charlequin said:
Nowadays it's because of the zone portals, but it used to be because only those cities had Auction Houses, and even after they added those to other cities the main capitals kept on chugging along pretty much purely on inertia.
Like the other two Shaman specs, Elemental needs a huge mechanical redesign.
Basically, daydreaming up solutions to problems isn't even hard for Shaman since they're all pretty obvious:
1.) Quake baseline and non-channeled
2.) Chain Lit turned into Forked Lit (Classical WC ability, works like modern multishot)
3.) New 31 point Elemental lets Lit Bolt be cast while moving
4.) Spirit Walkers Grace changed to reduce damage taken by 30% and prevent snare/roots for 8 seconds.
5.) With SWG change, Shamanistic Rage removed
6.) Earthen Armor talent added in Resto to let Earth Shield reduce damage taken by 40% on a target other than yourself for 8 seconds.
7.) Mana Tide nerfed to 400% for you, 200% for anyone else
8.) Talent for Healing Rain to be instant after any three single target heals
9.) Chain Heal range and throughput
greatly buffed, cost increased
10.) Reincarnation altered to work like Rebirth (it already eats a combat res usage for some fucking reason)
11.) Stoneclaw Glyph nerfed but made to scale
Course with all of this, they would still need to go over basically the whole totem system because archaic and marginalized dont even begin to describe it. Seriously, Shaman is a really half-baked class at the moment. With Chain Heal and Heroism knifed down, all those years of basically not laying a finger on the class are now shining through.