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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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cuevas said:
Arguing about mounts is just stupid so I'll stop. Do you only play MMOs? There is a big FPS competitive scene that people spend just as much time with their teams practicing and going to lans with them too. Same goes for RTSs and other genres.

Are you serious with this virtual reality? What the hell? I just want to play a game with other good people, I don't want to role play. Most people in the guild have families, jobs, or school that take up most of their time. They don't need to log in just to say hi to people and go on e-dates with them. How is it psychotic to want to play a different type of game a few times a week with other skilled people? You guys act like there is only one way to play an MMO and if you don't you are just wasting your time. I do enjoy some of the lore, I love the gameplay, learning new bosses, and possibly a new class if the guild needs. That's what I like about the game.
You making leaps in logic is getting tired.

"Mount collection!" when discussing someone getting and using their favorite mount even if it's old.

Now it's "Roleplaying!". Do you not understand the difference between roleplaying and the experience a MMO gives in general over other multiplayers? It's an open world heavily reliant on socialization, community, economy. Virtual reality doesn't force you to pretend to be sir fucking Camelot even tho you can a la RP servers.

Edit: Adding this on since no one has replied yet.

Rob Pardo Interview:

What do you view as the holy grail for MMOG development, whether that be in World Of Warcraft or in your next project

The fantasy that’s out there is something like Snow Crash - the Neil Stephenson novel about the metaverse. That’s the vision - if we can only make an MMOG that’s like that, or a fun version of The Matrix that becomes so real that you can actually live within this virtual world. That’s where we’d ideally like to head one day.

There are already talks of Titan having a Second Life hub before you get into the FPS aspect.

MMO's getting as close as they can to a metaverse is going to happen, which relies heavily on socilization, huge populations, etc.

"Roleplaying" is acting and not being yourself in a virtual world.

Aesthetics and character customization will become and already have become increasingly important to MMO games. You want to stand out and not look like a clone in something you spend a lot of time in. It's literally a Second Life.


Neo Member
markot said:
If I was interested in skill, the last genre I would play is mmos >.> they dont have a very high bar, outside of /played and being able to follow simple orders.
Hi, Marko!

I generally agree with this, but I also have to say that I'm surprised at just how bad people can be at following those simple orders. I've only downed one boss on heroic, but I have gotten pretty high in arenas — my current team is 2800. What amazes me while getting to this rating is how incompetent so many people seem to be. In fact, outside of the top 3 teams in my battlegroup, every team is actually bad.

Maybe it's the people attracted to the genre to begin with, but I'm surprised at how bad so many people are at even the most basic things in this already-simplistic game.

So even though I doubt many people play with skill, it's impressive how much skill still seems to matter.


Pretty sad that people cant realise standing in black/green/red stuff that looks really bad with red numbers all over the screen and your hp going down rapidly, is not a good thing >.<


DeathNote said:
You making leaps in logic is getting tired.

"Mount collection!" when discussing someone getting and using their favorite mount even if it's old.

Now it's "Roleplaying!". Do you not understand the difference between roleplaying and the experience a MMO gives in general over other multiplayers? It's an open world heavily reliant on socialization, community, economy. Virtual reality doesn't force you to pretend to be sir fucking Camelot even tho you can a la RP servers.

Edit: Adding this on since no one has replied yet.

Rob Pardo Interview:

There are already talks of Titan having a Second Life hub before you get into the FPS aspect.

MMO's getting as close as they can to a metaverse is going to happen, which relies heavily on socilization, huge populations, etc.

"Roleplaying" is acting and not being yourself in a virtual world.

Aesthetics and character customization will become and already have become increasingly important to MMO games. You want to stand out and not look like a clone in something you spend a lot of time in. It's literally a Second Life.

You're right in that socialization and expression of individual identity are end goals for virtual reality based entertainment (or just VR in itself)...

But at this point in time, WoW is nonetheless just a game. A primitive form of VR, where the game comes before the second reality.

Which isn't necessarily a bad thing; technology of this time simply doesn't have the ability to produce the necessary veracity for that degree of immersion yet.

Once we have things like head mounted displays, camera based motion capture (put together, and built to mainstream consumer acceptable level), then we'll really start to see an explosion of VR/MMO, RPG or no RPG.

At this point in time, accomodating for the reality of things like a wide variety of people's schedule, the interaction of the world with a keyboard and mouse (i.e. it's still a game first and foremost), programming issues, content creation and sharing issues (that is, there is no real user content creation or sharing), something like allowing more people to access a desirable mount albeit in a recoloured form is a more pragmatic solution that caters towards the reality of the current situation now than some communist dig at the expression of individualism.
DeathNote said:
You making leaps in logic is getting tired.

"Mount collection!" when discussing someone getting and using their favorite mount even if it's old.

Now it's "Roleplaying!". Do you not understand the difference between roleplaying and the experience a MMO gives in general over other multiplayers? It's an open world heavily reliant on socialization, community, economy. Virtual reality doesn't force you to pretend to be sir fucking Camelot even tho you can a la RP servers.

You are making this game out to be something that it isn't. Tons of people play the game the same way I do and obviously don't need or want that stuff. If you want to play the game because that stuff is there good for you but don't act like it's what everyone should want to play the game for.

markot said:
If I was interested in skill, the last genre I would play is mmos >.> they dont have a very high bar, outside of /played and being able to follow simple orders.

You'd think that but then I read this thread and half of it is complaining about how the fights are too hard and how bad people are at the game. While it may not be the most difficult game the gameplay and coordinating that is required in raids is an experience you can't get in other games.


markot said:
If I was interested in skill, the last genre I would play is mmos >.> they dont have a very high bar, outside of /played and being able to follow simple orders.

I have to agree here, not to mention with all the mods to hold your hand as well like DBM for example. The real skill is finding 10-25 like minded people, who have at least normal reaction times, that don't watch TV while playing, who can all play together at the same time. For PVE at least, with it's scripted battles and all that. Back in Wrath for example, we were the servers first 10-man guild to fully clear ICC N/H, and we would have done that much sooner if we played more than 2 days, 6 hrs a week. It's just finding like minded people, who are slightly above "vegetable" status, who can comprehend DBM, and most importantly that can play at the same time.

PVP OTOH, is a little more skill based due to competing against human opponents. Though they generally follow the same strats based on team comps, they may do something unexpected here or there (good or bad). And since RNG plays a big role, it's not exactly "fair".

Of course a major factor can be the "type" of gamer this game specifically attracts as an example, the super-casuals.

For a more complete package for competitive gaming, go to shooters. RTS is close, just a notch down because people generally follow "x-build" for this/that, but the micro can take a lot of skill to master.


DeathNote said:
Anyone expect epic gems to be prospected from Pyrite Ore?
I expect that as well. I had been saving my pyrite specifically for when that day would come, but I ended up dropping mining, selling the pyrite I had saved, and power leveling enchanting lol.


I'd wait until it's marked release to say.

Edit: Tho, if the Winged Lion is for Japan it should be sooner than later.
Edit2: A thread asking on the official forums has no blue response, so I guess that was just a rumor.
DeathNote said:
Alright, thanks. I'll buy Mastery first.

So, anyone have a undercut war with someone? Items that have low demand but when they sell they sell for double, triple, quadruple the mats on AH.

This person will unlist 30+ things and re-list them if you undercut them within minutes. It's psychotic.

I'm talking about a 20s to 1g undercut too. But, the thing is, only a few people are buying these items and they only do it ever few days at random times. So the lowest listing sells. Re-listing only costs 1s as well.

i've just started with WoW, about 2 months in now and yeah once i hit on an item that i could craft and sell for about 3x the mats cost i discovered the undercut wars. I found by going to the neutral auction house I had zero competition, and still have a decent sell rate. enough that it's my main source of income.
So my character's gear level is now 343 and I am having a hell of a time getting it any higher through Heroics...does this mean I am ready for raiding, or do I REALLY have to go grind rep? Please tell me it's the former... >.<


MadraptorMan said:
So my character's gear level is now 343 and I am having a hell of a time getting it any higher through Heroics...does this mean I am ready for raiding, or do I REALLY have to go grind rep? Please tell me it's the former... >.<

Either fill every slot with a heroic item, or get some epics to round it out. 346 is the commonly accepted minimum for raids, unless your class/spec is really needed.

The main problem is one of experience; a good raider could raid in 333... but a guy without raid experience needs all the help they can get.
MadraptorMan said:
So my character's gear level is now 343 and I am having a hell of a time getting it any higher through Heroics...does this mean I am ready for raiding, or do I REALLY have to go grind rep? Please tell me it's the former... >.<

Buy Justice Point and (eventually) Valor Point items. Get your two slots of craftables. Fill in your ~3 slots of rep purples. Go crazy and buy yourself a Darkmoon card. Those are pretty much the options pre-raiding, and I'd probably recommend at least topping 346 before stepping into the raids.

My real question is why you aren't getting your rep up there already! All of the Cata heroics should be worth 1-2000 rep per run at normal clear levels.
charlequin said:
Buy Justice Point and (eventually) Valor Point items. Get your two slots of craftables. Fill in your ~3 slots of rep purples. Go crazy and buy yourself a Darkmoon card. Those are pretty much the options pre-raiding, and I'd probably recommend at least topping 346 before stepping into the raids.

My real question is why you aren't getting your rep up there already! All of the Cata heroics should be worth 1-2000 rep per run at normal clear levels.

Well for a long time I just didn't think about wearing a damn rep tabard so even though I've been running a ton of instances I just now started gaining rep.

What are the three slots of rep purples? My main spec is feral druid DPS, and the stuff from rep vendors I could find didn't seem to be for me (except for the shoulder/head enchants, of course). As far as Valor Point stuff...man oh man that's gonna take a long time at only 70 per day. I think I have like ~500 right now.

I was an experienced raider in WotLK and I know my spec well, but obviously I haven't stepped foot in a Cata raid yet. My OS is heals and it's pretty much at the same gear score as my main spec now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Guess there is no 4.1 this week, or else we would have heard about it...

Next week it is. Hopefully.
MadraptorMan said:
What are the three slots of rep purples?

Sorry, I was a bit off, it's two slots each for feral/resto.

For feral, Signet of the Elder Council (359 ring) from exalted Earthen Ring and Stormbolt Gloves/Liar's Handwraps from exalted Dragonmaw/Wildhammer. For resto it's Lightning Flash Pendant/Yellow Smoke Pendant and Belt of the Untamed/Withered Dream Belt, both from Dragonmaw/Wildhammer again. Then there are 359 trinkets (Mandala of Stirring Patterns for resto and Unsolvable Riddle for feral) from Tol Barad.

As far as Valor Point stuff...man oh man that's gonna take a long time at only 70 per day.

Well, when you hit 346 ilvl, you'll be able to get 140 a day doing troll heroics after 4.1 hits. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bisnic said:
Yeah, i think i saw thay you can get 980 VP per week with heroics alone once 4.1 is live.
Which makes no real sense. It just means you'll get 0 people doing the other 8 heroics and 10 billion of the guy who goes, "go go go go" in the Troll dungeons.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Since VP in heroics will be weekly, it might be easier to do them as guild runs. So, no need to deal with the GOGOGO retards.
Angry Grimace said:
Which makes no real sense. It just means you'll get 0 people doing the other 8 heroics and 10 billion of the guy who goes, "go go go go" in the Troll dungeons.

You can't queue for the troll dungeons until you're item level 346, so there's still plenty of reason to do the other dungeons -- anyone who's still trying to gear up is going to be running them.

Also, by all reports they're quite a bit harder than the existing heroics, so it'll at least be a month or so before they're nothing but GOGOGOGO. (Hell, I still don't see that on regular heroics now.)


Rokam said:
108% speed mount in water outside of Vashj'ir.
It may be pretty slow and not get much use, but people will pay high for the BOE.

I can only think of once place it'd be fun. Tol'Barad, PVP server, Shark Elite.


DeathNote said:
Reins of Poseidus: A reason to visit Vashj'ir at 85.

BoE water mount from a rare.

Hmm, nope, not a reason for me to go back to the worst zone ever implemented in any MMO to date. :p

It seems like they know people don't generally like the place and they're trying to find ways to get them to go there.

Doesn't look good on a patch tomorrow I take it though?
DeathNote said:
Reins of Poseidus: A reason to visit Vashj'ir at 85.

Aaaah, another rare spawn to add to the list of mobs that I will never, ever in my life see.

J-Rzez said:
Doesn't look good on a patch tomorrow I take it though?

Tomorrow is very unlikely, though since the last promised feature is now live on the PTR I maintain hope for next week.


"I'm excited to announce that tomorrow, 3/29/2011, you will have a chance to run the new heroic "Rise of the Zandalari" troll dungeons with Blizzard developers and employees on the Public Test Realms.

Between 4pm and 6pm PST we'll be queuing for random Zul'Aman & Zul'Gurub runs. Be on the lookout for players in guilds named [Blizzard Horde] & [Blizzard Alliance]. "

Anyone play with devs before? How good are they usually?


DeathNote said:
"I'm excited to announce that tomorrow, 3/29/2011, you will have a chance to run the new heroic "Rise of the Zandalari" troll dungeons with Blizzard developers and employees on the Public Test Realms.

Between 4pm and 6pm PST we'll be queuing for random Zul'Aman & Zul'Gurub runs. Be on the lookout for players in guilds named [Blizzard Horde] & [Blizzard Alliance]. "

Anyone play with devs before? How good are they usually?

They call everyone noobs for not knowing the dungeon and kick you.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'll admit it's pretty sad that they aren't even ready to put these stupid little 5 mans out this long after Cataclysm launched.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Angry Grimace said:
I'll admit it's pretty sad that they aren't even ready to put these stupid little 5 mans out this long after Cataclysm launched.

I think it's all the other little features that are delaying the release of 4.1, not the trolls heroics alone.


"We want to have faster patches!"

*still adds tonnes of crap to patches delaying them that could be phased in over time rather then all at once >.>

Essentially, the difference between 3.1 and 4.1 is one month. 4.1, if it comes out next week, came out just over one month quicker then 3.1.

3.1 had uldur, new arena season, Argent tournament, introduction of dual specs, and loads of other crap.
Fuck my guild's loot tables. We've killed Cho'Gall 9 times with no mace. Nef, five times, and we've got the Druid, Rogue, DK, Mage piece four times, and no mace from him either. Our Druid has a Tier 11 helm for all three specs. Fucking annoying. Same loot every single week from every single boss.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bisnic said:
I think it's all the other little features that are delaying the release of 4.1, not the trolls heroics alone.
Those features are all lame though. The guild finder is the worst idea ever. Have you ever seen anyone in the guild recruit channel?


Really Really Exciting Member!
Angry Grimace said:
Those features are all lame though. The guild finder is the worst idea ever. Have you ever seen anyone in the guild recruit channel?

I wouldn't know, isn't that channel pretty much automatically turned off when you join a guild?
Well, bought my heirloom helms and quit. Won't be back to raiding anytime soon. Hopefully in 6 months I can actually enjoy logging on alts again.


ToyMachine228 said:
Fuck my guild's loot tables. We've killed Cho'Gall 9 times with no mace. Nef, five times, and we've got the Druid, Rogue, DK, Mage piece four times, and no mace from him either. Our Druid has a Tier 11 helm for all three specs. Fucking annoying. Same loot every single week from every single boss.

That mace dropped every single time for us. And of course, said token you're complaining about never once dropped for me... Trade ya! :p

markot said:
"We want to have faster patches!"

*still adds tonnes of crap to patches delaying them that could be phased in over time rather then all at once >.>

Essentially, the difference between 3.1 and 4.1 is one month. 4.1, if it comes out next week, came out just over one month quicker then 3.1.

3.1 had uldur, new arena season, Argent tournament, introduction of dual specs, and loads of other crap.

Give blizzard a break will ya? I mean, what do you expect from someone with the most successful MMO ever making absurd amounts of profit in which one game pays for itself, two other IPs, and for the first time ever a new MMO will probably start "in the black" on day one? Maybe if they were able to recycled content and art more they'd be alright.

And don't expect that to change neither as not nearly enough people complain about it even. It's one thing to cancel your account, but people defend the shit out of them when the select few actually want explanations and answers why they don't take their money maker seriously and give it priority.


So close to Lore Master of Kalimdor now. It takes a lot longer than you initially think. Saying that, I've made 13K gold in doing it though, I just pick up any cloth that drops and mine any veins I see. Some of the lower level mats go for crazy money on my realm.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Eh... you think Loremaster of Kalimdor takes long? You guys have it easy now, try doing it BEFORE Cataclysm... now that was hardcore, even more before they nerfed the required number.


dc89 said:
So close to Lore Master of Kalimdor now. It takes a lot longer than you initially think. Saying that, I've made 13K gold in doing it though, I just pick up any cloth that drops and mine any veins I see. Some of the lower level mats go for crazy money on my realm.
If I was going for that I don't think I would have the patience to be looting anything other than mobs that have quest items, props to you :p
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