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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
The only bug I've got is that it crashes after logging out.

In game, the only problem I've seen is that the enemies span incorrectly sometimes (ie halfway in trees) and they'll stay there forever. If you try to attack, they'll just evade every strick.

The game seems very complete and polished otherwise.


mattx5 said:
Is this still only FP subscribers only? When are they gonna open it up?
Naw, I got in right away and I only signed up for the basic free FP account just to try for the WoW stress test. Got in first try, took a few attempts to get the download to work (eventually just used IE so the stupid ActiveX would work) but after that the email confirmations and signups were effortless the rest of the way. I had the email alert that the stress test was open today when I got home from work and it was all fine to sign up. Every step of the way I expected the login server to be down or the game servers to be lagged or the game to not run but it's been fast and easy as can be.

Again I'm on the Norgannon server, and I have a lvl 5 Gnome Mage named "Ganoes" if anyone wants to add me to the buddy list thing. I started in Coldridge Valley but I'm doing the quests in the town through the tunnel.

So far I've had one crash to desktop, but the game started back up fine and it's been stable as can be for the few hours I've played so far. Mediocre comp with a shitty old video card, and it runs silky smooth in high res with no lag AT ALL. Pretty impressive from a stability point of view and the graphics are nothing special but with great draw distance and impressive vistas, but the game is just damn fun so far to this MMORPG newb (I played AC for a month at launch but that's it).
I've got an Undead Rogue at lvl 10 on Zorgman or some stupid name server. I'll probably start over, as I'm mad jealous of the spellcasters and I've met some lvl 11+s already, and that was hours ago.


Grandma's Chippy
Ok been playing a few hours now so I thought I'd post some stuff before I went to bed...

First off, my character is named Klael. He is a Human Warrior currently out by Goldshire (level 5). So if anyone else is in that area, lemme know!

As for the game itself...my impressions.

Graphics : Very cool, very colorful and "alive" feeling...not the best I have ever seen but more than enough. My computer was able to run everything on max at 1024x768. Actually I didn't have water effects at max...and it wouldn't let me do it at max...someone post a shot of maxed out water ;P

Sound : The music is perfect...in fact I barely notice it so it blends in really nice. Sound effects other than that are simple fair. Cave effects are cool too. Monsters sound ok. Spell sounds are probably my fav so far.

The World : Ok I just messed around in a few areas and they were huge in amonst themselves...the world map makes where I was look like a grain of sand in a sand box...the world just seems massive if you go by the maps. The areas I was in were somewhat varied and had some nice landscape designs. The best part is I never felt too boxed in.

Interface : Good with default settings...in fact without even thinking about it I was doing things naturally. Some real similar key mapping to other games. All the stuff on the screen doesn't get in the way, and there is a lot of room to move with the camera. There seems to be a lot of channels for chatting though, so I could barely keep up in a busy area.

Quests : This is my only concern so far. In the area I was in it was ridiculous. Everyone was doing the same quests and there was an insane amount of spawn camping and fighting over kills. Basically everyone stood in one spot to kill X amount of monsters then the next spot to kill X amount more, and so on and so on. I did some more varied quests, but the "hunt this/that" quests were a little dissappointing. Making matters worse, the monsters ALWAYS spawned in the same spots.

Overall...I love it so far. A few spots need work, but it is great fun and still feels fresh despite having a lot in common with other games. I'd buy it today if that is how it was...

Oh, and for those worried about running it...I installed it on my other system and even though it said I did not meet the minimum requirements, I went ahead. The game didn't look as pretty but it still looked good enough and it ran smooth.

Defaulted to low to medium settings and 800x600 resolution. The weaker system is a P3 700 with 512 PC 133 RAM and a GForce MX 440 64mb video card. So if your computer is better than that one, then you should have no worries.

That's it, more thoughts tomorrow!
Mr Pockets said:
Graphics : Very cool, very colorful and "alive" feeling...not the best I have ever seen but more than enough. My computer was able to run everything on max at 1024x768. Actually I didn't have water effects at max...and it wouldn't let me do it at max...someone post a shot of maxed out water ;P

Quests : This is my only concern so far. In the area I was in it was ridiculous. Everyone was doing the same quests and there was an insane amount of spawn camping and fighting over kills. Basically everyone stood in one spot to kill X amount of monsters then the next spot to kill X amount more, and so on and so on. I did some more varied quests, but the "hunt this/that" quests were a little dissappointing. Making matters worse, the monsters ALWAYS spawned in the same spots.

just wanted to comment on these 2 things..

graphics, i think they are the best ive ever seen in a Mmorpg..

Especially if your a orc/troll/taureen and you goto Orgrimmor...omg....amazing stuff.

about the quests, i agree 100% , the spawn camping was so annoying...in someways it helped when i wasnt strong enough to kill certain enemies myself and others would help me kill it...but still it was ridiculous.
they gotta figure something out to fix and alleviate this situation.

Spawn camping's never been an issue for me, at least on the regular servers.

For "Kill X of this enemy" or "Kill Named Mob" quests, if you're in a group EVERYBODY in the group gets credit for kills and/or is able to loot the quest item from the named mob. So instead of camping, there's plenty of inviting people to your group to help them finish the quest with you - no skin off your back.

Maybe all the stress-testing noobs haven't figured out how looting works, yet. ;)


GAF's Bob Woodward
If I was a braver man, I would create a specific Stress Test topic and propose it be stickied for the week of the test :p

I mean, this is a pretty cool event in online-gaming land right now..


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
OMG I love this game :O Here's my pics:


Here's Mudora, the Troll Hunter. 8) Just got him to level 10 before I logged.


"OMFG I'm finally playing WoW!!!"


I caught this... yeah... <.< >.>


Me owning some dumb centaur. Honestly, he didn't even see it comin'.




Me and my pals!


Love the art in this game.


Time to finally get some rest after a nice long day of WoW. =)


I GOT IT TO WORK!! YAY!! I'm a lvl 5 night elf warrior called Drunar....only played for a couple of hours but i'm having a blast with this game, we should make a GAF guild while we can. (BTW if anyone has the problem i posted earlier PM me)


The problem with a GAF guild is that half the people are Alliance and the other Half are Hoard. Im ALL over the place. I have lvl 5 Troll Rogue but I dunno If ill play her anymore. Right now Im thinking my main is my Undead Mage, which I love. I also toyed around with a Dwarf Hunter which is pretty cool. Guns are awesome. Then I have like 5-6 other lvl 1 and 2 characters.

As for the spawn camping, you have to remember that there are like 200 people in each zone, and since every race only has one newbie zone(in some cases like Dwarf/Gnome Orc/Troll they even share) so there is alot of spawn camping because there simply isnt enough monsters for these 200+ people. I was in Northshire this morning at 3am and I couldnt even get my Human Paladon started becasue there were, even at this time of day, 240 people in that little zone camping the Defias and Kobold Vermin. A quest that should in all right taken me no more then 10 minutes took more than an hour. Its the same for all the races/starting areas. It evens out though. My Undead Mage was doing lvl 8-10 Skeleton Mages and Warriors for a quest and there were almost too many with little or no competition for the mobs. The higher you go the more choices you have and thus the less spawn camping there is.

Spawn camping or not Im happy. A week ago I though it was going to be a lag fest filled with server crashesw every 10 minutes. hell, we all thought that. But its amazing. We have 12 servers and the latency is better then some underpopulated MMOs that've been running for 3 years. Kudos to Blizzard.

Im very happy with the game though. Everything is awesome. This is why Im a Blizzard fanboy, the level of detail and polish is always unmatched. The worlds look fantastic and are just full of stuff. The Undercity is awesome too, my favorite zone so far even though its a city. I even took a ride on the Zepplin. COOL!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Anyone want to suggest the best race and class combo to use? Or should I just try a bit of everything?


See what fits you best. Race/Class dont matter because the stats have almost no meaning. The Different Between a Tauren WArrior and a Gnome Warrior is hardly note worthy. Race is your own preferance. As for class, if you plan on taking one past lvl 10 go with a warrior, rogue, mage, or priest. They have their talents in place, the other classes talents arnt yet implemented into the game.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
My Character


any tips for Rogue Players?
Not really, just figure out how you like to play the class. You can use the talents to make yourself either focus on big openers or do more damage with basic specials and have big finishers. I've never really gotten into rogues myself, mostly because it's just not really my style of play from what little I've played them.


gofreak said:
Anyone want to suggest the best race and class combo to use? Or should I just try a bit of everything?
There are very few best race/class combos. Usually there's one or two races that are "the best" for a single specific stat for a class, but even then the difference between other races is negligible for the most part. The only races that have their racial abilities implemented right now are Taurens (a skill that gives them a free mount at level 40 since they can't learn to ride any mounts) and Undead (immunity to sleep, charm, fear, and able to breathe underwater).

It doesn't look like any of you guys are playing on a pvp server, so the only reason you have to choose any race is for looks.


Made a list characters, post your names if im missing one or made a mistake. I assume we are all on Norgannon. Listing main characters only


Harlquinn--Lvl 7 Undead Mage
Raxon--lvl 2 Tauren Shamen

Mudora--Lvl 10 Troll Hunter

Blackstorm---Lvl 5 Undead Warlock

Grey Fox
Ryduk--Lvl 5 Orc Hunter

Nibbles---Lvl 3 Undead Rogue

Rot--Lvl 1 Undead Warlock

Sal Paradise Jr.
Maldurk--Lvl 4 Orc warrior

winterymint--Lvl ? Undead Priest

Son of Godzilla
Kater---lvl 4 Troll Mage

Cayn--Troll MAge

Ganoes--Lvl 5 Gnome Mage

Mr Pockets
Klael--Lvl 5 Human Warrior

Gaeldan--Lvl 4 Human Paladin

Mazre--Lvl ?? Human Rogue

Bourne--Lvl ?? Human Paladin

Drunar--Lvl 5 Night Elf Warrior

SaitoH--Lvl 5 Elf Hunter

I know there are more of you but I dont know you Character names, post them and Ill add.


My level 4 hunter, SaitoH *coughs*:


Big tree thing walking around O_O;;


My hometown which I can't remember the name:


I made a zombie Warlock named Rot ... forgot to take screenies though.

Can't wait to play some more tonight.



Oh man, the addiction is starting already. I played about 4 hours last night despite being exhausted and wanting to watch a hockey game on TV, and now at work I'm thinking about nothing else but getting home and exploring that new area my char is in. Those bears are dynamite! ;)

Long weekend too, I'm going to be playing the shit out of this game for the whole weekend. :D

Again, as someone whose only experience with MMORPGs was the first month of AC I'm just stunned at how smooth and fast the servers have been *knocks on wood*.


any tips for Rogue Players?

My main is a human rogue. Your first 10 lvls will be tough but after you get dual wield you will be good to go. Put your first talent points into improved sinister strikes and lethality. You will be able to kill things very fast after this. At lvl 10 hit "c" to bring up your character sheet. Click on the skills tab and train dual wield. I think it takes 10 skill points so don't spend them on anything else yet. After that I recommend training first aid when you have enough money and skill points. Some of your skills can only be used with a dagger in your main hand. I also recommend training swords when you can. Many of you special attacks are based on the max damage of your weapon. Swords often have a much higher max damage than daggers so that makes things like eviscerate and and sinister strikes much better. Always try to sneak up on people and once you get gouge or ambush. If you have a dagger use ambush and if you have a sword or mace in your mainhand use gouge. Don't be afraid to use evade or your run special if you get into trouble. Always have the highest damage weapon in your mainhand if you decide to use sinister strikes alot.

A rogue uses combo points and then finishing moves to do damage. Finishing moves don't always do just straight damage. Some may give you haste for a time or put a dot on the enemy. Don't be afraid to use a finishing move after just one combo point. Combo points appear up near your portrait and health. A typical fight for me is I will sneak up on the enemy and then pick pocket them. I will follow that up with a gouge and the fight will start. I then proceed to sinister strike them until they have about 25% of their life left and then I will use eviscerate them and that usually kills them. If the enemy is tough I will usually use rupture after the first sinister strike and then go back to using sinister strike and then eviscerate. This is if I'm soloing though. If you are grouping you probably want to use backstab more than sinister strike. To backstab you must have a dagger in your mainhand though. Also, if you play to lvl 20 make sure you get poison. It really ups your damage.

Here is an excellent website for everyone. It has tons of quest help and skill list and equipment list.



This game is DIGITAL CRACK.

I want to play more more more!

I predict endless empty soda cans surrounding my desk this weekend.


IJoel said:
This game is DIGITAL CRACK.

I want to play more more more!

I predict endless empty soda cans surrounding my desk this weekend.

...followed by depression after you realize it only for a few more days. Its going to be bad. Its just, up untill now we've only been hearing and seeing and waiting. Its tough, but whatever. Now we will have had it and injected it into our veins directly, then like a bad crack whore its taken from us and we must live without for 2 months possibly. OMG.
Incredible game. Finally a game that's gonna make me move on from DAoC and not look back.

I"m on the official GA server, have an Orc warrior (lvl 4) named Maldurk.


Here's some screenshots I've taken. I've played mostly alliance as I plan on going Horde when the game goes live.


This is my first character Thoas a dwarf mage in my favorite zone Westfall.


This is my main Snikch in the mountains of the wetlands.


This is an ancient in one of the night elf lands.


A member of the burning legion in the night elf lands. I am in stealth mode.


This is a skeleton in Raven Hill Cemetary in the Duskwood zone. Another excellent area.


That is a goblin contraption for cutting down trees. I got an excellent dagger in this area called "Blackfang" off of the manticores.


AeroGod said:
...followed by depression after you realize it only for a few more days. Its going to be bad. Its just, up untill now we've only been hearing and seeing and waiting. Its tough, but whatever. Now we will have had it and injected it into our veins directly, then like a bad crack whore its taken from us and we must live without for 2 months possibly. OMG.


I ph34r the withdrawal effects.

BTW, what characters are complete in the test? I have 2 chars, a Warlock and Paladin, both level 5 and they have no talents. THIS SUX! I need suggestions for another one as I want to play with a completed character as much as possible.


Lol Warlocks and Paladisn are incomplete. But you dont get talents untill lv l10 anyways, but still Wars and Pallys dont have them

Make a priest, rogue, warrior and mage are all complete with everything. I vote for priest so you can be my healer. :p TROLL PRIEST
How could Blizzard be so cruel? You can't just invite 100K peeps to "taste" a game for 7 days after they've been following said game for YEARS. I refuse to believe it! They must do open beta immediately following this stress test. Maybe 1 day in-between, it's all i'll allow dammit!


AeroGod said:
Lol Warlocks and Paladisn are incomplete. But you dont get talents untill lv l10 anyways, but still Wars and Pallys dont have them

Make a priest, rogue, warrior and mage are all complete with everything. I vote for priest so you can be my healer. :p TROLL PRIEST

Dammit... I'll have to withstand the fucked up camping again.

Since I like magic, more than melee, I'll most likely choose either a Priest or Mage.




Priests ROX DA BOX. They get healing AND Shadow magic, and you can be a troll or undead. The GAF HORDE will be feared!!!
K, added all of you to my buddy list. I was able to hit lvl 6 with Maldurk before heading to work.

I've got about 2 oj quests and 1 red. If anyone around my level wants to get those done tonight, i'll certainly be ready for some grouping.

I am so hooked it's not even funny.


Hot! Ill be up for it. I gotta travel towards the mainland though. They make us poor undead stuck on this dumb island all the way across the sea. :(
Ok. I started yesterday with an UD Rogue on Nozdimus or some stupid server. I'm at lvl 10 and a bit sick of the Undercity. So I changed to whatever your server is and I'm at lvl 4 with a troll mage and gonna play for most of todays.

Oh, Trolls name is Kater.


MrPing1000 said:
*note to self: stop looking at this thread it onlys makes it worse

Dont worry you're not missing much. Its only the best game ever created.





Pretty soon though, probably, you can play too. Shit maybe, European beta. I dunno.


Man I want to go home and play. This is boring and dumb.

And on a side note....

Did anyone else get wierd bug where some mobs would evade everything and never attack you?
You're probably going to be better off in 7 days, when we're all foaming at the mouth from withdrawal, coming up with thousands of hopeful possibilities in where Blizzard allows us to continue playing past the 7 days (which won't happen, but denial is a b**ch).


firex said:
the 6 biggest losers at the end of the stress test get regular beta accounts.


It wont be me. Too much other shit to do I cant play 24 hours a day. Im sure some people will be level 50 at the end of the week. I saw some lvl 18s this morning. Sad thing is probably a bunch of people who already in beta trying ot get accounts for their friends.
I've earned 8 or so skill points. Like an idiot i went for Blacksmithing before Mining. So i'm left unable to collect copper for my recipes. Need 2 more skill points for that.

Crafting looks like incredible fun. I've noticed at least early on, the player crafted armor craps on NPC Merchant ones.


I took cooking. I might go for fishing and something else, I dunno. Engineering looks like a pain in my ass even though it has some awesome stuff.
AeroGod said:
Man I want to go home and play. This is boring and dumb.

And on a side note....

Did anyone else get wierd bug where some mobs would evade everything and never attack you?

The mob's that evade everything are usually stuck in the mesh, or bugged in some weird way. I have encountered this several times while playing in the beta. They won't attack you, but it is a drag to sit there casting on them when they are evading every attack, then you realize what's happening =/


of all the tradeskills I've tried heavily (everything but cooking, first aid and alchemy) I like engineering and leatherworking the most. tailoring sucks; let some other sucker pick that and buy their stuff cheaply because materials are so easy to pile up. cooking goes real well with warriors and hunters, although the only way to reliably get materials for it (at the moment) is fishing. engineering is just fun because of all the little gadgets and bombs you make, while what I like about leatherworking is that there's a lot of leather classes and you can easily gather materials for it with skinning.

and if something is stuck permanently evading and doesn't despawn after 30 seconds or so, page a GM and let them know so they can despawn it.


Engineering looks tough. What goes good with it. Mining or leatherwokring because it looks like it need alot of components(just like in Horizons, being an engineer is a bitch because you have to rely on almost all the other trade classes or do them yourself also because of all the components.

Id probably like to try out engy for retail. Dont feel like putting time into crafting now, rather just play around and explore


Wow, I never even realized there were real tradeskills to pick up. Such a bloody great game already... argh I'm dying to go home and play!

What would be a good skill for a gnome mage to get into? I just last night saw miners and engineers in a tavern but I didn't know what they were doing.
I might be wrong, but isn't posting screenshots against the NDA? I was gonna post some that I took but I wasn't sure if that was legal or not.


I've earned 8 or so skill points. Like an idiot i went for Blacksmithing before Mining. So i'm left unable to collect copper for my recipes. Need 2 more skill points for that.

You can untrain your tradeskills whenever you want. You get all the skillpoints back but you are out the money you used to learn them.

I might be wrong, but isn't posting screenshots against the NDA? I was gonna post some that I took but I wasn't sure if that was legal or not.

There isn't a NDA.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Can't wait to play s'more! Gonna do so in a little bit! <3

The withdrawal thing will be depressing... but what's going to be even worse is that we lose these characters we're putting so much time and love into. ;_; Ah well.

I'll be looking for some of you guys today. =) Thanks for the list, Aero!
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