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World of Warcraft for ALL!!! (sorta)


AeroGod said:
Engineering looks tough. What goes good with it. Mining or leatherwokring because it looks like it need alot of components(just like in Horizons, being an engineer is a bitch because you have to rely on almost all the other trade classes or do them yourself also because of all the components.

Id probably like to try out engy for retail. Dont feel like putting time into crafting now, rather just play around and explore
Mining is way more important for engineering. Most of the other requirements are light enough for you to buy. I skilled up for a long time off blasting powder and bombs/dynamite.

Also, mining is a cash cow! It's almost a bit too in demand though on the regular beta servers.

Crafting has a bit of a problem in that the early items are good, the consumables are good, and the way upper level crafted items are good, but everything in between isn't that great. But I think that's just because you never fail crafting, so if the mid-range stuff sucks at least you get a skill increase to work towards upper level stuff.

Engineering is different though, a lot of stuff in it is useful all throughout. Also, most items made with engineering require engineering skill to use, so that's another incentive for it. It's not a real big money-maker, but tradeskills themselves aren't big money makers right now until you get to the higher levels.

Generally I like to go for stuff that supports my class, hence I did leatherworking on my shaman. But engineering enhances any class and adds a lot of fun to the game (IMO at least), and alchemy can do similar things. Cooking's pretty much a waste of time if you're a mage or a healer, because at least right now it only makes food, not drinks.
I hit lvl 10 this afternoon but since I'm gonna be out of town until Sunday I'm guessing I'll be behind everyone next time I play. But god is this game fun though.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Okay so I'm exploring for the hell of it... and I'm running along the side of a mountain on the coast... and suddenly out of nowhere, three white dragon heads slowly emerge from the water in front of me... ended up killing me in one hit while I stood there in shock and awe. Scariest goddamn thing ever :eek:

I think that might be put in by Blizzard to keep stuff off limits. I got Death cast on me by giant infernals gaurding the east road in the UD sector.

And I'm gonna use Nozdimus or whatever for the realm down time.


Son of Godzilla said:
I think that might be put in by Blizzard to keep stuff off limits. I got Death cast on me by giant infernals gaurding the east road in the UD sector.

And I'm gonna use Nozdimus or whatever for the realm down time.

Heh, you ran into GOBs... that thing MrCheez ran into, well, I dunno what area he was in, but it looks like one of the sea dragons/hydras in Azshara (stuff there's level 45-50 or higher).


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
I'm not sure where I ran into that mean dragon thing... it was somewhere north of Orgrimmar ? All the mobs around there had "???" as their level. o_O

Anyway, it looks like we're going to chill on the Ysera server for 2 hours till Norgannon comes back up. =) Aero, I'll put my char name up as soon as I log in.
hiryu said:
My main is a human rogue. Your first 10 lvls will be tough but after you get dual wield you will be good to go. Put your first talent points into improved sinister strikes and lethality. You will be able to kill things very fast after this. At lvl 10 hit "c" to bring up your character sheet. Click on the skills tab and train dual wield. I think it takes 10 skill points so don't spend them on anything else yet. After that I recommend training first aid when you have enough money and skill points. Some of your skills can only be used with a dagger in your main hand. I also recommend training swords when you can. Many of you special attacks are based on the max damage of your weapon. Swords often have a much higher max damage than daggers so that makes things like eviscerate and and sinister strikes much better. Always try to sneak up on people and once you get gouge or ambush. If you have a dagger use ambush and if you have a sword or mace in your mainhand use gouge. Don't be afraid to use evade or your run special if you get into trouble. Always have the highest damage weapon in your mainhand if you decide to use sinister strikes alot.

A rogue uses combo points and then finishing moves to do damage. Finishing moves don't always do just straight damage. Some may give you haste for a time or put a dot on the enemy. Don't be afraid to use a finishing move after just one combo point. Combo points appear up near your portrait and health. A typical fight for me is I will sneak up on the enemy and then pick pocket them. I will follow that up with a gouge and the fight will start. I then proceed to sinister strike them until they have about 25% of their life left and then I will use eviscerate them and that usually kills them. If the enemy is tough I will usually use rupture after the first sinister strike and then go back to using sinister strike and then eviscerate. This is if I'm soloing though. If you are grouping you probably want to use backstab more than sinister strike. To backstab you must have a dagger in your mainhand though. Also, if you play to lvl 20 make sure you get poison. It really ups your damage.

Here is an excellent website for everyone. It has tons of quest help and skill list and equipment list.


thanks, that helped alot

i was using evescrirate after every sinister isntead of doing lots of sinisters then evescirate....and with ur advice, my rogue became so much better.
thanks again.



MrCheez said:
I'm not sure where I ran into that mean dragon thing... it was somewhere north of Orgrimmar ? All the mobs around there had "???" as their level. o_O

Anyway, it looks like we're going to chill on the Ysera server for 2 hours till Norgannon comes back up. =) Aero, I'll put my char name up as soon as I log in.
Sounds like Azshara then. It's north of Orgrimmar. I wonder if I can still swim around the undead newbie lands to get to the locked off plaguelands. SOG ran into the guardians of blizzard that block off the land entrance to the western plaguelands, but supposedly there's a way to swim around and get to some ruins...

You'll know if you're running into an off limits area. You'll see the big green glowing infernals named "Guardian of Blizzard."

one day, warlocks will be able to summon guys just like that, but they won't have that death touch spell.


After I posted my last message, I logged onto my undead warlock and tried swimming around to sneak into the Eastern Plaguelands. well, technically I got in (the game changed chat channels to eastern plaguelands) but truthfully all I could find were some areas that haven't even been designed yet - just flat ground.


WoW officially wins as best designed world ever, in any game, any genre. I just spent the last hour running around as a ghost human. OMG. Blackrock Mountain kicks ass. Searing Gorge.
Cool shit. Ive been a Warcraft fan ever since Warcraft 1, following all instances from books, games, wahtever the case. to finally be able to run around this world, in such amazing detail. This has to be one of the best moments ive ever had in a video game, Thank you Blizzard.

The areas are just so Beautiful. I am running thru stormwind now amazed.

heres some pictures of my character on the 2 hour stress test server.



Everybody wanted to be like me....




hunters can name their pets, but warlocks can't. I think this is because hunter pets have no special skills (and even when they're put in, you're supposed to be able to learn skills from one type of pet and teach them to another) and every warlock pet is unique and has its own hotkey bar.

On my little excursion around the eastern plaguelands' coast (I was hoping I could sneak in there) I saw an undesigned area that I can place geographically to... well, I don't wanna spoil it, but it was a major point of the undead campaign in warcraft 3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Is anyone else finding the quests aren't really working? I'm a human mage in the newbie area. For example, I accepted a quest to kill kobold workers in the mine to the north of northshire, and I went there and killed about 7 of them, but the quest didn't update - it just said I had killed none.

Also, I took another quest to talk to the inn keeper at lion's pride. I was told to tell the inn-keeper who sent me. But there was no sign of being able to do that at the inn - I talked to the inn-keeper and got that stone etc. but I wasn't able to complete the quest.

Also, my inventory is now full - where do I go, what do I do to fix that..?
I tap out. My body is demanding a couple of minutes of sleep.

Oh, and Silverpine Forest is beautiful. UD kicks Troll ass in terms of atmosphere, although the various animals on the Barrens are cute.


European World of Warcraft Closed Beta Test Starting Later This Month! - Ryann, 03/09/2004

We are aware that many of you, like us, are eager for the European beta test to begin. We understand and appreciate your interest in World of Warcraft and wanted to update you on exactly where the European beta test currently stands. The European sign-ups were a huge success, thanks to you, and were much bigger than we anticipated. Hence, the process of selecting testers has taken longer than expected, but the good news is that the process is now complete.

Over the past few weeks, our growing European teams have been striving to prepare the technical platform to support the beta test, and we are now in the final stages of implementing the required technology. It is our intention to post an announcement very soon that indicates the specific date in September when the European World of Warcraft closed beta test will start. Under the current schedule, the first wave of selected testers will be notified by e-mail a couple of days before the beta launch. Thank you for your patience, and we hope to have you playing World of Warcraft as soon as possible!

I'd fucking better be in!


GAF's Bob Woodward
Wow, this game is breathtaking. Been playing for a few hours now, and it's just so vast, so epic. So much polish. You can see why it's taking so long to develop. "Wow moments" for me have been entering Stormwind and Stormwind keep for the first time. But everything is really beautiful, and I've barely scratched the surface.


Well it does certainly sound good. I was about to participate in the beta and people were syaing it wasnt good.


Damn, this might be the first MMORPG I get. It's just the paying monthly that puts me off, but it looks like I'm going to have to live with it :(

Have they announced the pricing yet?


gofreak said:
Is anyone else finding the quests aren't really working? I'm a human mage in the newbie area. For example, I accepted a quest to kill kobold workers in the mine to the north of northshire, and I went there and killed about 7 of them, but the quest didn't update - it just said I had killed none.

Also, I took another quest to talk to the inn keeper at lion's pride. I was told to tell the inn-keeper who sent me. But there was no sign of being able to do that at the inn - I talked to the inn-keeper and got that stone etc. but I wasn't able to complete the quest.

Also, my inventory is now full - where do I go, what do I do to fix that..?

You might want to read the quest log closer. You didn't kill the right kobolds for the first quest, and you didn't talk to the NPC with a big ? over their head for the innkeeper quest.


GAF's Bob Woodward
firex said:
You might want to read the quest log closer. You didn't kill the right kobolds for the first quest, and you didn't talk to the NPC with a big ? over their head for the innkeeper quest.

Yeah, I figured out the first one with the kobolds after abandoning it 3 times. But personally I think it's understandable when you confuse Kobold Labourers and Kobold Workers..especially when you're told the workers are in the mine, when in fact, they only spawn at the mine entrance, with the mine itself being full of labourers. Not very intuitive, they should change that quest before release imo.
gofreak said:
Yeah, I figured out the first one with the kobolds after abandoning it 3 times. But personally I think it's understandable when you confuse Kobold Labourers and Kobold Workers..especially when you're told the workers are in the mine, when in fact, they only spawn at the mine entrance, with the mine itself being full of labourers. Not very intuitive, they should change that quest before release imo.

Well imo you should try reading the quest descriptions. ;)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
""Wow moments" for me have been entering Stormwind and Stormwind keep for the first time. But everything is really beautiful, and I've barely scratched the surface."

No kidding. Stormwind is gorgeous. The pics posted in this thread do not do the game any justice at all.

Oddly enough, it runs at a silky smooth 60-100 fps for me in stormwind, while i get 30-60 in the forest which seems less detailed.


If there is anyone that can not get the game to work on thier computer or are otherwised blocked from the game, please show me some pitty and PM me your key. thank you :)


teh_pwn said:
""Wow moments" for me have been entering Stormwind and Stormwind keep for the first time. But everything is really beautiful, and I've barely scratched the surface."

No kidding. Stormwind is gorgeous. The pics posted in this thread do not do the game any justice at all.

Oddly enough, it runs at a silky smooth 60-100 fps for me in stormwind, while i get 30-60 in the forest which seems less detailed.
Stormwind runs a lot better now mostly because it's freaking empty. It used to be crowded with at least 300 people at all times.


Grandma's Chippy
Yes someone give Deakon a key if you have one...he is driving me insane asking to play mine and looking sadly at screenshots.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Good god, digital crack is right. I've basically played straight through the whole day. I'm a level 9 mage now, I need to group with some people. Any humans on GAF who'd like to group?

We really need a GAF guild..
Infuckingcredible game! Best MMO i've had the pleasure of playing. Lvl 9 and things just keep getting better. Crafting is a blast.

I"m buying this on retail and making everyone i know do so as well.

My jaw dropped when i first approached Ogrimmar (orc capital). HUGE!

*runs off to play some more*


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Damn, I hope this is released this year.

The basics of the game are complete, but if you go to higher level areas, you see NPCs with names like "Captain Placeholder". And if you go into Stormwind you'll find lots of empty bars and rooms.

I've seen some glitches with character animations. My mage's staff disappears at times and one time I casted something, and I think I put my weapon away at the same time and my left arm stayed in up in the air in the position when it was casting something.

This is a great game. If released this year, it'll be my GOTY most likely.


Deg said:
Well it does certainly sound good. I was about to participate in the beta and people were syaing it wasnt good.

I haven't played it yet but the people who complain are mostly people complaining about the new patch. Also Blizzard has a strikt no tolerance policy aswell wich just plain sucks. So if you fool around a little and someone gets offended by it and contacts blizzard, the chances are very high that they'll ban you. So be careful of what you say and what you do on the servers.


Shompola said:
I haven't played it yet but the people who complain are mostly people complaining about the new patch. Also Blizzard has a strikt no tolerance policy aswell wich just plain sucks. So if you fool around a little and someone gets offended by it and contacts blizzard, the chances are very high that they'll ban you. So be careful of what you say and what you do on the servers.
hasn't happened on the regular beta servers, in fact i don't think anybody's been permanently banned.

the new patch did introduce a lot of bugs. you don't notice them at the lower levels, it's when you fight stuff around level 36 and up that you see some of the problems.

they also don't have all of the classes fully developed yet. no class has all of its spells yet, and a lot of them aren't able to do some of their roles yet (like paladins aren't capable of being a main tank, druids aren't capable of tanking in bear form, warlocks don't have ANY group role except giving people soulstones) so it's still very much a work in progress. they also desperately need pvp content.

I really think the only people I've seen on any forums bashing the game are hardcore EQ2 fanboys, or the jaded meganerds who've played every MMORPG, every class within those MMORPGs, and all to max level. I personally think this game is awesome for what it's meant to be: the casual player's MMORPG. Lots of people on the beta forums bitch about it being "too easy" in some parts but quite frankly they're always associated with some big EQ guild of nerds who played 24/7. plus there's no raid content in the game.

At higher levels the game revolves a little too much around the grouping trinity of warrior, priest and mage, but that's another thing Blizzard says will be fixed when they've balanced all the classes.
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