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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Dresden said:
And warriors have more tools than ever to combat kiting, so it's hard for me to sympathize for them.
Charge, intercept, bladestorm, berserker rage. AFAIK that's all I have as an arms warrior, right? I could be wrong - I don't claim to be great at this game - but that's it.

I don't count heroic leap cause it's fucking bugged as shit, and that's the only real new thing in my arsenal with which to "combat kiting."

Stance hopping is costly, so that throws intercept under the bus, a little. Not too much, but enough.

Hamstring is fantastic, except when lag seems to prevent me from either a) hitting people with it EVEN IF I USE IT IMMEDIATELY AFTER A CHARGE or b) keeping up with people enough to actually hit them if we're both snared.

Bladestorm is very useful, I admit, but has a pretty long cooldown - long enough that I can only use it once every few encounters in a really hectic battleground.

Berserker rage only breaks fear.

That leaves me with charge, but even its cooldown is so long that once I use it, I'm screwed if my opponent has even one more snare

I mean, if I'm wrong about any of the above, feel free to tell me so. I'd love to know what the fuck I'm doing wrong! Please.

Also, you're complaining about mages? Mages have a lot of tools at their disposal, but if you can actually hit them, at least they die. Try fighting a fucking holy or prot paladin. Those sons of bitches can take a beating from five different people at once and prevent all of us from backcapping the towers in AV. RAAAAAAAAAAAGE.

Also, feral druids with their fifty million bleed ticks. I love getting stunned for five seconds and then dying because they run away and leave me literally bleeding to death, unable to stop any of it.

(Also, without my PvP trinket to break out of ridiculous stunlocks, rogues kill me pretty handily, too. My gear isn't even that bad.)

That was a lot of complaining, and for that I apologize, but like I said in my previous post: frustrated. I know I'm not that great at this game, but I also know I'm not that bad. ;_;

Still interested in trying prot for PvP, though. More stuns, more funs!


Warrior in PvP is pretty ridiculous. They stun better then a rogue, while Fury's dps, at least on our Fury warrior, if off the fucking charts.

Granted, this dude is incredible on his warrior, so no disrespect to skilled PvE'ers, but he beats surv hunters handily.


That's what everyone keeps telling me.

But they won't tell me how! ;_;


Man, that above post reads like those posts I hate so very much where people just sound like they're bitching about anything and everything. I'm sorry!

A more positive approach: any tips on playing arms warrior in PvP? I keep gettin' rocked!


markot said:
Oh, I just saw the holy priest bit >.< good news. Hope it makes them better in pve too though.

They are bringing down our mana regen again, which wouldn't bother me so much if there was spirit cloth gear around which there is not a lot. All of the epic tailoring is stam/int, our rep rewards outside of the belt are also without spirit. But if you look at the other classes healing sets they have have f-ing spirit


As it stands now I am fine with pretty much any trash pull and most heroic bosses but having to use my Spirit of Redemption near the end of some fights has become a viable tactic

My guild will finally start raiding next week (holiday we have all been all over the place) which will be good because outside of making a killing on the AH and trying to finish up some guild achiements, there is really nothing to do.

Pugging a heroic is just too painful and even running with guildies takes the same amount of time as a raid and the possible gear upgrades are marginal as they are equivilant mostly to crap you can buy with JP.


You just need to stun/snare the warriors. Only thing that breaks them out is pvp trinket and blade storm. They still have to sit there and take the shots. Plus their charge/intercept ranges are like 30yd or something. If you space them out and cast/shoot from 40yds, they're pretty much toast, especially with snares. And yeah, heroic leap is buggy and weird. I use it to catch some people sometimes but sometimes the aiming is slightly off. I recently turned my human warrior into worgen. It's awesome.

About to level my rogue so I can hit and run all the healers and casters in the game.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Twig said:
That's what everyone keeps telling me.

But they won't tell me how! ;_;


Man, that above post reads like those posts I hate so very much where people just sound like they're bitching about anything and everything. I'm sorry!

A more positive approach: any tips on playing arms warrior in PvP? I keep gettin' rocked!
dunt forget the throwdown

Don't worry about incoming changes. Blizzard didn't throw out 3.0.8 for a couple months after WLK launched since they didn't want to deploy patches while people were still really buying the game.

I did kind of assume they wouldn't want to stick with that Imp. Soul Fire talent where it's so awesome every lock would require it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Sai-kun said:
i'm doing archaeology for the vial of the sands, but i know i'll never get it :(

:( :( :(
Vial of the Sands is not rare at all. It just comes out of Canopic Jars, which are a common. Just plug away long enough and you'll pop one.
All this talk of PVP reminds me how terrible I am at it.

I'm on my survival hunter, which I would intuit is a decent PVP class, but I get ganked like nothing. Basically, I can't figure out how to get range on people who get an opening on me. I try traps and disengage, but with stuns and root breaking, I feel totally fucked.

To be fair, I'm only talking about warriors and ferals who have wrecked my like this. I'm fairly certain it's me and not the class, and it's not really frustrating, but I am just totally clueless.


SnakeswithLasers said:
All this talk of PVP reminds me how terrible I am at it.

I'm on my survival hunter, which I would intuit is a decent PVP class, but I get ganked like nothing. Basically, I can't figure out how to get range on people who get an opening on me. I try traps and disengage, but with stuns and root breaking, I feel totally fucked.

To be fair, I'm only talking about warriors and ferals who have wrecked my like this. I'm fairly certain it's me and not the class, and it's not really frustrating, but I am just totally clueless.

hunters pretty terribad in pvp atm, though you can be 'successful' in bgs/tb by sniping from behind everyone and running like a little girl when someone looks at you


2 BH runs in a row where I'm the only DK in the group... and loot drops that NOBODY can use >_<. first time 2 shaman pieces drop and this time 2 hunter pieces drop... wtf.

But I got my vicious 2h weapon today so that makes me a bit happy I guess :D

And yes, warriors are getting their nerf. It has been confirmed by blizzard already. I think there is something wrong when they have more stuns, gap closers, and damage than rogues.

How to pvp as a warrior:

1) Get gear

2) get a healer

3) don't suck

4) win!


idlewild_ said:
hunters pretty terribad in pvp atm, though you can be 'successful' in bgs/tb by sniping from behind everyone and running like a little girl when someone looks at you

Correct. This is my current tactic. Engage from outside their LOS, like a hill or rock, Camo as the horde roll my team, Cry a little while team respawns, repeat.


SnakeswithLasers said:
All this talk of PVP reminds me how terrible I am at it.

I'm on my survival hunter, which I would intuit is a decent PVP class, but I get ganked like nothing. Basically, I can't figure out how to get range on people who get an opening on me. I try traps and disengage, but with stuns and root breaking, I feel totally fucked.

To be fair, I'm only talking about warriors and ferals who have wrecked my like this. I'm fairly certain it's me and not the class, and it's not really frustrating, but I am just totally clueless.

Ferals are a pain in the ass, best you can do is try to survive (as your spec says) till your team can save you. I just trap, deterance, trap, disengage, and kite kite kite till some more competent class comes along to save me.


Mobile healing is great and all, but that's not the main issue with Discipline Priests.

- Power Word: Shield SUCKS. It's awful. 10k absorb? That's one and a half hits, or one critical. I'd rather Flash Heal, heal the target for 17k, and proc Divine Aegis for a 6k shield. PW:S is terrible and either needs to be buffed in the amount it absorbs, Weakened Soul debuff reduced, or have some secondary effect (2 seconds after the shield disappears the target is immune to stun). Right now, it's just shit. Worthless besides the mana regen.

- Penance is crap. It heals for anywhere from 14k to 25k. On an eight second cooldown. And it's channeled. It needs to heal for at least 25% more.

- No spell protection. Locked out of the holy tree? Sorry, you're screwed. No talents or abilities to reduce lock-out time. Pushback protection? Nope. No concentration aura, and only three instant cast spells, two of which are completely worthless.

- No CC outside of Psychic Scream. Every class is basically immune to fear anyway, and having ONE crowd control ability on a thirty second cooldown is terrible. No Hammer, no Cyclone, no Root, no Earthbind, no Hex, no nothing.

- No interrupts. We have zero abilities to interrupt healing/casting. Shaman have Wind Shear. Druids have Skull Bash and Cyclone. Paladins have Hammer of Justice. We have nothing.

- Mana regeneration is still the worst of all healers. Shadowfiend is garbage and on WAY too long of a cooldown. Only other ability restores maybe 6% mana and is channeled over an eternity. Just awful.

- No way to escape. Discipline, for some STUPID reason, doesn't have Body and Soul. Psychic Scream is our only escape, and it doesn't cut it when it maybe works 50% of the time.

In conclusion: Discipline Priests are far and away the worst PVP healers. It's not even that we're the worst, someone has to be the worst, I understand. We're so awful that they don't even know how to fix us. "Mobility"? Yeah, that's a nice start for one of our many problems, but fuck we are in such disarray right now it's disheartening. Are we ever going to get fixed? In the time it will take Blizzard to potentially fix this spec I could reroll a Paladin and get him to 85.

I love my Priest, I loved the tools we had, I loved our versatility. Shields, mana burn, bouncing heals, HoTs, etc etc. Now we have a shield that absorbs less than 8% of the targets health, mana burn that now takes forever and a day to cast, a HoT that is stolen and costs a ton of mana, and a Flash Heal.

What do we bring that another healer doesn't? Absolutely nothing. Fuck me.



All the class changes sound really good in that blurb. The only thing I think they have to watch is Hunter changes as it always seems the smallest buffs create the biggest changes in either PVE or PVP. Glad to hear about the druid bleeds, and the DK changes.


Changes to Ret Pally and Unholy DK masteries sound very good. Should make the Ret rotation less random. It'll be nice to see 2H weps being the focus of Unholy too.

Glad to see Resto Druids getting a fix as well.

EDIT: Bummer to see Feral Cats getting a PVE nerf because of PVP. Split off the trees already, Blizzard!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I hear ya Einbroch, it's going to be interesting to see how they will change Disc Priests. I still think Resto Druid is the most complete healer class right now (and holy paladin the worst healer). Note, I'm not talking about the BEST healer, only the one that feels the most complete at this current state.

Here are my thoughts of some spells for Resto Druid:

Nourish: Wow! What a turn in events this has become. From simply hating this spell when it changed to a 3 sec spell in 4.0.1, to completely loving it now. The way Blizzard wants us to constantly use this as our "doing nothing"-spell is genius, and the fact that is updates Lifebloom is a good touch!

Regrowth: Not happy with this spell. I know it's supposed to be our only PANIC-button but it heals for the amount of 6k (crits 10k)... like, really? Adds on heroics hit for 20k minimum. This isn't a good panic button, I still think mana cost is good the way it is (it costs A LOT) but at least make it heal 20% more or something. Make it feel worth using outside of OoC (clearcasting).

Healing Touch: Amazing spell right now. During Wrath raids, approximately 0.5% of my total healing came from HTs. Now it's around 30%. Not only does it heal for a massive amount, it also refreshes Lifebloom like Nourish does. The fact that it's such a long cast time also adds strategy while using it.

Rejuvenation: Still not sure how to use this spell in raids. I mean, the fact that it still costs 6k mana is quite ridiculous. It heals for such a small amount too and I can't put it on more than 2 people at once if I'm not gonna plan on going out of mana... Though, almost 15% of my total healing goes from Rejuvenation which I always find weird (I barely use it, but I guess it's all reflexes).

Wild Growth: Another spell I really have no clue how to use. All right, a lot of members are dropping health. I use this and notice no chance on their health at all. It's 6k mana for Christs sake, at least make it HoT for 2k per tick and not 800 or whatever. It's just plain bad, maybe I'm just using it wrong though... in Wrath, I used to spam this every time CD was off. But that just feels wrong now :lol

Tree of Life: More like Tree of Lifebloom, MIRIJT? Seriously, I still fucking despite ToL. I just spam lifebloom on all targets in this form, nothing else comes out of it. Solution: make something from Rejuvenation. Regrowth is instant, sure. But do I wanna go OOM in a matter of seconds? Rejuvenation NEEDS to change in ToL, or we'll just keep spamming LB like crazy.

Symbiosis: This is Resto Druids mastery... I'm quite disappointed with this one, even though I AM REALLY interested in working ways around how it truly should be handled. I've read quite a lot about it on Elitists Jerks and found some interesting math, but in theory it works great, but in gameplay not so much. What they need to change IMO is the actual value of the mastery. You need to dedicate WAY TOO MUCH mastery for it to actually make a significant difference and even at that point, it's good EXCLUSIVELY for tanks (since you'll be having LBx3 while spamming Nourish on him).

Overall: Loving Resto Druid, and as I said before, I feel they're the most complete healer class right now. Everything just seems smooth and requires a lot of mana management and overall skill to play. Also, they're not overpowered nor underpowered, just the way it's meant to be.

Good job, Blizzard.

notworksafe said:
Glad to see Resto Druids getting a fix as well.
What kind of fix? I didn't find anything on MMO champions.


J-Rzez said:
Glad to hear about the druid bleeds, and the DK changes.

I'm so excited for this patch, I want it NOW.

Just thinking about the changes for DK's makes me all giddy inside :D. I'll gladly take the NS nerf as that should have been in the game since cataclysm came out.


Einbroch said:
Mobile healing is great and all, but that's not the main issue with Discipline Priests.

- Power Word: Shield SUCKS. It's awful. 10k absorb? That's one and a half hits, or one critical. I'd rather Flash Heal, heal the target for 17k, and proc Divine Aegis for a 6k shield. PW:S is terrible and either needs to be buffed in the amount it absorbs, Weakened Soul debuff reduced, or have some secondary effect (2 seconds after the shield disappears the target is immune to stun). Right now, it's just shit. Worthless besides the mana regen.

- Penance is crap. It heals for anywhere from 14k to 25k. On an eight second cooldown. And it's channeled. It needs to heal for at least 25% more.

- No spell protection. Locked out of the holy tree? Sorry, you're screwed. No talents or abilities to reduce lock-out time. Pushback protection? Nope. No concentration aura, and only three instant cast spells, two of which are completely worthless.

- No CC outside of Psychic Scream. Every class is basically immune to fear anyway, and having ONE crowd control ability on a thirty second cooldown is terrible. No Hammer, no Cyclone, no Root, no Earthbind, no Hex, no nothing.

- No interrupts. We have zero abilities to interrupt healing/casting. Shaman have Wind Shear. Druids have Skull Bash and Cyclone. Paladins have Hammer of Justice. We have nothing.

- Mana regeneration is still the worst of all healers. Shadowfiend is garbage and on WAY too long of a cooldown. Only other ability restores maybe 6% mana and is channeled over an eternity. Just awful.

- No way to escape. Discipline, for some STUPID reason, doesn't have Body and Soul. Psychic Scream is our only escape, and it doesn't cut it when it maybe works 50% of the time.

In conclusion: Discipline Priests are far and away the worst PVP healers. It's not even that we're the worst, someone has to be the worst, I understand. We're so awful that they don't even know how to fix us. "Mobility"? Yeah, that's a nice start for one of our many problems, but fuck we are in such disarray right now it's disheartening. Are we ever going to get fixed? In the time it will take Blizzard to potentially fix this spec I could reroll a Paladin and get him to 85.

I love my Priest, I loved the tools we had, I loved our versatility. Shields, mana burn, bouncing heals, HoTs, etc etc. Now we have a shield that absorbs less than 8% of the targets health, mana burn that now takes forever and a day to cast, a HoT that is stolen and costs a ton of mana, and a Flash Heal.

What do we bring that another healer doesn't? Absolutely nothing. Fuck me.

All specs should have chastise or psychic horror thingy. Its kinda silly how few interrupts or ways to shut someone down the priest has.


Twig, you just suck at Arms pvp :(

E: To be actually helpful, stance hopping to intercept isn't costly at all since they buffed the unspecced tactical mastery to 25 rage (intercept is 10 rage), heroic leap works on even surfaces and you can spec into war drums and piercing howl to have a free aoe snare.

Given lucky crits, you can burst someone for 50-80% of their HP during Throwdown if you have your Colossus Smash up and line it with a MS->HS->OP combo.


I'm perfectly happy with our PVE healing, Yoshi. In fact, it might even need a nerf. When 65% of your healing is from one AoE spell (Prayer of Healing), that's an issue. PVP is the real problem though.

And my brother constantly complains about Regrowth. He just asks "why is this spell even in the game?" :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Empowered Touch will now benefit from Regrowth as well. We’re also buffing the Glyph of Regrowth.
WOW. Why does Blizzard think this is a good idea? This is TERRIBLE for Resto Druids. The main point of OoC is to quickly get a free Regrowth out of it and now that it will refresh LB will make our plans for burst heals (letting LB expire + combining it with Healing Touch)...

This fucking sucks major balls. How can we burst heal from here? LB will never expire at this point, Jesus Christ...


I think the point is to keep healing numbers more consistant. Burst healing in large amounts is what Blizz is trying to stay away from.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
notworksafe said:
I think the point is to keep healing numbers more consistant. Burst healing in large amounts is what Blizz is trying to stay away from.
Damn it, that's what I thought... I just loved planning ahead (okay, tank's about to die but if I wait for 2 more seconds, LB will expire and I can get huge burst with LBx3 expire + Healing Touch)... Guess that's not going to work anymore. What the flying fuck.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Einbroch said:
When 65% of your healing is from one AoE spell (Prayer of Healing), that's an issue.
Wow, seems as if shit's going to change if Blizzard notices this :lol Another reason I think Resto Druids = most complete is because of how every spell % is shared so perfectly.

This is how it was in Wrath 10 man raids:

65% Rejuvenation
15% Nourish
15% Wild Growth
5% Lifebloom and the rest

This is how it is in 10 man Cata raids:
25% Nourish
25% Rejuvenation
25% Healing Touch
10% Lifebloom
10% Wild Growth
5% Swiftmend + Efflorescence
0% Regrowth

Absolutely love it.
markot said:
I got 3 shot by a warrior in tolbarad yesterday >.< so I guess its better then being 2 shot...
What class, spec and how much resilience and health?


Yoshichan said:
Damn it, that's what I thought... I just loved planning ahead (okay, tank's about to die but if I wait for 2 more seconds, LB will expire and I can get huge burst with LBx3 expire + Healing Touch)... Guess that's not going to work anymore. What the flying fuck.
Depends on what the buff to the Regrowth glyph is, but I think the change will be good overall. Regrowth has been a bit shit lately, and hopefully this fixes the problem.

I wouldn't expect a return to burst-y heals though. I think that time is gone, at least for now.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
notworksafe said:
Depends on what the buff to the Regrowth glyph is, but I think the change will be good overall. Regrowth has been a bit shit lately, and hopefully this fixes the problem
Though as I feel right now, changing Regrowth so that it'll refresh LBx3 won't be making me use it outside of OoC procs but that's just me... hopefully the glyph changes it significantly. I can't wait!


Me and my warrior buddy tested how much burst he could do to me after we got our pvp weapons.

The fastest time it took him to kill me was about 5 seconds.

I have 3050 resil.


I really think that Resto Druids need their throughput buffed a bit. They aren't totally broken by any means, but they could due with a bit of general buffing.
Scrow said:
i don't like the idea of druid bleeds getting nerfed. that's one thing that defines the class/spec and makes us competitive with other melee DPS.

and berserk is just becoming a damage increasing ability now? bleh, don't like these feral changes at all.

Cats are viable for the first time in WoW history and they nerf them... GC is something else.


IMO, for healing:

Druids could use a bit of extra throughput in PvE

Shamans could use a defensive cooldown to use on themselves/tanks.

Priests are probably a little too good after the buff hotfixes, but need PvP tweaks.

Paladins are probably fine in PvE, but their PvP needs to come down a bit.

Everyone could use some flavor on that middle heal, this is just a personal gripe but they should really just let everyone cast that fucker while moving or something fun like that, it's not like it'd be overpowered considering the heal amount, cast time and just how many interrupts are flying around.

Cats are viable for the first time in WoW history and they nerf them... GC is something else.

Bleeds tick for insane, unmitigated, non-removable damage in PvP, it is stupidly overpowered. It's akin to what Warlocks were like in the 2.0 patch prior to the actual BC launch with DoT damage.

They'll probably just wind up spreading the damage across other abilities, I assume they'll do things like this for a few classes they have problem areas with, like Heroic Strike on Warrior.

They kept saying during beta, part of the reason for 4.0.1 framework redesign is also very much for their own back end so they can go in and change things quickly and without fuss, which is why we're already seeing giant hotfixes almost every day and big plans for balance tweaks already. So I wouldn't worry as much about them breaking you and leaving you. (though, after certain past class changes, it is a legitimate fear)


krypt0nian said:
Cats are viable for the first time in WoW history and they nerf them... GC is something else.
Beyond viable. He's right, the bleeds are ridiculous right now. I have absolutely no problem with them doing the exact same damage, just having 25% of their bleeds damage reduced and having their direct damage increased by 25%.

Watching them bleed up a target then run away to attack someone else as their original target slowly dies is not fair. Especially when there is no way to remove bleeds. DoTs don't do as much damage and at least a majority of them are dispellable. Druids bleeds are not.


Resto druids could use a little love, I agree, but I don't think that tree of life should last as long as it does...


krypt0nian said:
Cats are viable for the first time in WoW history and they nerf them... GC is something else.
Did you raid in Wrath? They were pretty amazing after 3.2 until 4.0.1. One might even say overpowered.

If Blizz increases DD while taking down bleed damage a bit, they should remain about the same in PVE while not being as ridiculous in PVP.


If they give all the bleed dmg to white dmg I don't really care that much. Well, it will mean massive reforging from crit to haste, but that's about it. PvP is shit anyway, but don't let a completely viable PvE spec suffer for PvP imbalance.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dipindots said:
Resto druids could use a little love, I agree, but I don't think that tree of life should last as long as it does...
It's the amount of time we need to x3 LB a whole group... don't take it away from us :(


Tree of Life is OK as long as they don't start putting bullshit anti-dispel mechanics on HoT's in PvP again. For PvE it seems, so far, fairly balanced with other cooldowns since it's just direct throughput gain, not automated or flat reduction, etc.

It does make Shaman's lack of any throughput/mitigation cooldown stick out like a sore thumb though. I'm kind of annoyed they let that go live, in an expansion where healer/tank communication and cycling is very important. You figure when they're making things like PW: Barrier and Guardian of Ancient Kings, they'd have noticed a rather unfair hole.


I just hate that they can spam instant regrowth and become basically unkillable for the duration :( (yes you can kill them, it's just almost impossible :lol)
Alex said:
Oh, I did the most nerdish thing I've done in a long time in a game today. My Shaman is rather new, well, not new but I got it to the mid-60s back when BC started and stopped (it's my main at 85 now).

So it has nothing really cool, so I went today and farmed up Cenarion Expedition to exalted, because I really like those Hippogryphs. I expected a major uphill climb but it went really, really fast. Couple of hours while watching some old TV shows I've been meaning to catch up on.

Started at mid-way through revered. Ran the heroic version of each coilfang instance once, then did a few extra runs of Steamvaults. That stuff really shot up fast. Got to 11-12k into revered then turned in most of the zillion armaments I found. Sold the rest for some surprisingly good profit.

Really love this mount type, and it's nice to have an uncommon kind of one without it being a damn dragon. So sick of seeing dragons.

Yeah I'm Horde (assuming you are too, since Alliance gets hippogryphs as default) and it's a nice change. I was riding mine for the past 2 weeks or so to stand out from the crowd a bit. Also as a tauren, the advantage is that it's a fairly small mount, so it doesn't take up so much of your screen when riding it. I just got the Drake of the West Wind (Hellscream's Reach) early this morning though, so I'll be riding that for the foreseeable future.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dipindots said:
I just hate that they can spam instant regrowth and become basically unkillable for the duration :( (yes you can kill them, it's just almost impossible :lol)
This is interesting. I did some research how long a druid can keep Regrowthing himself until he goes OOM. I have 90k mana.

Balance Druid
= 23.5 seconds
Resto Druid = 19 seconds
Tree of Life Druid = 20.5 seconds

Random OoC procs are included.

Now add the fact that the druid should get hit and get knock back effect and also CC. I'm pretty sure this isn't a viable thing to do anymore, compared to the Druid in Wrath where he could literally spam 0.7 cast time Nourish to become invincible for 1 minute and 49 seconds.


krypt0nian said:
Cats are viable for the first time in WoW history and they nerf them... GC is something else.

Heh. You say tomato, i say tomatoe. You say viable, I say OP. Remember, this is PVP we're talking about, and putting up dots that tick like mad and can't be removed (outside of dwarves if they still have stoneform), is OP. When a druid is in a BG, bleeds up a target then moves onto the next, then next, then next, and racks up insane damage done there's a problem. Let their attacks do the damage, not the bleeds, thus it's more fair all around.

Dipindots said:
I'm so excited for this patch, I want it NOW.

Just thinking about the changes for DK's makes me all giddy inside :D. I'll gladly take the NS nerf as that should have been in the game since cataclysm came out.

Yeah, NS is too much. The mobility, mastery, and 2H changes are all welcome.

Oh, and really, 3k Resi and a War beat you down that bad? Is it even worth stacking Resi then or is it just Wars still atm doing nutso dmg? I'm working on my Resi gear now but if it's not worth a damn then I'll stick to PVE gear and go for broke. What's your DK's HP around with all that PVP gear?

I'm going to grab the sword when I get a chance I think, looks amazing. Plus, it's not like it's all that bad for raiding until I'd get the sword off Nef, or a heroic weapon.


Alex said:
Bleeds tick for insane, unmitigated, non-removable damage in PvP, it is stupidly overpowered. It's akin to what Warlocks were like in the 2.0 patch prior to the actual BC launch with DoT damage.


Good times, good times.


J-Rzez said:
Oh, and really, 3k Resi and a War beat you down that bad? Is it even worth stacking Resi then or is it just Wars still atm doing nutso dmg? I'm working on my Resi gear now but if it's not worth a damn then I'll stick to PVE gear and go for broke. What's your DK's HP around with all that PVP gear?

I'm going to grab the sword when I get a chance I think, looks amazing. Plus, it's not like it's all that bad for raiding until I'd get the sword off Nef, or a heroic weapon.

No no, resil is amazing I assure you. I have 30% damage reduction right now and it's AMAZING. You really begin to notice a big increase in survivability once you hit the 2500 mark. I'll have even more once I get my pvp chest but that's going to take another week because I'm gonna just get the vicious one so I can't be bothered to grind for the blue piece. That was the quickest he got me down, it usually took a little longer but it's more that warriors have ridiculous burst atm. I don't really stack resil.

Here's my armory page



I can't decide if I should get PvP gear for Resto or Enhance first. It seems like such a grind. The craftable stuff doesn't seem to have any spirit...... I had enough problems with regen PvPing in PvE gear :lol

I could probably deal with that, but I wish they'd make out of combat regen like, sky fucking high or water a lot faster, at least in PvP.


Their gonna have to buff the shit out of that combat mastery to make it worth a damn as all it seems to be doing for me is making my offhand weapon break at a retardedly fast rate. I'm barely noticing the combat potency procs from it.
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