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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So is there any way to visit the opposing faction in the stress test? I tried making it to the human continent but ran into the Guardians of Blizzard. ;_;


firex said:
hasn't happened on the regular beta servers, in fact i don't think anybody's been permanently banned.

the new patch did introduce a lot of bugs. you don't notice them at the lower levels, it's when you fight stuff around level 36 and up that you see some of the problems.

they also don't have all of the classes fully developed yet. no class has all of its spells yet, and a lot of them aren't able to do some of their roles yet (like paladins aren't capable of being a main tank, druids aren't capable of tanking in bear form, warlocks don't have ANY group role except giving people soulstones) so it's still very much a work in progress. they also desperately need pvp content.

I really think the only people I've seen on any forums bashing the game are hardcore EQ2 fanboys, or the jaded meganerds who've played every MMORPG, every class within those MMORPGs, and all to max level. I personally think this game is awesome for what it's meant to be: the casual player's MMORPG. Lots of people on the beta forums bitch about it being "too easy" in some parts but quite frankly they're always associated with some big EQ guild of nerds who played 24/7. plus there's no raid content in the game.

At higher levels the game revolves a little too much around the grouping trinity of warrior, priest and mage, but that's another thing Blizzard says will be fixed when they've balanced all the classes.

Makes it sound like the game wond be ready for another year. Sure MMOs are ongoing development, but if ive not been playing it first hand the past few days and read this I would have been dissapointed somewhat. They say its coming out this year, maybe November, but you make it sound like it will be alot longer. How much can be done in 2 months?


MrCheez said:
So is there any way to visit the opposing faction in the stress test? I tried making it to the human continent but ran into the Guardians of Blizzard. ;_;
Go to the zeppelin tower outside Orgrimmar. Take the zeppelin to grom'gol (it's opposite the one to the Undercity). When you reach grom'gol, swim northwest until you reach Westfall. Be warned, grom'gol is surrounded by 35 and higher guys, so you'll have a huge aggro range... that's why I suggest you rotate the camera a lot to view everything. Westfall is a level 10-20 alliance area.

Alliance guards are all hostile to horde players, and vice versa. So avoid the guards.


Someone needs to get the mp3s from the music in the game. It's incredible!

And yes, the server went ape shit.
Son of Godzilla said:
Considering this is a stress test, picking the least populated server (and thus most likely to get shut down) was a bad ideaz.

All servers crashed, even beta ones.

Someone needs to get the mp3s from the music in the game. It's incredible!

Do it yourself :p

Woops, well this one doesnt work, but just use a typical MPQ extractor.


IJoel said:
Someone needs to get the mp3s from the music in the game. It's incredible!

And yes, the server went ape shit.

Collectors Edition of World of Warcraft = Soundtrack CD = Me buy

Follow my example. COLLECTORS EDITION!!


Got my mage from lvl 5 to lvl 10 in one epic session last night. Was just playing again when the server went down. So damn fun, I want to do a Horde char but just exploring the two small areas where my Gnome started is so great I can't stop going back.

Oh, does anyone else get so annoyed by dozens of ppl going "OMG LAGGGG!!!" when it's blindingly obvious that the server itself isn't responding anymore? Maybe it's the whining that follows and the stupid "blizzard better patch this fast!" comments that follow that make me want to figure out how to ignore the general channel. ;)


AeroGod said:
Makes it sound like the game wond be ready for another year. Sure MMOs are ongoing development, but if ive not been playing it first hand the past few days and read this I would have been dissapointed somewhat. They say its coming out this year, maybe November, but you make it sound like it will be alot longer. How much can be done in 2 months?
every class has new spells up to the mid 30s/level 40, and upgrades for those spells all the way up to level 60. I'm just saying Blizzard's said they have a few more new spells to add in. and the best way I can put it right now for some of the examples I have is, paladins and druids have all the stats needed to tank (for druid it's bear form), it's just that paladins need a good ability to hold aggro and druids need better ways to gain rage in bear form. Warlocks and hunters (the newest class) are the only ones in need of serious work, which has supposedly been going on since like last June.

I don't know if it'll be out by november or not. but most of the game content from level 1 to 60 is in there. they also said they aren't going to have much raid content in the beta, nor will we get to explore every area in the world. So while there's still a lot of content that's not in yet, some stuff isn't going to be tested by all the people in the beta.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
firex said:
Go to the zeppelin tower outside Orgrimmar. Take the zeppelin to grom'gol (it's opposite the one to the Undercity). When you reach grom'gol, swim northwest until you reach Westfall. Be warned, grom'gol is surrounded by 35 and higher guys, so you'll have a huge aggro range... that's why I suggest you rotate the camera a lot to view everything. Westfall is a level 10-20 alliance area.

Alliance guards are all hostile to horde players, and vice versa. So avoid the guards.

Ahhh, thanks for the info. I've actually been there, but the high level monsters scared me and I left. ;_;

I think I read awhile back that the only PvP on normal servers is if you attack an alliance guard, alliance players can attack you (and you can only attack the ones that initiate combat). Is that how it works? No running around and PKing it sounds like *sobsob*


MrCheez said:
Ahhh, thanks for the info. I've actually been there, but the high level monsters scared me and I left. ;_;

I think I read awhile back that the only PvP on normal servers is if you attack an alliance guard, alliance players can attack you (and you can only attack the ones that initiate combat). Is that how it works? No running around and PKing it sounds like *sobsob*
Pretty much. On pvp servers you wouldn't be able to PK in westfall anyway, unless somebody entered pvp by typing /pvp.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
So lame. =/ I mean, I'm not the type to want a server where everyone is ganking eachother all the time... but you'd think with two huge factions on two entirely different continents, you'd have some sort of warring going on. The setup is just too perfect... ah well.

BTW, I was asking about this in game... when do we get to experience our first large dungeon? I've heard they don't start until your 20s?
Yea I know. It's just I saw all the other servers go up before ours.

It's amazing that a game with so many timesinks can make you go crazy to be without it for seconds.


MrCheez said:
So lame. =/ I mean, I'm not the type to want a server where everyone is ganking eachother all the time... but you'd think with two huge factions on two entirely different continents, you'd have some sort of warring going on. The setup is just too perfect... ah well.

BTW, I was asking about this in game... when do we get to experience our first large dungeon? I've heard they don't start until your 20s?
Well, there's going to be battlegrounds. I've done pvp on the beta server and it's fun, because there's no lame gank-type kills. On the pvp server that's all there was when you entered contested territories (which are at about level 20 on each side).

And the first instanced dungeons come along at about level 20, yeah.


MrCheez said:
So lame. =/ I mean, I'm not the type to want a server where everyone is ganking eachother all the time... but you'd think with two huge factions on two entirely different continents, you'd have some sort of warring going on. The setup is just too perfect... ah well.

BTW, I was asking about this in game... when do we get to experience our first large dungeon? I've heard they don't start until your 20s?

Wailing Caverns for us since we are horde, its right in the middle of the Barrens by the Lush Oasis. I Went to the entrance but its guarded by lvl 18ish elites

Also for PvP, they are adding battleground like they have in Dark Age of Camelot that are specifiz zones for having war and are full PvP, or so they say.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ahhh okay sounds good, thanks guys ^_^

*Checks to see if server is up*


MrCheez said:
Ahhh okay sounds good, thanks guys ^_^

*Checks to see if server is up*
Quests for Wailing Caverns:
Leaders of the Fang
Serpentbloom (in and outside of instance, way easier if you have find herbs)
Trouble at the Docks (outside the instance)
Deviate Eradication (get on top of the cave entrance, and go inside the left "eye" up there to meet some secret NPCs that give you this quest and the next one)
Deviate Hides
Smart Drinks

edit: if you find yourself hating WC, don't be discouraged. It's the earliest and the worst of all the instances. The Deadmines on Alliance is better. Not by a whole lot, but it's better. And the higher level instances (Shadowfang Keep for level 25-28 people on horde, Blackfathom Deeps for the same level on alliance) are loads more fun.

I should take pics of the Sunken Temple and the Shade of Eranikus, but I don't want to deceive a group into going there solely to screenshot.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Ooo I wanna see the screens :D

We went into WC and died pretty quickly (as AeroGod predicted ;D ) But I didn't mind it at all, was cool to see the place. 8)

El Papa

I changed my character. I'm playing on Norgannon still, Kardis lv. 12 Druid currently in Darnassus about to go back to Darkshore and finish some quests.


I am on the Mannoroth server with a level 8 troll warrior, but I would liek to join up with the rest of you on the Norgannon server. Would anyone be able to help em catch up to you guys if I switched realms? And what kind of character do you need me to be? :)


We need healers probably. Shamen, Druid, or Priest. Its easy to get back and forth to each otehr as horde, so you cna be any race and find us easy once your about lvl 6 or so if you play Undead
AeroGod said:
We need healers probably. Shamen, Druid, or Priest. Its easy to get back and forth to each otehr as horde, so you cna be any race and find us easy once your about lvl 6 or so if you play Undead

im a lvl 9 Rogue....where are yall at?

Right now im at Razor hill.

id join up with yall tho.



AeroGod said:
We need healers probably. Shamen, Druid, or Priest. Its easy to get back and forth to each otehr as horde, so you cna be any race and find us easy once your about lvl 6 or so if you play Undead

Shaman is something I wanted to try, so I can do that. What names should I add to my friends list?


AeroGod said:

Harlquinn--Lvl 7 Undead Mage

Mudora--Lvl 10 Troll Hunter

Blackstorm---Lvl 5 Undead Warlock

Grey Fox
Ryduk--Lvl 5 Orc Hunter

Nibbles---Lvl 3 Undead Rogue

Rot--Lvl 1 Undead Warlock

Sal Paradise Jr.
Maldurk--Lvl 4 Orc warrior

winterymint--Lvl ? Undead Priest

Son of Godzilla
Kater---lvl 4 Troll Mage

Cayn--Troll MAge


Those. level are not up to date, some of us are much higher. Im lv l12 and I think Kater is like 16. Cheez is like 15 too.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmmm thinking about re-rolling. Hunter has started to suck and feels too incomplete. (I knew this going in, but I figured it wouldn't matter until higher levels / wouldn't effect me in under 7 days) ;)
I'm currently making my way through the silverpine quests. The pyrewood quests are insane. Beyond insane. Silverpine is gorgeous too.

Oh, and I became a tailor. I've got quite a few decent recipes too.


I'm in and playing

Undead Warlock LVL 5 named Nord

Human Warrior LVL 10 named Teresa

So...do we have a guild yet?
Son of Godzilla said:
I'm currently making my way through the silverpine quests. The pyrewood quests are insane. Beyond insane. Silverpine is gorgeous too.

Oh, and I became a tailor. I've got quite a few decent recipes too.

heh, im getting into Alchemy...like the ELRIC BROTHERS!

herbalism (hehe) and alchemy...

Im thinking about taking up mining too so i can make my own Gold.



Same here, and I was just about to hit level 4 with my new troll shaman :( By the way, my name in Norgannon is Wetran.
I'm gonna have to call it a night. Shame we couldn't group Aero long enough to do more than one fight.

Hope the servers are better tomorrow night. hehe
You are lucky. I'm still in the game, unable to quit or log out, or do anything at all. Except listen to general chat.

I haven't seen yall much. I randomly bumped into Aero yesterday and kicked his but in a few duels. And winterymint is running around the same place as me sometimes.


Does anyone know what the swords crossing each other next to the server names mean? Does that mean those are PvP servers and the others aren't???


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so you are kater, sorry I didn't know who you were when you msged me.

But anyhows, I think the server going down (don't know how long) is a nice stopping point for me. Cya tomorrow

Who's the highest lvl you seen so far? 21 here..goodness that is insane.
Trasher said:
Does anyone know what the swords crossing each other next to the server names mean? Does that mean those are PvP servers and the others aren't???


thing is...u can still fight people from the horde if your alliance or vice versa....but u cant just start doing pvp randomly with anyone.

with the swords crossed u can do it randomly with anyone whenever....i think.


Son of Godzilla said:
You are lucky. I'm still in the game, unable to quit or log out, or do anything at all. Except listen to general chat.

I haven't seen yall much. I randomly bumped into Aero yesterday and kicked his but in a few duels. And winterymint is running around the same place as me sometimes.

Sheep=You owned

So I figured, now you're about 10 levels higher then me. Thats what happens when I commit to exploring and you leveling :p Ahh.

I think a guild is useles at this point. Lets just finish out the stress playing and trying things out, we can get a guild going and decide on horde or alliance closer to retail amybe we will have both.
AeroGod said:
Sheep=You owned

So I figured, now you're about 10 levels higher then me. Thats what happens when I commit to exploring and you leveling :p Ahh.

I think a guild is useles at this point. Lets just finish out the stress playing and trying things out, we can get a guild going and decide on horde or alliance closer to retail amybe we will have both.

I wish they would just let us stress testers into the beta....

that would be the greatest.
I'm still at bloody lvl 16. I actually let a friend play for most of today and when I was on I was running around finishing baby quests or playing fashion designer. I've got max tailoring.

And shit, looks like both my servers got nuked.
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