Anyone know if Blizz is planning some sort of relaunch of the annual pass? Many of the people who signed up last year (me included) are going to be expiring in the coming months.
Anyone know if Blizz is planning some sort of relaunch of the annual pass? Many of the people who signed up last year (me included) are going to be expiring in the coming months.
Anyone know if Blizz is planning some sort of relaunch of the annual pass? Many of the people who signed up last year (me included) are going to be expiring in the coming months.
Doubt it. They have no reason to offer it, except maybe something for Heart of the Swarm.
Hi everyone. Blizzard is selling the game and the expansion sets for 20€. I've never been interested for the game so i have some noobish questions.
1)I know that you can play the game like a normal rpg, is worth?
2)Are there any kind of main quest with a storyline?
3)Do the expansion pack add new sections of the main story?
Thanks in advance. Forgive me, lol.
Hi everyone. Blizzard is selling the game and the expansion sets for 20. I've never been interested for the game so i have some noobish questions.
1)I know that you can play the game like a normal rpg, is worth?
2)Are there any kind of main quest with a storyline?
3)Do the expansion pack add new sections of the main story?
Thanks in advance. Forgive me, lol.
Hi everyone. Blizzard is selling the game and the expansion sets for 20. I've never been interested for the game so i have some noobish questions.
1)I know that you can play the game like a normal rpg, is worth?
2)Are there any kind of main quest with a storyline?
3)Do the expansion pack add new sections of the main story?
Thanks in advance. Forgive me, lol.
Well there is no real "main story" in the leveling quests. Most of that kind of stuff is in raids and each expansion has its own story arc. There is plenty to do just by yourself if thats your thing though just don't expect it to be story driven.
Thanks. Is fun playing alone? Because i have no friends who play videogames.
EDIT: B-Dubs, Touchdown thanks you too.
At this point i think i'll give it a try. For 5€ i can buy the game and the first expansion pack.
Hi everyone. Blizzard is selling the game and the expansion sets for 20€. I've never been interested for the game so i have some noobish questions.
1)I know that you can play the game like a normal rpg, is worth?
2)Are there any kind of main quest with a storyline?
3)Do the expansion pack add new sections of the main story?
Thanks in advance. Forgive me, lol.
Thanks. Is fun playing alone? Because i have no friends who play videogames.
Thanks. Is fun playing alone? Because i have no friends who play videogames.
EDIT: B-Dubs, Touchdown thanks you too.
At this point i think i'll give it a try. For 5 i can buy the game and the first expansion pack.
Got it this morning, now to work on Kalimdor.
Ghostlands last? I assume you maxed Tranquillien. Free, easy rep for Horde.
Also, all the Mobile Armory features are now free!
Basically the mobile AH and guild chat. Pretty awesome. Never thought it was quite worth paying for myself, especially for an extra $5 a month.
Ghostlands last? I assume you maxed Tranquillien. Free, easy rep for Horde.
Awesome! Now I just need to get a smartphone to replace my current shitty Palm Centro that I got for free. Wish they had something like this for Windows Phone.Ghostlands last? I assume you maxed Tranquillien. Free, easy rep for Horde.
Also, all the Mobile Armory features are now free!
Basically the mobile AH and guild chat. Pretty awesome. Never thought it was quite worth paying for myself, especially for an extra $5 a month.
Old mats, for sure. As people roll Pandas, they are going to want to level their professions quickly. And what better supplier than you?!What should I be doing to make money at the launch? I have Skinning and Tailoring maxed out. I've heard a lot of people say materials etc go up in price so I need some guidance as to what to start farming.
Hooray, actually got them to free up a name (Rokam) on Mal'Ganis that someone took and hadn't logged onto in years. Victory!
I actually get a ton of names I want this way.
Last time I tried they told me no.
I wonder how heavily they're going to use phasing in 5.1. I can't see how the horde and alliance armies finally arriving on Pandaria won't change the landscape immensely.
Edit: Holy price jump Batman, during the day today Truegold was going for around 100g, about 12 hours later it's up to over 400. Crazy people.
I remember when it was around 1100g. Good times.
Hooray, actually got them to free up a name (Rokam) on Mal'Ganis that someone took and hadn't logged onto in years. Victory!
I didn't know they did this. Can you please explain details. Thanks.
So, WoWGAF, this is my first expansion launch so I gotta ask...
What should I be doing to make money at the launch? I have Skinning and Tailoring maxed out. I've heard a lot of people say materials etc go up in price so I need some guidance as to what to start farming.
I think I might bite on the $5 for Vanilla/BC, $5 for Wrath thing tonight and RAF ;D
How do I add a new license/account to my Battle.net account?
Send an RAF invitation to your own bnet email from bnet referrals and rewards, then when you go to the email link say you have a bnet account already and log in to that, it makes a new starter account with the RAF link. Then just click that account and hit upgrade, enter keys and you're good to go. It does take a day to get mail access on that second account though
After Patch 5.0.4's account-wide achievements hit, I would like to believe you can then delete any toon you want.Friends;
if I have an achievement on a toon and later delete it, do I keep the achieve?
Excellent, thanks!
The question now is; what should I level???
I have a Shaman, Druid, Lock at 85 on my main server as well as an 80 Druid (plan to delete it after I get herald though), 63 Mage and 3 Warrior(going to delete him though...)
After Patch 5.0.4's account-wide achievements hit, I would like to believe you can then delete any toon you want.
Got my RAF dual box prot paladins to level 72 today, 15 hours played total. Leveling goes so fast, hehe.
Trying to decide what to duo next, will need a second pair to near 80 to level grant my monk.
Enhance shaman! I'm not going that fast (mostly because I'm still working on getting everything configured 100% :|) but I think my next pair will either be rouges or hunters... or maybe druids.
It is a bunch of fun though, just pissed that my other character missed a quest in SFK somehow, resulting in my lead being 1.5 levels ABOVE the mule![]()
Yeah I try to be careful with quests, if one of them misses it I just drop the quest. How are the queues for dual dps? I might roll two dps on a server with some gaf people on it after I get my second pair up for level granting
Umm, can someone explain? New patch released today or...? Because I swear I didn't have this yestarday when I launched it.
Thanks for the info!It's downloading the 6GB for 5.0. Been available for a couple weeks now, dunno why you're just now getting it.
Playing two of the same class/spec makes things easier since you will use a keypress duplicating program. Doing two prot paladins is fun and easy, I think two of any tank spec is going to be pretty easy and have good fast queue times
This is at least correct with some things on the PTR. My warrior that I don't care about has the Fiery Warhorse and the FoS associated with it, I deleted it on the PTR and my shaman still had the mount and FoS. I would be careful about deleting a character with the Herald title as I haven't heard about that being safe to do.