Okay, so...
Fuck Stonecore.
I'm a Druid healer. I know how to play. I never go OOM. Hell, I healed heroic Ozruk, which is apparently one of the most difficult heroic fights in the game, with no real trouble. Not to mention one melee DPS died on the first ground slam, and one of the magic DPS died at about 20%.. And we still managed to beat him down.
The last fight in Stonecore is badly designed when you have a Druid healer. You know what happens the second all the adds pop up?
So what happens is if the group doesn't immediately stop dpsing the boss and just doesn't focus on AOEing the adds, I die in 2 seconds. Even if I position myself perfectly between the mobs and the wells. Why? Those wells do not kill the mobs as they are supposed to. At least, not quickly enough.
So not only is it a pain on regular as a Druid, it's near impossible on Heroic. There seems to be about 3x as many cultists that spawn, double the gravity wells (that STILL don't kill those adds). If we're unlucky ONCE, I die.
The last attempt we did? I followed the tank around - he can keep those adds off me. Well, sure, if I don't get punted into a group of spawning adds by something (I still don't know exactly what punted me, mind you. I think it might've been that huge rock she carries around that you can't keep track of because, you know, there's already a million adds and 6 zones you can't walk into).
Fuck it. Seriously. I love a challenge. But a luck-based fight? Or one I just can't heal because of my class mechanics? No.