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World of Warcraft |OT2|

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Yeah, there's a 4.0.1 patch for the new talents/spell system, then 4.0.3 will hit a bit before Cataclysm with the world changes.


Was thinking of transferring servers and faction changing since I don't particularly like Blackhand anymore to be honest. I know someone in A-52 though I want to know how's the server like and such?


Alex said:
It still pains me that Warhammer was such a failure, there was so much potential there.

It's simple. People are always trying to copy Blizzard in various regards, but they always miss the key part. The gameplay/combat. Most of the them, and war was no exception, the gameplay/combat felt sloppy and disconnected. Nobody is asking for a game to be an exact WoW clone, and War had enough fresh ideas that could have made an impact IF it played "as good as" WoW. Which it does not. And neither do the other majority of MMOs out there.

Blizzard is king in this regard, and no one has really challenged Blizzard here in said regard. People "want" something new, just that gameplay/combat in a MMO is king and can make or break the game.


J-Rzez said:
It's simple. People are always trying to copy Blizzard in various regards, but they always miss the key part. The gameplay/combat. Most of the them, and war was no exception, the gameplay/combat felt sloppy and disconnected. Nobody is asking for a game to be an exact WoW clone, and War had enough fresh ideas that could have made an impact IF it played "as good as" WoW. Which it does not. And neither do the other majority of MMOs out there.

Blizzard is king in this regard, and no one has really challenged Blizzard here in said regard. People "want" something new, just that gameplay/combat in a MMO is king and can make or break the game.

Warhammer Online was also a victim of its own fanbase. Yeah the game being ugly and horrible didn't help, but the hype that was built up around it by the anti-WoW brigade did Mythic no favors.

I used to browse the official WoW boards a lot , and in the months leading up to WAR's release, I couldn't tell you how many "Blizzard stole anything and everything they've ever created from Games Workshop" Warhammer fanboys would come onto the WoW boards and preach the gospel of Warhammer Online, and tell everyone how it was going to destroy WoW. Why? One of their chief arguments was (and I'm not kidding) that because Warhammer Online's PvP was "better", and that people would flock to WAR en masse from WoW because of it. That's it. That was their argument. Well, with infallible evidence such as that, clearly the mighty will fall and the ones who brought us Dark Age of Camelot will show us a real man's MMO. Bare in mind none of these people saying how great WAR was had never even played it at this point.

I seriously was anticipating the game's release just so those people would shut the fuck up about it. Needless to say, the game crashed and burned.

You could actually mark WAR's release and subsequent failure to make any noticeable impact on WoW's subscriber base as the point in MMO history where developers and publishers finally gave up on trying to compete directly with World of Warcraft; meaning they stopped with the fantasy MMO market saturation. Although once the dust settled, the one great success story out of the post-WoW bunch was LOTRO, which was initially just WoW with a Lord of the Rings skin, but hats off to Turbine for really turning LOTRO into something very much it's own.

I actually felt bad for Mythic, they were very modest when people kept comparing the game to WoW. One of the lead devs of the game said something like "Well, WoW is basically the The Beatles, and you can't beat The Beatles. We'd like to think Warhammer Online is more like Mythic's Led Zeppelin to Blizzard's Beatles." Comments such as those were all for naught when you had Warhammer nerds screaming "HAHAHA WARHAMMER WIL KILL WOW AND BLIZZARD WILL GO BANKRUPT THATS WAT U GET FOR STEALING FROM GAEMS WORKSHOP LOLOLOL" from the highest goddamn mountain. Mythic really needed to put a lid on their community and tell them to just chill the fuck out for two seconds.

The other sad part is that post-WAR's release, there were people who were still trying to start shit by claiming Blizzard took things from WAR and added them to WoW, such as achievements. What was it called in WAR? The Tome of...something? Knowledge? Whatever, either way WAR was not the first MMO to track that sort of stuff. City of Heroes had achievements back in 2004 (although they're called "Badges" in CoH, they're fundamentally the same thing).

I just hope that people have learned their lesson from WAR, experienced developer + established IP does not = guaranteed success. Keep that in mind leading up to TOR's launch.


Aurarian said:
Was thinking of transferring servers and faction changing since I don't particularly like Blackhand anymore to be honest. I know someone in A-52 though I want to know how's the server like and such?
Depends on the faction. A52 is 4:1 Horde to Alliance. So Horde always controls Wintergrasp and has all the good guilds.

For Horde there are plenty of good raiding guilds (such as mine *ahem*) and a ton of PUGs for every raid, even old stuff. There's a good amount of GDKP runs as well. The only drawback is long queue times for BGs (10+ minutes).

Alliance on A52 is a different story. Not too many people on, not a lot of raiding being done, and a general immaturity and lameness among the population.

Who's your friend/guild you're joining? If they are Horde I might know them.


notworksafe said:
Depends on the faction. A52 is 4:1 Horde to Alliance. So Horde always controls Wintergrasp and has all the good guilds.

For Horde there are plenty of good raiding guilds (such as mine *ahem*) and a ton of PUGs for every raid, even old stuff. There's a good amount of GDKP runs as well. The only drawback is long queue times for BGs (10+ minutes).

Alliance on A52 is a different story. Not too many people on, not a lot of raiding being done, and a general immaturity and lameness among the population.

Who's your friend/guild you're joining? If they are Horde I might know them.

I don't remember his character's or guild's name. He's more of an old friend of mine who I don't really see much. I would be changing to Horde. Really tired of Alliance... I have a Prot warrior and a feral tank that I would be bringing over if I do make the jump.


Aurarian said:
I don't remember his character's or guild's name. He's more of an old friend of mine who I don't really see much. I would be changing to Horde. Really tired of Alliance... I have a Prot warrior and a feral tank that I would be bringing over if I do make the jump.
Since you're going Horde, I recommend making the switch for sure. A52 is a great server. Plus tanks are always needed.
J-Rzez said:
It's simple. People are always trying to copy Blizzard in various regards, but they always miss the key part. The gameplay/combat. Most of the them, and war was no exception, the gameplay/combat felt sloppy and disconnected. Nobody is asking for a game to be an exact WoW clone, and War had enough fresh ideas that could have made an impact IF it played "as good as" WoW. Which it does not. And neither do the other majority of MMOs out there.

Blizzard is king in this regard, and no one has really challenged Blizzard here in said regard. People "want" something new, just that gameplay/combat in a MMO is king and can make or break the game.
One game that I believe had a better pvp system than WoW, even to this day, was Dark Age of Camelot. The graphics were obviously lacking, but the gameplay was excellent. Assaulting and defending keeps was amazing. I can't think of a single BG in WoW right now that is better.


Aurarian said:
Are you guys looking by any chance for some people for Cat?
Sure! Always looking for more players. At the moment, we don't need any tanks in our main raid, but our alt raid on Thursdays could use an extra. Even if you aren't into raiding, we have people into PVP or just hanging out and chatting while fishing or farming achievements. The only thing is we're kinda casual so we don't run 25s and don't have any plans to start, but there are plenty of fantastic PUGs on A52 for that...and in Cata it won't matter since they share a lockout.

Just send me a PM if you want in and I'll give you the details. :D


Really Really Exciting Member!
Anyone know a good PVE Alliance server that is somewhat similar to Area 52/Thrall for Horde? I've got like 3-4 lvl 80s on my current alliance server, but all the guilds only wants people to do ICC, ICC, oh and ICC.

I don't give a shit about that anymore, but i hate that my alliances are stuck with no guild, i want one before Cataclysm is released that isnt too concerned about ICC, that just play/raid casually until the expansion is out, but its hard to find on a shitty server where Alliance are just...bad usually. Is there some well known good PVE server for Alliance?

Oh and... please spare me the "alliance sux, horde ftw" comments.
This might be a more general MMORPG topic, but since we're always talking about WoW in those threads, we might as well allow ourselves to talk about other MMOs in this one too.(Also I am juniored like a whore)!

I'm in awe right now. Browsing the MMORPG FFXIV boards, one thing is familiar. Despair and dissapointment. In all my time, playing video games, nothing has come close in the level of dissapointments like the MMORPG genre has generated. It's like everything fails, and nothing lives up to expectations, nobody has ever delivered.
FFXIV is just the latest scheme. Almost virtually every MMO outside a few, like LOTRO, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, EVE and a few others has managed to carve their way into a healthy world.
So many dissapointed people, who keep getting their hopes led down. But nobody delivers apparently, because everyone(generalized, I'm sure) apparently hates WoW, and everything about it, that EQ brought us. It's a well known fact that MMOs of today are very limited in features and possibilities compared to the older days of UO and MUDS. They where games not restricted by heavy 3D Graphics, and intense rendering.

One thing I have noticed is that WoW is still one of the few games that are almost still almost completely seamless without loading times. Who gives a fuck right? But then again - It's sort of become a big deal, because all of the others are not doing it, and suddenly it's one of those things that really add to immersion.

SWTOR is next in the pipe. It's already clear to me, that this is not going to be what every Star Wars gamer wants it to be(art style, non-WoW, space combat) but I am scared this game might also be at odds with its gameplay to deliver the star wars experience. I don't imagine how PvP is going to work. Either it will look un-starwarsy, or it will be balanced.
Nahh, I can't see it. PvP in this genre is completely a chaos right now.

I think a problem, the big problem right now is that, most MMORPGers only have time, and some only have money for one MMORPG at a time. So for MMORPG makers, even if they want to make that quirky and uniqe and different MMO, to be able to have some matching feature set like the others, and this takes resources and time and confuses and makes that particular MMOs uniqe elements, less refined because more time will have to be invested into the crosscheck-list-of-stuff-that-needs-to-be-in-your-mmorpg-or-I-won't-play(crafting, pvp, AH, RP servers and so on...).

WAR had some good shit going on. Even in the first scenario, you saw people magically align like real armies would do.. people actually pvped right. there was thought and effort and natural gameplay supported, for the game punishing anyone who would bunny jump into a horde of enemies(wow style). That's why it's so bad that the game fell under it's own crosscheck-list. Imagine if all the time, money, energy and wasted resources had not been spent on their silly quests, instanced pvp and all that, but instead had just been all world pvp. If that had been the entire game, and the whole budget had been spent on that, maybe things would have been differently.
The problem is that people would have opposed it intially. "you won't have PvE? FFFFFFFFFUUUUU" < People would absolutely butcher them, and many would write the game off. That's the paradox of many MMORPG gamers. Everyone screams for change, but when change comes, everyone is bothered and scared and go back to what they know.

This entire genre is stuck in one fucking quagmire, and games that dare try to specialize in something more narrow for a more niche audience, like PvP are usually punished. APB being a recent example. That game could have worked. lots of shit going for it. Had its gameplay been great, I am absolutely certain that some people would have played it.
When will we have a triple AAA crafting MMO? Why not? A tale in the desert, but made fucking awesone.
why not just a non-instanced pvp game? Back to the planetside table. no quests, no NPCs. what if you made a MMO with no NPCs at all?


XIV is a bit of a different story though, I mean there's been a little underwhelming then there's being FFXIV.

I mean they couldn't even bring the basic game systems and interface up to par with their old prequel. I don't mean the modern iteration of their old prequel, I mean how it was seven + years ago.

It is an absolute mess of a game, it doesn't do ANYTHING well, but they have a unique fan base; one that really doesn't give a shit how bad the game is. It looks good, it sounds good, and it's called Final Fantasy. It's the Square-Enix anomaly, we've now seen it twice in one year, it's a phenomenon to be sure.

One game that I believe had a better pvp system than WoW, even to this day, was Dark Age of Camelot.

UO and DAoC had great PvP (DAoC's awesome RvR is why it hurt so much to see WAR taper off). WoW has solid PvP too, but it's always too much at the mercy of PvE balancing and gear and they focused way too hard on arena. Luckily rated BGs are coming in now, but it all sounds a bit raw still.
Alex said:
XIV is a bit of a different story though, I mean there's been a little underwhelming then there's being FFXIV.

I mean they couldn't even bring the basic game systems and interface up to par with their old prequel. I don't mean the modern iteration of their old prequel, I mean how it was seven + years ago. Their world is completely, and I'm not exaggerating, it is completely empty and with no content whatsoever. It is staggering that they sold this to ANYONE.

It is an absolute mess of a game, it doesn't do ANYTHING well, but they have a unique fan base; one that really doesn't give a shit how bad the game is. It looks good, it sounds good, and it's called Final Fantasy. It's the Square-Enix anomaly, we've now seen it twice in one year, it's a phenomenon to be sure.

UO and DAoC had great PvP (DAoC's awesome RvR is why it hurt so much to see WAR taper off). WoW has solid PvP too, but it's always too much at the mercy of PvE balancing and gear and they focused way too hard on arena. Luckily rated BGs are coming in now, but it all sounds a bit raw still.

Perhaps but it still seems like a manifistation of some sort of global thing going on here. Remember how WAR... Like, even the way you moved was wrong. It felt like you were ice skating over the map, that the characters where not physically grounded; like a pre-alpha testing technical demo, movement was not right, or how Conan just ran out of stuff to do mid way through(and Aion to a lesser degree) like they just decided to stop developing one day, and go take a swim in the shitty sea.


Conan's issue was that everything was insanely bugged/unfinished and over instanced to high hell. I think it had enough content to do, at least enough to propel it to a little bit of life, but that's hard to suffer through when everything on your character is bugged and the instancing is working against you.

FFXIV's problem is they finished their initial game world but failed to put ANYTHING in it. You can't quest like a normal MMO, you can't grind like FFXI, you're often at odds just struggling to find something to do.

They have a big focus on crafting, and a pretty decent crafting engine, but they have no economy or social systems. They don't even have mail.

Their game world is just rolling hills of nothing. There's barely any life to be seen, I've gone 5+ minutes of walking without seeing a creature. It doesn't even have landmarks or places of interest, it's just... hills. Huge, huge zones too.

I need to read up more on Star Wars. I have a feeling it wont make a big splash either, but if it could at least be worth it's free month in fun, Christ that'd be a step up lately from the newcomers. Guild Wars 2 should be shit hot at least.
That's too bad about FFXIV. I really wanted to try it, the people in the official thread seemed to be having a lot of fun. However, no free trial = not worth the chance of it sucking.


Vigilant Walrus said:
One thing I have noticed is that WoW is still one of the few games that are almost still almost completely seamless without loading times. Who gives a fuck right? But then again - It's sort of become a big deal, because all of the others are not doing it, and suddenly it's one of those things that really add to immersion.

Let me tell you, when I switched to WoW from City of Heroes in January of 2005 my mind was blown when I found out that the Azeroth was seamless and open-ended; with no loading times in between the zones in Kalimdor or the Eastern Kingdoms. In City of Heroes, every zone was instanced. Every single one.

On one hand this helped with zone over-population and lag, this allowed Cryptic/Paragon Studios to create multiple instances of each zone, to spread the players out so zones wouldn't become over-crowded. Bare in mind there have only ever been 10 servers in City of Heroes, so you had a lot of players crammed in their.

On the other hand, it completely removes any real sense of exploration of the world, and doesn't really help the give Paragon City a sense of place. I've gone back to CoH numerous times over the years just to check out the new content (In the wake of Cryptic's departure from NC Soft, Paragon Studios has been doing an outstanding job injecting new free content into City of Heroes/Villains, it has to be said) and after playing WoW for so long, it feels so claustrophobic in CoH, since there are literally giant walls boxing in each zone, like the US has gathered all the super-heroes in the world and caged them up in Rhode Island. My heart will always have a spot for City of Heroes, but man, Azeroth has such a believable sense of place that CoH just can't match.


If you know someone who bought it, it comes with a free trial. 30 days I believe. I'd like to see the lag reduction on the interface they supposedly did, but every old FFXI buddy I knew bailed after open beta.

FF fans are odd ducks. A lot of them will just buy into a game for music and art and the general way of things Square Enix promotes, plenty buy into it just because it's Japanese, as you'll see people in there that have never touched another MMO other than FFXI.

Like the FFXIII thread, you don't see much gameplay discussion, because the gameplay is really auxiliary to the type of fan Square targets nowadays.

My proclamation remains; if that game wasn't titled Final Fantasy, no one would have ever looked at it for a moment.

As for the rest of the genre that still has a chance, what do we even have coming up now? Cataclysm, Star Wars, Guild Wars 2, the 40k MMO? I haven't really paid much attention to MMOs until the last couple months for the past year and a half or so.


I'm still giving FFXIV a chance once it hits PS3. Hopefully whatever content issues exist now will be shaken out by then.
Alex said:
If you know someone who bought it, it comes with a free trial. 30 days I believe. I'd like to see the lag reduction on the interface they supposedly did, but every old FFXI buddy I knew bailed after open beta.

Nope, don't know anyone who bought it. But from your description it sounds god awful to play :lol

Evlar said:
I'm still giving FFXIV a chance once it hits PS3. Hopefully whatever content issues exist now will be shaken out by then.

Is it coming out for 360, too?


The new healing model seems more and more appealing to me, but the mana is still just a bit too crazy

Someone made a good writeup of the breakdown of how the new Resto Druid works:


Lifebloom - Keep on the tank at all times. Period. End of story. Why? It is CHEAP, it heals well, and it has a chance to proc OOC. Remember, you can only cast it on ONE target, so choose wisely.

Nourish - When not casting anything else, and the tank is taking normal mob damage, spam nourish.It is cheap, refreshes your LB stack, and does semi-decent healing.

Regrowth - Quick cast time, decent healing, decent hot, and costs a BOATLOAD of mana. Use for efflorescence procs and spot heals. VERY effective when you get OOC procs.Also good for emergency heals and need a lot of health quick. Can be spammed for high HPS, but this is not recommended because of the prodigious mana cost.

Healing Touch - This is the go-to heal if the tank is taking heavy damage. It has the same cast time as nourish, but does almost 3x as much healing, but costs 3.8 times as much mana. Much cheaper than regrowth spamming, but still quite costly. Remember, when spamming HT, cast a nourish every 2 HT casts to keep up LB and keep your OOC procs coming. Just like regrowth, this is quite effective when you get OOC procs for some extra tank healing. Stopping a nourish for an HT is not a bad idea at all. Tank damage ( if you are using cc and don't have an under geared tank) is not too high to lose 1-2s of casting.

Rejuvenation - High mana cost, but decent healing.Use if you need the extra healing but need to move and cant stand still to cast.Otherwise nourish is more effective for mana.. If you are expecting spike damage, you can also toss this on the tank so you can swiftmend it later.

Swiftmend - Swiftmend is an amazing spell. Does about 33% more healing than nourish for the same mana cost, making it our second most mana efficient sing target heal ( right behind lifebloom). Being instant cast, it can be used while moving. Also,being instant, it front loads the healing done instead of having to wait for a cast to finish. This makes it a break spell for burst healing in conjunction with regrowth or rejuvenation. As you can also see below, using swiftmend on cooldown when tank healing adds an additional 200 HPS for only .2% base mana per second. Unfortunately, if you want to use swiftmend basically at all, you are required to glyph for it.

Wild Growth - Situational AOE heal. Only use when 4 or more targets will get a benifit from it, or when you are forcing a hot for multiple spot heals and want the mastery bonus.

Nature's Swiftness - Paired HT, it is quie effective. Can also be used on a nourish if your LB is about to fall and you want the extra nourish healing in addition to the refresh, but cant spare the HT mana cost.

Tranquility - Long cooldown, but does ALOT of group healing. Make sure that the tank has full hots ( rejuv, LB, and maybe a regrowth) if the tank is taking a lot of damage and you need this for the rest of the group.

Wrath - With Fury of Stormrage, wrath is quite a nice spell. Cast this when no one needs healing, or you are totally OOM and want extra OOC procs. Use these OOC procs for big heals or nourishes to maintain lifebloom. This can be a lifesaver.

Starfire - Only cast when you have the Fury of Stormrage buff, and you can waste the mana.

Insect Swarm - If you spec'd for Nature's Torment, use this once a minute.

They actually made a whole initial guide and suggestions in general here:


I'm probably going to make another Priest. The gulf between Disc and Holy now sound interesting with Attonement and Chakra and I always love Priest the most.


*sigh* you can tell the expansion is near since playing the AH has been a bitch over the last month on Gilneas. making some money but not like before


Has problems recognising girls
Seems that Druid healing hasn't changed too much then. I only ever really use Lifebloom and Nourish, along with Rejuv but that can be easily taken out of the rotation unless I am running around. Nice to see Swiftmend get back into the limelight though. It barely gets used now whereas I seem to recall it being the bee's knees a few years ago when the ability first hit.

I imagine Shaman healing will relatively be the same, except with more concentration on Earth Shield & Riptide; the same formula I use these days with a Chain Heal thrown in for good measure.

Still have to level up my Priest who's at 39. Rolled him when BC first hit but I have zero desire to play as a Blood Elf. And then there's my soon-to-be Tauren Paladin.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
speedpop said:
Seems that Druid healing hasn't changed too much then. I only ever really use Lifebloom and Nourish, along with Rejuv but that can be easily taken out of the rotation unless I am running around. Nice to see Swiftmend get back into the limelight though. It barely gets used now whereas I seem to recall it being the bee's knees a few years ago when the ability first hit.
Trust me, it's changed. Lifebloom and Nourish spam doesn't work anymore. I've tried all kinds of rotations on 5 man normals and LB + Nourish can never in any shape or form outheal the damage done.

(the main reason is because Lifebloom can only be put on one person, most likely the tank. Nourish is extremely weak and slow (2+ sec cast time) now so you can't spam Nourish on everyone anymore).


Has problems recognising girls
But I don't spam Lifebloom or Nourish as it is. I've still got my Shaman healing mindset going where I keep the tank at 50% :lol
Read up on druid healing again. They've swapped out a ton of stuff agan (i.e. Regrowth no longer procs Efflorecence, Swiftmend does, different mana costs)

Seems better again.


Here’s what resto druids got from the PTR build 13033:

* Rejuvenation now costs 20% of base mana, down from 25%.
* Mastery: Symbiosis (Revamped) – Increases the potency of your healing spells by 10% on targets already affected by one of your heal over time spells. Each point of Mastery increases heal potency by an additional 1.25%.
* (I’m excluding the rebirth note because it feels more like a bug than a real change)

Here’s what we got from the Beta build’s resto patch notes from 13066 (some minor changes omitted):

* Lifebloom can now be cast on an unlimited amount of targets while under the effect of Tree of Life.
* Tree of Life now lasts 30 sec, down from 45 sec. Costs 6% of base mana, down from 13% of base mana. (other people are reporting that the tooltip now says 3 min cooldown)
* Efflorescence no longer procs from Regrowth critical heals, now procs when you heal with your Swiftmend spell. Now heals all nearby friendly targets within 8 yards (up from 4 yards) for XX% of the amount healed by your Swiftmend over 7 sec. (not sure what the real heal amount is yet – should be either 30% or 120% of the healing done by swiftmend. I think 30 sounds more reasonable, lol).


I'm not sure I agree with many of the posts here about what drove the success or failure of many of WoW's competitors. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: IMO the key component to the success of an MMO is it's content. Game systems mean little if you run out of things to do. I believe that WoW's strength is that it has continuously provided a large amount of new content, such that players always have something interesting and new to try. (Of course, now they have kept us in ICC for nearly 12 months, so they are slipping a bit - Cataclysm cannot come soon enough.)


Bregor said:
I'm not sure I agree with many of the posts here about what drove the success or failure of many of WoW's competitors. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: IMO the key component to the success of an MMO is it's content. Game systems mean little if you run out of things to do. I believe that WoW's strength is that it has continuously provided a large amount of new content, such that players always have something interesting and new to try. (Of course, now they have kept us in ICC for nearly 12 months, so they are slipping a bit - Cataclysm cannot come soon enough.)
Ruby Sanctum is also there. So not ICC entirely.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
* Rejuvenation now costs 20% of base mana, down from 25%.
Not nearly enough 4400 mana (which is 20% of base mana atm) is still too fucking much for something as weak as Rejuvenation.
* Lifebloom can now be cast on an unlimited amount of targets while under the effect of Tree of Life.
How does this make us better? It's not as if we're going in tree form unless it's really, really required.
* Tree of Life now lasts 30 sec, down from 45 sec. Costs 6% of base mana, down from 13% of base mana. (other people are reporting that the tooltip now says 3 min cooldown)
Absolutely pathetic.
* Efflorescence no longer procs from Regrowth critical heals, now procs when you heal with your Swiftmend spell
Can't wait to try this out though. Swiftmend went from C-tier to A-tier. Regrowth spam sucked ass anyway, since it costs like 6k to do anyway.

Edit: now what they need to do is make Regrowth a 20+ seconds HoT again. How else are we supposed to Swiftmend each time cooldown's up? We need either Reju (not worth it) or Regrowth up and if the HoT's only active for 6 seconds, what's the point?


Really Really Exciting Member!
So, can anyone answer my question about an ideal PVE server for Alliance? I'd like to find one that's usually "recommended" before Cataclysm come out.


you can't put a price on sparks
Ner'zhul is pretty good for Alliance, i've had a good time on there. Raiding guilds have sort of been on the decline, but i think thats a general trend right now.


Bisnic said:
So, can anyone answer my question about an ideal PVE server for Alliance? I'd like to find one that's usually "recommended" before Cataclysm come out.

I'm alliance on Sargeras, and I really like it. It can be a little bit snobby, but that's expected on a high pop server. The good thing about it is there is a billion guilds on it, any of which can fit your play style. Also at any given time there are pugs for about anything you want to do. I've been here since day 1, and I've tried other servers but Sargeras is still my favorite.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yeah, but Ner'zhul & Sargeras are both PVP and i'd rather stick to the EST timezone if possible. :lol I would rather avoid the gankfest that is going to be the PVP servers once Cataclysm is released :lol

If i look at warcraftrealms.com, Lothar, Eonar, Uldaman & Stormrage seems to be the most populated PVE EST Alliance servers. Anyone here tried these servers before?


Loxley said:
Mythic really needed to put a lid on their community and tell them to just chill the fuck out for two seconds.

Sure but Mythic did itself no favors either. The closed beta boards were hilarious. Certain aspects of the game were the sanctioned issues of the week or month or test phase or whatever. Threads talking negatively about anything not those sanctioned aspects were closed and the people talking about them were banned out of beta. You couldn't talk about how the game engine was only using 256 megs of video ram because Mythic had sanctioned talking about T1 RvR only. Meanwhile the video ram issue wasn't even addressed until days after launch like it was some big surprise to Mythic, while the people talking about where the RvR needed improvement were shouted at to go back to WoW while those shouting were fellating Mythic.


Has problems recognising girls
I just had the most random encounter ever.

I'm heading into the Stockades to get some wool cloth on my Tauren Druid, I head toward the lighthouse in Westfall since I took the zeppelin to Grom'gol. As I get to the shore, I see 3 dead Murlocs and 1 dead Tauren on the beach. Figured I'd rez him and see if he accepts and find out why the hell he is there and what level he was.

Level 18 Druid, says to me "Thank you Brother" and I just go, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Turns out he's a new roll on the server, needs to improve his cooking and he doesn't have much money... so he's killing murlocs for the clam meat... in Westfall. I hand him 100g and tell him not to blow it and to go somewhere better :lol


speedpop said:
I just had the most random encounter ever.

I'm heading into the Stockades to get some wool cloth on my Tauren Druid, I head toward the lighthouse in Westfall since I took the zeppelin to Grom'gol. As I get to the shore, I see 3 dead Murlocs and 1 dead Tauren on the beach. Figured I'd rez him and see if he accepts and find out why the hell he is there and what level he was.

Level 18 Druid, says to me "Thank you Brother" and I just go, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Turns out he's a new roll on the server, needs to improve his cooking and he doesn't have much money... so he's killing murlocs for the clam meat... in Westfall. I hand him 100g and tell him not to blow it and to go somewhere better :lol
Next day, as speedpop walks through Westfall, he notices the beach is littered with the bodies of dead Horde.


speedpop said:
I just had the most random encounter ever.

I'm heading into the Stockades to get some wool cloth on my Tauren Druid, I head toward the lighthouse in Westfall since I took the zeppelin to Grom'gol. As I get to the shore, I see 3 dead Murlocs and 1 dead Tauren on the beach. Figured I'd rez him and see if he accepts and find out why the hell he is there and what level he was.

Level 18 Druid, says to me "Thank you Brother" and I just go, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Turns out he's a new roll on the server, needs to improve his cooking and he doesn't have much money... so he's killing murlocs for the clam meat... in Westfall. I hand him 100g and tell him not to blow it and to go somewhere better :lol
Moments like these are pretty fucking cool, I'm sure he'll remember it for a long time! :lol


sparkle this bitch
speedpop said:
I just had the most random encounter ever.

I'm heading into the Stockades to get some wool cloth on my Tauren Druid, I head toward the lighthouse in Westfall since I took the zeppelin to Grom'gol. As I get to the shore, I see 3 dead Murlocs and 1 dead Tauren on the beach. Figured I'd rez him and see if he accepts and find out why the hell he is there and what level he was.

Level 18 Druid, says to me "Thank you Brother" and I just go, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Turns out he's a new roll on the server, needs to improve his cooking and he doesn't have much money... so he's killing murlocs for the clam meat... in Westfall. I hand him 100g and tell him not to blow it and to go somewhere better :lol
They called me the benevolent! I walk through Ironforge and gnomes just flock to me... and I generously acknowledge their presence with a hug emote.


Water is not wet!
speedpop said:
I just had the most random encounter ever.

I'm heading into the Stockades to get some wool cloth on my Tauren Druid, I head toward the lighthouse in Westfall since I took the zeppelin to Grom'gol. As I get to the shore, I see 3 dead Murlocs and 1 dead Tauren on the beach. Figured I'd rez him and see if he accepts and find out why the hell he is there and what level he was.

Level 18 Druid, says to me "Thank you Brother" and I just go, "what the hell are you doing out here?" Turns out he's a new roll on the server, needs to improve his cooking and he doesn't have much money... so he's killing murlocs for the clam meat... in Westfall. I hand him 100g and tell him not to blow it and to go somewhere better :lol
Murlocs in Westfall was (probably still is) an excellent money maker for someone without a high main. Really high drop rate for clams.. like every other kill. Clam meat goes for like 30+ gold per stack on most servers. Pearls. They guy probably read a guide on it.

edit: was the Crawlers not the Murlocs i was thinking of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfWu2ePtK1Q


I just found out a friend of mine is playing on a different server as an ally when Im horde... I really hate the price of transferring.


I have a request for multiple people. :)

First, I figured out a way to get a premade of every class on the PTR. After the character copy reset everyone could have up to 8. But, I only had 6. As for the others... I accidentally added a trial account to my main account a few months ago. At first it bugged me cause the login screen had a drop down box but I got over the OCD. Now I just realized I can use it to copy premades over. Every toon shows up together on the login screen. :D

Now... for my request. I haven't played most classes past level 20. There's also been a lot of changes. Rather than me having to spend a lot of time teaching/researching multiple calsses myself... could you guys that figured out your class tell me:

1. Spec and rotation (single and multi) for each PVE class role possible. I want to play around with tanking, healing, and DPS.
2. PVP spec.

Need this for every class. Glyphs aren't available on the PTR, so no need to mess with that.


Has problems recognising girls
water_wendi said:
Murlocs in Westfall was (probably still is) an excellent money maker for someone without a high main. Really high drop rate for clams.. like every other kill. Clam meat goes for like 30+ gold per stack on most servers. Pearls. They guy probably read a guide on it.

edit: was the Crawlers not the Murlocs i was thinking of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfWu2ePtK1Q
Oh I don't mind that he is trying to get clam meat as well as the chance of a pearl drop. But the puzzling thing was why a level 18 Tauren would be in Westfall when you can do the same thing via Oasis Snapjaws at two of the oases in the Barrens? I whispered him later and told him that and he replied again with a "Thank you brother"

Kintaco said:
Moments like these are pretty fucking cool, I'm sure he'll remember it for a long time! :lol
Yeah, I remember being handed out 10g for free back in vanilla and that blew my mind away. When I deleted my Mage, I stopped this level 15 Priest outside the zeppelin towers in Tirisfal Glades and handed over all of my gold. It wasn't much back then, probably something dismal like 80g.

But these days I make over 100g daily without any effort required, so if the new characters need a helpful financial nudge, I am willing to do it without any question.


Deputy Moonman said:
One game that I believe had a better pvp system than WoW, even to this day, was Dark Age of Camelot. The graphics were obviously lacking, but the gameplay was excellent. Assaulting and defending keeps was amazing. I can't think of a single BG in WoW right now that is better.

Amen to that. And thats not nostalgia talking either. I played DAoC from release to Wow beta started and it had great PvP. I dont think a game will likely match it in the near future. Wintersgrasp BGs and Arena are piss poor in comparison. I really enjoyed frontier PvP, but I will never EVER forget the day that the lower level PvP battleground Caledonia (or maybe it was thidranki? I think it was cale though) for DAoC was patched in. A bunch of like 30 - 35 characters all fighting over that center keep. Crazy. DAoC is the only mmo I have seen that had terrible damn near nonexistant PvE but still managed to have a good lifespan all based on its PvP.


Has problems recognising girls
We wiped on Coren Direbrew :lol

DK as tank in Unholy, shit was all over the place. Eventually had rez sickness, got a new tank and cleared it in less than 20 seconds.

Haven't laughed so hard in all my life.
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