Locked means there is a queue to get online.Deadly Cyclone said:Why is area 52 locked?
We're semi-hardcore. We usually do two raids a week. One for the more hardcore types that is focused on 10 man progression and another 10 man for alts and more casual raiders that is more relaxed. May be making another raid depending on how many people end up sticking around. We don't do 25s.Zerokku said:So it seems my old guild has merger with a pretty hardcore raiding guild. I'm at most a "softcore" raider. Which outside of a couple friends (that I can still talk to through realid) leaves me with nothing keeping me on this server.
How is the horde guild on Area 52 raiding wise? I want to do some, but Im not going to be going incredibly hardcore. Also, what timezone is it in?
notworksafe said:We're semi-hardcore. We usually do two raids a week. One for the more hardcore types that is focused on 10 man progression and another 10 man for alts and more casual raiders that is more relaxed. May be making another raid depending on how many people end up sticking around. We don't do 25s.
And we're EST.
notworksafe said:Most players in the guild itself are MST and CST, we just happen to play on an EST server.
Aurayouready.Halycon said:Yo! Notworksafe, what's your in game name and can I get an invite to the mpromptu gaf guild? My current guild is filled with mutes.
AceBandage said:Sooooooooo glad I decided to upgrade my computer before this came out.
It would be a shame to not enjoy how beautiful these new zones are.
Not really. Unless you want Darnassus rep >.<SpudBud said:Is there any advantage to leveling a worgan in darkshore? I'd rather head to westfall.
But again, it's because there's no real constructive way to prevent super fast leveling when everyone has 310% speed mounts that fly over obstacles.CassSept said:The leveling in Cata is much shorter than in WotLK. When I logged onto game before 1pm someone told me that half of Realm Firsts were already taken, I was shocked :lol During WotLK our overall 80 first was evening of the second day and some class realm firsts were contested until ummm... 3rd-4th day?
So far I'm up to 83 and I didn't really put that much of play time into the game. Actually these 3 levels took me less time than the first 2 levels back at WotLK launch (iirc back then a level took an average 5 hours to complete).
But well, overall, I'm enjoying it. I'm glad I actually caved in, this goddamn drug is going to keep me occupied for a couple of days :<
water_wendi said:So a friend called me up and gave me a gamecard code so i can see whats changed. Heres the first change ive noticed.
Its dropped a few hundred over the course of several hours. Its also said 2.5 hour wait for about 4 hours now.
Killed any desire i had to play :lol Did they do any payment server upgrades when centralizing everything through Bnet? You know things are going to be bad when any time a game launches things fuck up even if its not a game you are playing. Protip: Use Wow gamecard a week before Diablo 3 or the next SC2 expansion launches.
markot said:Brilliant >.< lol
evlcookie said:Dexterworgen. I love it :lol
Ramirez said:My friend tried to get this name on a bunch of servers a few weeks ago and it was taken everywhere. I was cracking up, I would never think of stuff like this, he also wanted WorgenFreeman or some variant, but they were taken as well. :lol
Mutagenic said:I finished Blasted Lands and the last quest put me at 57. I need to be 58 to quest in Outlands, right? I went through the dark portal and pooped my pants at what I saw. Where should I quest to get from 57 to 58? Sorry, I'm new to all this and completely lost.
Been to Winterspring, but I did a little research and you're right, Silithus it is.Dr. Pangloss said:Have you gone to winterspring or slitihus? They are both on kalimador. Winterspring is in the very north. Slithus is at the very south.
Are you kidding? Only poopsockers would enjoy that crap. No wonder it has an achievement tied to it.theultimo said:Hyjal has a Joust clone in the WoW engine....its amazing![]()
zlatko said:How long do servers go down for usually? I'm on Frostmane and it just went down.
gathering herbs in deepholm is outta control too. questing is really slow because there's ALWAYS yellow spots on my mini map.Dr. Pangloss said:Deepholm is the new Un'Goro Crater when it comes to mining. Just went from 480-525 mining elementium. Got about 8 stacks but I can't prospect it till my jewel crafting is at 475.
Scrow said:gathering herbs in deepholm is outta control too. questing is really slow because there's ALWAYS yellow spots on my mini map.
Effect said:Finished up the Worgen starting area last night and ran around Darnassus a little bit before signing off. Nice that they have their own tree but I hope that isn't the only Worgen/Gilneas settlement. I also hope we get to revisit Gilneas. I do have a problem with getting lead to Darkshore though. No NPC sends you there. You have to get the quest from the new notice board. I would have liked it if someone from Gilneas suggested you head there to help out the Night Elfs. Though I guess that means you have a choice of where you proceed to next. One could leave to and head to the human lands or dwarf/gnome lands if they wished I guess.
Or will all the notice boards send you back to where your next racial zone should be regardless of where the board is?
Been playing a Balanced Druid and the whole Moon/Sun system while somewhat simple is nice. Casting isn't so boring anymore. The revamp has made it easier to stay alive as well where as before when trying to play a Night Elf Druid I kept dying over and over unless I transformed. Then it was boring since I was pretty much a warrior (something I didn't want to play).
Bisnic said:I think you missed a quest, i did finish Gilneas yesterday and King Greymane in Darnassus told me to go to Darkshore.
There is a few worgens around the world, and they got a small town in Blasted Lands from what i've seen.
Nothing like goblin towns, where there is like 4 or 5 of them in each continent.
Effect said:Hmm. Maybe I clicked to fast. I know I did report to him to finish a quest. Maybe that's when he said it. Perhaps it was the lack of another actual quest in the journal that confused me.
Thanks. Might take a trip to Blasted Lands with my Pally to see it. Was hoping for more to be honest but oh well.
SUPARSTARX said:Blah, first time in Stonecore on normal, mount dropped off Slabhide. I didn't win. The mount looks exactly like Slabhide himself.
Does anyone know where I can find these Archaeology daily quests on the Alliance side? I tried checking with Harrison Jones but he doesn't offer one to me.
- Archaeology daily quests are now properly flagged as dailies.
They're also retarded because anyone can race change an existing character.Macattk15 said:Got my new Worgen from 1-42 yesterday
Every 5 man until I was like level 25 was full of Worgens. Then I get near the 40's and everyone is like "OMG A WORGEN?!?!?! WTF?!?!?" ... "HOLY CRAP MAN, HOW'D YOU LEVEL SO FAST?!?!?!" ..... "WOW YOU HAS NO LIFE LOLOLOLOL".
I have full heirlooms, am a warrior chaining victory rush pulling 13 things at once in quest areas, and have leveled to 80 3 previous times.
People are retarded. I hope to hit 85 by Sunday night, but it's going to be tough since I have a full time job, a girlfriend (who luckily also plays), and things to do after work some nights ... BUT I MUST SET GOALS.