So this isn't the patch that changes Divine Storm to not use Holy Power?
It looks like a pre-maintenance patch for 4.0.3a. almost 1 GIG though, be prepared to download it.SnakeswithLasers said:So this isn't the patch that changes Divine Storm to not use Holy Power?
Angry Grimace said:A significant portion of players believe every patch nerfs their DPS
vilmer_ said:Just a question for those who have ordered the CE online from a retail store. Will we have to wait a few days for it to ship to our houses? Or do we just go and pick it up from the store when the game comes out? I've never pre-ordered online before, only in-store :/
Tamanon said:Ya know, I honestly wouldn't be completely surprised if the Shattering occurred this Friday or Saturday.
Tamanon said:Ya know, I honestly wouldn't be completely surprised if the Shattering occurred this Friday or Saturday.
Tamanon said:Ya know, I honestly wouldn't be completely surprised if the Shattering occurred this Friday or Saturday.
HarryDemeanor said:I'd love that too but I still think it's coming out a week before the expansion. If it came out this Friday then a massive wave of QQ and bitching will occur on the forums with "ZOMG BLIZZURD! WTF NU MRE ZG MNTS! Y DINT YU GIV WRNING! CANCEL NOW PLX!"
Palmer_v1 said:ok, the new UI sizing to to 1:1 pixels or whatever, has made all my UI elements incredibly small. Chat I can fix by increasing font size, but the minimap and action bars are not customizable without an addon. Kind of annoyed now.
Yes. Flight Master's License. It costs 250g.JoeMartin said:Will there be any cold weather flying equivalent for flying in Kalim/EK?
Hear hear. Back when I was rolling around with premades, if we didn't cap LM and hold it for the entire time then something was wrong.Angry Grimace said:It still amazes me that after like 4 years, people can't figure out the obvious strategic value Lumber Mill in AB has over the other four nodes.
HildyB said:You pre-ordered from a local retail store through the online site to do in-store pickup, correct? I would call the store to make sure they have your pre-order on file, then all should be good.
speedpop said:Hear hear. Back when I was rolling around with premades, if we didn't cap LM and hold it for the entire time then something was wrong.
Nowadays only a few Horde run up there to cap, then they run to Stables? Cmon. Just sit tight with your 3 people at LM and let them come to you whilst you alert your group as to who is running where.
It depends what your scale of profit is.Iadien said:Which professions are most profitable nowadays? Is Alchemy/Enchanting still up there?
notworksafe said:JC/Enchanting is a good combo. Mining/Herbalism isn't bad either, especially since you can now track both mining nodes and herbs on your minimap.
I'm still really annoyed that I can't remove the clock on the mini map anymore. What the fuck.Palmer_v1 said:ok, the new UI sizing to to 1:1 pixels or whatever, has made all my UI elements incredibly small. Chat I can fix by increasing font size, but the minimap and action bars are not customizable without an addon. Kind of annoyed now.
You CAN heal that way, but if you're just running heroics, just smiteheal so you can dps and heal at the same time.Jazzy Network said:Question about Disc Priest healing. I think I'm doing it wrong. Am I supposed to spec into smite healing and Evangelism? Sounds really dumb to me. Right now I'm just putting pw:s on tanks and pom and using Penance as my big heal. Occasionally using renew and oh shit flash heals on clothies. It's not very mana efficient at all, but I seem to be doing ok in the short run. Would love some help on the best way to do it while being mana efficient.
Mana efficiency comes from Smite/Atonement/Evangelism/Archangel. That mechanic alone transforms Disc from fairly crappy efficiency to among the best for healers. If you really, really don't want to Smite heal you could take advantage of the slight efficiency gains through Inner Focus/ Train of Thought. I think you'll really struggle to make that worthwhile in the typical 5-man, though.Jazzy Network said:Question about Disc Priest healing. I think I'm doing it wrong. Am I supposed to spec into smite healing and Evangelism? Sounds really dumb to me. Right now I'm just putting pw:s on tanks and pom and using Penance as my big heal. Occasionally using renew and oh shit flash heals on clothies. It's not very mana efficient at all, but I seem to be doing ok in the short run. Would love some help on the best way to do it while being mana efficient.
Although the actual heal from Smite will be nerfed in 4.0.3 (or in the case of the US, WAS nerfed), that's the core mana regen of disc priests at the moment. If you Archangel at five stacks of the buff you get from smiting, you'll regen 15% of your mana. That's a lot more than five smites' worth of mana.Evlar said:Mana efficiency comes from Smite/Atonement/Evangelism/Archangel. That mechanic alone transforms Disc from fairly crappy efficiency to among the best for healers. If you really, really don't want to Smite heal you could take advantage of the slight efficiency gains through Inner Focus/ Train of Thought. I think you'll really struggle to make that worthwhile in the typical 5-man, though.
It's under "Video" then "Advanced" in settings. I'm using mostly default UI myself, so yours may work differently.Alex said:Can't you just increase the scale of the UI? Is that slider gone now or am I missing the issue. I'm using a mostly custom one, so I can't really try out most of this stuff.
ACE 1991 said:Feeling a bit of nostalgia for WoW. While I don't think I'll be coming back for Cataclysm, my first time 1-60 in 8th grade still to this day stands out as the greatest gaming experience I've ever had. Exploring such a cohesive and massive world while making awesome online friends was simply amazing.
Not sure why I decided to post this, just felt like sharing :lol
Angry Grimace said:It still amazes me that after like 4 years, people can't figure out the obvious strategic value Lumber Mill in AB has over the other four nodes.
It's strategic, but I argue that Blacksmith is more so. You can't see who is standing on LM or GM but you can see movement across the rest of the map. More important, you have a centrally located GY that improves your team's response time for offense and defense.Angry Grimace said:It still amazes me that after like 4 years, people can't figure out the obvious strategic value Lumber Mill in AB has over the other four nodes.
notworksafe said:JC/Enchanting is a good combo. Mining/Herbalism isn't bad either, especially since you can now track both mining nodes and herbs on your minimap.
Also, where's J-Rzez? I feel like I should point today out as a patch day where the servers are actually up earlier than Blizz predicted.
You mean it's been there for weeks? No, that isn't normal.sykoex said:Upon first installing the last patch, up until this new patch became available, the progress bar on the launcher said "Applying non-critical updates. This will take some time." This message never went away and it's still there after installing the new patch. Is this normal?
ACE 1991 said:Feeling a bit of nostalgia for WoW. While I don't think I'll be coming back for Cataclysm, my first time 1-60 in 8th grade still to this day stands out as the greatest gaming experience I've ever had. Exploring such a cohesive and massive world while making awesome online friends was simply amazing.
Not sure why I decided to post this, just felt like sharing :lol
Dang you missed it! :lolJ-Rzez said:Was at work
Not a real patch though as if it were it'd run at least 3 hours later, but anyways, anytime that they manage to get the servers up earlier than usual regardless is a shocker.
Vigilant Walrus said:nah it's fine dude. You did what many can't - they don't know when to stop, thus getting burned out, and suddenly start to think that ofcourse it's not them that is just tired of the game - no. the latest patch/change/nerf/buff/whatever killed all the fun.
Obviously thats bullshit. People just dont know when to move on. That's what so many of these f**king vanilla purists don't get. You can disagree about some changes and think they turn it into something worse for the game, but most likely, these people who feel this way are just getting closer to the threshold of having had enough of the gameplay mechanics, interface, controls, engine - and no content patch is going to fix that.
The difference is of course that other peoples favorite games - OOT, Half-Life, and so on, are not played for 2500 hours or more. Because WoW has no satisfying ending, the player is asked when to call it quits. many people get confused, and can't logically just realise it's them, not the game that has changed. The player has changed from being inexperienced and unaware about the wonders of the game, to being knowledged and a master of the game. Obviously everything is better in the beginning. the first time.
Many people just don't seem to realise this.
There are exceptions to the rule though, but for many annoying people I am convinced it holds true.