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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Water is not wet!
DeathNote said:
Guess people wintraded on my server 10+ hours ago and never go it back :lol :|
Maybe theyll get it on the 4th try. i know Alliance on my server didnt. Locked them out for who knows how long now. Maybe a month this time?


Bisnic said:
I have no idea why Blizzard decided that 70% of the dig sites in Kalimdor were Night elf(lollore?), but its pissing me off. It doesnt help that i already got the 2 rare Fossils, so now i gotta deal with 2 types of artifacts i dont give a shit just so i can hope to get a Tolvir digsite. They could have at least put some Tolvirs in Silithus, or hell, maybe that AQ overworld zone just so it could at least be of some use.

Maybe i should just give up and go to Eastern Kingdoms. At least dwarves have that epic staff for my mage and trolls have that epic 2h sword for my warrior and there is a lot of these 2 over there.

You're pissed? I'm 3700 fragments into Zin'rokh with no end in sight!


There's a guild on horde side Area 52 right? Looking to start a horde character up and it'd be nice to get the guild experience bonus. :D
water_wendi said:
You remember wiping to Postmaster in Strat or having to slug through hours just to get to Ras after 10-20 wipes?

I don't want to argue with your overall point but I totally do remember this. People used to just zerg through Strat/Scholo in ten-man raid groups and when the 5-man cap came down on them people sucked at running them for months and months. I remember people refusing to fight Malown because it made these painful runs even more of a pain. :lol

etiolate said:
The dungeons aren't hard if you CC, but then thats a backwards movement in design. Yes, I'll keep harping on it until Blizz moves forward with their design philosophy.

Blizzard has never adopted some other game's flavor-of-the-month fancy new gameplay mechanic before and I am doubtful they will begin now. They're not going to eliminate CC any more than they're going to move away from the tank/heal/DPS trinity (and plenty of people make a big deal about that being "backwards design" too.)


sparkle this bitch
charlequin said:
I don't want to argue with your overall point but I totally do remember this. People used to just zerg through Strat/Scholo in ten-man raid groups and when the 5-man cap came down on them people sucked at running them for months and months. I remember people refusing to fight Malown because it made these painful runs even more of a pain. :lol
UBRS, 10 man. No more 20 man raids!


Scarlet Monastery was still 15-mannable for the longest time... I think I actually ran that with 8-10 people at some point and no one had any idea the whole cathedral'd pull when we attacked the boss.
water_wendi said:
Oh please.

edit: let me elaborate. ive played the game since beta and i dont like the new dungeons and feel that they are hard in the bad kind of way.. the way where success or failure is not in my hands but in the care of others. ive experienced a lot of the game some of it excruciating like the Baron Strat run or like showing up for a raid 3 hours in advance to conjure water two at a time. Some of these were annoying but more than bearable because the game was shiny and new. All these years later it takes considerably more to keep me interested and considerably less to get me worked up. So the idea that its just "shitty Wrath players" or "baddies" or whatever the fuck just irks me.
I like the new dungeons. Wrath babies are easy to spot in them.


Meh, after the first shock, the new heroics are quite easy with a couple exceptions.

If you can't do them, your group sucks. Either get better and run with guildies or hope for a good LFD group.

Or whine on the forums. Your choice, really.


charlequin said:
Blizzard has never adopted some other game's flavor-of-the-month fancy new gameplay mechanic before and I am doubtful they will begin now. They're not going to eliminate CC any more than they're going to move away from the tank/heal/DPS trinity (and plenty of people make a big deal about that being "backwards design" too.)
I wouldn't consider either of those backwards.

I'm... not quite sure how CC is "backwards" at all, in fact. As opposed to what? Wrath, where everything was LATHER, SPAM AOE UNTIL DEAD, RINSE, REPEAT? Other MMOs? Examples, please!

As for the trinity design, I can understand people lumping it in the "backwards design" category, but it's just "Blizzard's design". Shrug. HOWEVER, it is pretty much my only complaint with the class setup in WoW. It's kind of... boring to think that any new classes they'll add will just fill a role that's already overflowing with candidates more than once.
water_wendi said:
let me elaborate. ive played the game since beta and i dont like the new dungeons and feel that they are hard in the bad kind of way.. the way where success or failure is not in my hands but in the care of others.
So you're complaining that GROUP CONTENT requires a good group? That's uh something uh special.
for those who raid, how's your progression going? After getting off to a 2 week late start due to not having a stable off tank, we've really shot out of the gates and downed omnitron, magmaw, atrimedes and the alchemy dude, halfus and now valiona and the other one. We're going to be making a shot for the wind council and Al'akir on sunday, and I'm psyched because I love that zone. It really seemed like when one boss fell, we gained the confidence to down more. Of course, the hard ones are still waiting.

So, how's it goin raiders?


I just recently joined a guild as a tank claiming they'd be a hardcore raiders. Unfortunately they seem to be plagued with quite a few dps that have some shitty reaction times... so we haven't even downed magmaw yet. Disheartening cause the fight's mechanics are pretty damn easy (but hey as a tank for the fight that's really easy to say). We've only had like 2-3 days at it though, I'm hoping it happens next week atleast.
I met the worst random dungeon group last night. And by worst I mean the meanest, rude, and assholiest group I've ever played with. This was the first time this has happened in the year that I have been playing. I really just want to play with other guild players in the dungeons now. Too bad there's not too many on at the same time.
Yeah, I feel it on magmaw. As a mdps (rogue) the tank and I pretty much sit up there and /dance until it's time to wail on him when he goes down. The bulk of the difficulty of that fight comes from those little bastard adds that the ranged has to kite and kill off completely. If I recall correctly, the only way we could get it the first time was to sit a melee and bring in another ranged.


Our raiding is opening slow, but it was our first real week. We got Omnitron, Magmaw and Halfus down. We're working on those twin dragons now, forgot the name. Seems like a step up for sure, but we only got two pulls in this week so far.

Our healing sadly seems to be keeping us back a smidge, our healers are having a hard time adapting. Also, we're slightly melee heavy, so stuff like Magmaw is kind of bullshit and goes against their precious little design they kept preaching while they keep homogenizing shit left and right.

"Bring your friends...! Unless our encounter design arbitrarily dictates you don't!"
My guild has killed Omnitron, Magmaw, Maloriak, Halfus and the Council of the Four Winds. We should kill the Twin Dragons on Monday to make us 6/12.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So, my buddy who got me BC, Wrath and Cata for the express purpose of getting me to play with him, quit WoW 2 weeks after I started playing again...

He is the master of retarded decision making, but he actually coerced one of my friends to spend money moving his rogue over, and asked me to get back into WoW. For the two weeks we've been playing, we hadn't seen him on once. He said he was busy with work. Finally, two days ago, he sent me and my buddy 2200g, and said "I'm quitting. This is for you."



thetrin said:
So, my buddy who got me BC, Wrath and Cata for the express purpose of getting me to play with him, quit WoW 2 weeks after I started playing again...

He is the master of retarded decision making, but he actually coerced one of my friends to spend money moving his rogue over, and asked me to get back into WoW. For the two weeks we've been playing, we hadn't seen him on once. He said he was busy with work. Finally, two days ago, he sent me and my buddy 2200g, and said "I'm quitting. This is for you."


People are stupid, impulsive, and inconsiderate.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Narag said:
People are stupid, impulsive, and inconsiderate.

Him especially. He's a good guy, but he has terrible impulse control. He didn't even freeze his account. He deleted his characters as well.

I'm not sure why he did that.
Stayed up until 4am last night having a delightful time playing Peacebloom vs. Ghouls. I was actually just bored, waiting in the dungeon queue and flying around the Eastern Kingdom and randomly came across the strange farm. Upon closer investigation, I was amazed to find a faithful remake of Plants vs. Zombies. Fucking Blizzard :)


The Lamonster said:
Stayed up until 4am last night having a delightful time playing Peacebloom vs. Ghouls. I was actually just bored, waiting in the dungeon queue and flying around the Eastern Kingdom and randomly came across the strange farm. Upon closer investigation, I was amazed to find a faithful remake of Plants vs. Zombies. Fucking Blizzard :)

Just did that yesterday as well :D

I'm sure they'll add a daily version eventually.


thetrin said:
Him especially. He's a good guy, but he has terrible impulse control. He didn't even freeze his account. He deleted his characters as well.

I'm not sure why he did that.

I have a buddy that used to delete his characters impulsively like that too. For awhile he would delete his sole character whenever he wanted to re-roll another, said he didn't like having more than one character in his character select screen. Because of this, he leveled 3 separate characters to the mid-40's before actually getting one to 60 back in the months following vanilla release. Funny enough after Blizz got better with character restoration toward the end of TBC, he petitioned to see if he could get his original 3 characters back, and they restored them all, naked and without any cash of course. At this point the characters were almost 4 years old, so I was pretty impressed at the time.


Black Canada Mafia
Rapstah said:
Skinning? A day. Leatherworking? Infinity. Fuck those materials for one skill up.

Sucks that my skinning and leatherworking were essentially reset :(. Good news is I've gotten skinning up to 200 (gogo instances) and lw not far behind. It gets rough at around 350 tho
So i just tried out my pvp gear with my enhance shaman (honor gear). I've only tried it on a few bosses in heroics and my DPS has jumped from around 14-15K to over 17K. The gear i was replacing with pvp gear was all heroic gear as well.

Kinda crazy how much of a DPS boost i got from just changing 4 pieces of gear (especially considering how good the gear was before). Not to mention they can get better with conquest.

Now all i have to do is get myself up to the hit/expertise cap. Slightly harder because of the pvp gear but still doable.
Twig said:
I wouldn't consider either of those backwards.

I don't either! To be clear: lots of people complain about both and call them "backwards," I disagree with them in both cases, but regardless of what either party thinks I am confident Blizzard will not remove those mechanics.

I'm... not quite sure how CC is "backwards" at all, in fact. As opposed to what?

IIRC etiolate was proposing something like the active-debuff "CC" strategy from Guild Wars where you slow and disempower mobs by layering a variety of distinct debuffs on them, to which my response is mostly an earnest statement that Guild Wars (and its upcoming sequel) is an excellent game and I am pleased with its success but I am not particularly interested in seeing its gameplay design migrate back into WoW.


charlequin said:
IIRC etiolate was proposing something like the active-debuff "CC" strategy from Guild Wars where you slow and disempower mobs by layering a variety of distinct debuffs on them, to which my response is mostly an earnest statement that Guild Wars (and its upcoming sequel) is an excellent game and I am pleased with its success but I am not particularly interested in seeing its gameplay design migrate back into WoW.

Wow certainly has a lot of creative Cc possibilities as well (Kiting, LoSing, even stuff like mind control, interrupts, those are forms of CC in many ways), but you never need to use them unless your group comp is terrible. A good group is fully capable of employing them, but rarely needs to, a bad group just throws its hands up and starts votekicking people, either way the Random Dungeon Finder groups never see them in play. I don't see how Cc is 'backwards' design. The game was designed 6 years ago, things have been tweaked plenty but the basic design of the game itself has always involved CC, and CC can certainly be interesting. The only time it's a chore is when you have to delegate 20 kinds of CC or 2-3 per pull in a 5 man, which of course is only something you have to do when you're undergeared or in a terrible group, which is fine. To go backwards, they had to go forwards first, and I challenge anyone to claim Wrath was a step forward.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
I like the new dungeons. Wrath babies are easy to spot in them.
Lamest tradechat term ever. Sorry, you're automatically a tool for even using it. You do not automatically get cool points for having played the game in TBC or the base game.


Still Tagged Accordingly
thetrin said:
So, my buddy who got me BC, Wrath and Cata for the express purpose of getting me to play with him, quit WoW 2 weeks after I started playing again...

He is the master of retarded decision making, but he actually coerced one of my friends to spend money moving his rogue over, and asked me to get back into WoW. For the two weeks we've been playing, we hadn't seen him on once. He said he was busy with work. Finally, two days ago, he sent me and my buddy 2200g, and said "I'm quitting. This is for you."

don't do something in WoW for someone else, unless you want to do it anyway. especially if it costs you money.
Angry Grimace said:
Lamest tradechat term ever. Sorry, you're automatically a tool for even using it. You do not automatically get cool points for having played the game in TBC or the base game.
Just because you started playing in wrath doesn't make you a wrath baby, expecting shit to be as easy as it was in wrath and not adapting makes you a wrath baby. Just because you have played since beta doesn't make you good either.


but ever so delicious
Anyone know where i can buy food from in Vashj'ir? I'm getting owned a little and i've run out of food / cloth :lol

Horde btw


Water is not wet!
cuevas said:
Just because you started playing in wrath doesn't make you a wrath baby, expecting shit to be as easy as it was in wrath and not adapting makes you a wrath baby.
You are just so leet. "If you dont like it you are a baby." :lol

Just because you have played since beta doesn't make you good either.
i wasnt talking about my skill level. i was talking about difficulty out of your control is annoying. With Raids its fine because you practice with the same people to become effective at your task. Wiping to learn a raid is fine in my book because you are learning together as a team. Wiping to learn a heroic in Dungeon Finder is a waste of fucking time because the next time you queue its going to be with different people and school is in session again.
BTW, just in case anyone is unclear on it from the fact that I've posted repeatedly in this thread on the last five pages, I am in fact reading this thread and I would really prefer that people keep the overall tone of discussion in here a bit more polite and less abusive. Nobody's doing anything bannable but there's no reason people need to get into namecalling or heated arguments every page over the latest SRS BSNS. Let's try to keep this a pleasant conversation, 'kay?
I was talking in general in that post, not you. Heroics were around this difficulty in tbc and you could do them with randoms from trade. People got pampered in wrath and are like "wtf I have to think while I play this game? Blizzard you sux!!!" Things like being able to keep your CC up and not breaking it or paying attention to what you dps shouldn't be things to complain about.

Sorry charlequin I know a few of my posts could go from being a dick making a point to just making a point by changing a sentence or two.
Angry Grimace said:
Lamest tradechat term ever. Sorry, you're automatically a tool for even using it. You do not automatically get cool points for having played the game in TBC or the base game.

Same goes for people using the term "toon"

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Seriously. I don't follow multiplayer threads much, so the anonymous asshole syndrome in this thread at the moment is shocking. Manners, people.
Honestly, I don't remember any heroics (BC or Wrath) being as hard as Cata heroics, but that could be for any number of reasons. I have no issues with Cataclysm heroic's difficulty level.

It is possible, or even likely, that the random dungeon finder makes cata heroics seem harder, because people, more often than not, get stuck with idiots who don't know what they're doing. Whereas in the Burning Crusades and Wrath, I did heroics almost exclusively with people I knew, or people from within my guild; that right there is probably giving me the false impression that non-cata heroics were easier at release. Now i queue solo for a lot of stuff, so I'm getting exposed to a lot of bad players.

But with the way Blizzard talks, it does appear that they purposely were trying to make heroics more challenging in Cataclysm. It makes sense that they would try and step up the difficulty level in Cataclysm; how long have we been playing this game? We should be better by now! Any non-casual wow player that has been around since at least Wrath, should have improved their game-play somewhat. So cata heroics could seem easier since people have stepped up their game; harder, because maybe they are harder; or both, given people's luck using the random dungeon finder.

This post proves absolutely nothing and should be deleted :lol
Deputy I think one reason is that in tbc you had to run those instances a lot to get your key and in turn making you better prepared for the heroic version. So even if you were with randoms you knew they had experience

I fucking hate the obsession with ilvl and the fact that blizzard made it part of being able to get into heroics. You should have to kill every boss in an instance before the heroic version gets unlocked. I know I'm a hypacrite because I only ran two normals before I started healing our guilds heroics.


charlequin said:
Blizzard has never adopted some other game's flavor-of-the-month fancy new gameplay mechanic before and I am doubtful they will begin now. They're not going to eliminate CC any more than they're going to move away from the tank/heal/DPS trinity (and plenty of people make a big deal about that being "backwards design" too.)

Oh come on. WoW continually pulls from other games.

I don't think the holy trinity is backwards, but just old and limiting. It would be great to be a hybrid class in WoW and actually get to play like a hybrid, instead of being shuffled into the three role system and have the flavor of my class removed.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
charlequin said:
BTW, just in case anyone is unclear on it from the fact that I've posted repeatedly in this thread on the last five pages, I am in fact reading this thread and I would really prefer that people keep the overall tone of discussion in here a bit more polite and less abusive. Nobody's doing anything bannable but there's no reason people need to get into namecalling or heated arguments every page over the latest SRS BSNS. Let's try to keep this a pleasant conversation, 'kay?
I was waiting for this, thank you.


In terms of difficulty I would rank it TBC >CATA > WOTLK with a huge difference between cata and wotlk. TBC had a few heroics that were quite difficult for characters of the proper gear level.

Anyways my raiding guild is 11/12 just Nefarian left. Death Knight tier gear looks great.
cuevas said:
Deputy I think one reason is that in tbc you had to run those instances a lot to get your key and in turn making you better prepared for the heroic version. So even if you were with randoms you knew they had experience

I fucking hate the obsession with ilvl and the fact that blizzard made it part of being able to get into heroics. You should have to kill every boss in an instance before the heroic version gets unlocked. I know I'm a hypacrite because I only ran two normals before I started healing our guilds heroics.

It wouldn't really help. The normal versions are just so much easier. Most of the things that make the heroic versions harder just aren't there in the normal version. That or they are toned down so much that people don't even notice them.
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