I think the phishers have invaded Blizzard...
He was probably in a rush, I imagine the support staff at Blizzard have a busy work day.
I think the phishers have invaded Blizzard...
A character boosted to level 80, plus a free server and faction change to the character and faction the invite was sent from. The character doesn't have to be preexisting and you can roll one and then use the scroll after you're awarded your free gametime.
Bit the bullet. Faction/server transferred from dead old Suramar Alliance PvE to Mal'ganis Horde PvP. It's going to be like a whole different game, from community, to faction, to server type, to population, to activity level.
Orgrimmar is a fucking maze to me. Seven years and I've just played Alliance really. Guide to surviving my first trip into serious Horde territory!
My reasons were twofold; old WoW friends returning to play, but on Mal'ganis, and second, goddamn, I love how intensely active the Trade and General channels are on Mal'ganis. PUGs and chat are always happening. Suramar isn't truly terrible, but it's very quiet by comparison.
I hope this transfer goes through within the hour.
Damn they must have nerfed them hard in the past 2 weeks, guy from Method says they were doing insane dps in their raids.
Here's the latest sim for all classes for those wondering http://simulationcraft.org/504/Raid_T14H.html, lol at frost being above all other mage specs.
The Area 52 guild is still an infant and, like I predicted, was supported well for a few months. It's still viable and at level 6 currently. I think everyone there is going back to their raiding mains come MOP and no one is interested in playing WoW on those characters at the moment. I did, however, make some friends on Area 52. They were okay with me talking nonsense for 7 whole dungeons and didn't even blink. Good times.
I haven't touched my Mal'Ganis characters since my two raid groups went into hiatus/implosion mode back when Triablos came out. I can't even think as to which character I'd want to fuck around with there.
I've been messing around with a DK on Turalyon with Entropya's babby guild there. It's fun. I kill things.
I was taken aback by that Balance Druid, but then I noticed he spent 42 seconds casting Healing Touch. Yes, you're going to be at the bottom if you're off-healing..
it's all pretty bad and one more of Blizz's dumb decisions which they've refused to reconsider. So arms warriors get shafted, warlocks got boned, shadow priests are crying, and shaman are worse. Fun.To me it seems more like only one of them is useful now.
i don't know why anyone even tries to pvp competitively anymore in WoW. rife with so many issues and this new expansion is going to break it again.I saw a pvp stream yesterday, arena looks even more broken than it already is. Sometimes I wonder what they are doing at Blizzard HQ in that regard.
They didn't release a new version of the mobile auth right? They said they would, but it wound up being change the serial 10 days later? lol?
I have like 45 un-updated apps because of space limitation.
Wonder how many new people stop playing once they start doing these terrible quests.
You're not 68 by the end of Nagrand?
He's doing Loremaster.
Every single person with Loremaster in the two classic lands is a lunatic. Ive played since day 1 and Im nowhere near it on even my day 1 character (Hunter). I dont know how folks could endure that.
If your guild found you not worthy of getting something, so? That's what guilds do all the time with gear and legendaries.Not gonna lie from a tough as nails MMO player
Allowing the Black Scarab Lord Mount and titles to be account wide is a joke.
I would be fine if it were the originals but those glitched servers and the Boren Tundra servers that were opened in WOTLK allowing another 10 or so and the Latin servers Drakkari I was on had 5 people specifically transfer there to get it. I was foiled by kenkara specifically plotted to make sure i could not complete quest on that server with the guild.
Every single person with Loremaster in the two classic lands is a lunatic. Ive played since day 1 and Im nowhere near it on even my day 1 character (Hunter). I dont know how folks could endure that.
Not gonna lie from a tough as nails MMO player
Allowing the Black Scarab Lord Mount and titles to be account wide is a joke.
I would be fine if it were the originals but those glitched servers and the Boren Tundra servers that were opened in WOTLK allowing another 10 or so and the Latin servers Drakkari I was on had 5 people specifically transfer there to get it. I was foiled by kenkara specifically plotted to make sure i could not complete quest on that server with the guild.
If your guild found you not worthy of getting something, so? That's what guilds do all the time with gear and legendaries.
Where have we crossed paths? Star Wars: The Old Republic thread before it went f2p? lolzTYVM for the very negative response things never change with you.
Eh, it's funny seeing you knows talk about Borean Tundra. I have some friends there and Horde on that server is pretty much dead as can be.
I always thought our mid-pop server was bad but theirs is extra low-pop.
So I got on the ptr and fooled around with a paladin for about an hour, and after healing for the last time in Lich King, holy paladins feel like they have come a long, long way. Feels great, with almost no need to cast. Clemency means I can toss out two Freedoms, etc.
And the damage isn't high but I can probably do dailies and gank people as a holy paladin... I think I might go paladin again for the first time in years. Decisions, decisions.
I still have an 80 Orc Hunter over there. It was a great server back then when the AQ gates were still closed. A bunch of transfers trying to make all of us on the server stop until they were able to get their character over. If I remember the AQ gates were opened a day or two before transfers were open for everybody. The rage on the server forum was great.Eh, it's funny seeing you guys talk about Borean Tundra. I have some friends there and Horde on that server is pretty much dead as can be.
I always thought our mid-pop server was bad but theirs is extra low-pop.
It had nothing to do with anything like you're saying. It was a prestigious accomplishment that lost all meaning and then catered to assholes during all of the BC era. I wouldn't be 'angry' personally but it's childish to say nobody could be.
Joined an LFR, 5 other mages besides me, and over half the raid was the same token I'm on. Don't think I've ever dropped group so fast. That's the first time I've ever seen more than 1 other mage in a LFR.
In a good way or a bad way?Kun-Lai Summit reminds me so much of Borean Tundra.
I spent a lazy Sunday afternoon herbing between battlegrounds while watching a couple of movies. Is it just my battle group, or does Alliance always faceroll Horde on Isle of Conquest? I had some nice 1v1 battles for flags and had a blast both defending and attacking. I went 15/15. We never came close to losing to my knowledge.
Also, twice I was in a group against a Horde character 5 boxing a pallie and 4 DKs. It honestly should not be allowed in a PvP setting. It's straight up bullshit fighting against that.
Don't they only let in an even amount on both sides?Yeah, we had to deal with an Alli multi-boxing 4 Shaman in AV one day. Not fun to deal with...
I hate my Battlegroup in general because they just suck awful, with Alli facerolling us most of the time.
Also, it's DAMN hard to win TB on my server since they get in there so quickly and treat that shit like serious business (full buffs, flasks, etc.). Almost always outnumbered.
Wonder how many new people stop playing once they start doing these terrible quests.
So I guess I'm the guildmaster now of an 8/8 heroic guild ?_?
Such is life I suppose. If any gaffer needs a home for mists or just wants to hang out feel free to add my battletag opiate#1171
Where are you?
So I guess I'm the guildmaster now of an 8/8 heroic guild ?_?
Such is life I suppose. If any gaffer needs a home for mists or just wants to hang out feel free to add my battletag opiate#1171
hah, what happened, gm quit?
our raid leader went into 'i don't care about this game, wow is stupid blah blah' mode and I became de-facto raid leader this tier, sounds like a similar situation
And that's Horde or Alliance?
isn't that bad of a grind if you fish