Alex said:
Maxing out WoW can be harder than it seems. Always, always knock the shadows down one notch, top end Shadows in WoW eat shit tons of resources for little noticeable benefit
I wonder what it will take in Cata to run at 2560x1440 with everything cranked up including shadows, sunshafts, water, AAx16, multimapping x4... I think it will require a heavy machine, if you want smooth frames in the big cities.
EVERYONE has crazy mounts and vehicles now. everyone is flying around like psychopaths. As I was twirling around Stormwind last night, it didn't feel like a fantasy game anymore. it felt like a pokemon zoo, with lots of weird people riding pokemons, machines, motorbikes and such.
I think it's a problem. Blizzard has been so focused on 1-uping themselves every patch, every month, every year, by making more and more crazy gear, loot, weapons, items, armor, mounts, vehicles, effects, characters, hairstyles... and now the result is that while everyone is a epic hero with flames going out of their shoulder pads and weapons engulfed in pure energy glow that puts lightsaners to shame, while riding massive dragons that are half made of stone / half on fire, that it's not special.
it's over saturated isn't it? I guess some of the hardcore gamers back in the day did have a point about now giving out the epic looking content out to everyone. Not talking stats, but cosmetics only!
anyway, the increase in effects is crazy. its going to lag a lot. I wonder if WoW can utilize SLI/Crossfire and 4-6-8 core CPUs and 8 GB ram...
I am still really sad that we have not seen updates to older races character models. This makes me sooooo sad. the other thing is that I wish the skybox would be updated to BC/WOTLK level. the skybox in old azeroth is not very good looking... clouds seems to be made from squares that are smudged out with some blur effect to give them a cloud look, but its really noticeble how bad it looks when you can fly around.
I messed around with archeology yesterday. I think it's "okay". It's not as cool as I had hoped. Not by a long shot. Getting a generic item took... I don't know. 5-10 minutes, but I had no idea what to use it for(a troll voodoo doll... a small description in the archeology tab). I had hoped there would be epic information about the lore and world of WoW, like the index in Mass Effect or the epic quest journal in Warhammer Online, but it doesnt feel like it.
In fact I think its sad you cant see all the quests you have completed in your quest log.