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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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DeathNote said:
Cause it's one of the coolest and rarest mounts in the game? I only see 1 person on my server with it. All the new drakes are all over the place.

Yeah if he had death's demise with it then damn that'd be cool but he just got it.


DeathNote said:
It's the only thing in the game that visually lasts, excluding pets, throughout expansions and tiers... and it's also the biggest model people display.
As long as other mounts aren't faster or have some other perk to them, I won't spend much effort trying to get them. I don't play WoW because I want my character to look cool. If that was the case I would have quit after vanilla lol. I guess I'm all about function and not fashion. The game's cartoon style has never really mattered that much to me.


cuevas said:
Yeah if he had death's demise with it then damn that'd be cool but he just got it.
He could have grinded months for it legit on a different toon and switched mains. Only looking at achievements is a fatal flaw when it comes to how much a person likes a mount and what they do on different character to get it or get it again.


Trasher said:
As long as other mounts aren't faster or have some other perk to them, I won't spend much effort trying to get them. I don't play WoW because I want my character to look cool. If that was the case I would have quit after vanilla lol. I guess I'm all about function and not fashion. The game's cartoon style has never really mattered that much to me.
I like most of the character models and weapons, and hate a lot of the gear. Most/all is not noticeable compared to a large mount flying around that I spend a lot of time on them. It's the biggest thing on the screen I look at. I can keep it forever. Being OCD and farming something for hours or days like Archeology epics is very different from soloing old content. You can only do it once a week and it can require strategy and be fun especially if you can only down it with a few friends.
DeathNote said:
He could have grinded months for it legit on a different toon and switched mains. Only looking at achievements is a fatal flaw when it comes to how much a person likes a mount and what they do on different character to get it or get it again.

So his toon still sucks. Who goes back and does that old of content that they already did anyways?


cuevas said:
So his toon still sucks. Who goes back and does that old of content that they already did anyways?
Again... a hypothetical person that never got the mount on the other toon and wants it bad enough. It stands out way more than any Drake, even East. Soloing Yogg is a huge feat right now and doing it with some friends once a week can be a lot of fun with a rare reward.


cuevas said:
The guy ninjad it from his group, only 1 person has solo'd that yogg.
Ninjas are scum, but what does that have to do with the hypothetical person I was describing? A Mimi ninja is a different hypothetical person. Someone could have ninjaed it back in the day.

How does that change soloing Yogg to not being a huge feat?
DeathNote said:
Ninjas are scum, but what does that have to do with the hypothetical person I was describing?

How does that change soloing Yogg not being a huge feat?

Okay it is a huge feat, and your person needs to get over it. I've never been a big collector (I think I have less than 30 mounts and pets combined even with the free things they have given out) so I've never gotten the appeal of getting old stuff just because it looks cool.


cuevas said:
Okay it is a huge feat, and your person needs to get over it. I've never been a big collector (I think I have less than 30 mounts and pets combined even with the free things they have given out) so I've never gotten the appeal of getting old stuff just because it looks cool.
Collecting mounts has nothing to do with trying to get the 1+ mounts that appeal to you most if there's a easy way to do so.

Most mounts with allure have a cap on how many times you can try a week. If it's Mimi or Ashes, you can only kill the bosses with friends once a week unless your hot shit like the Yogg guy. If it's East, it was slowly downing all Heroic Tier 11 bosses or waiting until a guild sells it. It's nice that it wasn't 100% on focus and the only benefit in the last scenario tho.

If you like Mimi or Ashes better than the few flying mounts you have, why would you not set aside time once a week?

Getting obsessed and spending too much time on the arch mount or spending all your time grinding gold for the alch mount is very different.
DeathNote said:
Collecting mounts has nothing to do with trying to get the mount(s) that appeal to you most if there's a easy way to do so.

Most mounts with allure have a cap on how many times you can try a week. If it's Mimi or Ashes, you can only kill the bosses with friends once a week unless your hot shit like the Yogg guy. If it's East, it was slowly downing all Heroic Tier 11 bosses or waiting until a guild sells it. It's nice that it wasn't 100% on focus in the last scenario tho.

If you like Mimi or Ashes better than the few flying mounts you have, why would you not set aside time once a week?

Getting obsessed and spending too much time on the arch mount or spending all your time grinding gold for the alch mount is very different.

I see them as the same thing, other than the guy soloing it there is no skill to killing yogg or grinding alch.


cuevas said:
I see them as the same thing, other than the guy soloing it there is no skill to killing yogg or grinding alch.
It's not completely the same. People who grind arch for the bug mount can and will spend hours a day farming. You can only Kill Yogg once a week and it takes much less time a week.

One is way more healthy and social than the other.

You're right, neither require skill right now.

But again, if Mimi is your favorite mount in the game, why not? You'll be able to keep it forever and may favor it over every future mount until the end of WOW. One may want to use it over every Glory of the Heroic raider reward mount they get legit including East.

Because you don't have the achievement to show for it? A random elitist's opinion doesn't mean a thing when a person decides what they want for themselves.

Edited the post a bit.
DeathNote said:
A random elitist's opinion doesn't mean a thing when a person decides what they want for themselves.

I'm an elitist because I don't collect mounts, sweet. Before we get to godwin's I'll just stop replying.


cuevas said:
I'm an elitist because I don't collect mounts, sweet. Before we get to godwin's I'll just stop replying.

Why do you keep saying "collecting mounts". Nothing I'm saying has to do with collecting mounts. It's possible to only have a few flying mounts and spend time once a week with friends for Mimi or Ashes. Many people I know regard them as the best looking mounts in the game.

If I had Ashes I would probably never use or care about any future mounts. Far cry from collection.

You're an elitist because you think a mount is only good to roam the lands on if it gives e-peen.

And some of you are trying to belittle aesthetics entirely. The world is full of people picking and choosing what they like to decorate their homes and such with that they keep and look at for years. Why can't you in a social game? Especially with something you can use and look at for years.

The game play in general is based on time investment. Some a lot more social and healthy some a lot less.


Has problems recognising girls
Collecting old shit is now bad? What? Everyone does it on RP servers. I was still running BWL weekly before I unsub'd in January, with the occasional Sunwell to help oldworldraiders out. I'd feel a bit weird if someone was checking my achievements to see when I completed the Cenarion reputations.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
I check out other people's achievements to see if they are legit, saw a guy with the Mimi mount and turned out he hadn't cleared ulduar till a month ago. Why bother riding around in it?
It's a video game. Your mount has nothing to do with your salary.

No offense, dude, but its pretty apparent you're WAY too invested in relative epeen levels.
So my warlock rides around on an Invincible (that I got during WotLK raiding), and a Death's Demise title, yet I also rock a Thunderfury that I only got a month ago. Where do I fit in your system then? DO I BREAK IT? =P


My mage rides the Headless Horseman's mount. Why? Because it doesn't take up much screen space when I'm flying around Twighlight Highlands mining.


Mairu said:
Mimiron mount is the best looking mount in the game, I wish I had it or had the motivation & people to try and farm it :(

Even though anyone can get it if they have the right profession, I'm still going to say the Roflcopter is still by far the best mount in the game. It's detail and animations are far above whatever else out there I think, though Mim's head isn't too bad. The only mount I wanted more so would be Brann's biplane.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Blizzard giving you a reach around in the form of a lvl 85 BoA Fossil Shield.

Which would be great if there wasn't already a perfectly passable crafted shield.


J-Rzez said:
Even though anyone can get it if they have the right profession, I'm still going to say the Roflcopter is still by far the best mount in the game. It's detail and animations are far above whatever else out there I think, though Mim's head isn't too bad. The only mount I wanted more so would be Brann's biplane.
I enjoy it on my new alt with Engineer. Even the normal version is nice. I was thinking the Biplane would be awesome myself for a new Eng mount.
Mounts as prestige are pretty weak really. I got my Deathcharger because we rolled for the loot off the Horde-first Shadowmourne on my server, but everyone else just bought it for 50k gold. Either way I see kid with 1200 achievement points running around on it. No one knows that I got mine the "legit" way, but it's still at least a little cool because it's so rare.

For flying I'm still rocking Twilight Drake because I like the look, even if everyone has them. For ~2500 gold the purple haze ball that means you've killed everything in normal isn't that appealing.

Titles are the same way... I'm rolling with Assistant Professor at the moment. I was pretty proud of my "Sergeant" title until they invalidated old pvp achievements. Now the only titles that are worth anything are the server firsts.
Morn said:
My mage rides the Headless Horseman's mount. Why? Because it doesn't take up much screen space when I'm flying around Twighlight Highlands mining.
QFT :)
I can't handle riding the larger mounts simply because you can't see anything else on the screen when doing gathering professions and just about anything. I was always a fan of the gyphon mounts, and I still want the Black Knight's mount, personally! It is one of the few mounts (if it was even available) that would replace HHM for me. Blizz do eet!


Max Camera Distance Near (Default):

Max Camera Distance Far:

You see more of the land at once, your model doesn't take up your whole screen until you want it to by zooming in.

Menu/Options>Interface>Camera>Max Camera Distance Slider
Feeling pretty shitty about how I play my warlock right now. I thought I could beat frost mages, but I just got destroyed multiple times by one.

time to quit and reroll!!!....or sit in the corner and cry for a while :p
DeathNote said:
quote for wrong.

there's a thing called max camera distance
Sure, you can see a lot of stuff when you zoom out, but it's when you go in and try to land when everything becomes a pain. The mount covers up more and more the closer you get to the ground and landing on a node can become a pain in the butt. I know it's not a major issue, but it's why I prefer the smaller mounts. From your screen captures, I can't tell what you're trying to farm. It's probably an herb, but I like to see what I'm doing even while mounted and on the ground.


Prodigal Son
J-Rzez said:
Even though anyone can get it if they have the right profession, I'm still going to say the Roflcopter is still by far the best mount in the game. It's detail and animations are far above whatever else out there I think, though Mim's head isn't too bad. The only mount I wanted more so would be Brann's biplane.
I still haven't come across any players on my server who have a flying machine like mine! I haven't upgraded to Turbo yet, but I like having a rare-ish mount that I put the effort into training for and building. Well, "effort."


I'm fucking sick of this piece of shit game. Spend 45 minutes in the queue for a heroic only to have everyone bail from the group when the tank or healer thinks it's too hard.


Deputy Moonman said:
QFT :)
I can't handle riding the larger mounts simply because you can't see anything else on the screen when doing gathering professions and just about anything. I was always a fan of the gyphon mounts, and I still want the Black Knight's mount, personally! It is one of the few mounts (if it was even available) that would replace HHM for me. Blizz do eet!
I wanted that to drop off him the moment I saw it in the lead-in quests. And then I was sad that it didn't. :(
Bisnic said:
Yeah, when i've read that quote, i was like "Dude.. seriously?"
I don't play the game just to collect stuff or for the social aspect, I play to be good. I don't care about how many achievement points I have and I really don't care about my guild members as long as they log in to raid 3 days a week. I do like comparing myself to other players because I'm a competitive person. You guys can say I care too much about epeen or calk me an elitist but that's just the way I play the game.


Really Really Exciting Member!
We need a gnome 5 man or raid. Trolls had plenty of them, and sure it's fun to kill trolls, but it's even more fun to kill gnomes.

As long as its not as horrible as Gnomeregan.

cuevas said:
I don't play the game just to collect stuff or for the social aspect, I play to be good. I don't care about how many achievement points I have and I really don't care about my guild members as long as they log in to raid 3 days a week. I do like comparing myself to other players because I'm a competitive person. You guys can say I care too much about epeen or calk me an elitist but that's just the way I play the game.

Sure, but you seem to take too much importance into HOW and WHEN someone got a mount for it to matter.

For example, according to you, everyone who got the Stratholme Deathcharger mount after Burning Crusade was released shouldn't even use it because they got it after it got easier and soloable. Nevermind the fact that these people probably started playing the game later, or turned their late alt into their new main, or maybe just the fact they actually found the mount cool and wanted it.


remember me
Morn said:
I'm fucking sick of this piece of shit game. Spend 45 minutes in the queue for a heroic only to have everyone bail from the group when the tank or healer thinks it's too hard.

Play a tank, problem solved.
Bisnic said:
Sure, but you seem to take too much importance into HOW and WHEN someone got a mount for it to matter.

For example, according to you, everyone who got the Stratholme Deathcharger mount after Burning Crusade was released shouldn't even use it because they got it after it got easier and soloable. Nevermind the fact that these people probably started playing the game later, or turned their late alt into their new main, or maybe just the fact they actually found the mount cool and wanted it.

I really don't care if they do it I just personally don't care for it and I like to see if those people got it at a relative time to see if they are good.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
I don't play the game just to collect stuff or for the social aspect, I play to be good. I don't care about how many achievement points I have and I really don't care about my guild members as long as they log in to raid 3 days a week. I do like comparing myself to other players because I'm a competitive person. You guys can say I care too much about epeen or calk me an elitist but that's just the way I play the game.
We pretty much figured you were the new Laughtrey a long time ago.


Yikes, How much time do you spend inspecting other people to see if they meet your standards?

Also, Gnome hate is so passe you passe babies.


cuevas said:
I don't play the game just to collect stuff or for the social aspect, I play to be good. I don't care about how many achievement points I have and I really don't care about my guild members as long as they log in to raid 3 days a week. I do like comparing myself to other players because I'm a competitive person. You guys can say I care too much about epeen or calk me an elitist but that's just the way I play the game.
It's sounds like you have no friends in your guild to even try for Mimi or Ashes. This is a social game whether you like it or not. Since it's a large time investment only being a raid bot who doesn't care about the people in the guild is sad.

But, getting a mount you like for yourself has nothing to do with "social aspects". People stare at the same things for months to years and if you like a mount better or best in the game and you have the means to get it you get it. Do you not decorate your house? The shit you look at on a day to day basis for months? Same concept in wow. Not hard.

DeathNote said:
It's sounds like you have no friends in your guild to even try for Mimi or Ashes. This is a social game whether you like it or not. Since it's a large time investment only being a raid bot who doesn't care about the people in the guild is sad.

Acting like you're better than someone is also elitist. Again, this is a game where people stare at the same things for months to years and if you like a mount better you get it. Do you not decorate your house? The shit you look at on a day to day basis? This has less to do with social aspects you're above and more to do with personal aesthetics that will last a long time.

Isn't any multiplayer game a social game? Most of my guild consists of these "raid bots" so we're all fine with it. We still have a fun time during these raid hours so whatever. (not that anyone would do those anyways seeing as our guild has none of the guild achievements for pre-cata raids)

I don't care about the aesthetics in a game, sorry. This whole thing started because you do care about that and I just said I don't. Stop comparing it to real life because I do care about that. It is VERY different; riding around in a cool mount isn't going to help me get into a better guild or give me better parses yet dressing nicely and not living in a condemned house will probably help me in getting a job or getting laid.

I am not acting like I am a better person than those in the game, I just know I am a better player. What is wrong with that?


cuevas said:
Isn't any multiplayer game a social game? Most of my guild consists of these "raid bots" so we're all fine with it. We still have a fun time during these raid hours so whatever. (not that anyone would do those anyways seeing as our guild has none of the guild achievements for pre-cata raids)

I don't care about the aesthetics in a game, sorry. This whole thing started because you do care about that and I just said I don't. Stop comparing it to real life because I do care about that. It is VERY different; riding around in a cool mount isn't going to help me get into a better guild or give me better parses yet dressing nicely and not living in a condemned house will probably help me in getting a job or getting laid.

I am not acting like I am a better person than those in the game, I just know I am a better player. What is wrong with that?

You do not know you're a better player when you inspect someone and see they got the mount late. How many times do people have to say alts? You keep going back to this. You also said there is no reason to ride the mount if you don't have the right achievement. There is a reasons. Aesthetics. It doesn't matter that you personally don't care about them. Other people do. Thus why I am talking about it to begin with.

It's quickly turned into me "trying to get you to care about aesthetics"*, like I was "trying to get you to mount collect"*, when neither are/were true. Sigh.

Edit: I'm not trying to quote you directly*.

I'm trying do get you to understand a simple concept.

An MMO is very different from many muliplayers. In wow you have to spend months of dedication with the same people. No other genre is like that. The endgame of MMO games in general virtual reality. They want it to be as close to reality is possible, or what a fantasy would would be like, and socialization is a big part of humanoid life.

Even if there are a few raid bots, if the core guild members didn't have a strong social relationship your guild would fall apart. If they find someone better or on par that spends time talking to them out of the raid and becomes better friends, the raid bots will be replaced.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cuevas said:
probably 5 minutes out of the 12 hours I log in for a week.
I think what nobody understands is why you bother playing an MMO if you only care about personal skill. There's literally no purpose at all in playing an MMO if you don't like the social aspect of the game. The effect if a little psychotic, actually.
DeathNote said:
An MMO is very different from many muliplayers. In wow you have to spend months of dedication with the same people. No other genre is like that. The endgame of MMO games in general virtual reality. They want it to be as close to reality is possible, or what a fantasy would would be like, and socialization is a big part of humanoid life.

Even if there are a few raid bots, if the core guild members didn't have a strong social relationship your guild would fall apart. If they find someone better or on par that spends time talking to them out of the raid and becomes better friends, the raid bots will be replaced.
Angry Grimace said:
I think what nobody understands is why you bother playing an MMO if you only care about personal skill. There's literally no purpose at all in playing an MMO if you don't like the social aspect of the game. The effect if a little psychotic, actually.

Arguing about mounts is just stupid so I'll stop. Do you only play MMOs? There is a big FPS competitive scene that people spend just as much time with their teams practicing and going to lans with them too. Same goes for RTSs and other genres.

Are you serious with this virtual reality? What the hell? I just want to play a game with other good people, I don't want to role play. Most people in the guild have families, jobs, or school that take up most of their time. They don't need to log in just to say hi to people and go on e-dates with them. How is it psychotic to want to play a different type of game a few times a week with other skilled people? You guys act like there is only one way to play an MMO and if you don't you are just wasting your time. I do enjoy some of the lore, I love the gameplay, learning new bosses, and possibly a new class if the guild needs. That's what I like about the game.


If I was interested in skill, the last genre I would play is mmos >.> they dont have a very high bar, outside of /played and being able to follow simple orders.
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