Charge, intercept, bladestorm, berserker rage. AFAIK that's all I have as an arms warrior, right? I could be wrong - I don't claim to be great at this game - but that's it.Dresden said:And warriors have more tools than ever to combat kiting, so it's hard for me to sympathize for them.
I don't count heroic leap cause it's fucking bugged as shit, and that's the only real new thing in my arsenal with which to "combat kiting."
Stance hopping is costly, so that throws intercept under the bus, a little. Not too much, but enough.
Hamstring is fantastic, except when lag seems to prevent me from either a) hitting people with it EVEN IF I USE IT IMMEDIATELY AFTER A CHARGE or b) keeping up with people enough to actually hit them if we're both snared.
Bladestorm is very useful, I admit, but has a pretty long cooldown - long enough that I can only use it once every few encounters in a really hectic battleground.
Berserker rage only breaks fear.
That leaves me with charge, but even its cooldown is so long that once I use it, I'm screwed if my opponent has even one more snare
I mean, if I'm wrong about any of the above, feel free to tell me so. I'd love to know what the fuck I'm doing wrong! Please.
Also, you're complaining about mages? Mages have a lot of tools at their disposal, but if you can actually hit them, at least they die. Try fighting a fucking holy or prot paladin. Those sons of bitches can take a beating from five different people at once and prevent all of us from backcapping the towers in AV. RAAAAAAAAAAAGE.
Also, feral druids with their fifty million bleed ticks. I love getting stunned for five seconds and then dying because they run away and leave me literally bleeding to death, unable to stop any of it.
(Also, without my PvP trinket to break out of ridiculous stunlocks, rogues kill me pretty handily, too. My gear isn't even that bad.)
That was a lot of complaining, and for that I apologize, but like I said in my previous post: frustrated. I know I'm not that great at this game, but I also know I'm not that bad. ;_;
Still interested in trying prot for PvP, though. More stuns, more funs!