Why do people get excited about playing a beta for the new content? I mean you'll ruin the "fresh" experience when it comes to live and lose all progress.
I understand if you want to try out changes to your current class or perhaps if you are an elite raid guild, to start figuring out fights early but regular Joe?
I do enjoy seeing screenshots and discussion of changes and such though.
*shrug*I always seem to get into most mmo betas and never bother to play outside of checking class changes or things like that... Side note: I got into almost every wave of the secret world and never bother even downloading the client but thats mostly because I hate Funcom and how bad they burned us AoC players
That's me! I just want to figure out what to play in the expansion. I don't usually play MMO betas that much unless I'm really enjoying them but I want some experience with the class changes so I can decide which class I'm going to main in mop