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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Fffffffffffff screw that crap, not lvling a boring ass profession for a few vanity items...

Blizz really needs to put more effort into bringing the professions into ze future, they still seem stuck in the mmo past.
I'll be happy with Arch when I get Tyrande's trinket for my holy pally.

Until then, go to hell Arch. (at least give me digsites in Uldum, i'll settle for the mount!)


Still Tagged Accordingly
DeathNote said:
People talking trash in a dungeon party then immediately leaving is amusing. Give someone a chance to reply, I can sign on your server and set you straight whether it's directed to me or not. You can't get a last word in wow.
but you need to ask yourself... are they worth the effort?

krypt0nian said:
Wow I find Archaeology really relaxing. Oh well sorry for you guys.
me too. good way to explore revamped old world on my main. i just do it while waiting for queues
MattPeters said:
It is relaxing, but when you grind for a few hours it can really get on your nerves when you make no progress.

I want the Tol'vir bug mount rare, however, I've solved 50 Tol'vir artifacts, and haven't had a rare since my 22nd solve. Now that's a bit aggravating =P


letsbereasonable said:
Recipe is BOP. The mount that can be created with it used to be BOP, but Blizz changed it to BOE.
Awesome. If I score the recipe I'll get a guildy to help me make it and split a little bit of the profits selling the thing. I already have a 310% mount, am not interested in achievements.

Pretty much just leveling arch in spare time to get Tyrandes favorite doll trinket. Jumped up a whole 75-80 points last night while watching the new red letter media review. <3


Sax Russel said:
I want the Tol'vir bug mount rare, however, I've solved 50 Tol'vir artifacts, and haven't had a rare since my 22nd solve. Now that's a bit aggravating =P

you've had FIFTY artifacts? jesus. I've just gotten the one canopic jar completed, and I haven't had a single dig zone since then. It sucks that it's just in one area.


Listening to a podcast while I flew around leveling my mining was pretty relaxing, tbh.

Arch is just aggravating though. The surveying method is just asinine.


Arch is horrible, they should of canned it when they canned Path of the Titans.

Reasons it sucks:

-Very very cumbersome. Having to fly constantly around the world and HOPING that you find a correct digsite is incredibly maddening.
-Inaccessible to < lvl 80 players. All other professions you can naturally level up as you level your character. The dig sites are so spread out, and leveling so slow that anyone that isn't cap is going to have a hell of a time keeping up
-There's like barely any items for non-cap people outside the stupid vanity items. Makes it pretty useless to most people that aren't cap.
-There's only slighty more non-vanity items for everyone else. It's sad the weapons/armor available only cover a few specs.
-Other than the alchemy recipe there's no way to make money off it, unlike other professions other than first aid.
-The buffs you get in instances for it are laughable.
-Offers 0 benefits for end game. EVERY OTHER PROFESSION DOES. You could argue that the sword and armor do, but for how long?

Ways that could fix it.

-Introduce buffing items you can find. Like a flask with 3 uses, banners etc.
-Archeology should have you find recipes that correspond to your other professions. Not just one stinking alchemy recipe for a vanity item.
-More digsites at a time, or more than 3 digs per site.
-Being able to find heirlooms (minus xp gains) would help leveling people.


Ferrio said:
Ways that could fix it.

-Introduce buffing items you can find. Like a flask with 3 uses, banners etc.
-Archeology should have you find recipes that correspond to your other professions. Not just one stinking alchemy recipe for a vanity item.
-More digsites at a time, or more than 3 digs per site.
-Being able to find heirlooms (minus xp gains) would help leveling people.

- Add items you don't have to survey for that are just lying around the world in the same way chests used to work. You might be questing and find a cracked vase or half-buried tablet just lying in the dirt. In this way, Archeology is something you don't have to stop everything else for, and can be leveled as you go.

- Add archeology-leveling items to instances. High level characters can farm instances to power-level, appropriate-level characters can improve archeology as they go. Specific artifact types would appear in specific dungeons.

- Survey cooldown reduced to something that isn't fucking retarded long.

- Grant a temporary buff if you gather a bunch of archeology items in a short period of time. The buff might increase run speed and grant the ability to detect the aforementioned non-survey artifacts appear on your mini map, allowing you to spot them as you fly between survey locations.

- Seconding more useful rewards and items. I wanted to see them add special keys to archeology that would let you open up small wings or treasure caches slipped into all of the old-world instances.

Honestly, Archeology is too cumbersome and pointless to be worth the time. In a game where everything is shiny and new and delivered for even the most menial of tasks, Archeology surprisingly feels like it requires effort. Even Fishing was easier to grind.


I'm enjoying Archaeology myself, but only because I am unlocking quite a few rares.



Pretty sure most people that hate arch got that weeks ago and a million more fossils. If you like being forced to gather more fossils by all means.


Ferrio said:
-Other than the alchemy recipe there's no way to make money off it, unlike other professions other than first aid.
-The buffs you get in instances for it are laughable.
-Offers 0 benefits for end game. EVERY OTHER PROFESSION DOES. You could argue that the sword and armor do, but for how long?
I don't think it's necessary to need to make money off it, being that it's a secondary profession, and I like it a hell of a lot more than I do fishing or cooking. I do agree that the range of actual useful items needs to increase a lot though.

Speaking of first aid, being a priest I've been leveling it for my oom adventures and I have 20 skillups until I max and get the dense ones, but my highest level bandage is already green. Is this normal or should I be looking for something else to level it?


krypt0nian said:
Wow I find Archaeology really relaxing. Oh well sorry for you guys.

It's still poorly designed. At least give the player somekind of control. A better interface would be nice too. It's Archaeology dammit, give me a proper journal. They need to steal the thing that is in Warhammer Online.


So.... yeah. I canceled my account today but I'm paid up thru January 17th. Haven't played since the week after Cataclysm launched, and I regret buying it.

The promise of a revamped old world and shiny new zones quickly turned to the same busted zones with a slight polish (and now you can fly over them and see the wasted space and sharply contrasted borders!) and ho-hum new zones. Hyjal was cool enough, Vashjir was alright, but Deepholm and Twilight Highlands are just... they're great compared to the rest of WoW, but by the standards set by other MMOs, fall pretty flat.

Even the prospect of leveling a Goblin or Tauren Paladin feels like novelty, and none of my new class / race combos or Goblins went past 30. The revamped questing is still built on the same Warcraft foundation, so the only thing that feels different is instead of running all over to collect quests, you just stumble from quest hub to quest hub clicking "accept". Even the quest text feels half-assed, and I've always made it a point to read them.

I think the problem is, none of the new stuff feels different enough to elicit a response. Even the new 5-mans (normally my favorite part of WoW) left me feeling unfulfilled, and the behavior in PUGs... well, the community has always been the worst part of WoW and I think it's honestly getting worse.

I think I expected Cataclysm to be a reboot of sorts, sort of Blizzard saying "This is what we have learned over the last 6 years, look how far we've come!". It feels more like the same old WoW with just another layer of varnish, but nothing has really changed. I think I've just reached the point where WoW fails to amuse me on any level whatsoever.

I'm not saying it's terrible or that you guys shouldn't play it, I'm just saying I've reached the point where I'm personally done. The spark for me is gone, officially.


Retro said:
I think the problem is, none of the new stuff feels different enough to elicit a response. Even the new 5-mans (normally my favorite part of WoW) left me feeling unfulfilled, and the fanbase... well, the community has always been the worst part of WoW and I think it's honestly getting worse.
Having not played much since retail and using the Dungeon Finder a lot, I've found that player base to be both a lot more knowledgeable and courteous. That might surprise some people, but I find that once you get a bunch of strangers talking, things run much better.
If you're referring to zone/trade chat though, you might be right.

Retro said:
I think I've just reached the point where WoW fails to amuse me on any level whatsoever. I'm not saying it's terrible or that you guys shouldn't play it, I'm just saying I've reached the point where I'm personally done. The spark is gone, officially.
I've been there, and I came back, and I'll do it all over again. I'm pretty sure most people are at least familiar with this feeling even if they don't permanently quit.

I'm not saying that I believe you'll be back by the way, more that no one is gonna have a go at you for being over WoW. :)


Zanken said:
Having not played much since retail and using the Dungeon Finder a lot, I've found that player base to be both a lot more knowledgeable and courteous. That might surprise some people, but I find that once you get a bunch of strangers talking, things run much better.
If you're referring to zone/trade chat though, you might be right.

I get the hell out of General chat before I set foot in a major city. I know better than that :lol.

In the low level PUGs there was a lot of stupid charging in and pulling everything, but I can forgive that since a lot of people are used to Wrath tanking, and low level instances iz srs bsns.

The high level PUGs have been alright except even after a week, there was this general feeling of haste that made it hard to savor the experience. In general, I've noticed that there's more of a push towards high level than there was in previous expansions, like 80 to 85 was just a bunch of obnoxious shit Blizzard forces them to do to get back to the high level content (flying in circles around Dalaran orgrimmar/stormwind and farming badges points). The worst part is, it feels like BLIZZARD feels the same way and has made all of the content quick, easy and forgettable.

A week after launch it felt like everyone was already on the treadmill. I don't remember feeling that way for TBC or Wrath, and I suspect it has much to do with the mentality the LFG tool has built.

Also, and this is a personal preference and not a slight against WoW (since all MMOs do it), but I feel like being expected to know what's going to happen in an instance (boss strategies, pull order, etc.) before you even log into it is bullshit. I've said it before and I'll repeat it; learning the fights before you engage in them is like playing a game with the strategy guide in your lap, and turns the game into nothing more than memorized dance steps where the only challenge is hoping the Other Guy doesn't fuck up.

Again, personal preference, it's something I know is expected in WoW and have always done in the past (including in Cata), but it's just one more reason I don't enjoy it.

Zanken said:
I've been there, and I came back, and I'll do it all over again. I'm pretty sure most people are at least familiar with this feeling even if they don't permanently quit.

I tend to cancel my sub as soon as I stop playing, and after TBC and Wrath, I've gotten really good at telling when I've hit my limit. I reach a point where all of the content that interests me is done and everything else is just pointlessly building a character up for raids I have no interest in doing.

I didn't expect to hit that limit after only a few weeks, that's all.

As for coming back, I'm pretty confident I won't be. Like I said, Cataclysm felt like Blizzard's best opportunity to get things right, and I feel they let that opportunity slip right through their fingers. I'm not saying they're inept or anything, I just feel like Cataclysm doesn't bring anything new to the table. Even WotLK added a new class to mix things up a bit.

It feels like Blizzard is happy to just tread water and maintain the status quo they've established (and everyone else is shooting for). As a whole, MMOs aren't really going anywhere I want to see (though Guild Wars 2 has piqued my interest, if only because of the vehemence with which they describe the current MMO mentality).

The only reason I'm not deleting all of my characters and packing it all in is that I have a suspicion WoW will eventually switch over to a Free to Play model, especially with Blizzard tipping their hand over future MMOs. The way the genre is going, the subscription-based model won't make sense in another 2 to 3 years, especially with the way other MMOs are switching over. When that happens, I'll have characters I'll happily revisit and probably a ton of content to explore. If it doesn't, I'm not losing any sleep either way.

As it is now, I'd just be throwing money away. I can still enjoy my dungeon-crawling loot-whoring social-gaming via Diablo 3 when that comes out, and I actually like Diablo a LOT more.

Zanken said:
I'm not saying that I believe you'll be back by the way, more that no one is gonna have a go at you for being over WoW. :)

Yeah, I snuck that in at the end there because I've seen a few comments akin to "If you don't like it, GTFO of the thread about it" or "That's nice, we're having fun so STFU". NeoGAF is usually free from that kind of crap, and I don't expect anybody to go "But, but... Retro! It's so fun! You're gonna miss out!" either.

I'm just kind of venting my disappointment in the one direction where I think people will be the most receptive / least likely to take it as a personal insult.
Won said:
It's still poorly designed. At least give the player somekind of control. A better interface would be nice too. It's Archaeology dammit, give me a proper journal. They need to steal the thing that is in Warhammer Online.

They could add all kinds of things to it. I would love to be able to specialize in a race and have that give a small but useful buff of some kind.

But as it stands I've enjoyed it like crazy.


Retro said:
I get the hell out of General chat before I set foot in a major city.
Oh, you're one of those people.

Life must be very boring for you. ):

Won said:
It's still poorly designed. At least give the player somekind of control. A better interface would be nice too. It's Archaeology dammit, give me a proper journal. They need to steal the thing that is in Warhammer Online.
Yeah that's one of the coolest things about Warhammer Online... Public quests were also a neat idea, and I'm kind of surprised Blizzard didn't try to rip those off somehow. Well, I guess I'm not now that I see how much they want to make pre-85 a single-player experience. \:
Retro said:
A week after launch it felt like everyone was already on the treadmill. I don't remember feeling that way for TBC or Wrath, and I suspect it has much to do with the mentality the LFG tool has built.

I don't see the treadmill on Skullcrusher yet, (granted at this time after Wrath's debut, we had 5 of 6 server firsts, had 3D10 down, and were so bored in Naxx we were pugging on our alts), but I do sorta agree that the LFD still has a negative effect on the playerbase, but now its feels like a relic of Wrath, where in it, the quality of play becomes less and less as time goes on. At least people talk in it now; guildmates who've talked to me about using that for alts in Wrath remarked at how eerily quiet runs using that were.

Also, and this is a personal preference and not a slight against WoW (since all MMOs do it), but I feel like being expected to know what's going to happen in an instance (boss strategies, pull order, etc.) before you even log into it is bullshit. I've said it before and I'll repeat it; learning the fights before you engage in them is like playing a game with the strategy guide in your lap, and turns the game into nothing more than memorized dance steps where the only challenge is hoping the Other Guy doesn't fuck up.

Again, personal preference, it's something I know is expected in WoW and have always done in the past (including in Cata), but it's just one more reason I don't enjoy it.

Again, I feel this is more of a relict of Wrath. Cata boss fights aren't saddled with that mentality of bosses being cranky loot/parse/self-esteem dispensers, and therefor can be seen as the surmountable roadblocks with earned rewards that they've been in the decades of RPG's existance. Due to this, there's been a backing off of this mentality that built up during the previous expansion of "Pay to have the game, not have it to play", or at least that's what I've experienced so far.

Yeah, I snuck that in at the end there because I've seen a few comments akin to "If you don't like it, GTFO of the thread about it" or "That's nice, we're having fun so STFU". NeoGAF is usually free from that kind of crap, and I don't expect anybody to go "But, but... Retro! It's so fun! You're gonna miss out!" either.

I'm just kind of venting my disappointment in the one direction where I think people will be the most receptive / least likely to take it as a personal insult.

Been here, many times. :lol

It's funny, but thinking back to what people bitched at me bitching about, they're saying the same thing once they tasted Cata! You may just be ahead of the curve! :lol


Has problems recognising girls
You're not alone Retro. Even though I have a few alts waiting and even up till a week ago I was playing my Tauren Paladin a few hours or so every day, it got to the point where I've lackened off on it. The only things I do now is hop online to transmute and then throw it in the gbank. Turned off my subscription and that expires on the 25th, so it'll be interesting to see if I go back and play it proper down the track.


Twig said:
Oh, you're one of those people.

Life must be very boring for you. ):
I switch it back on outside of cities and pun it up with the rest of them, but cities are just too stupid and spammy. There's a difference between yuking it up with whoever happens to be in the zone and listening to 500 people make Chuck Norris and Anal [link] jokes for the 500th time. Some of the stuff (Murloc movie titles) was tolerable, but just barely.

I've always said, the best and worst parts of WoW (and any MMO) are the people you play it with. I've had times where I'll fall into a group with somebody for a dungeon and end up questing with them for weeks at a time. I even had a similar experience with the LFG tool (leveled close to 9 levels over 6 hours, just me and a warrior continually queuing... quite a shame he wasn't on my server). These short term mutually-beneficial friendships are something I'm sure I'll miss (and have always found lacking in less-populated MMOs). But on the flip side, there's some fucking AWFUL people out there.

SatelliteOfLove said:
I don't see the treadmill on Skullcrusher yet, (granted at this time after Wrath's debut, we had 5 of 6 server firsts, had 3D10 down, and were so bored in Naxx we were pugging on our alts), but I do sorta agree that the LFD still has a negative effect on the playerbase, but now its feels like a relic of Wrath, where in it, the quality of play becomes less and less as time goes on. At least people talk in it now; guildmates who've talked to me about using that for alts in Wrath remarked at how eerily quiet runs using that were.
I didn't notice any change in LFG groups between Wrath and Cata. Still lots of silence (except for the occasional "Go" or "Pull", ignoring the healer's mana as usual), lots of charging forward and non-tank pulls. Maybe it shifts again when you get to Heroics (I didn't want to bother, at that point I had checked out completely), where the difficulty forces caution, but for regular 5-mans it's dead silence, even being exceptionally warm or complimentary elicits no response.

If the chat feature didn't suck, I'd swear everyone is just conversing with that. It's THAT quiet, like the old days when you'd join up with 4 guilded players and everyone is in GChat or Vent but you. :lol.

SatelliteOfLove said:
Again, I feel this is more of a relict of Wrath. Cata boss fights aren't saddled with that mentality of bosses being cranky loot/parse/self-esteem dispensers, and therefor can be seen as the surmountable roadblocks with earned rewards that they've been in the decades of RPG's existance. Due to this, there's been a backing off of this mentality that built up during the previous expansion of "Pay to have the game, not have it to play", or at least that's what I've experienced so far.
I'm not 100% sure I follow what you're getting at, but what I experienced of Cata boss fights (keeping in mind I didn't do any heroics) felt like the better content of WotLK in terms of interesting mechanics (that is, they weren't simply the same old tank-and-spank affair). That's good, and I enjoyed that. It was a continuation of a positive change Blizzard made, and though they didn't advance it too much, it was still good. Not complaining there.

Again, it's a personal gripe, but I hate this persistent mentality that nothing should surprise. But that's the way MMOs are, have been, and likely always will be. I accept that, but I still like to bitch about it. The playerbase is just too fixated on the reward and the bar is set too high. When you have people dropping group without even attempting explanations ("My power is going out, g2g", "My cat is on fire, g2g", etc.) after one wipe... the bar is just too high.

SatelliteOfLove said:
It's funny, but thinking back to what people bitched at me bitching about, they're saying the same thing once they tasted Cata! You may just be ahead of the curve! :lol
I think, because of my latent desires to be in game development, that I probably have put much more thought into how the games I play affect me than most. I've spent a lot of time considering what it is about WoW that I enjoy and what I don't, and the longer I play the first list grows shorter while the second grows longer. I'm not saying WoW is evil, but there have been points where the mentality I fall into because of extended play scare me a little. I'm not talking about "Oh my god, I spent all day playing and I haven't showered in a week" kind of thing, I mean... playing other games and feeling let down because I'm not continually chasing rewards or getting stronger. One thing I noticed in particular is that I play much more recklessly in other games because I'm so used to not watching my health (I have healers for that), and also tend to fall into farming habits ("Oh, this monster drops item x, I should kill them repeatedly so if I need 500 of them, I'll have 'em!").

I'm not saying it's bad... I'm just saying I've reached a point where I'd rather not play it anymore, and part of me is a little sad to think of that ending. After all, I can't remember any game that I've played with the frequency over 6 years, and that's had a pretty big impact, for better or for worse I don't think of them as wasted years or anything, because I had fun. But when that's over... time to go.

speedpop said:
You're not alone Retro. Even though I have a few alts waiting and even up till a week ago I was playing my Tauren Paladin a few hours or so every day, it got to the point where I've lackened off on it. The only things I do now is hop online to transmute and then throw it in the gbank. Turned off my subscription and that expires on the 25th, so it'll be interesting to see if I go back and play it proper down the track.

I can remember playing Final Fantasy 8, and during this awesome FMV, right before you storm the big enemy dungeon in your kick-ass spaceship with all your friends in tow... the thought popped into my head "Why the hell am I doing this?". I literally hit a point where the game lost all meaning, and I shut it off and haven't touched it since.

I had that moment a few weeks ago, trying to figure out which character I wanted to play as and thinking that none of my choices were good, nor was starting a new character. It's like a neon sign in my head went on; "Why the hell am I still playing this game?". I don't even bother going through the motions of logging in for dailies anymore.

I may get bit by it again later, but when I have these moments, they tend to signal a pretty inflexible decision.


You're putting a lot of effort into talking about something you have no interest in anymore. A lot of people still have fun especially with friends, there will always be criticism, and some will never touch it again. Pretty straight forward.

If you fly solo and been playing for a few years, it'll be really hard to keep interest with any upcoming change I bet.


DeathNote said:
You're putting a lot of effort into talking about something you have no interest in anymore. A lot of people still have fun especially with friends, there will always be criticism, and some will never touch it again. Pretty straight forward.

This is the kind of Official Forums-esque response I knew was coming. Thank you for fulfilling the prophecy.

Because deciding I no longer wish to play a particular game completely nullifies the last 6 years I've spent playing it, right? And I'm not allowed to talk about it (with any effort, at least) or have any interest in it anymore since I'm not actively playing either, correct?

If we weren't allowed to discuss games we're not currently playing, Gaming-side NeoGAF would get all of 12 posts a day. :lol


Retro said:
I switch it back on outside of cities and pun it up with the rest of them, but cities are just too stupid and spammy. There's a difference between yuking it up with whoever happens to be in the zone and listening to 500 people make Chuck Norris and Anal [link] jokes for the 500th time. Some of the stuff (Murloc movie titles) was tolerable, but just barely.
Yeah, I'm jus' buggin'.

I could never turn it off, though. I hate unfunny, lame, repetitive jokes, too, but you miss so much when you turn off chat just to avoid that!

Plus it's fun to troll the potheads. :3


This is a different scenario and monster. Non-mmo games are really short and a new game can easily improve upon what people are vocal about.

You're being incredibly emo about this by expecting a huge turn around. It's never going to be perfect and there has not been an MMO to date that improves upon WOW legacy. Every new MMO installment fails in major ways.

Again, you either have fun with friends despite logical and common criticisms or don't. You should know by now that there will always be something discouraging and the game only at it's very best for 10 friends. Friends can watch a crappy movie on a small screen tv and have fun.

It's like someone suddenly ranting about their girlfriend cheating on them for a year. Sorry.

And yes, I like to discuss issues. I could bash PVP,archeology, dungeon finder all day long.


I see nothing wrong with anything Retro is saying!

There's no unspoken rule or unwritten law that says we can't grow out of the things we love, or that growing out of the things we love suddenly makes our interest level zero.


Yeah, the game is kinda bleeeeeeeeehing me.

Lvling is improved, but the endgame hasnt really, they just made heroics/5 mans into really long boring things that are.... dull.

And pvp has so many problems, that have been evident since beta months ago, yet not a one has been fixed.

Canceled my account, might try it again in a few months.


markot said:
And pvp has so many problems, that have been evident since beta months ago, yet not a one has been fixed.
What problems? Outside of the usual class imbalance that comes with every expansion launch, anyway. Anything in particular?


Twig said:
Plus it's fun to troll the potheads. :3

I'd wager good money that 80% of the people claiming to be stoned have never taken a toke. I'd also bet that most of them are too young to drive.

DeathNote said:
You're being incredibly emo about this by expecting a huge turn around. It's never going to be perfect and there has not been an MMO to date that improves upon WOW legacy. Every new MMO installment fails in major ways.

I'll take a page from J-Rez and say that while I dislike many things about WoW, it's still the best MMO on the market.

Having said that, I think being the best has allowed Blizzard to rest on their laurels too much and Cataclysm just feels like the effort was lacking.

I wasn't expecting WoW to suddenly play like a completely different game (personally, I wouldn't want it to either), but the evolution of the game from Vanilla to TBC to Wrath all felt substantial. Cataclysm, on the other hand, felt like it was just a continuation of Wrath without really bringing anything new. Two new races, but that didn't shake things up anywhere near the level of Horde Paladins / Alliance Shamans or Death Knights. The new race combinations are entirely cosmetic. The old world was revamped, to be sure, but the questing was at or just below the majority of WotLK quests (again, in my opinion).

There was no new primary profession, and I think we can all agree that archeology doesn't have the same impact that Jewelcrafting or Inscription had.

Guild Advancement was watered down at the last minute, Rated BGs were hyped up and turned out to be a huge let down... I mean, the Features list of Cataclysm doesn't really wow.

I'm not waxing nostalgic for previous expansion content, I'm just saying; the content jumped in quality substantially with each expansion except Cataclysm, in my opinion.

DeathNote said:
It's like someone suddenly ranting about their girlfriend cheating on them for a year. Sorry.

I don't feel like I was being 'ranty' and I'm sorry if I came off like that. In my mind and as I was writing, my mentality was more along the lines of being sad that the time and personal acknowledgment had finally come that I'm just not going to play WoW anymore, and the frustration towards the elements that made that decision happen.

I honestly expected Cata to improve the game at or near the same level of improvement that accompanied the previous expansions. That may be my own personal fault for expecting too much, but I don't feel like I was (and I think others feel the same). I'm not angry at Blizzard, just kind of saying "Well, we had a good run, but this is where I get off".

I don't see how your cheating analogy fits, maybe it was meant more for the tone than the actual substance of the discussion.


markot said:
Yeah, the game is kinda bleeeeeeeeehing me.

Lvling is improved, but the endgame hasnt really, they just made heroics/5 mans into really long boring things that are.... dull.

And pvp has so many problems, that have been evident since beta months ago, yet not a one has been fixed.

Canceled my account, might try it again in a few months.
Dungeons and raids are shorter than ever.


Well the class imbalance has been clear since they started having 85s on beta. None of this is a surprise yet they havent patched anything yet really. Priests being almost useless and so easy to counter, having no real CC, no real instants yet being so easy to shut down. Holy being the only decent spec for pvp heals, disc being just a mess... etc...

TB for one is just a mess, population imbalance just ruins it, the completely inactive Alliance guards VS the horde guards who get you if you come within sight of them. Making every spot on the damn map campable for the horde, GYs, spawn points, quest spots... you name it.

How grindy it is to get the basic honour gear still VS how unfun it is without resilliance gear. So you need to gear up to get gear to have fun in pvp... so you can get more gear... rinse repeat. Im just not interested in gear grinds really, and that is alllll endgame is still. There is no other way to advance.

The fact that it took them the patch before Cata to Fix Wintergrasp... Makes me hopeful for TB being awesome.... the week before the next xpac launches.


Twig said:
What problems? Outside of the usual class imbalance that comes with every expansion launch, anyway. Anything in particular?
Tol Barad, maybe? :lol :lol :lol

I can't speak for Markot, but I'm pretty sure he's getting at the fact that the 'usual class imbalance' hasn't been touched at the same insanely super-quick weekend hot-fix speed at which previous fixes were applied. Ret Paladins in the first HALF of the week after WotLK's pre-launch patch, for example. There's been some pretty glaring issues but Blizzard has been shockingly relaxed about it compared to their previous expansions.

pxleyes said:
Dungeons and raids are shorter than ever.
Maybe not shorter, but they're definitely straight as an arrow (for the most part, all the ones I ran were strictly linear affairs). I know I'm in the vast minority here, but when we had dungeons you had to wander around in and just about every one of them had an option boss off the beaten path, it really felt like exploring a dungeon and playing a game. You could skip a boss if nobody needed loot from it, or slink around a different path to get a quest item somebody needed.

When dungeons are straight paths with no divergent routes and a steady pattern of trash-trash-boss-trash-trash-boss-trash-trash-boss... I mean, that's just monotonous to type. Linear Dungeons just drop the pretense that dungeons are meant to be repeatedly farmed to get loot. At least in BRD, much maligned as it is, you had some choice as to what you farmed... you could at least pretend you weren't on the treadmill.


I like BRD, the only problem is how long the damn thing is >_>

Id like more dungeons like that, but shorter... they should aim for 30 minutes each. More then that and it just starts to dragggggggggggggg. For me anyway...
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