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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Totalhalibut is all about videos.


Wow, what an oversight on their part of the bug that was happening in arenas. I wondered why people's ratings were all shooting up there, and they all said "it was easy". Including people that I know for a fact sucked at pvp or never did it up until this point. :lol

So they locked gear out until the end of Jan, instead of just doing a hard-flat reset on the arena season? Really? They already locked out gear, and reset some form of ratings. Just do a complete reset and put the gear back to normal.


J-Rzez said:
Wow, what an oversight on their part of the bug that was happening in arenas. I wondered why people's ratings were all shooting up there, and they all said "it was easy". Including people that I know for a fact sucked at pvp or never did it up until this point. :lol

So they locked gear out until the end of Jan, instead of just doing a hard-flat reset on the arena season? Really? They already locked out gear, and reset some form of ratings. Just do a complete reset and put the gear back to normal.
I'm pretty sure they're resetting all ratings to 1500.

• All existing items requiring 2200 rating will have their minimum level requirement temporarily increased to make those items unusable. This change is currently planned to be reverted on January 25.
• Weapons which require a 2200 rating will be unavailable for purchase. This limitation is also planned for reversion on January 25.
• All player and team ratings for arenas will be reduced to a maximum of 1500. (Player, team and matchmaking ratings below 1500 will not be affected)
• Match Making Values for all players will be set to 1500.
That's an awesome feature. I'm looking to get some orbs and now I don't have to explain to people why they should not need roll unless they have the skill.

Maybe that means they won't go free for all later on? The crafted epics are going to be mad expensive.


Dresden said:
I'm pretty sure they're resetting all ratings to 1500.

Right, but they're not stripping said players of weapons/gear, just locked out until Jan 23rd or whatever.

They need to strip all gear earned from arenas. Reset all ratings. Reset all points gained. Start fresh.


J-Rzez said:
Right, but they're not stripping said players of weapons/gear, just locked out until Jan 23rd or whatever.

They need to strip all gear earned from arenas. Reset all ratings. Reset all points gained. Start fresh.
People would bitch endlessly about getting gear taken away.
What is it about Ozruk that tanks dont get? o.0

Its a pretty straighforward fight, yet I just had 3 different tanks get smacked my shatter.


MattPeters said:
What is it about Ozruk that tanks dont get? o.0

Its a pretty straighforward fight, yet I just had 3 different tanks get smacked my shatter.

To be fair, his positioning can be wonky, and if your dps is slow he can get into an awkward position after a while. Though the tank really has no excuse for not getting out of shatter.

Though I did get hit with it once when he followed me after paralyze and shattered without an animation. Nothing I could do about that bug :lol
MattPeters said:
What is it about Ozruk that tanks dont get? o.0

Its a pretty straighforward fight, yet I just had 3 different tanks get smacked my shatter.
If it's 3 tanks in a row, I might be inclined to blame it on education, not the tanks.


I dont know anyone can stand doing arenas. Heres how a typical one goes: games starts >> feared >> stunned >> stunned >> cycloned >> stunned >> slowed >> deep freeze >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> stunned >> feared >> dead.
SnakeswithLasers said:
If it's 3 tanks in a row, I might be inclined to blame it on education, not the tanks.

First tank we had to run down the fight for him. We wiped 3 or 4 times before someone voted kicked him (doesnt every party member have to vote? he was gone before I could vote)

2nd and 3rd tanks said they both knew the fight, even explained the fight. 2nd tank was one shot by the first shatter, and left.

3rd tank was hit by the first shatter, and 2 of our dps left, I tried to find more but the tank left, so I gave up.


MattPeters said:
(doesnt every party member have to vote? he was gone before I could vote
Three people have to approve the kick, so if the three approvals were received before you could vote he would be kicked anyway.
MattPeters said:
First tank we had to run down the fight for him. We wiped 3 or 4 times before someone voted kicked him (doesnt every party member have to vote? he was gone before I could vote)

2nd and 3rd tanks said they both knew the fight, even explained the fight. 2nd tank was one shot by the first shatter, and left.

3rd tank was hit by the first shatter, and 2 of our dps left, I tried to find more but the tank left, so I gave up.
Well then I just don't know. Maybe the tanks are DPS who got tired of queues and only knew the fight as DPS.

Edit: Or maybe they thought it was the same as normal. :lol
Oh well, I dont mind wiping on heroics.

I spent 2hrs in deadmines the other day. All 5 of us didnt know any of the fights, it was really fun learning and when we got Vanessa down it was a huge sense of accomplishment.


scoobs said:
I dont know anyone can stand doing arenas. Heres how a typical one goes: games starts >> feared >> stunned >> stunned >> cycloned >> stunned >> slowed >> deep freeze >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> stunned >> feared >> dead.

PvP in any rpg type games has always frustrated me. It's just not any fun.


MattPeters said:
Oh well, I dont mind wiping on heroics.

I spent 2hrs in deadmines the other day. All 5 of us didnt know any of the fights, it was really fun learning and when we got Vanessa down it was a huge sense of accomplishment.
5 like minded people in a random group are few and far between.

Working to learn the strat is the best part of pve in a guild tho.


DeathNote - I think you're the one who told me about it - Yogpod is hilarious. Almost never has anything to do with WoW, but Jesus Christ, I never thought listening to two Brits ramble endlessly about nonsense would be so fucking hilarious and entertaining.

Their D&D episodes especially, oh boy.

ch0mp said:
PvP in any rpg type games has always frustrated me. It's just not any fun.
It is as long as it's not a small number of people. Arena sucks butt, always has. 1v1 world PvP sucks butt, always has (game's not balanced for 1v1).

But when you get rolling with a big group, or go into BGs... so much fun. Tol Barad's questing area is some of the best fun I've had in a long time in WoW. Reminds me of Isle of Qual'danas (not unintentionally so, I'm sure), which was fucking amazing.


So this was fun..

I got into a pug for heroic Tol'Vir. I kept hearing about how it's one of the easiest heroics?

So I was happy. There's no gear in there for me, but hey. I figured it'd be good experience.

I end up with a group of 4 guildies (nobody in my guild was available to do a guild run).

I'm a healer. A Druid. I do fairly well now - took me a bit of time to adjust to cata, but now my mana usage is under control and I know what to use and when. I find it rather interesting, managing when to use my CDs, my clearcasts, etc.

So anyway.. I get into this group. They're fairly good. We do the first boss - as usual, whenever there's a ret pally in a group, they always die first. So he dies rather quickly, but I manage to keep up the rest of the group throughout the fight.

As soon as it ends, I start getting praises through whispers, from 2 of the guys, saying I'm the best druid healer they've ever seen, that if I'd like to switch servers I'd be more than welcome in their guild, that they're talking about me over their vent, etc. Felt VERY nice to be appreciated rather than yelled at when they make mistakes.

We took down Siamat after a 3-4 wipes, but after the last attempt, everybody just passed on the Chaos Orb as a way of thanking me, and they kept saying I'm an incredible healer since I managed to keep everyone up during the encounter (with all that god damn AOE and all...)

So all in all it's a good night. :)

I was a bit... cautious with tree form, now that it's a CD and all, but if you're specced properly, OMG, it's insane.

My spec is basically around doing clearcasts, dropping Nature's Swiftness (which I don't really need) and huge crits off Regrowth when I clearcast. When I pop my tree, I just become a healing machine - I lifebloom x1 on everybody, then refresh it. Doing that gives me almost constant clearcasts, which means I get free instant big critting regrowths all the time. It helps so immensely it's not even funny. :)


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Good job TimeKillr! :)


My average heroic time has been about 90 minutes or so thus far, it's kind of a love/hate relationship for me personally. Since DPS queues suck at the moment, with them ranging from 35-40 minutes, and my guild being a bunch of clique-ish dbags, I am stuck waiting about 2 hours to even consider completing a heroic, that is if we even finish it because of wipe ragequitting. I need a better guild, someone take my Goblin Shaman and show him love.
Gah, faction change should be included in server change. I know it's a moneypot for Blizzard, but it sucks when your stupid RL friends are alliance, but you've been playing horde for 5 years. =/


DeathNote said:
People would bitch endlessly about getting gear taken away.

They used an exploit to get it though in the first place. Shooters reset stats and level, IF Blizzard wants to step up and take "PVP serious", then they should do what they should. I didn't even start any rated or arena teams yet, and that's just my opinion if they want to push this further along as an "E-sport".

That really irks me with PVE as well when people get things by using exploits easily, then they "fix" the problem, everyone else has to suffer and get it the way it was intended, while the hacks got it via ez-mode.


I get really frustrated at BG losses for some reason >_<

And I hate healing heroics, they just take so damn long... I cant be assed to learn new strats for each boss, and the mindless crap between them.... Wotlk heroics may have been sleep walks, but at least you woke up in like 20 minutes... these are just... boring.


They take less time and are more fun if you actually try to learn them. :lol I think they're super fun. Even when the gear inevitably crushes them, they at least have enough mechanics in place to keep em pretty fun to do. Kind of like BC, but in a less obnoxious way.


Theres too many to learn >_< should have released 4-5 instances, then released the other ones later on with better gear alongside new raids.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Dina said:
Cats got nothing for themselves, only a partybuff.
skull bash is new isn't it? that's very useful, not just for interrupts, but also for getting back into the fight quickly if feral charge is on cooldown. talented it's only a 10 sec cooldown, which is mandatory imo. as for stampeding roar... it feels very weak atm. its radius around the druid needs to be buffed.

Dina said:
Bears too, but they got a buffed swipe (while swipe is useless now), so it's more like a trade.
that's not a trade...

Dina said:
Resto got no new spells WHATSOEVER
blizz said they were happy with resto and didn't want to change it or add anything unnecessary. good design decision imo.

Dina said:
owls got a shitty mushroom.
it is pretty shitty... i really don't understand what blizz's intention is for this ability. i don't play balance, so maybe i'm missing something obvious, but it seems completely inconsequential.

right now i'm very happy with kitty druids. excellent damage, good utility, good party buffs. very strong class/spec at the moment.

ACE 1991 said:
So should I be leveling in Vashj'ir/Hyjal until I ding 83? Also when do I get the quests for TotT? This chain is so fucking long.
i think the general rule of thumb is:

hyjal OR vashj till 82, go to deepholme
deepholme till 83, go to uldam
uldam till 84, go to twilight highlands
twilight h/lands till 85, start running dungeons
dungeons till ilevel 329+, run heroics

make sure to get starting quests from the notice board in SW or Org before going to any new zone.

water_wendi said:
Feral Druids have always been very powerful at the start of each expansion. As time goes on their power diminishes because they don't seem to scale well with gear. Whether this is the case with Cata we will have to wait and see.
should scale better this expansion now that our damage is calculated directly from the equipped weapon damage, instead of that nasty feral AP hack.

water_wendi said:
Another reason they are powerful are their bleeds. They cannot be removed, cannot be lowered with armor or resistance afaik, and have to be healed through. They seem to currently tick far higher than anything else ive come across.. Feral bleeds make Warlock/Shadow Priest dots look like a joke.. especially since those can be dispelled.
oh man, this. it's funny that our dots are our burst damage. when rip or rake dots crit it's a beautiful thing to behold. only other ability i've seen in the kitty's arsenal that can top a rake crit is a ravage crit (or fero bite if you don't have that glyph that stops FB from converting extra energy to bonus damage).

scoobs said:
I dont know anyone can stand doing arenas. Heres how a typical one goes: games starts >> feared >> stunned >> stunned >> cycloned >> stunned >> slowed >> deep freeze >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> ice lance >> stunned >> feared >> dead.
trinket and blow any CDs you have to break CC or mitigate damage. also use LoS. anything you can do to survive opening burst damage. but yes, i agree... PvP sucks.


So I've heard horror stories about the 3rd boss in Stonecore, as a melee dps this fight is a freakin joke. But our group couldn't kill cause failtank didn't understand run through the boss. I tank it as ret for about 20% avoiding shit just fine. It was a group of 3 or 4 guildies, and every time I say hey you gotta dodge that by either sidestepping or running through the boss. I suddenly regret not gathering tank gear.

Should also mention the DK in the group died to every shatter. Even after telling him to start moving the second paralyze hits. This was actually the first heroic group I didn't see to the end, can't fix that amount of stupid.


Scrow said:
skull bash is new isn't it? that's very useful, not just for interrupts, but also for getting back into the fight quickly if feral charge is on cooldown. talented it's only a 10 sec cooldown, which is mandatory imo. as for stampeding roar... it feels very weak atm. its radius around the druid needs to be buffed.

Oh yes, Skull Bash is new. My bad, that is actually a good feral buff. Point stands though. Stampeding Roar is only good for friends when cat, mildly good for self and friends when bear. Only lasts 6 seconds with a 3min cooldown too, which is too much imo. You can generally only use it once on a boss.

Scrow said:
that's not a trade...

Thrash applies a dot, I know. But it sure feels like a trade. Swipe is a useless bear aoe ability while Thrash is a very good bear aoe ability.

Scrow said:
Blizz said they were happy with resto and didn't want to change it or add anything unnecessary. good design decision imo.

I'm not maining resto, but if I would it would still suck imo. Let's not forget that they made Regrowth and Rejuv very expensive as well. Nourish has the same castingspeed as HT, but HT still is better. Most druids I know use LB and HT 90% of the time, WG only when there's aoe dmg. RG/RJ hardly get used. So resto druids use lesser spells than before and get nothing new.

Scrow said:
right now i'm very happy with kitty druids. excellent damage, good utility, good party buffs. very strong class/spec at the moment.

I am too, do not mistake this post for claiming druids are shit. I'm a cat primary, but my guild and the people online force me into a bear role in raids mostly. PvP is also fine, maybe a tad op. But the tools available to us, the new tools, are generally bad or not used much. I don't play my cat or my bear any different then I used to. When looking at warriors, dks, mages or just about any other class, that's not the case there. It's sloppy is what it is. Druids, being versatile as they are, should have gotten two new spells per role (tank, melee, ranged, heal).


Still Tagged Accordingly
Rokam said:
So I've heard horror stories about the 3rd boss in Stonecore, as a melee dps this fight is a freakin joke.
who is the third boss? what're the mechanics you're referring to? i quickly forget these things.


So I found a use for heroic leap.

Seems it negates any falling damage. Fly up farrrr as you can and freefall... right before you hit the ground do a heroic leap... and you take no damage.


Ferrio said:
So I found a use for heroic leap.

Seems it negates any falling damage. Fly up farrrr as you can and freefall... right before you hit the ground do a heroic leap... and you take no damage.

Same thing as the Goblin racial, awesome!


Has problems recognising girls
Scrow said:
oh man, this. it's funny that our dots are our burst damage. when rip or rake dots crit it's a beautiful thing to behold. only other ability i've seen in the kitty's arsenal that can top a rake crit is a ravage crit (or fero bite if you don't have that glyph that stops FB from converting extra energy to bonus damage).
Yeah it's insane. When I was first fooling around going back to Feral, I was like "where the hell are these massive crits coming from!?"


Ferrio said:
So I found a use for heroic leap.

Seems it negates any falling damage. Fly up farrrr as you can and freefall... right before you hit the ground do a heroic leap... and you take no damage.

Until the server lags out and either claims that you're out of range while the targeting circle is green, jumps you when you're dead or just claims that there's no path available.


heroic pugs are an adventure to say the least...

I had one last night where the tank called out the CC targets, CC was applied and for some reason one of the CC's broke.

The tank said "LEAN TO CC AND FUCK YOU ALL" and left the group mid pull

this was on the first pull.....



hamchan said:
What's a minimum dps I should have before I start running heroics?

Interrupts and staying out of the fire 'knowledge' more important but if you're pulling less than 8k and the other dps are too fights are going to last a long time...


My god, I am making a killing off of skinning right now. I advise all skinners to go farm in twilight highlands for savage leather while the prices are still ridiculous.

I've made 4k gold in the past 2 days from nothing but skinning :lol


Ramirez said:
Heroics are a lot of fun with guild mates, I can't even begin to imagine pugging a full group though.

After trying about 6 times to pug heroics, I've decided that I will not do a heroic unless 3 of the people in the party are guildies. Those pugs were just pure torture.

SnakeswithLasers said:
Gah, faction change should be included in server change. I know it's a moneypot for Blizzard, but it sucks when your stupid RL friends are alliance, but you've been playing horde for 5 years. =/

Yeah, I really want to play horde side but all of my friends are alliance :/. They kept flip flopping on if they were coming back for cataclysm like we planned so at one point I was certain that I was going to faction change until they ultimately decided to come back :lol

Though, the instant BG ques are so awesome... Also somehow my battlegroup seems to have a pretty even win/loss ratio for alliance which is nice.


Woot! Downed Halfus last night. That is one fun ass fight. It's not too difficult once you understand the fight. Also got 2 BoE epics for the guild from the trash before him. Was a good night all around. :D


Dipindots said:
My god, I am making a killing off of skinning right now. I advise all skinners to go farm in twilight highlands for savage leather while the prices are still ridiculous.

I've made 4k gold in the past 2 days from nothing but skinning :lol

this morning with alchemy-->Click on Transmute living elemental for Volatile air. Get a crit for 32 volatile Air. Put on AH for 60G each, all are sold before I logout to go to work

total time: 90 seconds



Dunlop said:
this morning with alchemy-->Click on Transmute living elemental for Volatile air. Get a crit for 32 volatile Air. Put on AH for 60G each, all are sold before I logout to go to work

total time: 90 seconds


hahaha, that's insane :lol


Dipindots said:
hahaha, that's insane :lol

I started making money with Truegold but now it got to the point where the mats to make one are more expensive than the bar goes for

Enjoying it while it lasts, the lowest price was 70G per Volatile Air so I could have technically made more, but I wanted the quick sale


The crazy money is coming from inscription for me. Buy cata herbs for anywhere up to 200g a stack, you're guaranteed at least one infernal ink which you can sell for 200g. The money from the actual glyphs is pure profit. Good times!

I'm also suffering from guild-tank guilt. I often just cba with heroics, but everyone in my guild wants to run them all the time due to the horrific dps queues. The last time I joined up with a guild group I said on vent "jesus, that wait time is unnaceptable. It was almost 5 seconds!". That went down well :D


That ink is insanely priced on our AH as well, my guild mate offered to make me the healing offhand (at work dont remember the name) but it required 8 inks which he would need about 8 stacks of herbs from me. I could sell those herbs for 1600..The offhand was on the AH for 1200 so I just purchased it there :D

eventually these prices will get back into the realm of reality


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Dunlop said:
Enjoying it while it lasts, the lowest price was 70G per Volatile Air so I could have technically made more, but I wanted the quick sale
My server is at like 30g currently, although I sold 18 for 75g each about a week ago. Past few days it's been fluctuating between 25 and 40. :\ Probably made like 5k off of it though, so I'm happy.
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