Glad to see that i'm not the only person who was crazy enough to farm Tolvir Archaeology until that mount shows up.
Congratulations! And on the topic of Archaeology apparently they have more unannounced changes in store for MoP.
I don't think there's any reason to assume those are "unannounced" as opposed to just the blues explaining the Lorewalkers faction and how it interacts with Archeology in MOP.
Congrats. Also, I just noticed that the description had a typo in it. lol:woot:
Now I've nothing to do.
What do you mean?I've got 4 dig sites just waiting for Tuesday so I can get 9 artifacts per.
Currently in the beta, each dig site gives you nine artifacts as oppose to live where they only give you three.
Each dig site in the beta gives you 5-9, which is the same as on live. It's been that way since 4.3.0.
What you are describing is exactly how it works on live right now. You get 5 to 9 fragments every time you use "survey" in the live game, dude. :lolI guess I used the wrong terms, I was talking about how you can now get more than 3 of these
from if each dig site.
Each of those gives you 5-9 but you only get 3 per site on live. In the beta you get more than 3 per site.
Though, I was telling someone how you get a shit ton more than 3 on beta and they told me it was nine. I hadn't done it in a while so I figured they were right but I just logged in the beta and got 5. So many the new cap is 9, I dunno, but you definitely get more than 3 each time(most?).
OK, I think there's some confusion here.
Are you talking about 5-9 separate digs on each site, or 5-9 fragments from each successful dig?
Because the latter is the way it's been since 4.3. The former is an increase.
Former, like I said, my first post wasn't so clear but my second post should've made it clear what I was talking about.
I'm getting that itch again, guys.
I played Vanilla WoW for a couple years, enjoyed it, but got burned out and quit until Burning Crusade was released.
Played for a month, quit, until Wrath was released.
Played for a month, quit, until Cataclysm was released.
Played for a month, quit.
Now you'd think with my track record I would have learned, but I'm finding it really difficult to resist putting down an order on Pandaria.
What do, GAF.
Playing a game for a month is a pretty good return on investment vs. other games, really.
No? I just did some right after I made that post and got 3 from 3 dig sites. I can do some more and take a screenshot if you want.
Also, I must admit that the mount you get in the Digital Deluxe edition is sexy as hell, and probably swaying my choice a bit.
I just wish certain mounts were account wide.
The Time-Lost Proto Drake I spent two weeks farming is just going to waste on my Shaman.![]()
The only mounts that aren't account wide are Class and Pvp mounts.
Is that a recent change?
Nope, rare mounts were always available cross character. The only recent change is the $$$ mounts (chopper, grand mammoth) being available.
lol. I'm tempted to try out Shaman pvp as a dps this expac, but I only ever have success as restoMy brain: "Why would you play your shaman again? Ascendance might be a great burst cooldown, and Stormlash is a great group dps cooldown, and your self healing is off the charts with Healing Storm, but your mobility sucks and Stormlash is probably going to get nerfed anyways! Resto isn't even that good! The whole class is clunky as fuck! Enjoy getting stomped everywhere you go unless you stick to PVE!"
My heart: "Man it looks so cool."
I spent some time each day a while back trying to track this thing down, and a friend of mine has been checking near enough daily for MONTHS now to no avail.So yesterday I made the crazy decision to attempt to kill me a Time-Lost Proto Drake. I patrolled the known spawn points for ~6 hours, with no luck.
Today, within about 5 minutes of logging in, my NPCScan addon made the noise and alerted me that there was a TLPD closeby! My heart jumped out of my chest and I frantically searched all around for it... to no avail. I spent the next hour looking everywhere, thinking "he MUST be around here somewhere!" I even looked on the ground for a corpse, but found nothing.I think that's the worst part that I have no idea what happened or where it was. Probably my most horrible disappointment yet.
I think he means is it a MoP change, which it is.
Mounts are not account wide on live servers right now, but they will be on Tuesday when 5.0 goes live.
I'm getting that itch again, guys.
I played Vanilla WoW for a couple years, enjoyed it, but got burned out and quit until Burning Crusade was released.
Played for a month, quit, until Wrath was released.
Played for a month, quit, until Cataclysm was released.
Played for a month, quit.
Now you'd think with my track record I would have learned, but I'm finding it really difficult to resist putting down an order on Pandaria.
What do, GAF.
You may want to read what he posted again. He was talking about TLPD not going to be account wide which it is.
damn really got into this whole tanking thing
instant ques are amazing ^^
plus blizzard is bribing me for tanking sometimes
Would you like some tips on how to catch one?So yesterday I made the crazy decision to attempt to kill me a Time-Lost Proto Drake. I patrolled the known spawn points for ~6 hours, with no luck.
Today, within about 5 minutes of logging in, my NPCScan addon made the noise and alerted me that there was a TLPD closeby! My heart jumped out of my chest and I frantically searched all around for it... to no avail. I spent the next hour looking everywhere, thinking "he MUST be around here somewhere!" I even looked on the ground for a corpse, but found nothing.I think that's the worst part that I have no idea what happened or where it was. Probably my most horrible disappointment yet.
I didn't know about the upcoming changes when I posted that. I was lamenting the fact that it wasn't account wide now or in the past, and I wished it was.
I am glad to hear that my wish is going to be granted in a day, though.![]()
Are we doing an MoP OT?