Brawndo Addict
Does anyone know if Blizzard has said what level MoP professions will require, 80 vs 85? I've got 80 in my head for some reason, but after searching around I couldn't find anything confirming that was true.
By the way, anyone know what axes or maces (1-hand) are sheathed on your back, ala the Wrathful axes?
e: damn, no maces.
It's 80, always is the cap from the previous xpac![]()
Grand Master is 65, Illustrious Grand Master requires level 75 and Zen Grand Master requires 85.
?TSM scroll wheel macro.. gamechanger, why didn't I learn this shit weeks ago...
Need something to do in wowSo bored lately
Grand Master is 65, Illustrious Grand Master requires level 75 and Zen Grand Master requires 85.
Need something to do in wowSo bored lately
Have an 80 alt -> do Herald with me?!?
My advice for this since I did it a few months ago (though it might not be the case with the 5.0 changes on Tuesday so YMMV I guess):
Disc priests are incredibly overpowered at 80 with int gems and mastery reforges. Two of them spamming Prayer of Healing and keeping PW: Shield up on the whole raid is easy and very effective.
Feral tanks are probably the best, it's spikey like Wrath tank damage so with a Feral (with LW stam enchants and stam gems) you have higher armor and health to help out with it. Our Prot Paladin was much much squishier, he only tanked during the phase out times of the other tank and it was a pain to heal him.
Arcane Mage, Combat Rogue and Frost DK dps is insane. The first two being 1 button dps specs as well.
For big bangs it works well to have the tank save their cooldowns for it, or a Pain Sup/Guardian Spirit from a healer
Zen Grand Master is only 80 req according to the spell data. too busy raf'ing to log in and verify.
Do what I did and buy Battle Chest and Wotlk for $5 each and do RAF dual boxing. Pretty amusing doing it with 2 prot paladins and it will make leveling a monk easier next month with the level granting up to 80. 1 random dungeon gets me like 4 levels
This sounds tempting... So you RAF up to 80? How long does it take? Any good guides (do I need to use two computers or can a single computer just run two instances of the game?)
A good computer can easily run two instances of the game. You need some kind of program to legitimately double box, though.
Just remember that if you're attempting to do this in order to level a Monk, you don't actually need 80 levels to grant, you need 70 since you can't access Pandaren under level 10 since they can't choose a faction until they leave Wandering Isle.
How long does it take for a new account to be marked as a non-"Starter Account"Can't send messages or anything right now, even though I bought battle chest and wotlk.
Going to be fun dual boxing I think...![]()
72 hrs![]()
usually is less than a day. give it overnight72 hrs![]()
trolls are.better dps monksI honestly dont understand how someone could pick any race over panda based on their stupidly OP racials.
I honestly dont understand how someone could pick any race over panda based on their stupidly OP racials.
Do what I did and buy Battle Chest and Wotlk for $5 each and do RAF dual boxing. Pretty amusing doing it with 2 prot paladins and it will make leveling a monk easier next month with the level granting up to 80. 1 random dungeon gets me like 4 levels
I'll be sticking with my Tauren, but, yeah, pandas' racials are ridiculous.I honestly dont understand how someone could pick any race over panda based on their stupidly OP racials.
Looking for something to watch on netflix. Saw this.
While Arcane Mages have an extremely simple spell rotation, I have to admit that dealing dat burst damage feels good man.
I can't imagine anyone here would not be in the Beta by now, right? I mean, we're about a month out guys. Don't be lame! (PM me if you want the code)
What software are you using for dual boxing?
I love the Pandaren, but the competitive part of me wants to roll human and go for realm first. Not sure what I'll do yetI honestly dont understand how someone could pick any race over panda based on their stupidly OP racials.
Kind of a strange question, but is anyone on Mal'ganis in a raiding guild (level 25) with social slots for non-raiders, growing tired of the zerg guild I'm in. It's like being in trade chat, would like to join a guild that's active, but don't really have any interest in raiding.
"Fists of fury" and "heart of gold" sound like good monk abilitiesIS THAT THE COVER FOR MISTS OF PANDARIA?!?
MMO Champion said:On September 25, excess Honor over the cap will be converted at a rate of 35 silver per point, and excess Justice over the cap will be converted at a rate of 47 silver per point.
Conquest points will be converted to Honor Points with patch 5.0.4.
Well, guess I'm gonna be spending all those hoarded points on heirlooms for my monk. Staff or swords/maces for the weapon?
"Fists of fury" and "heart of gold" sound like good monk abilities
Yeah, I did enjoy toying with that spec. I think I got like a 80k Arcane Barrage.
Nothing beats getting sending out four lava bursts in a row as Elemental Shaman though. ;-)
hahaYou're in luck, Fists of Fury is an ability!
keyclone, it's pretty handy
my advice is to unbind strafe/turning keys on the 'follow' account and make macros that have /follow [@focus] after your abilities to keep the characters together, and be careful it copies all keyboard inputs on one character to the other so watch out while typing or deleting something
I'm doing 2 prot paladins right now, level 42 with 7 hours played (some idle time but mostly playing), dungeons give a ton of exp especially with heirlooms. My mail unlocked after about 24 hours
Reading up on Hunter changes today...
Not too thrilled about having Expertise to manage now...or that our shots can be Dodged/Parried. (I understand why they kinda did that though.)
Also, it's gonna cause all kinds of hell next week, since we'll have to reforge quite a bit of stuff to hit the Expertise cap. (Since there was no need for it previously.) At least the Hit cap got lowered a little bit to compensate a little.
Still curious on how the other changes will work out, since a lot of 'em seem for the better.
Really liking the flexible pet specs and stuff. I knew you could choose their spec, but I didn't know you could freely choose between them any time.
Reading up on Hunter changes today...
Not too thrilled about having Expertise to manage now...or that our shots can be Dodged/Parried. (I understand why they kinda did that though.)
Also, it's gonna cause all kinds of hell next week, since we'll have to reforge quite a bit of stuff to hit the Expertise cap. (Since there was no need for it previously.) At least the Hit cap got lowered a little bit to compensate a little.
Still curious on how the other changes will work out, since a lot of 'em seem for the better.
Really liking the flexible pet specs and stuff. I knew you could choose their spec, but I didn't know you could freely choose between them any time.
We have a social rank in AM, not sure how active you're looking for. Most raiding guilds unless they do 800 sale runs a week like BL are pretty hit or miss for activity these days, since there's not a lot to do :/