What currency will be used to buy old PVE sets in MOP?
Justice Points
What currency will be used to buy old PVE sets in MOP?
What currency will be used to buy old PVE sets in MOP?
Well, that blows. I was hoping to get some gold out of the deal. Oh well, guess I'll get a couple more sets of heirlooms.
same with Honor right?If you're willing to sit on all that extra justice, it'll be converted to gold above the cap once the expansion launches. Caps are reinstated on September 25th.
If you're willing to sit on all that extra justice, it'll be converted to gold above the cap once the expansion launches. Caps are reinstated on September 25th.
Is there a rate listed anywhere? If it's anything like the terrible honor point conversion to 35c per point, I'll just spend it.
With the advent of area looting (AoE looting), it has become difficult for addons to determine what creature dropped which item. In order to help authors with determining creature drops, we have added a function that will return the creature GUID, along with the count, for any item in your loot window.
GetLootSourceInfo(slot) - will return a list of creature GUIDs and count.
This changes everything.
So if I have the WoWhead looter on:
I kill 3 different mobs.
I Loot all three at once and get at total of 1.5 gold, 4 embersilk and a tattered cloth
That new function will return
Mob 1 dropped 50 silver, 2 embersilk
Mob 2 dropped 50 silver, 2 embersilk
Mob 3 dropped 50 silver, 1 tattered cloth
That was a typo, it's 35s per point, lol.
(It's still kind of poor)
Having to grind rep to spend Valor is shitty...
Having to grind rep to spend Valor is shitty...
I agree. I thought the point of removing helm and shoulder enchants from rep vendors was to make reputation grinds optional. (Well, I guess they are still optional, but you get the point).
So I resubbed after over a year not playing. Actually just a coincidence that MoP is coming soon...just felt like playing.
My server (Gurubashi) was DDEEEAAADDDDD. I transfered to Mal'gannis after seeing it's name mentioned here, wow what a zoo.
Any guilds you'd recommend for a casual player? (haven't raided much but would like to)
Wait, they removed the rep tabards?
Wait, they removed the rep tabards?
You're not really rep grinding with those tabards anyways. I haven't done it on beta, but I have my doubts they brought it back to ball-busting vanilla rep grinds.
You're not really rep grinding with those tabards anyways. I haven't done it on beta, but I have my doubts they brought it back to ball-busting vanilla rep grinds.
Rep grind in the purest form (though still not very long compared to others.)
Pre-Cata Thorium Brotherhood is another one.
Rep grind in the purest form (though still not very long compared to others.)
Pre-Cata Thorium Brotherhood is another one.
Hundreds of thousands of Furbolg lay slain by my hand pre cata
Timbermaw seriously takes like an hour or two tops now, unless you're competing with other people.
Depressing considering the grind in vanilla took weeks
Depressing considering the grind in vanilla took weeks
It's depressing because it's not an obnoxious life-sucking grind now?
Does the original PvP gear transmog set work account wide if you have the achivement?
It's almost depressing if it does. I have a level 60 rogue on some random realm with Knight-Lieutenant (but you need Knight-Captain)![]()
Nope the feats of strength for pvp remain with the character, not the account
yepWait, they removed the rep tabards?
me gustaShaman (Forums)
Stormblast Hurl a staggering lightning blast at an enemy, dealing Nature damage equal to 375% weapon damage and granting you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock spells for 15 sec.
Lava Lash You charge your off-hand weapon with lava, instantly dealing 250% of that weapon's damage to an enemy target and spreading your Flame Shock from the target to up to four enemies within 12 yards.
Stormstrike Instantly strike an enemy with both weapons, dealing 375% weapon damage and granting you an additional 25% chance to critically strike that enemy with your Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lightning Shield, and Earth Shock spells for 15 sec.
a solution I think they could do is to make the rep tabards BoA
in related news, getting Crusader is such a long damn grind -.- currently one day from finishing my second faction (well need to get them to exalted too)
good thing i found by sheer dumb luck that some vendors in Dalaran sells Argent Crusade tokens for 520 rep for 16 JP, so that's one less faction having to grind, don't think the champion dailies alone would have gotten me to exalted
also, a bit showing off, finally finished the transmog sets on both my characters ^^
nothing terribly special, but I like the look
edit: who's a lucky guy?
<-this guy
think about 50, give or take, kills to get it
I want that hammer your pally has. SO BAD.
Hammer of the Naaru, drops from High King Maulgar, who you can't really solo unless you have a ton of DPS and ways to break CC.
What is that sword for your DK?
The Guardian Cub in the background isn't making that shot look any more manly![]()
Lol. Are the guardian cubs still popular? I remember when those were released they were selling for a lot of gold. Seemed to die down after a couple weeks
Vengeful Gladiator's GreatswordWhat is that sword for your DK?
hey, I payed good money for him (some 5k iirc, goes usually around 7k on the AH) and I am sure as hell going to use him! plus the idle animation he does is funny ^^The Guardian Cub in the background isn't making that shot look any more manly![]()