Fucking Jade Forest man.
Amazing zone.
So I haven't played since a month or 2 after Cata (hit 85 on my rogue and got bored). One of my buds is going to give me a scroll of resurrection. I'm thinking about boosting my level 30 druid to 80. Are druids still decent? Will I be able to heal effectively in MoP? I figure if I roll a druid I might not get bored as easily. Also, is this a good time to use the SoR? Or should I wait? Thanks.
So when is this MOP cinematic suppose to be shown at Gamescom? Really excited to see it.
So when is this MOP cinematic suppose to be shown at Gamescom? Really excited to see it.
Catch the world premiere of the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria opening cinematic at 14:00 on August 16, the first fully public day of the event.
Rösti;41054771 said:http://eu.blizzard.com/en-gb/company/events/gamescom2012.html#summary
That's local time, by the way.
Correct.That's like ... 8AM EST'ish?
How would it dick people over if they kept the currency as it was until MoP launches? It seems like it'd be disruptive now that they can just keep it how it is until the expansion goes live.
I was saying the oppositebut in hindsight once I typed it all down, it makes the most sense to do it at 5.0. It wouldn't fuck anyone over: while you'd 'lose' all of your VP, everything would onyl cost JP anyway.
I don't really like the idea of Spirit of Harmony being used for everything and also being BOP. There isn't any real point in forcing everyone to farm when buying materials requires "farming" in some other way.
I don't really like the idea of Spirit of Harmony being used for everything and also being BOP. There isn't any real point in forcing everyone to farm when buying materials requires "farming" in some other way.
I don't really like the idea of Spirit of Harmony being used for everything and also being BOP. There isn't any real point in forcing everyone to farm when buying materials requires "farming" in some other way.
I dunno. I think it could be good. The fact that it's consolidated down to one type and the motes will drop from everything in the MoP zones means you can effectively farm them while doing other stuff such as dailies, dungeon runs, etc.
I think it would be perfectly fine if they were BoA, I have some characters with gathering professions and others with crafting, being BoP I will have to farm on both types.
I just don't like the concept of manually farming crafting materials instead of doing something else for money and convertigin to mats; moreover, it reduces the opportunity for people who like playing the AH to make money.
They did mention you could purchase them from a vendor too.
The Sha and Garrosh act as central villains. There's even hints of something much worse than those, as explained by Wrathion in the first part of the legendary quest chain (starting in patch 5.1).This has probably already been discussed to death, but it's a shame there's no central villain in Mists of Pandaria. Feels weird man.
Rösti;41065245 said:The Sha and Garrosh act as central villains. There's even hints of something much worse than those, as explained by Wrathion in the first part of the legendary quest chain (starting in patch 5.1).
Rösti;41065245 said:The Sha and Garrosh act as central villains. There's even hints of something much worse than those, as explained by Wrathion in the first part of the legendary quest chain (starting in patch 5.1).
Do I have to be a subscriber to be able to play the MOP beta? CVG is giving out beta codes on Facebook
Anyone get the digital or retail CE?
Pre ordered the retail CE. Assuming its gonna be as polished as the D3 CE.
We've got the resident "dead" old god Y'Shaarj, the Mogu (who are probably Titan creations just like the Tol'vir), and Garrosh playing patty-cake with the Legion. Next expansion is going to be a three-way fight between them.
Maybe the Titans themselves will pop out and explain why they're huge douches who just made the world, left the Old Gods in shitty, poorly constructed "prisons," and then just bounced, leaving Sargeras to do whatever he wants.
Maybe the Titans themselves will pop out and explain why they're huge douches who just made the world, left the Old Gods in shitty, poorly constructed "prisons," and then just bounced, leaving Sargeras to do whatever he wants.
Said it before and I'll say it 'til it happens.
We're killing the whole Pantheon. The dragons too.
Nah dragons are just normal dragons now, no titan powers. If anything they'd side with the mortal races should we clash with the Pantheon. I still want to know what happened to Watcher Tyr.
You misunderstand. I want to kill those lazy, useless, self-endangering, glory-stealing layabouts.
Any team with them on it is one I am willing to play against.
I sold an account with the first two LE pets on it for a grand and that was waaay before the pokemon minigame was announced.
So I just got a beta key thanks to Blizzard ANZ going "Hey you want a beta key then email us".
But like, I have uni. What should I do? Give it away?
1000 real money?
There are no restrictions in the MOP beta, right? I can do everything just like a subscribing player? Do characters from the beta carry over if I start subscribing?
There aren't any content restrictions, but nothing you do will persist to the live servers.
Blues have confirmed that the Fire Hawk and Life-Binder's handmaiden drop rates will be reduced.
Hopefully the dice are with me this week to get my Hand Maiden then