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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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webrunner said:
I like how they brought back some of the MC mechanics for Hyjal with the fights against Ragnaros and Baron Geddon. I even did my old Geddon trick of bubbling/blocking the living bomb (I was a holy paladin when I did MC, now i'm a mage)

They do the same in BWD with Drakes that mirror the abilities of the 3 Drakes in BWL (Ebonroc, Flamegor, Firemaw). It was a nice touch of nostalgia.


borghe said:
primitive is a really generous word. it's kind of sort of bad. though definitely primitive under the guise of "they didn't really know any better". still, back for vanilla it definitely achieved the effect of being epic (in the truest sense of the word). and as we've mentioned in this thread before, not a bad place for farming runs actually. you can do the whole thing solo in an hour or two, bosses drop some decent dough (Rag alone drops 140g). and the non-bop materials for thunderfury and sulfuras go for some sweet cash on the AH for people going for vanity items or achievements.

It was epic until you did it a million times. MC raiding forced me to drink to get through it. Hell one of our raiders started to become an alcoholic during it and had to quit.

They do the same in BWD with Drakes that mirror the abilities of the 3 Drakes in BWL (Ebonroc, Flamegor, Firemaw). It was a nice touch of nostalgia.

This BWD trash? Haven't seen them yet... but damn did I hate those drakes in BWL. Damn los fights.


borghe said:
exactly.. though like I said.. I'm at the point now where I don't even care on heroics anymore. I literally do one a day (if even that) for the VPs. no rep. no items (well, except a wand which I've stopped even caring about after probably 25 combined runs of the three instances that drop one), no reason at all to run except for the VPs.

but yeah, that kind of sums up my above post in a nutshell... if people are crying and whining about heroics now.. presumably many of them are going to want to raid in the end game... raiding is much much worse. the trash in Bastion is almost an hour on its own, and then we proceeded to wipe on halfus for at least an hour and a half (I have 30 minutes left on my current flask). what are they going to do then?
Since you paid your dues putting too much time time into a random crap group is pretty shitty. But if your guild can do them in 19-30 min, I'd hope people would be willing to do it even if they already done it.


Bisnic said:
Are prot warriors supposed to be this strong? I did my 1st heroic run yesterday(got Lost City of Tolvir yay), and in some of these big early pulls, i end up with 10-11k DPS. As prot. With tanking gear. Of course i had a group of 1 dk and 2 locks so there was barely any CC except 1 seduce, so the AOE damage was pretty strong for me, but still...

lame, shouldve been two seduces and surpriused at least one of them wasnt fear glyphed


I have been playing for a little over 3 weeks and have gotten to the point where I'm kind of confused as to where to go next. I have been enjoying reading Rez's posts for the simple fact he is as new to this game as I am. The one major difference is that he seems to be exploring and leveling up on his own while I'm addicted to the dungeon finder. Problem is I'm leveling so fast in the dungeon finder that the normal quests around me are garbage and the gear I get for completing them is like 10 levels lower then where I'm at. Does the game direct you to where you should go so quests and quest items are on par with your level?
borghe said:
but it was a response to your comment that ....

I was saying that because as the healer I always end up making the pull because people just sit there waiting for someone to do something and every time I say "GO GOGOGO GO OG GOO GO OOG OGO" people cry. There's also people like this that just make me want to give up doing randoms.



Loves the Greater Toronto Area
DeathNote said:
Since you paid your dues putting too much time time into a random crap group is pretty shitty. But if your guild can do them in 19-30 min, I'd hope people would be willing to do it even if they already done it.
I get where you're coming from (I think). It's life in a big raiding guild unfortunately. Heroics are like pledging. Everyone has to put in their dues. When an xpac first comes out and 80% of the guild is paying their dues it's easy. A month or two after its out and 80% are doing a daily random and the other 20% are now paying their dues, it's a bit lonely. But I've done it before, and I'm assuming many many many many players in WoW have done it before.

Besides, with the daily randoms continually providing currency for some of the best gear (or second best gear) in the game, Blizz has ensured that there will ALWAYS be guild members looking to run them. So while the days of "hey guys, want to run another?" might be long gone.. as a gearing member you should always be able to find at least 2-3 guild groups a day to run with. and hey... doing it that way at least you are guaranteed to get the 346 drops in most cases! :D

cuevas said:
lol.. walden I'm guessing? hahaha.. the decision to go fire spec was never made easier than this xpac's raids and heroics!!!!! total DPS output drops a whopping 10% or so by being completely mobile. (difference between spamming fireballs or scorches)


LukeSmith said:
They do the same in BWD with Drakes that mirror the abilities of the 3 Drakes in BWL (Ebonroc, Flamegor, Firemaw). It was a nice touch of nostalgia.

Apart from the ridiculous LoS stuff, right? Running in and out from behind a pillar to cast a heal was not fun when healing the tanks... Cleanse spamming Chromaggus after almost felt enjoyable compared to those fights, haha.

Man the first one of those drakes was such a pain, such weird positional requirements.


Dropped Blacksmithing last night and power leveled Engineering for the sexy helm. Bye bye 10k gold.

Blacksmithing is rather underwhelming with its 2 extra sockets that it has had for an expansion and then a bunch of BoE craftables.

Every profession should get a BoP item that only they can use ...


HixxSAFC said:
Apart from the ridiculous LoS stuff, right? Running in and out from behind a pillar to cast a heal was not fun when healing the tanks... Cleanse spamming Chromaggus after almost felt enjoyable compared to those fights, haha.

Man the first one of those drakes was such a pain, such weird positional requirements.

I remember we'd always have to get our NE tank for that fight, since our dwarves/gnome was too short and healers couldn't LOS over that lip. That was a mistake we only made once.
borghe said:
lol.. walden I'm guessing? hahaha.. the decision to go fire spec was never made easier than this xpac's raids and heroics!!!!! total DPS output drops a whopping 10% or so by being completely mobile. (difference between spamming fireballs or scorches)

It actually was every boss in HoO.


I've cleared and healed every single heroic so far in pugs except HoO which I've never even gotten past the first boss of. Several wipes the first days, have never gotten it as random since. "Why should we DPS down the 400 snakes that are attacking the tank?"


The first boss in Heroic HoO was annoying as hell in the beggining days. Mainly because people would think it's exactly like regular. They'd start off the fight, "Okay I go left you go right". Which then I'd have to explain to them that doesn't work in heroic, then watch us wipe when they didn't believe me.


Really Really Exciting Member!
mcrae said:
lame, shouldve been two seduces and surpriused at least one of them wasnt fear glyphed

It wasn't really necessary to have 2 seduces and one glyphed fear. I knew what i was doing and so was our healer who never really came close to be oom from trash fights anyway.

It might have been my first heroic, but i already have mostly 333 blues, 2 325, 2 346 and 2 359 epics, all with enchants and rare blue gems with stamina, parry + stamina and mastery + stamina.

That Tol Barad trinket that improve elemental resistance by 400 every minute was pretty useful for the last boss too.


borghe said:
well, two nights on Halfus so far. was ALMOST ONLY two nights... had him down to 3.8M on the last pull. basically it's the difference IMHO of one more set of drops from two of the current downed bosses (which I'm guessing is what we are going to start with tonight). Well, that and for some reason assholes think flasks are optional at this point in raiding still..... seriously, probably 1/4-1/3 of the raid was without flasks last night.. this ain't the end of LK days folks.. it's like 225-280g for an hour.

Anyway, our guild leader is trying to rebuff us with the fact that we had stone, slate and time this past week. popped stone right away (and usually got the first instant shadow nova interrupted also), popped time at about 40% on stone. popped slate almost right as soon as stone was dead. so we dropped the drakes in about 3:00 leaving us 2mins to DPS halfus. me and the other mage grabbed both interrupts during the roar stuns. really a great run.. just that damn 3.8m shy after the berserk. still, a shitload closer than we were on omnotron the pull before they were downed. unfortunately by that pull EVERYTHING respawned in that first area........ we already kamakazied/rezzed when only part of that room popped. noway we were going to make it with the whole room back up and it's like at least 30-40 minutes to clear the trash. oh well.. guess we'll get free loot on Conclave, Omnotron, and possible Magmaw tonight... then finish off Halfus on Thursday with (hopefully) 15 more epics in the guild.

Does your guild have 3 tanks? My guild has found it infinitely easier if you release (with your combo) time and slate immediately and tank the drakes on top of halfus for cleave, and it slows down the fireballs (helps with 2 drakes blocking melee's vision). Have the two tanks trade on Halfus for MS and just release stone after one drake dies. The fight is still really tight in 25-man because of the sheer amount of damage you need to do in the limited amount of time, but it's doable. Honestly, if I were your raid leader, you should just kick everyone out and do it in 10-man if people are gonna be lazy about flasks and such.

borghe said:
though I did say in a previous post that I really didn't care anymore. I got all of my 346 gear ages ago, did it before the nerfs... about the only thing I wish I would have done is get my Glory of the Hero achievement before they all hit.. but unless I put some serious time in this weekend or next I don't think I'll have time to do it.. still need about 12-15 achievements I think.
Which ones do you need? None of them are particularly hard if you have a full guild group going in, it should be fine. There might be strats floating around on wowhead or something too but there are few I know that work really well also. Only a few right now are super comp dependent (i.e. needs a lust) to overcome, even if you have 3, 4 epic pieces each.

Doing anything harder than a regular 85 dungeon with the RDF is atrocious. I can't believe they let people in with a ilvl329 into them. I have yet to touch heroic randoms on my priest because I'm healing, and I have a 331-2ish score only because I've picked up some shadow gear, yet it counts towards it. Believe it or not, even some packs in regular dungeons will do ridiculous amounts of damage because you stood in everything at once, e.g. Grim Batol packs with dragonkin that drop the dmg buff puddles and the elementals that aoe where they stand ... in the puddle. Top that off with a group with 2 or 3 melee and no CC ... I don't want to sound whiny but people not caring about CCing in regular 85s when they obviously are still wearing greens aren't paying attention. Is incoming damage even enabled (or even an option) in the regular blizz scrolling combat text? If not, I'm pretty sure that's the main reason for people standing in things and not noticing it until it's too late.


Wizman23 said:
I have been playing for a little over 3 weeks and have gotten to the point where I'm kind of confused as to where to go next. I have been enjoying reading Rez's posts for the simple fact he is as new to this game as I am. The one major difference is that he seems to be exploring and leveling up on his own while I'm addicted to the dungeon finder. Problem is I'm leveling so fast in the dungeon finder that the normal quests around me are garbage and the gear I get for completing them is like 10 levels lower then where I'm at. Does the game direct you to where you should go so quests and quest items are on par with your level?
If you go to your main faction city (Stormwind for Alliance or Orgrimmar for Horde) there is a "Hero Board" a short distance in from the main entrance that will have a quest on it. That quest changes based on your level and sends you to the best zone to level in at the time. I use it whenever I've levelled too fast and it work well :)
Blargh, the patch notes have exploded the prices of Volatile life on our server. I used to be able to buy large amounts for 5-6g each, now I'm lucky if I see them on there for 15g. There goes my Maelstrom Crystal making business /pout.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Did Culling of Strat with some guildies last night so I could get my bronze drake, and when my buddy kited all the zombies over to one area for the 100 Risen achievo, there was a lag spike and everyone got wiped except me. When everyone thought we weren't going to get it, I DnD'd and BB'd everything aggro'd on me, and got the achievement RIGHT as I died.
Ferrio said:
The first boss in Heroic HoO was annoying as hell in the beggining days. Mainly because people would think it's exactly like regular. They'd start off the fight, "Okay I go left you go right". Which then I'd have to explain to them that doesn't work in heroic, then watch us wipe when they didn't believe me.

That's actually exactly how I do it in heroic. Tank goes left, I go right and drop my earth elemental totem and then press the switch. works very well.

Trumpet909 said:
Blargh, the patch notes have exploded the prices of Volatile life on our server. I used to be able to buy large amounts for 5-6g each, now I'm lucky if I see them on there for 15g. There goes my Maelstrom Crystal making business /pout.

Just because they are using 9 instead of 6 per flask? That seems like a weird reason for prices to skyrocket, its not a big increase. I wish it was like that on my server, I have about 400 lifes or so I use to transmute.
Trumpet909 said:
Blargh, the patch notes have exploded the prices of Volatile life on our server. I used to be able to buy large amounts for 5-6g each, now I'm lucky if I see them on there for 15g. There goes my Maelstrom Crystal making business /pout.

Well you've had it easy. They're a solid 9-12g on my server and have been for awhile. I'll buy em under 10g per though when making crystals. Still have yet to profit from my binge the other day, but I hardly spent all my gold on that venture - even if I sold them for 1k each, I'll still break even, including the loss of spending 15 of them on the recipes. I'm sure they'll sell/rise in value once the patch comes out though.
funkmastergeneral said:
Just because they are using 9 instead of 6 per flask? That seems like a weird reason for prices to skyrocket, its not a big increase. I wish it was like that on my server, I have about 400 lifes or so I use to transmute.

No - it's because people are stocking up on making Maelstrom Crystals from the Lifebound Alchemist Stone which requires 50 life per. The stone will not be disenchantable in 4.0.6, so the only current "cheap" source of crystals will be gone, and a period of more extreme scarcity will exist for the next few months, or until epics are easily obtainable in some other fashion. Basically until patch 4.1, or shortly before (when more raid epics would start getting DEd anyway.)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
pretty sure blizz's biggest problem is the gross profit involved. Maelstrom crystals are fairly appropriately priced right now.. and the "cost" of the alchemist stones are appropriate.. problem is they can't raise the cost of the alchemist stone without devaluing it completely.

FWIW, my four purples I can make as a tailor cost me (approximately) 120-180 volatile elements each, plus cooldowns. and if I were ONLY to use one element, like Life, it would take me 4-6 weeks as well.

honestly if I were blizz I would just hotfix that.

Sober said:
Does your guild have 3 tanks? My guild has found it infinitely easier if you release (with your combo) time and slate immediately and tank the drakes on top of halfus for cleave, and it slows down the fireballs (helps with 2 drakes blocking melee's vision). Have the two tanks trade on Halfus for MS and just release stone after one drake dies. The fight is still really tight in 25-man because of the sheer amount of damage you need to do in the limited amount of time, but it's doable. Honestly, if I were your raid leader, you should just kick everyone out and do it in 10-man if people are gonna be lazy about flasks and such.
hmm.. from everything we've read, releasing stone first is a crucial priority. his 20K+ knockback is both a huge stress on healers and a major loss in dps. we have three tanks but use them on rotation for the MS from halfus. and you'd think punishing x amount of members for not flasking up would "teach them a lesson", but the reality is that 20 less VP per person per boss hurts the entire raid as well. Currently we raid 4 times a week. Farm on nights one and two, 10 man progression on 3 and 4. It's only this last week that we did 25 progression on nights 3 and 4 because of how close we were on Magmaw (downed him first 25 night) and halfus (got him to 3.8M second 25m night)

edit - basically as we understand it, we got one of the toughest arrangements possible for this boss. huge healer stress from three drakes and massive dps loss from one drake. and as we further understand it, stone drake hits like a truck for around 50K on tanks after mitigation. still, with a total of only downing bosses 4 times now (2 conclaves, 1 magmaw, and 1 omnotron) 3.8m remaining doesn't seem to bad with this configuration.

of course none of this matters tonight now.. lol... we'll have to find out tonight which three are up. We were saying last night we'll laugh if one turns out to be the whelps.

edit 2 - doh.. kept saying stone and meant storm.. sorry. we had storm, slate, and time last week.

edit 3 - k, seems to be that nether scion and whelps are almost considered freebie drakes. whelps any decently geared tank can pickup and not even worry about killing them during the fight.. nether scion's debuff likewise seems to be relatively small enough that you can get away with not engaging him for the fight at all.


Oops? Seems Throngus doesn't reset in the hallway to the smithy any more. Seemed to be kitable to the entrance in the try I had. Everyone was still taking archer damage at the entrance, so that's not bullshitable, but you could theoretically get a graveyard zerg going if you got him there successfully.


Maybe, just maybe tonight the Loot-Gods will shower me with their blessings... for once... as I have yet to get a single upgrade raiding thus far to drop for me. I'm the only melee dps there too, so I'd get it to questions asked, so of course stuff won't drop. I have the worst luck ever with raid drops most of the time, I swear.


Not something I do often, but that Rift title... it really, really wants to be WoW, to a point where it's very sad. It's a carbon copy down to every last detail and how the classes all play out. Usually the traditional MMO is a bit sameish in core ways, but come on. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnSk68-2fcI)

Why do people do this? If they want folks who are sick of WoW to jump ship and give their product a try, make something OTHER than a WoW clone. I'd like some options and variety for the genre, it'd be nice if I'm not having fun in WoW to be able to play something that isn't trying to be it.

At least there's Guild Wars 2 coming, I suppose, but it'd be nice if the genre was a little more viable than one MMO and one pseudo MMO. Oh how it would be nice for Origin to be alive and Mythic to cure their ineptitude.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Dropped Blacksmithing last night and power leveled Engineering for the sexy helm. Bye bye 10k gold.

Blacksmithing is rather underwhelming with its 2 extra sockets that it has had for an expansion and then a bunch of BoE craftables.

Every profession should get a BoP item that only they can use ...
They don't do that anymore because then one profession would be better than others in a significant way.


Alex said:
Not something I do often, but that Rift title... it really, really wants to be WoW, to a point where it's very sad. It's a carbon copy down to every last detail and how the classes all play out. Usually the traditional MMO is a bit sameish in core ways, but come on. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnSk68-2fcI)

Why do people do this? If they want folks who are sick of WoW to jump ship and give their product a try, make something OTHER than a WoW clone. I'd like some options and variety for the genre, it'd be nice if I'm not having fun in WoW to be able to play something that isn't trying to be it.

At least there's Guild Wars 2 coming, I suppose, but it'd be nice if the genre was a little more viable than one MMO and one pseudo MMO. Oh how it would be nice for Origin to be alive and Mythic to cure their ineptitude.

It's funny I have a friend that will up and down all day bash WoW and roll his eyes at it. But he won't shut up about how awesome Rift is. He hates on WoW just to hate it, he does that often on many things.


Alex said:
Not something I do often, but that Rift title... it really, really wants to be WoW, to a point where it's very sad. It's a carbon copy down to every last detail and how the classes all play out. Usually the traditional MMO is a bit sameish in core ways, but come on. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnSk68-2fcI)

Why do people do this? If they want folks who are sick of WoW to jump ship and give their product a try, make something OTHER than a WoW clone. I'd like some options and variety for the genre, it'd be nice if I'm not having fun in WoW to be able to play something that isn't trying to be it.

At least there's Guild Wars 2 coming, I suppose, but it'd be nice if the genre was a little more viable than one MMO and one pseudo MMO. Oh how it would be nice for Origin to be alive and Mythic to cure their ineptitude.

Because every other MMO that doesn't resemble WoW usually "fails", as in they drop below 1million users fast which maybe sustainable but it's no where near WoW numbers thus it failed.

The thing is no other MMO has WoW's gameplay. Copy the timing/gameplay, put it all into a different setting with different abilities, profit and all that. Let's face it, WoW is old and dated. It's fugly as original sin. It's lacking in modern customization that many current gamers want. But no matter how old it gets, it's gameplay is ACE, and trumps every other MMO out there hard. It's flow, abilities, responsiveness, all unmatched as it works in PVE and PVP.

I don't know how the new Star Wars is turning out, but that and GW2 are probably the only two games to put a smallish dent into WoW's armor.

That Rift game looked terrible in that video, compounded by the shitty music, which peopel insist on putting into their vids for whatever reason.
Doing anything harder than a regular 85 dungeon with the RDF is atrocious. I can't believe they let people in with a ilvl329 into them. I have yet to touch heroic randoms on my priest because I'm healing, and I have a 331-2ish score only because I've picked up some shadow gear, yet it counts towards it. Believe it or not, even some packs in regular dungeons will do ridiculous amounts of damage because you stood in everything at once, e.g. Grim Batol packs with dragonkin that drop the dmg buff puddles and the elementals that aoe where they stand ... in the puddle. Top that off with a group with 2 or 3 melee and no CC ... I don't want to sound whiny but people not caring about CCing in regular 85s when they obviously are still wearing greens aren't paying attention. Is incoming damage even enabled (or even an option) in the regular blizz scrolling combat text? If not, I'm pretty sure that's the main reason for people standing in things and not noticing it until it's too late.

AND HOW. I'm pounding heals into fools doing this stuff, like those big pulls after snakes & lights & sound boss in HoO (they kill the big guy last). Glad guildies run with my undergeared self and CC back like they used to in December.

Whats fucking funny is me allowing myself to let DPS who do this die late in the fight but have a Lolwell down in reach (practice for me and them).

Ain't that wierd? Lolwell actually not a joke. Ah, the times, they are a changin'.

J-Rzez said:
Because every other MMO that doesn't resemble WoW usually "fails", as in they drop below 1million users fast which maybe sustainable but it's no where near WoW numbers thus it failed.

The thing is no other MMO has WoW's gameplay. Copy the timing/gameplay, put it all into a different setting with different abilities, profit and all that. Let's face it, WoW is old and dated. It's fugly as original sin. It's lacking in modern customization that many current gamers want. But no matter how old it gets, it's gameplay is ACE, and trumps every other MMO out there hard. It's flow, abilities, responsiveness, all unmatched as it works in PVE and PVP.

I don't know how the new Star Wars is turning out, but that and GW2 are probably the only two games to put a smallish dent into WoW's armor.

That Rift game looked terrible in that video, compounded by the shitty music, which peopel insist on putting into their vids for whatever reason.

I would honesty think it's hard to get venture capitol if you're not showing that you're aping the current leader. EvE, GW2, and stuff like Vindictus have other circumstances that helped them along (hence why they're noticably different).


J-Rzez said:
Because every other MMO that doesn't resemble WoW usually "fails", as in they drop below 1million users fast which maybe sustainable but it's no where near WoW numbers thus it failed.

The thing is no other MMO has WoW's gameplay. Copy the timing/gameplay, put it all into a different setting with different abilities, profit and all that. Let's face it, WoW is old and dated. It's fugly as original sin. It's lacking in modern customization that many current gamers want. But no matter how old it gets, it's gameplay is ACE, and trumps every other MMO out there hard. It's flow, abilities, responsiveness, all unmatched as it works in PVE and PVP.

Oh honey no

WoW continually lives on past other game's attempts by its sheer size of community and userbase, but WoW's gameplay has been trumped over and over. Thats the whole frustrating part.

Anyways, I find that Rift decides to be WoW++ interesting in what it says. GW2 is not doing that, but it is also not asking a subscription.


Okay, so I'm in the process of farming for my last remaining piece of gear for my DK tank...

I have everything BiS, more or less, except for crafted gear (I'm not going to spend all those mats on a 359 chest without a socket, thanks).

Ran Stonecore 4 days in a row for the relic off Slabhide. 4 days in a row the healing leather gloves drop.

That alone annoys me, but it's RNG, so there isn't much I can do about it. I've had good luck with pugs in Stonecore, strangely, so it wasn't too bad, and I've stuck with groups till the end because it was worth it.

Today, though...

I queue up for Stonecore.

I get into the dungeon.

What do I get as teammates?

2 shadow priests, one holy priest, one destro lock. All from the same guild.

What kind of idiots queue up in cata with basically no form of reliable CC for most of the instances, with 4 clothies, two of them being some of the worst dps in the entire game right now?

I feel like a douchebag for dropping group after Slabhide, but when I looked at the meters and saw that the two spriests were up for the entire Slabhide fight and combined did less DPS than me tanking, there was just no way I was going to stay there with those idiots. Seriously...
TimeKillr said:
Okay, so I'm in the process of farming for my last remaining piece of gear for my DK tank...

I have everything BiS, more or less, except for crafted gear (I'm not going to spend all those mats on a 359 chest without a socket, thanks).

Ran Stonecore 4 days in a row for the relic off Slabhide. 4 days in a row the healing leather gloves drop.

That alone annoys me, but it's RNG, so there isn't much I can do about it. I've had good luck with pugs in Stonecore, strangely, so it wasn't too bad, and I've stuck with groups till the end because it was worth it.

Today, though...

I queue up for Stonecore.

I get into the dungeon.

What do I get as teammates?

2 shadow priests, one holy priest, one destro lock. All from the same guild.

What kind of idiots queue up in cata with basically no form of reliable CC for most of the instances, with 4 clothies, two of them being some of the worst dps in the entire game right now?

I feel like a douchebag for dropping group after Slabhide, but when I looked at the meters and saw that the two spriests were up for the entire Slabhide fight and combined did less DPS than me tanking, there was just no way I was going to stay there with those idiots. Seriously...

Don't feel bad. My DK is BiS pre-raiding too and I've done Asaad at least 20 times and the cloak has yet to drop. And no, I'm not exaggerating.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Don't feel bad. My DK is BiS pre-raiding too and I've done Asaad at least 20 times and the cloak has yet to drop. And no, I'm not exaggerating.

The Asaad cloak is good, but just go for the rep cloak, it's much better. Not worth farming for stuff you can get with rep.. :) Hyjal rep, Mastery AND Dodge?

Yeah, it's awesome.
Trumpet909 said:
They just hotfixed Lifebound Alchemist Stones so they are no longer able to be DE'd. Better buy them off the AH quick before prices go up.

Best heads up ever. Sadly I had mats for 2-5 more before I saw this, so while I lost out on that, I now have 20 crystals. Was the first to notice on my server and bought all ones up on the current auction house - no more than 1600g each, and canceled my auctions.

Will extort at 2500g+ per in the coming weeks, as I probably have over half the server's supply at the moment.
CarbonatedFalcon said:
Best heads up ever. Sadly I had mats for 2-5 more before I saw this, so while I lost out on that, I now have 20 crystals. Was the first to notice on my server and bought all ones up on the current auction house - no more than 1600g each, and canceled my auctions.

Will extort at 2500g+ per in the coming weeks, as I probably have over half the server's supply at the moment.

Yeah, I was in the process of making some and my last 1-2 I couldn't. So I bought all the ones on the AH as well. Now that the patch notes are out, I assume people are scrambling to get them before prices go up.


borghe said:
halfus stuff
Whoops, I meant Time and Slate in that combo. The MS is not that bad, you just want the stun out by 50%

Also, it may not sound deadly, but Halfus has a 1s swing timer, so the Nether Scion release actually helps since he will miss more often; he might land a couple hits on the mini stun unless you also got Slate to do the long duration Halfus stun.


Ugh, starting to lose interest. I feel like I have nothing left to do without investing significantly more time into the game.

-My main (DK) is decently geared, more than enough for heroics, but I don't have the work schedule to commit to raiding.

-It's hard to run more heroics for JP because my guild isn't really big enough to usually have available people to run randoms with - and even when people are online, the raiders tend to prefer grouping with the raiders.

-I'd rather slam my nuts in a car door than keep using the RDF for heroics.
-Archaeology isn't giving me Zin Rokh >:|

-I've even been considering rerolling to a Prot Pally since I've been told by guildies that a good Prot Pally can carry four idiots through a heroic dungeon.

Maybe it's time that I look at one of these unofficial GAF guilds? Are either of them big enough to reliably have people online to run dungeons with? I'd be willing to play either Horde or Alliance if I could find the right group to play with...


Gonna roll a toon in Area 52. Anybody wanna help me out, that'd be great! first hting is bags! lol

Name would be Tideas



Tideas said:
Gonna roll a toon in Area 52. Anybody wanna help me out, that'd be great! first hting is bags! lol

Name would be Tideas


ya, some 10, 12, 14 slotters and liek 10g can do WONDERS for a brand new cahracter


Bisnic said:
Are prot warriors supposed to be this strong? I did my 1st heroic run yesterday(got Lost City of Tolvir yay), and in some of these big early pulls, i end up with 10-11k DPS. As prot. With tanking gear. Of course i had a group of 1 dk and 2 locks so there was barely any CC except 1 seduce, so the AOE damage was pretty strong for me, but still...

Apply Bleed Thunderclap soar thru DPS roof go back to hitting 3 buttons aftewards. GG. a Blizzard developer still plays a protection warrior you benefit. GG for you.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
zugzug said:
Apply Bleed Thunderclap soar thru DPS roof go back to hitting 3 buttons aftewards. GG. a Blizzard developer still plays a protection warrior you benefit. GG for you.

(Sorry, I couldn't help it.)


Still Tagged Accordingly
reforged and re-gemmed all my DPS gear to tanking stats.

ilevel 342
131376 health (w/ MotW)
30573 armor (53.97% mitigation)
31.67% dodge
16.83 mastery (67% absorb)
26.56% crit chance

how them stats for a feral tank? about to get serious about tanking heroics and want to know if those are reasonable stats to go into a heroic with. should i expect healers to bitch about it, or are those stats more than serviceable for tanking heroics?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Any good reason to stay in Zul'Drak? I quested the shit out of Howling Fjord, Borean Tundra, Dragonblight and Grizzly Hills, but I'm already 77 so I'm thinking I'll get a level in Scholazar Basin, Storm Peaks and Ice Crown. I did roughly three quests in Zul'Drak, but it hasn't really grabbed me.
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