Women's March on Washington |OT| An intersectional march for all in 600+ cities

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Woman's March official account Small statement on the future.
Today, millions of people gathered in cities and towns across the world, to stand together for human rights.
This is more than just a single day of action, this is the beginning of a movement to protect, defend and advance human rights, even in the face of adversity.


Shame he is not the President

I mean at this point it's a shame pretty much anybody is not President but Trump.

I would take Bernie, Hillary, McCain, Romney, 3rd term Obama, Rubio, Carson, Bush 1 and 2, Pence. If a death eater had some political experience I might even consider them by the end of his 4 year term.
I mean at this point it's a shame pretty much anybody is not President but Trump.

I would take Bernie, Hillary, McCain, Romney, 3rd term Obama, Rubio, Carson, Bush 1 and 2, Pence. If a death eater had some political experience I might even consider them by the end of his 4 year term.

Let's not lose our heads, now.


Was there any word from Hilary Clinton today?

I found a couple of tweets. Don't know if she still has a staff doing this.


Thanks for standing, speaking & marching for our values @womensmarch. Important as ever. I truly believe we're always Stronger Together.


'Hope Not Fear'
And what a beautiful piece by Louisa Cannell.
#womensmarch ��������������✨
(This one comes with a piece of artwork.)


I stand w/ Nora Harren, a 17-year from Boise, ID, & every person marching for our values today. Onward! ✊✊��✊��✨ #WomensMarch
(This one comes with an article about a very talented young woman that is mentioned in the tweet.)


Anyone see counter-protesters? I was a route guide, so I had to pay attention to other things, but I didn't notice any counter protesting.


There were 3-4 dudebros in Dallas that looked like they'd just stumbled out of a bar in uptown. They just seemed to stand there and were mostly ignored. Some TV cameras seemed to give them attention though.

There were 3-4 dudebros in Dallas that looked like they'd just stumbled out of a bar in uptown. They just seemed to stand there and were mostly ignored. Some TV cameras seemed to give them attention though.

Hahha I saw those same few guys too. I think those were the only obvious "counter-protesters" I saw.

Lots of people honking in support as they drove by, though.



There were 3-4 dudebros in Dallas that looked like they'd just stumbled out of a bar in uptown. They just seemed to stand there and were mostly ignored. Some TV cameras seemed to give them attention though.

Didn't see any pro-Trump people anywhere today. I'm not surprised though. I live in a very left leaning area.


I just wish this was the strength and enthusiasm before the election.

I think Trump winning the election was the "Spider-man realizes he could've stopped Uncle Ben's Killer" moment for millions of people.

Sure, he lost the popular vote by millions, but it should never have been in contention to begin with. It shouldn't have been close. We as a society should have - in one voice - regardless of party politics - condemned everything that man stood for and stood in solidarity with every woman, minority, and victim of his xenophobic, racist, misogynist rhetoric.

We failed, but I'm pleased to see it's lit a fire under millions of asses who thought "this is someone else's fight" two months ago.

No. It's our fight. Yours. Mine. And we've got a lot of fighting to do.


Protests aren't always aimed at achieving a resolution or agreement. Often times they are geared to showing that, "We are here, We are Americans, and We do not support you."

It's meant to show that your vote was not in vain, to show that there is a nation of people who will stand by and support you.

Well put. Don't feel near as alone as I did. The vote numbers are one thing, but to see 12,000 people in OKC warmed my heart. Proud of everyone.


In Seattle we had a couple counter protestors. One guy with a sandwich sign that complained that we were just all a bunch of whiners, but at least he was quiet (at least when we passed him)

We also had a couple groups of those Bible-thumpers with the signs condemning us all to hell.

Other than that though I didn't see much!


I have never seen such turnout since the protests of the Iraq War, and even I think that's been dwarfed right now.
I would argue that Trump is a far greater threat for destabilizing the entire world than Dubya's phantom WMDs that didn't actually exist.
Especially now that he holds his entire country hostage and his word is bullshit with the international community on Day 1.

Nelo Ice

Was at the Oakland march today and for the first time in months I have legit hope. Looking through these pictures I was actually tearing up. People do care and while I wish we showed up in November, I can finally see a path to redemption.


Was at the Oakland march today and for the first time in months I have legit hope. Looking through these pictures I was actually tearing up. People do care and while I wish we showed up in November, I can finally see a path to redemption.
Today was a feel good day to me. So much love amongst different groups and people.
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