luxsol said:
No more annoying than the original Looney Toon characters. Tiny Toons is almost as bad as Baby Looney Toons but was saved by a handful of good episodes... but this was only but a stepping stone that lead to the brilliance of Animaniacs. This series returned to the roots of Looney Toon characters lampooning (lampwning?) celebrities and popular shows/movies. It also gave rise to Pinky and the Brain! Another Good Idea, Bad Idea! Stupid Useless Facts! The Goodfeathers! The Animaniacs themselves had a great number of skits doing a parody of Apocalypses Now, being tortured by a Barney knockoff, an extremely funny Power Rangers skit that hasn't had a rival until Megas XLR, and pretty much anything with celebrities or movies. I also loved the music enough to buy the cassettes.
What did Tiny Toons bring us? Younger equivalents of Looney Toon characters and a female counterpart (UGH!). Their parodies weren't even all that funny, except for that one episode where Plucky and Hamton tried to bus tables at a celebrity restaurant. Fowlmouth rocked though... but he was so underused. He had like 2 skits for himself in the whole run. =(
The Animaniacs were nothing but annoying little trolls that burped every ten seconds. That might be funny to a nine year old, but it got old real fast for me. Chicken Boo sucked, dog and girl sucked, and I don't even remember the other ones. Pinky and the Brain rocked and I loved Goodfeathers being a Goodfellas fan, but that's where it ends.
Tiny Toons whole point was to have a new, younger take on the classic Looney Tunes gang, and they did it quite well. Hampton was terrific, as was Plucky, Gogo absolutely rocked, I could watch the Coyote/Road Runner fued redone for a thousand years, and Elmira was hilarious. Buster and Babs were kinda ordinary, but at least they didn't make me roll my eyes to the back of my skull like the Animorons.
Now granted I haven't watched Tiny Toons in a few years so it's possible it doesn't hold up, but this is how I felt even then. It's pretty damn certain that Animaniacs won't improve with age. Tiny Toons on the other hand could well be as funny as I remembered it being.
And I never watched Freakazoid, so for that reason alone it probably sucked.
luxsol said:
Not exactly Season One... it's just the pilot movie and episodes that probably came out on USA Network (I stopped watching a couple seasons before they switched).
There were five episodes in all for season one (and it is season one BTW, don't know why you're arguing about it...Batman I think had four or five seasons that were completely uneven, thus they're being sold in volume sets), and quite frankly they're the only ones that hold up. It got neuteured big time from episode six on.
Oh yeah, here's the coolest part from Thundercats...
"Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!"
My cartoon requests for DVD are pretty simple for now...I want Earthworm Jim badly. This show was simply genius, with every episode leaving me gasping for breath from laughing so hard. Outside of that and a volume or two of old school Droopy, I can't think of many cartoon sets that I'd buy. Well, maybe Talespin.