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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Rapstah said:
Oh, cool, in my rage about healing pug heroics I managed to bug my way out of Deepholm. Currently flying around outside the dome. It's really empty, basically.

Oh god you're going to cause the 2nd Cataclysm.


Ferrio said:
Oh god you're going to cause the 2nd Cataclysm.
Apart from copy-paste template terrain and ground textures (your average Obsidian Sanctum-style stuff), all that's out there is this creepy mark on the ground (I think east of the zone):


Oh, btw... DK PVP is absolutely FANTASTIC atm. I honestly never had SO much fun before. This lock decided to throw down an infernal while I have Sim on him, so after I killed him, and 2 of his buddies came at me, I called down the infernal I copied and wasted them. FANTASTIC. It also copies Howl of Terror. At that point when I got on said warlock again he didn't try to cast a thing, just tried to run away. :lol


TimeKillr said:
Your DPS was terrible and the tank wasn't helping either.

Stonecore is one of the easiest instances and the bosses are prety simple but they all have a retard check. Your class isn't at fault one bit.

And how the fuck does a DPS die to Ground Slam? It's a frontal attack targeted at the tank


Fularu said:
Your DPS was terrible and the tank wasn't helping either.

Stonecore is one of the easiest instances and the bosses are prety simple but they all have a retard check. Your class isn't at fault one bit.

And how the fuck does a DPS die to Ground Slam? It's a frontal attack targeted at the tank

Maaybe if the tank charges back in after Shatter and the boss turns ever soooo slightly >_>

Maybe a few tiers later it'll be fun trying to kill off melee DPS on that boss.


Was just in a heroic BRC where people didn't understand the Chains of Woe concept. Which is the EXACT same as in normal. It's truly depressing how bad some players are.

3rd boss, explaining the debuff stacks etc.

"Where do I see them?"
"on the bosses debuff bar on his unit frame"
"what's a debuff bar?"

Level 85 tank in a heroic. Jesus fucking wept.


HixxSAFC said:
Was just in a heroic BRC where people didn't understand the Chains of Woe concept. Which is the EXACT same as in normal. It's truly depressing how bad some players are.

3rd boss, explaining the debuff stacks etc.

"Where do I see them?"
"on the bosses debuff bar on his unit frame"
"what's a debuff bar?"

Level 85 tank in a heroic. Jesus fucking wept.
At least he listened to the tactics rather than yelling "Just go" in the middle of me describing how General Husam works and wiping the group.


This was after he charged in and just stood him in the fire the whole fight.

You shouldn't be able to do heroic until you've done the normal. If he'd done the normal I am at a loss for words as to what he was doing.


HixxSAFC said:
This was after he charged in and just stood him in the fire the whole fight.

You shouldn't be able to do heroic until you've done the normal. If he'd done the normal I am at a loss for words as to what he was doing.

Normals you can pretty much avoid all strats except a few. End boss of Pinnacle and Batol one of the few that you actually have to follow the strats.

Hell the beam boss in BRC i didn't even realize there was a strat in heroic. In normal we just burned down the boss and adds.


Ferrio said:
Normals you can pretty much avoid all strats except a few. End boss of Pinnacle and Batol one of the few that you actually have to follow the strats.

Hell the beam boss in BRC i didn't even realize there was a strat in heroic. In normal we just burned down the boss and adds.

Doing the heroic achievement for the beam boss last night was one of the tensest fights I've had in WoW in a while. We one shot it, but the healer was completely out of mana when the third zealot went down, and I had no more tanking cooldowns. Got saved by our ret pally hitting me with lay on hands at the last minute and picking up heals until the healer had a bit of regenned mana.


J-Rzez said:
Oh, btw... DK PVP is absolutely FANTASTIC atm. I honestly never had SO much fun before. This lock decided to throw down an infernal while I have Sim on him, so after I killed him, and 2 of his buddies came at me, I called down the infernal I copied and wasted them. FANTASTIC. It also copies Howl of Terror. At that point when I got on said warlock again he didn't try to cast a thing, just tried to run away. :lol

Enjoy it before you are nerfed into the ground. I play 3s with a Frost DK, Spriest, and Holy Pally (myself) and we cruised up to 2250 with no problems at all. Went like 37-4.


What are some good hunter pets? Right now I've got:

Wolf (Irontail)
Fox (Ashtail!)
Shale spider
Spirit Beast (Loque'nahak)
Carrion Bird

I'm not sure what's best for raiding.


Sai-kun said:
What are some good hunter pets? Right now I've got:

Wolf (Irontail)
Fox (Ashtail!)
Shale spider
Spirit Beast (Loque'nahak)
Carrion Bird

I'm not sure what's best for raiding.

Corehounds are the best, (worst!) since they cause me to have vietnam type flashbacks of MC. Everytime I hear that sound I cringe.


war of titties grampa
I have some questions for the Warrior experts here. I've seen tanking guides for warriors that are LVL85 but I am at 35 and im still trying to figure out which abilities should be in my spell rotation. Im going for Prot and right now i start with charge if they are far enough then rend , thunderclap, shield slam and i alternate on heroic strike and shield slam while using thunderclap as a rend refresh. Is this a resonable starting rotation? Where do i fit in abilities such as shield block? Do i start my fight with shield block then do the rotation? And when should i be using sunder armor? Thanks for the help ahead!!:D


Really Really Exciting Member!
Trin3785 said:
I have a questions for the Warrior experts here. I've seen tanking guides for warriors that are LVL85 but I am at 35 and im still trying to figure out which abilities should be in my spell rotation. Im going for Prot and right now i start with charge if they are far enough then rend , thunderclap, shield slam and i alternate on heroic strike and shield slam while using thunderclap as a rend refresh. Is this a resonable starting rotation? Where do i fit in abilities such as shield block? Do i start my fight with shield block then do the rotation? And when should i be using sunder armor? Thanks for the help ahead!!:D

Do not use Heroic Strike unless your rage bar is or is almost full.

Spam Revenge(hits 2 targets with talent) & Cleave(Glyph of Cleave is awesome for 3 targets instead of 2!) for AOE, on top of Thunderclap (and later Shockwave). If your DPS is a little too fast on AOE damage, you might want to use Rend after your 1st Thunderclap so that your 2nd will apply it on everything. If you charge -> rend -> thunderclap and your DPS start attacking before you even use thunderclap, you'll regret it.

For single targets, stay with Shield Slam, Devastate(or Sunder at your lvl) & Revenge. Shield Slam is still your best single attack, with Revenge following and finally Devastate(which is like Sunder, but does damage). 3 stacks of sunder is good against tougher targets that last more than a few seconds.

I always use Shield block at the beginning of every fights since its that time where i will take the most damage.

Later, you'll get skills like Spell Reflection & Heroic Throw(ranged pull + silence with talent), which will help a lot against casters. And of course Shockwave which is a frontal cone stun that does AOE damage. Shockwave after 3 thunderclaps can be pretty strong with the talent, even against single targets.

Warriors have a lot of abilities for different situations, and there is no real "spell rotations " like a DPS class. You just use whats the best depending on your amount of rage, procs, and your targets. Tough to master, but you feel awesome when you do.


Trin3785 said:
I have a questions for the Warrior experts here. I've seen tanking guides for warriors that are LVL85 but I am at 35 and im still trying to figure out which abilities should be in my spell rotation. Im going for Prot and right now i start with charge if they are far enough then rend , thunderclap, shield slam and i alternate on heroic strike and shield slam while using thunderclap as a rend refresh. Is this a resonable starting rotation? Where do i fit in abilities such as shield block? Do i start my fight with shield block then do the rotation? And when should i be using sunder armor? Thanks for the help ahead!!:D

I don't think there's truely a rotation for prot warriors, more of a priority list due to procs. I don't know what it is at 35 since you're missing quite a few talents ant change how prot's work.

Think priority is:

Shield Slam > Revenge > Devastate (sunder armor)> Heroic Strike

You should be using shield block constantly in fights, and hopefully right before a shield slam. Usually I trigger shield block right before the start of a fight so the first shield slam really hits home. You will never use sunder armor once you get Devastate, since it's pretty much a sunder armor with damage+procs. Rend in single fights is useless, since it was a waste of a global cooldown. It used to be useless all around, but now it's good for packs due to blood and thunder talent, outside that it's still useless.

Both thunderclap and Demoralizing shout should be used whenever the debuff falls off, and after you've gotton initial aggro. If it's a pack fight then thunderclap whenever it's up (and if you have blood and thunder make sure there's a rend beforehand).

Heroic Strike should only be used as a rage dump, if you got the extra rage to burn queue it up alongside one of the other abilities (uses seperate global cooldown).

Also Victory Rushes should be used whenever they're up if you have Impending Victory (and you should for boss fights).


Trin3785 said:
Thanks alot Guys!! I will take this info and start making a new "rotation". Thanks again!!

Is it worth it to even get the blood and thunder talent then? or should i use those points elsewhere?

I have two protection specs that I'll swap through. They're very similiar, except for a few things, check them out here. Primary is used for boss fights. The other used for trash.


I don't think blood and thunder really needed, it makes tanking multiple mobs easy mode (which would of been helpful in lich). But since you don't tank many multple mobs in heroics I don't use it terribly often. In normals I was, helped quite a bit.

I'm sure you could find a comfortable middle between the two if you wanted just one prot spec.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Its great at later lvls, but from what i remember, elites at low lvl only last a few secs, which kinda kill the damage Rend can do. Unless they buffed their health since the last time i played a low lvl warrior.


war of titties grampa
Ferrio said:
I have two protection specs that I'll swap through. They're very similiar, except for a few things, check them out here. Primary is used for boss fights. The other used for trash.


I don't think blood and thunder really needed, it makes tanking multiple mobs easy mode (which would of been helpful in lich). But since you don't tank many multple mobs in heroics I don't use it terribly often. In normals I was, helped quite a bit.

I'm sure you could find a comfortable middle between the two if you wanted just one prot spec.

Honestly never thought about using my dual spec as another prot talent layout! Sounds like i should do that tho, thanks for the ideas!
PatzCU said:
Healing now requires a couple things.

1. Being efficient with your mana.
2. Being OK with not everyone topped off at all times.
3. DPS that aren't complete dunces and don't stand in the fire.
4. A tank that knows the fights and can make it easier for the DPS not to be complete dunces.

I am mostly a PVP healer so I am used to the stress of healing in difficult situations. I think the new heroic dungeons/raids are a huge step forward for WoW. There is actually a challenge now that requires teamwork and thinking to overcome. I love the delicious tears of the players that can't hack it. Either they need to learn to play as a team or I guess they can run regular dungeons until the next patch.

Not a huge step forward, but one back out of the hole dug for themselves in search of the players feeling powerful at all times. Healers are the MOST susceptable to that breaking the game, so after Wrath's launch, it was a BARRAGE of nerfs to regen, thruput, and functionality (which the former two would be quickly erased with ballooning iLevel, and the later by buffs so as to take the place of some other classes' respective spell's nerf). A wise veteran WoW healer put it "I was not having to try, I was so powerful long before BiS; but every single patch, the numbers get so much bigger, but I feel so much weaker. Its the reverse of ever single RPG I've ever played."

Basically, we are back to not aiming for always being at max potential, maximum power, maximum positioning and everything balanced around that being the case at ALL TIMES. Gotta think, gotta make do. It feels natural, and they don't have to cook up any contrived restraints to prevent all bosses being 3-healed with 2 spells per class.
EU server shutdown took me and my heroic Vortex run by surprise, got a 15 minute warning after downing the 2nd boss, causing us to rush through the packs like mad. We ran out of time when final boss had a mere 50K hp left :lol


Ferrio said:
Is it just me, or did JC's get the shaft when it comes to making money/craftable items. Cut jewels really don't sell much more than their uncut versions and the neck/rings you can make are pretty damn pitiful. Also the unique gems seem to be pretty lackluster too.

Edit; On that note, mining too. Where's our daily cooldown smelt?

I make about 900g daily from my Chimera's Eye.
My run of Halls of Origination run tonight was loot cursed.

With the exception of Sandy Marrowgar (Tank Shield) and Rajh (tank sword, healer back) everything that dropped was mail, and we didnt have a shaman in the group. :lol

At least I got the healing back :p


PatzCU said:
Enjoy it before you are nerfed into the ground. I play 3s with a Frost DK, Spriest, and Holy Pally (myself) and we cruised up to 2250 with no problems at all. Went like 37-4.

Well most are complaining about Frost, so they can nerf that into the ground. :p

Spriests are incredible in PVP atm, and Holy Pallies are still holy pallies in pvp heh.

I'm not having fun blowing people up, as I do good dmg, but not Frost damage in PVP, but it's the mechanics that are fun.

Wish I had time to arena. :(


Do we have any business trying out Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10 if most of us have an average item level of 340?

This feels hopeless after 10 attempts. So much fucking incoming damage it's crazy.
Magnus said:
Do we have any business trying out Halfus Wyrmbreaker 10 if most of us have an average item level of 340?

My guild tried it the other night too. We got pwned but I don't think it's a gear thing. Any tips out there from fellow the GAF WoW crowd?


ToyMachine228 said:
My guild tried it the other night too. We got pwned but I don't think it's a gear thing. Any tips out there from fellow the GAF WoW crowd?

I still have two greens on in my healing set because I shifted to focusing on a shadow set this expansion. But I'm the only healer we have for a third slot and still know how to do the job, so I helped the guild fill the spot. Turns out I'm better geared than one of the other two healers in the raid.

We have the worst random combination of adds apparently; 100% increased attack speed and stacking Mortal Wound debuff, and we just got him to 39%. There's hope.


Heroic Deadmines kill still eludes us, though I've only been in the one run myself.

We got Halfus to 17% with the worst combo of adds and severe undergearing, but called it when trash respawned.


We started fooling around with raids tonight, too. Omnitron Defense System was our pick. Not sure if it was a good one to start with first, I kept hearing it wasn't :lol

It was really fun though, such a neat encounter, intimidating as heck at first but once you start to get it into your mind it flows really well. We had some issues with healing, it seemed. Might be gear related, our healers and DPS are still playing musical chairs with specs.

Not sure how much progress we even made on it, we were doing pretty good towards the end but we weren't really planning to down anything, mostly just test flights for the new feel.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Dresden said:
I have a weird feeling you two play ele shammies. They're so terrible right now.*

Speaking of this, any tips? I feel like I just get stunned and silenced, then completely destroyed. Thunderstorm just delays my death.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
NameGenerated said:
Speaking of this, any tips? I feel like I just get stunned and silenced, then completely destroyed. Thunderstorm just delays my death.
Go enhance or reroll.


Down Omnotron after about 15 wipes. Fun encounter, but hard on healing (gear in general). Lots of stuff is avoidable, however, so that's nice.

Next up, Halfus and/or Magmaw.


For all you DK's out there (not very many at the moment) that are still Frost, convert to Unholy!

I have stuck with it through WotLK and now it's finally getting to shine in Cata. Your dps will be through the roof and you will be infinitely more useful (Ebon Plague bumping caster DPS and cracked up Ghoul delivering a 10s 50% dmg mitigation to the party).

I don't know if this is true for everyone, but I have yet to see a Frostie do the same overall damage (and even DPS) that I can do. This goes for single target as well. Hell the best DK in our guild cannot even match me with his Frost at the moment and he's really damn good with them.

Plus you feel really good when your ghoul single handedly does more damage than most people :p


NameGenerated said:
Speaking of this, any tips? I feel like I just get stunned and silenced, then completely destroyed. Thunderstorm just delays my death.
Grab tons of resilience and hope to God your healer is incredible. >_>


This is gonna sound like whining, but god damn am I disappointed that my class(rogue) got nothing but a bunch of PVP abilities. Absolutely nothing for PVE except Redirect which is on a 1 minute cooldown and feels useless.


Azshara has quickly become one of my favorite questing zones. I'm not even halfway through and I love all the quests.
I also like how Kalecgos is just chilling underneath a bridge in the goblin town.:lol


lordmrw said:
This is gonna sound like whining, but god damn am I disappointed that my class(rogue) got nothing but a bunch of PVP abilities. Absolutely nothing for PVE except Redirect which is on a 1 minute cooldown and feels useless.

Meh all I got I can use is heroic leap and it's pretty shitty.
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