dat Theramore event
It's not coming for another couple of weeks or so.
As in, the scenario is not going live tomorrow.
dat Theramore event
Addons are for the weak
MoP's event is going to suck. From what it seems, it's just going to be the scenario and nothing else. I was really hoping for an event in SW and Org like the last pre-xpac events.
Dawn of the final day, 24 hours remain.
How do you know? You haven't seen shit from the event.
Yeah the 'event' for the patch is just the Theramore scenario and it's not going away when MoP launches so there is no traditional limited time event. Kind of a bummer
still pretty excited for the patch
rogue rotations change like, hardly at all though
I'm thinking of coming back.
Yeah dude, I'm stoked for tomorrow! I love the expansion pre-patches with all the new features and what not ;3
Don't you play a shaman? lots of changes there, my old main was shaman so I'll have to check them all out
Rejoin the herd G-Fex.
Fever! Yeah I'm thinking of it..
Well if you opt to come back Entropia and myself run a guild on Turalyon :>
Ah then again my new work schedule might get in the way of playtime.
I work graveyard shift
in fact I have to sleep now to wake up later on tonight for work.
That's probably one of my favorite changes in 5.0.4.Is it bad that I'm excited for no more daily quest cap?
MoP's event is going to suck. From what it seems, it's just going to be the scenario and nothing else. I was really hoping for an event in SW and Org like the last pre-xpac events.
Trying to decide what I want to do for the next month with 5.0.4. Have a shaman at 78 now, so waiting for the XP drop to continue....might just level my paladin again.
Anyone know about how long before launch the digital collector's edition will be up for purchase?
I heard it goes away sometime before launch, but I'm not sure how soon.
Isn't it available now?
I mean, does it stay up forever, or will they take it down sometime before launch? I had heard the latter, but I didn't know how long before launch it is before they take it down.
I can't wait for:
Blizz: Servers will be up at 11 AM.
Blizz: Correction, servers will be up at 11:14 AM
Blizz: Correction correction, servers will be up at 1:30 PM
Blizz: Correction correction correction, servers will be up at 2:23 PM.
etc. etc.
I bet 50 internet points on 11am PST
Yeah I like to live dangerously![]()
I can't wait for:
Blizz: Servers will be up at 11 AM.
Blizz: Correction, servers will be up at 11:14 AM
Blizz: Correction correction, servers will be up at 1:30 PM
Blizz: Correction correction correction, servers will be up at 2:23 PM.
etc. etc.
Alright so, anyone try a DPS Monk?
What's the general single target rotation/priority?
Yeah but doing the DK starting zone with two DKs, ickCan DK's grant levels? Thinking of what my second class should be after I finish RAFing these pallys to 80 (so much bitching about being dual prot spec!) Don't want to do mage since I main a mage so I was thinking druid or rouge :|
I've tried it a bit on beta (main swapping to one, but going brewmaster main spec). I might be wrong, but my understanding is:
Fists of Fury on CD, Rising Sun Kick on CD, only use Tiger's Palm to keep up the armor pen buff or on a mastery proc, Blackout Kick for filler, and Jab to generate Chi. For AoE (3 or more targets) replace Jab with Spinning Crane Kick
Energizing brew, use when your energy is low try to use on CD, but obviously not before Fists of Fury, Tigerseye brew I don't really know what is optimal but I was trying to use it when it hit 10 stacks
Ahh, hadn't thought about using Fists of Fury regularly.
I was using Jab to build Chi
Tiger's Palm to keep up the debuff
Using Blackout Kick as a filler
Using Rising Sun Kick on CD
Then there's all this other shit like the Blossoms and Chi Wave etc.
I am debating about changing mains to a Windwalker.
Just got into a dungeon on beta, I'll give that a shot.