Bisnic said:
But no one is retarded enough to pay for a race change of a lvl 40 character.
Hopefully no one is that retarded...
I don't advocate the idea of character recustomization costing as much as it does, but honestly....if you're going to re-roll at level 40 just for a race change, wouldn't you rather pay $30 and be done with it right away? All the time it takes to get to level 40 is definitely worth $30 to me, even at the current speedy leveling rate.
Color me a little bitter for rerolling to a human from a dwarf (same class and everything) nearly two years ago before race changes went live. Could've kept some cool old stuff on the old priest, like my Amani War Bear.

New one has a Val'anyr though, so I'm happy.
And the whole process got me a Shaman and a Hunter out of it too, at 60 or so. RAF ftw.
Level 82 to 83 is a big jump in xp required. I burned out on boring kill quests. The quest design is utter trash so far in this expansion, as much as I love the areas. Barely anything new or exciting. The bear cub tossing shit was the only one of note.
And why can't they make the named NPC mobs that usually end a quest chain TOUGH? Why do they barely have 10-30k more life than an average mob and go down just as quickly? Why is this shit so easy? I mean, it's just like BC and WotlK I guess...but even they had the occasional Elite quest where you needed to team up to take something down, or at least it was soloable, but only if you were really fucking good. I miss that.
I guess I need to break up my leveling with more dungeon runs, even if it is slower.
Have yet to do any save Throne of the Tides and Blackrock Caverns.
Stonecore and more tonight!