aren't, and there are only a few of those.

I feel like games generally start and end with the worst gameplay of the campaign. Everything in between is where it's at.


And finished.

It's too late to give extended impressions, but basically it feels like a series of maps/rooms for the combat, not a lot of character interaction, though there is some. The second half flew by compared to the first, mainly because most of the new enemy type is stupid easy. It kinda feels out of place as a prequel though. At the same time, this is Wolfenstein.

Fun little expansion.
at least TNO's was clever, with the shield walls, and the increasing desperation of the finale as everything goes crazy with the steam and shit. Plus you have all that built-up momentum and character motivation going into it.

This is just
wack ass bullet sponge Giant Space Flea From Nowhere

Been replaying The New Order all day

brehs...that was a good ass game

Need to get a 2TB drive for my PS4 for so I can reinstall it :l

Yeah, New Order's final boss is ace on paper...great sense of escalation and the mechanics that go with it. It's just really cheap in practice. When I won after 20+ tries I totally felt like I got lucky.

I can count on like 2 fingers the number of good final bosses in shooters, maybe 5 fingers for videogames as a whole. They're all terrible except for the ones that aren't, and there are only a few of those.

I feel like games generally start and end with the worst gameplay of the campaign. Everything in between is where it's at.

Still waiting on an FPS that plays like a character action game. Projectile attacks and double jumps and dodge buttons everywhere. Fast paced as fuck.

Metroid Prime's mechanics too stronk to be adopted I see (even if their pacing is slower than i'd like).

leng jai

Yeah, so sue me.

Thank you.

That was exactly my point. People on this forum keep saying it's one of the greatest shooters over, giving it 10/10s when in reality they're inflating its competency just because the recent efforts in the somewhat niche "old school shooter" segment have been poor or non-existent. Even with that point of view I don't think it's anywhere near as good as a 10/10 or GOTY material.

The blatant hyperbole is why a lot of people here bought the game and ended up being a bit disappointed.

Most shooters in the past few years have been absolute crap, in my opinion

I know you're just going to say it's your opinion, so I won't sue you. You seem to be a fan of hyperbole though.
Doom already did all the possible big FPS bosses, I think? You got dodge projectile boss fight man you circle strafe, you got hitscan boss man you hide behind walls and take potshots from, and you got puzzle boss fight man where you damage him indirectly or have to do some other bullshit to take down his defense, usually with other badguys around.

that's pretty much it, and they've running with it for 20 years
Doom already did all the possible big FPS bosses, I think? You got dodge projectile boss fight man you circle strafe, you got hitscan boss man you hide behind walls and take potshots from, and you got puzzle boss fight man where you damage him indirectly or have to do some other bullshit to take down his defense, usually with other badguys around.

i keep imagining a boss fight against a pyromancer that lights the floor on fire so you have to constantly use a combination of grappling hooks and wallrunning and walljumping and wall hanging to stay off the ground while you shoot him or something

is that weird

edit - that would be the final phase where the lyrics kick in
Still waiting on an FPS that plays like a character action game. Projectile attacks and double jumps and dodge buttons everywhere. Fast paced as fuck.

Metroid Prime's mechanics too stronk to be adopted I see (even if their pacing is slower than i'd like).

There's so much that could be done with a combination of RE4 contextual dodges, bullet time, and a character who can do everything the player can do. I've had this amazing shooter bouncing around in my head for a while that nobody has made yet, and it frustrates me to no end every time I face off against another big boring sponge.

Sal Ami

People saying Wolf09 is better than TNO and TOB gotta be a major case of nostalgia goggles. I dare you to play that game again. Just an all around mediocre game.
The only nostalgia I have of the game is the immense disappointment of the multiplayer. The internal multiplayer beta got leaked a week or two? before release and the storm that came from that was amazing. The rage, the confusion, the damage control.
Remember when we were playing Destiny tho, I had that idea that every time the boss shoots, a random RE4 line would come out of his gun/cannon/mouth/whatevershootsprojectiles instead of the typical projectile noise.

INSTANT improvement to everything.



The sentence said

It wasn't too hard to understand that he was rating it hyperbolically in comparison to mediocre titles of the present.

There is a story, but most people seem to agree that ultimately it's weaker than TNO. But that's likely a product of us dealing with a 8 hour game versus a 16 hour game. There are cutscenes but they are a bit different (first-person). I still have enjoyed both the characters and story.

IDK, I one of those guys that looks forward to the story...hmmm..
There's so much that could be done with a combination of RE4 contextual dodges, bullet time, and a character who can do everything the player can do. I've had this amazing shooter bouncing around in my head for a while that nobody has made yet, and it frustrates me to no end every time I face off against another big boring sponge.

And the greatest reload animations in a shooter :3

Remember when we were playing Destiny tho, I had that idea that every time the boss shoots, a random RE4 line would come out of his gun/cannon/mouth/whatevershootsprojectiles instead of the typical projectile noise.

INSTANT improvement to everything.



Yeah, I'd really like to see a Vergil/Lumen Sage-style rival boss in an FPS. Has it been done before in a compelling way?


I think people are being a bit too hard on an 8 hour expansion expecting it to have the character depth and progression of a game developed over several years and 20+ hours long, compared to a game developed in 1 year and only 8 hours long.

And honestly I think TOB has had some great characters in it so far, some great dialogue too. BJ has some great lines in this, its not like his character has been ruined or anything. As an old school fan of RTCW I really don't understand complaints about the setting either. TOB is a real treat for RTCW fans, as theres so many nods to that game.

I 100% agree
MachineGames has done a splendid job blending the new TNO course with the RTCW tradition.

Also, I loved TNO, but not the whole experience.
First level was a collection of dull setpieces.
Second level among trenches made me think about RAGE 2 [M-E-H].
Then the game took off, showing its great personality, but even then it had some pace problems and not all the chapters were that good.

TOB is more consistent in rhythm, action quality and level design.
And I think is great also about story, dialogues and characterization touches if we are talking about a narrative arc that has half time to develop.


I think one of my biggest issues with this game and with TNO is that the enemies seem like they deal way too much damage way too fast in order for any sort of run and gunning to be useful at all, completely missing the point of an attempt at an "old school" shooter.

With how much I'm forced to hide behind cover and poke out to take potshots it feels more like I'm playing just another boring CoD clone. I don't see how anyone could possibly play this game running and gunning.


Is this still as slow and plodding as TNO was?

I gave up on TNO after about 5 hours because the gameplay felt like I was walking through molasses compared to Return to Castle Wofenstein.
Just finished it, really enjoyed it. The storyline with
Annette (?) was especially touching, especially since you see that her love actually did survive in the end. I think they did the best they could at the very last moment to recreate the sense of desperation and loss of hope the original had by building up how important the upcoming mission is, a mission we already know failed.

Turning Nazis against each other is pretty funny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohQX-oqt0YM

What are your sound settings? Watching that video makes my stereo headphones sound like they're surround sound.
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