As far as I'm aware...
Jade Forest is the starting point. At 86 you can go to Valley of the Four Winds, and after following a few breadcrumbs, you can start in Karasang Wilds giving you a choice between the two zones. After hitting 87, you're directed through the Veiled Stair (a mini-zone with few quests or points of interest for leveling characters) toward Kun-Lai Summit. (At this point, you can also open the gate to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, which is more akin to Crystalsong Forest than an actual questing zone, though it is also a daily hub.) Continuing in Kun-Lai will point you toward Townlong Steppes, and shortly after entering breadcrumbs will also point you in the direction of the Dread Wastes.
You're given much more freedom this time, though. Many questing hubs don't have breadcrumbs leading to them and there are only a few quests in extended chains that have many prerequisites.